Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan N.Y. roads: Stranger than science fiction juai 4eara4'hn 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ERIKA HOFF Auto strike begins THE UNITED AUTO WORKERS has be- gun its long-awaited strike against the nation's largest corporation, General Motors. The strike, which will probably continue for many weeks, points up on a grand scale maj or issues in labor-man- agement relations in America today. GM's chief negotiator has termed the walkout "a strike against reason". Alarm has been expressed about the damage the strike may do to the nation's economy. Many people have criticized the union de- mands as wildly inflationary. And, at first glance, the demands may appear unreasonable. After all, the union is asking a first-year wage increase of nearly 15 per cent, in addition to un- limited cost-of-living adjustments, along with retirement after 30 years, with a $500 monthly pension, regardless of age. But if we examine what has been hap- pening to the auto workers in recent years (and, indeed, to most of the Amer- ican working force), a different picture emerges. During the 1960-1967 period, the auto workers wages were growing in real terms at about three per cent a year - almost directly in line with estimates of increased per-man productivity and the overall growth of the nation's economy. In 1967, the union guessed wrong and gave up its unlimited cost-of-livink increases. And the workers paid for this mistake. In the last three years, their wages have increased less than two per cent per year in real terms. IN THE UNITED STATES TODAY, there is no effective, predictable policy for the control of inflation. The auto work- ers - and most other organized workers - understandably feel that their best protection against inflation lies in their collective power=- manifested in the ability to strike. So they strike. They are demanding: -protection against inflation in t h e next three years by cost-of-living increas- es which will rise as much as the con- sumer price index: -an increase of 26 cents per hour, to make up for real wages lost to inflation in the last two years; -a further increase of 351/2 cents an hour (8-9 per cent) from the beginning of the new contract. (The union has in, dicated that if GM accepts the unlimited cost-of-living increases, it will not expect further major increases in the last two years of the contract); and -the right to retire after 30 years of work on a monthly pension of $500. So what the workers are demanding in wages appears hardly unreasonable. They are asking that they be protected from in- flation, and they are asking for a real wage increase (3-4 per cent per year), which barely surpasses estimated in- creases in productivity per man-hour. And what they are asking in terms of retirement is quite reasonable to anyone who has worked on an assembly line. The right to a decent retirement after giving thirty years to the company seems a min- imal demand. It is not necessary to agree with the workers analysis of their problems to sup- port them. Some of us would argue that workers would be justified in demanding a significantly/greater actual share in the . total income of GM - or, indeed, com- plete control of the company. BUT THIS IS NOT what they are de- manding. These are Americans of average income, struggling to maintain their standard of living against economic forces beyond their control and to gain, after 30 years, release from the assembly' line. This is not the sort of conflict we are most familiar with in Ann Arbor. These are not the broad-based radical visions of affluent students. They are the practical felt needs of workers who produce a large share of the nation's wealth. This is their struggle. To the extent that we can, let us support them. -STEVE KOPPMAN COMMUTING IN NEW YORK, every day is like any other day - up at 6:30 a.m. to drive through the congested highways to arrive at work by 9 a.m. and then after a day's work get back into the car and roar home at 15 m.p.h. Well, yesterday John Scully followed the New York ritual - sometimes known as the American ritual. After work he hopped into his car behind all the other cars (and ahead of all the other cars) and drove along, not really being able to see beyond the cars ahead of him. Instinctively he followed the thousands of cars in front of him to the end of the road - right into the Hudson River. A race of human lemmings. THE ABOVE STORY may be poor science fiction compared to Ray Bradbury's. but then, Bradbury doesn't write with the same sense of paranoia that affects New Yorkers when they start to think about their roads. Most amateur anthropologists believe that as a cul- ture group New Yorkers are generally paranoic. But this time, Empire State residents are sure that the roads are going to overtake them. I realize this may sound absurd to anyone besides a; New Yorker (although I have been told that the roads are also taking over in Detroit