TRAVELS WITH IXON AND AGNEW See Editorial Page AkAFt~~ 41 a t BLUFF Nigh-65 Low-50 Cool and cloudy, possible drizzle Vol. LXXXI, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 17, 1970 Ten Cents Regents closedsessions vs. thel By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Despite that ruling, the Regents the approval in June of condition- of Mhe actions that the minutes such secret actions at open meet- which University officials refuse salarie Editor have continue to meet and take al gross general fupd budget fig- indicate were taken in open ses- ings. to release. reports Behind the locked, oaken doors action at secret sessions closed to ures for 1970-71, the patient rate sion are not revealed until the The book-length agendas of the In some cases, the record of a admin of the Regents Room in the Ad- the public and press. The minutes striqcture at University Hospital, minutes are published. meetings are distributed only to regental action can be strikingly quests ministration Bldg., the Regents of several recent monthly meet- and a loan taken out by the Uni- For example, the April minutes the Regents and administrative obscure. For example, this nota- Whi are scheduled to take up at 10 ings, in fact, record actions taken versity to complete construction indicate that the Regents voted officers, and the Regents often tion appears in the Finance-Prop- increa a.m. today the thorny question of at whole sessions from which the of the Power Center for the Per- unanimously that "students who vote on series of motions listed in erty section of the May 1970 session the University's request for state public and press were barred, forming Arts. were arrested and have forfeited the agenda without disclosing minutes: the bu appropriations for the next fiscal Minutes of the February, April, At the closed June session, Vice bond would not be allowed to re- their substance. "Approval was given for an En- contin year. May and June Regents meetings President and Chief Financial Of- register until the criminal case It is because of this procedure, gineering Building 'I-A' Project; At 1 But if they take formal action record actions at two separate ses- ficer Wilbur Pierpont was granted was disposed of." But University especially, that the attorney gen- for recommendation of the firm and t on the j roposed request - as sions. One was the regular pub- authority to hire a general counsel officials agree that no public men- eral's ruling has had little effect of Swanson Associates to t h e Regen they have done in similar situa- lic session on the third Friday of for the University. tion of this action was made by on the secrecy of regental pro- State Budget Director for archi- about tions in the past - the Regents the month, but the other was an Some of the actions taken at the Regents at the April meeting. ceedings. tectural and engineering services four o will be acting in apparent viola- unpublicized, closed meeting held the Thursday closed sessions were Another means used by the Re- in connection with the project; lic be tion of the law. the day before. not made public until the minutes Interviewed after the minutes gents to limit disclosure of infor- and for designation of the site for The Under a formal opinion issued The bulk of the actions at these were released over two m o n t h s were released in July, Vice Presi- mation about their actions in- the project as shown in Exhibit' openI by state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley meetings dealt with financial later. But this is hardly unusual in dent'for Academic Affairs Allan volves taking action on contracts C-1 of this meeting." largely in August 1969, any action taken transactions including the grant- the Regents' dealings with the Smith said there was never any and other documents which are In addition to using secret ex- meetin by the Regents in ccdrdance with ing of regental approval for land public. plan to make students aware of never disclosed to the public. In hibits to prevent disclosure of in- gether 'their rules, must be taken in pub- deals, taking out of loans, and While press releases concerning the policy. the minutes, these actions are in- formation, much of the material glimps lic session. Rulings of the attorney awarding of contracts. most actions are prepared in ad- . Two aspects of the procedure dicated by statements. that the included in the thick, confidential really general have the force of law un- Included in these actions taken vance and distributed to the press followed at R e g e n t s meetings Regents approved a certain action agenda never appears in the min- The less overruled by the courts. at closed Thursday sessions was at the open Friday sessions, some make it possible for them to take detailed in a numbered exhibit- utes. Such items include faculty Ten Pages law es, the regular and special s of the vice presidents, and istration explanations of re- for regental action. le the Regents have been sing amounts of time in open over the last three years, ilk of each two-day meeting ues to be held in private. this month's meeting today omorrow, for example, the ts will meet for a total of 14 hours, and during only f these hours will the pub- able to attend. open sessions involve an hearing at 4 p.m. and the y perfunctory, "official" ig tomorrow at 11 a.m. To- they will provide only a e at what the Regents are idoing. brief' 'two-page Regents See REGENTS, Page 6 Weinberg SACUA c elected to 'U' CONTINUES AID airmanship DOD slow on ROTC funding By BOB SCHREINER