and Los Angeles) but the situation in New York is definitely reaching catastrophic proportions. I have seen men and women who are under great pressures and who carry heavy responsibilities every day grow pale when they hear the word "highways." It is obvious from the way they clutch at the nearest chair or wall that if you press them any further they might become hysterical. The overabundance of roads, no matter how crowded they may be, is probably the result of many factors, in- cluding the demand for faster and easier accesses to New York City and other parts of the state, the lack of foresight, and probably the lack of public concern. WHATEVER THE REASON, the situation is now out of control and it is only in half jest that some people say the roads are beginning to build themselves. Before his unfortunate demise, John Scully whispered his belief that it often was impossible for him to get off of a road - it would simply build itself along as it followed him. There is a road sitting near my home in suburban Westchester which was recently constructed and paved. This road is so important and so necessary that no one in the state government or courts worried about the horse farm and the acres of forests which were paved under. This road is a pretty road as far as roads go but this road doesn't go far. The highway which it was to connect with was stopped (for the time being at least) by a court order. The above story is not'science fiction. And one won- ders why New Yorkers feel the pavement running at their heels? One could laugh at their fears if there were some signs that highway construction was easing up, but this is not happening. Don't tell a New Yorker that if he applied Malthusian theory he would know that more highways will simply support a larger population of cars. He knows why the highways are filled with cars as soon as the pavement is put down. It's simple - the cars are being simultan- ebusly built on top of the roads. IF OUR GOVERNMENT has the technology to send men to the moon and the Mets can win a World Series, then it is perfectly logical that contractors can build roads with cars on them. There are son ie people who become upset when they are trapped in traffic but they should realize what a greater good they would be doing if they don't try to in- crease the number of roads. It is only logical that if people stop building more roads then those nonexistant roads will not be congested, and there will no longer be any ecologically-psychologically-damaging highways oth- er than- those we are stuck with now. Why put untold generations through t h e paranoia-producing pressure chambers of our highway system? But will our present roads then become more unbear- able? The answer to that is simple also in Malthusian terms - the population of cars will not grow beyond what it is at present levels. In addition, if we stop laying down roads with built- in cars then we may also have the answer to cutting down our general increasing population. Every New Yorker knows that the contractors are laying down roads with built-in cars with built-in people. 4' The lazy bliss around campus: Let it be By RICK PERLOFF A soft calm graces the campus, an easy wind tickles the air. Fragile leaves are existent; a foot taps a stone, moves it, the body goes forward. A whistle, a shrug, a smile in seclusion, the legs glide, onward. Kazoos buzz, guitars weep; the pin-plucks purr home to harmony. A girl strings herself across a guy. a couple hangs against a branch beneath the silly trees, and people pass. Groups surround, there is talk of summer, of school, of meals. The talk is not bulky, it is easy to grasp. How strange. The Diag has' always shaken with buzzing frustration, resent- ment and opposition to this or that or something. The memories are intense, remember the BAM strike, the recruiter nr otests last term? Those are our last recol- lections of the Diag in crisis, swiftly altering between fresh weather and a murky throng. They hovered over the Diag then and clumsily infested it with noisy babbles in rhetoric and abrupt taunts on Fleming. They spi; out insults, flooded us with leaflets and massed in the morning, in the evening to plan, to march. Herds of theme-mulled too, wait- ing for the eternal noon rally. They poured into each other, like flies, standing, squatting, packed-\ into contemplating the action. The rough rasps fr.om the micro- phone were monotone, and droned away into the buildings,, into a dull echo from the corners of We did so in the midst of that gray weather; the snow cluttered with the wet, our feet slurping through it, this slush. It would be a good term 'though, and the cacophony of clamor, drenched voices and sardonic arguments be- gan to mix happily together in a singsongy movement of feet. We marched that term, we felt, we believed and look, there were thousands behind, sharing our feelings, vindicating us. We were right, we were proud, we were One. That was then; it's autumn