History Prof. Gerhard Wein- berg was elected chairman of the Senate Advisory Commit-' tee on , University AffairsE (SACUA), the chief faculty body, at the group's first meeting of the fall term Tues- day night. Weinberg replaces law P r o f. Robert Knauss who recently was appointed University vice presi-? dent for student services. SACUA also selected social work Prof. Roger Lind as its vice chair- man. Be replaces engineering Prof. Maurice J. Sinnott who is cur- rently on leave from the Univer- sity to supervise metallurgical re- search for the Department of De- fense. Senate Assembly, the sixty-fivej member legislative branch of the University's faculty government, at a meeting earlier Tuesday nam- ed, education Prof. Claude Eg- gertson and engineering P r o f . Elmer Gilbert to SACUA to fill the vacancies left by the depar- ture of Knauss and Sinnott. 'The job of SACUA and its of- ficers is to see that policy decis- ions rendered by SACUA get im- plemented into the day-to-day working of the University," Wein- berg said last night. In other business, Senate As- sembly named four faculty mam- bers to the new Office, of Stu- dent Services (OSS) policy board.- Those chosen were natural re- sources Prof. John Bardach, soc- ial work Prof. Richard English, far eastern languages Prof. Har- riet Mils and history Prof. Bradford Perkins. A discussion of a proposed pol-' icy, regarding. faculty members who participate in class, strikes occupied most of ,the rest of the By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ "You've just got to sit back and wait." These words, spoken by Administrative Dean Robert Wil- liams, refer to the slow, measured process the Department of Defense (DOD) is using in considering a proposal that the University end its funding of the Reserve Officers Train- ing Corps at this campus. The controversial proposal, which calls for the Defense Department to assume the full costs of ROTC, was made by the Regents last December in the wake of large protests by students opposed to the presence of the military, training program at the University. Williams, who has been the Uni- versity's representative to the T 0, DOD on the ROTC issue, now says the Pentagon does not expect to have a response to the proposal until next spring, at the earliest. coi i Lu e And even if the Defense Depart- ment agrees to the funding pro- posal, it must then convince Con-j1 igress to increase its appropriationttcotcvleges tthe DOD to cover the full Qost of ROTC. Thus, given the snail-like pace WASHINGTON (R) - Despite of congressional machinery, the firebombirigs and condemnations University may have to continue from radical groups, ROTC is im- its subsidy of the ROTC programs portant to the military and is on through the 1971-1972 fiscal year, the campus to stay - as far as which ends in June. 1972. the Pentagon is concerned - a The subsidy itself is estimated key official said yesterday. at between- $200,000 ,and $300,000 The Pentagon's manpower chief, annually. The bulk of this is at- Roger Kelley, told a news con- tributed to what the DOb saves ference that instead of retreating, by not having to pay rent for the the Reserve Officer Training use of North Hall, the ROTC class- Corps is working toward'a better room and office building. relationship with school admin- The rest of the subsidy comes istrators, trying to improve its in the form of a direct appropri- curriculum, and boosting the num- ation fiom the University's gen- ber of military scholarships. eral' fund, which pays for office "We see ROTC as the continu- equipment and supplies, as well as ing, primary source of officers. the salaries of the non-academic The dissident activity on campus employes in each ROTC depart- directed toward ROTC 'has not ment. The allocation for the cur- had the effect of interfering with rent fiscal year is $54,135. T ROTC objectives," Kelley said. Of course, most 'of ROTC's He pointed to a poll which funds continue to come from the showed the majority of students in Pentagon. According to the Uni- favor of keeping ROTC on their versity administration, the DOD campuses. currently provides the three pro- He asserted that the estimated grams heretwith nearly $1 million $1.1 million in damalge to ROTC annually, to cover such costs as facilities so far has been the wok the salaries of the instructors, the faolthwark instructional material used .in ROTC courses, and scholarships to In the past year, six schools ROTC cadets. dropped ROTC while only one Several other colleges, besides campus added the .program. All the University, have requested the told, Kelley said, some 23,000 new Defense Department to pay the officers were in last June's grad- full costs of the ROTC program. uating class at 347 campuses, 24 However, Secretary of Defense fewer schools than had ROTC in Melvin Laird has tabled all such 1966. requests pending the completion Kelley said that in most cases of a study on what the DOD would where ROTC was dropped it was have to pay if it agreed to take because of faculty opposition to See DEFENSE; Page 6 the war in Vietnam. -Associated Press POLICE OCCUPY the Black Panther headquarters in New Orleans following a shootout Tuesday morning. Seven persons were~ wounded and 15 others were arrested during the incident. Four black mit ant IO shot in New Orleans NEW ORLEANS (A' - One black militant was killed anda three wounded by shotgun blasts from a police riot squad late Tuesday night when they tried to firebomb a grocery store' owned by another black -Associated Press Jordan near civil war Palestinian guerrillas tug a heavy machine gun Into position Tuesday at Irbid in northern Jordan. The city was reported under complete control of the guerrillas therp following an outbreak of fight- ing with Jordanian regulars Sunday. Jordan was placed under martial law Wednesday by a new military government in an effort to quel disorders. (See story, Page 3.) BAM STRIKE TRIALS: urges situents to boyCott ic t Officers said the identity established. The three wounde A heavily armed police . area-near a large black hou but was pulled out early yester The shooting occ rred at two injured black me had fo their flight from Black Panthe been accused of being police u Pol icemanI1 sho in L.A* LOS ANGELES to)-A sheriff' deputy was shot and wounded an two other deputies were injured,a sheriff's spokesman said, as of ficers using tear gas clashed with youths hurling rocks, bottles an some firebombs after a Mexican Independence Day parade las night. About 250 officers--son\e with revolvers drawn and swinging night sticks -clashed with the youths at the north end of Bel vedere Park in predominantly Mexican-American East Los An geles. The parkm is about a mile from the scene of Aug. 29 riotig in which three persons died g of the dead youth had not been Assembly meeting. The question C) do teenahostadfotsurgerynaroselast spring during the Black By TAMMY JACOBS be ?d were in a hospital for surgery. Action Movement strike in which Student Government C o u n c i i ra tactical unit was moved to the a large number of faculty mem- last night passed a motin urging sing project-after the shooting bers participated. students not to serve on what it co rday. In June, Senate Assembly ap- calls "illegally constituted tribu- na the small corner grocery where proved the general principle that nals" in the upcoming trials of M in The University cannot make pay- two students involved in last De und sanctuary Monday night i ment of wages and salaries to spring's Black Action Movement put er headquarters, where they had individuals who choose to ndercover agents. hold the services for which they SGC also set up strict qualifi- Ho Police stormed 'the headquarters are employed." cations for students that they will th Tuesday morning. Seven persons A SACUA proposal for imple- eventually appoint to the new Of- an wele wounded in shooting before menting this principle was debat- fice of Student Services =Policy by the occupants of the narrow white ed 1at Tuesday's meeting, and sent Board. frame house were flushed out with back to the Assembly's academic In a third motion, SGC gave th tear gas. affairs committee for further re- both verbal and monetary support sin Tview. to two welfare groups that have ca The 16 arre~sted at the head-_. quarters were booked on charges of attempted murder. A 14-year-;A GNEW IN SA GINAW d old boy among them was referred a to Juvenile Cqurt. The rest were - held under $100,000 bond each. "FT7 ' 3 0 en pressing demands for repa- tiofs from county churches. The trials concern cnarges by mmunication science Prof. Ber- ard Galler that two students, arc Van Der Hout, '70, and Peter enton, Grad, disrupted his com- uter science class during the AM strike in March. Van Der out is to be tried on Sept. 21 by e LSA Administrative Board, nd Denton is to be tried Sept. 22 the Rackham Board of Inquiry. SGC and others have argued at these trials would be illegal, nce students involved in such ses should be tried only by their 7 peeys and the two boards include only token student representation. SGC's motion deals with both these upcoming trials and also with the interim disciplinary rules passed by the Regents in April. The interim- rules call for a hear- ing officer appointed by President Robben Fleming to judge such disruption cases and SGC has gone on record against these pro- ceedings. In other action, SGC passed a motion that the five students it is to appoint to the new Office of Student Services policy board be "directly responsible 'to SGC" and must resign if, SGC calls for them to do so, and that "they are com- mitted to the principle that the policy board make the decisions in OSS." The motion also stated that the board members should "be willing to call for the resignation if nec- essary of the vice president if he does not accept their positions." Vice President for Student Serv- ices Robert Knauss has gone on record as saying that he will resign if her is "no longer effective" in working with his various consti- tuencies. The motion to suport the Wel- fare Rights Organization (WRO) and Black Economic Development -E h d n I t g, e y -. Mayor Moon Landrieu said the Black Panthers had started a "reign of terror" at the housingj project-a sprawling complex ofi 1,360 apartment near shipyards' and other industrial installations. Police Sgt. Frank Hayward said' officers had been tipped that the grocery store would be firebombed IN I-xon blasts violence t i r 1 1 I By The Associated Press President Nixon, warning in a campus speech against condoning violence as a political tactic, called yesterday for "an uncompromising stand against those who reject the rules of civilized conduct." "The time has come for us to recognize that violence and terror have no place in a free society, whoever the perpetrators and whatever their purported cause." said Nixon at Kansas S t a t e .niversit. , and,, four black policemen were placed on guard inside.' "A group of men armed with small arms and Molotov cocktails charged the store at 10:13 p m." I, i ...........