now, the traditional time when protest- ers climb back to rhetoric, plow toward action, driven to fix the wrongs that pervade. Two years ago they were arrested for sup- porting welfare mothers, last year they wanted a bookstore. And yet there's little so far. There's talk of educating people before confronting them; does that mean there'll be no protests this fall? How can we study on the grass without a leaflet for scrap paper? When can we meet friends, with- out a noon rally, can we remember how to climb steps not peopled with protesters? The dangers are dreadful, but how very strange it all is. Maybe the raw shouts, the slop- py marches crying for, unison, the thick air of dense fears and nerv- ous anticipations for tomorrow, maybe these are too much now. Maybe we have tired of that clogged part of ourselves and don't want it any longer. We shall protest perhaps but we shant lose our sensual shells nor the clouds of pure autumn. 0 Who can blame us? -Daily-Terry McCarthy Decision on Parochiaid TiE ACTION Monday by the S t a t e Supreme Court establishing the con- stitutionality of state aid to private and parochial schools is a welcome step toward allowing the public to establish priorities for aid to education in t h i s state. For too long, those who view parochiaid as a threat to -current needs and priorities of public schools have cloaked their op- position to parochiaid in the charge that such aid violates the constitutional "wall of separation" between church and state. This argument, while guaranteed to bring out all the emotionalism necessary to obscure the point, did not apply to pri- vate, but non-s'ecular, schools. And the bill passed by the State Legislature, (which the court upheld Monday), spec- ifically bans the use of state funds for religious instruction or materials. THE PROPONENTS of parochiaid con- tended, and the Court agreed, that their desire for an alternative to public schools should not disqualify them from their share of state monies for education. Both the federal and state constitutions are clear on the point that religious beliefs should not be the basis on which the state abridges rights and privileges. Thus, it would seem that as long as a parent sends his child to an institution certified by the state, he should not be denied a decent - state subsidy for that education j u s t oecause the curriculum of the school in- cludes religious instruction. It is now up to the people of the state to decide in what manner and amount they wish to invest money in the educa- tion of the state's children. Should they decide to stimulate t h e qrowth and rosperity of alternatives to the public education system, (and those alternatives are desperately needed), they cannot be prohibited by the Con- s541ittion from doing so. Or, should they decide that such en- couragement could well lead to the crea- tim of many substandard private insti- tutions, to an exodus from inner-city schools by white Catholic working-class families, and a general trend toward frag- mentation and separatism in education which would be undesirable, they c a n stop parochiaid. IN EITHER EVENT the sham will be over. The question will be on the ballot for public referendum in November. -JIM NEUBACHER Editorial Page Editor Mason Hall. The cries persisted though, a ceaseless rain of im- perialismracismcapitalism whose truths seemed almost dimmer by the very fact they were righteous- ly repeated to us each day. But in it lay a cause, a just believable commitment, worthy of ourselves and our emotions. So we marched that term, struck classes and tried to sneak in some study- ing on the side. It was hard. We were tired of school's dreary spirit, and groaned in boredom from the dark dormi- tories, the dirty dishes and over- due papers, overlong books we wanted to read, but with the strike, with our lives, that we wouldn't., So we marched; our political rancors multiplied by the fustra- tions, so we more than ever wanted to boil, to shout, to rip into a building or something, anything to feel our .presence, to revive our bodies once again. Letters: Solstis, soccer, socialism Solstis / To the Editor: I HAVE BEEN following the articles regarding Solstis vs. "U" with great interest. I agree that Solstis school is a valuable addi- tion to the community, out I find that I violently disagree with the tactics used by the spokesmen for the group. If they have- proved that Solstis School iS an asset (and I agree that it is), why do they have to resort to lies to try to prove a point. I think that I can speak with some authority about the building at 706 Oakland since my husband, daughter and I occupied an apart- ment in the building until June 20. 1970. The University informed all the tenants that the building would no longer be rented -after the school year of 1969-70 be- cause the building was not safe. The University very graciously al- lowed my family to stay until June 20 because we were not able to move into our new accommoda- tions until that date. Originally it was scheduled -to be demolished around the end of May. IN THURSDAY'S Daily a staff member of Solstis School stated: "Besides, if it was structurally de- ficient, why did they install a new furnace last year?" I would like to know where that staff member re- ceived that information. I can state that from July, 1968 until the present, no furnace. was in- stalled. They did change the fur- nace filters yearly, but on the old furnace. For the information of Solstis School, the furnace is not protected by a fire wall and that is a deficiency-one of the many reasons the University did not want the building occupied. The wiring is defective and not ade- quate. The fuse box is not ade- quate. There is only one thermo- stat in the building and heating is a problem. I could go on and on. The defects are there, and they will cost a great deal of money. I think Solstis School owes the University a great deal of ,hanks for sticking their necks out and letting them use the building (ok . . only the first floor) during the summer months. Also for sticking their necks out to prevent them from occupying a potential fire trap. Preventative mainte- nance can be a good thing! -Kathy Loeb Sept. 10 Soccer troubles To the Editor: WE REPRESENT the Soccer Club and are the only represent- ative of this sport at the Univer- sity. Until recently; t h e Soccer Club has been practicing on Wines Field. As of Thursday we are ban- ned from this field by order of the IM department. This is not new- this club has -been shuffled from field to field (or, rather banned from field to field) frequently in the past. The significant point in this case, however, is that there are no more fields available in the central campus area. We are out- lawed from all. We could dwell on the intrinsic value and beauty of the sport and even the need for the University to provide education in a 11 as- pects to all students desiring it. this, in spite of the repetitions, and worse, does not care. But it cared. enough to outlaw us from all fields of practice; perhaps it cares enough to help us find an- - other field to use. -18 Soccer Club Members Socialist Labor To the Editor: MANY PEOPLE are asking what is the Socialist Labor Party? The party has had candidates on the ballot nationally since 1892 when its presidential candidates were Simon Wing and Charles H. Mat- chett. The party in Michigan has a slate of fourteen candidates o)t the November ballot including those for Governor and U.S. Sen- ator. Socialist Labor Party candi- dates are committed to Socialism. They make no promises to reform capitalism, for t h a t cannot be. done in any real sense. Instead, they proclaim the need for Social-1 ist reconstruction and they, point out that they cannot bring So- cialism into being when they are elected. This must be done by the workers. themselves through their organization into Socialist Indus- trial Unions by means of which they will hold, operate and man- age the industries on behalf of society. Pending the acquisition, of the working class strength. required, candidates of the Socialist Labor Party urge voters to vote for thei4 as ° a means of registering their repudiation of capitalism, and their declaration f o r Socialism. Only civilized tactics such as these can bring about a better world. --A. Sim Warren, Mich Much of the article was quite amusing and valid, and the writer correctly identified many of the myths that an incoming freshman becomes so familiar with before he enters our cozy megaversity. Throughout high school I received the same misinformation from parents and teachers, and also university propaganda that most every college aspirant comes in contact with. However, by the time classes were about to begin at the start of my freshman year, these myths J had already been destroyed. The reason for this is what disturbed me enough to actually dig up a typewriter and compose this letter. Mr. Anzalone "writes off" the orientation staff by calling them "rah-rah" orientation 1e a d e r s. This is one myth that I feel needsk a rapid destruction. MY ORIENTATION leader had succeeded in relaxing me to a point where I wasn't afraid of the University and didn't seriously contemplate any of -the myths thrown at me. As I began classes,# I realized the over-all success- fulness of my orientation period, and how it had been satisfactorily effective in dealing with my par- ticular problems. I appreciated a program of this nature, and de- cided to join it so that future freshman would enjoy the sa-me# advantages that I did. My per- sonal contact with many of the other leaders confirmed my opin- ion of the orientation staff. In contrast to what Mr. Anzalone said, nearly 100 per cent of the leaders were interested in helping the incoming student handle the# University, and were not of the "rah-rah" type. 5UX2H A CWJARI rI U 4Y I p ' r K7 Lr . 1 ') CjXr 12A'- -., Ail; Mwt( i M' Setl t1/ X Tt1 rLo U6THEH c'7- )Do (MG Ml A 4 i k