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September 16, 1970 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

A6F 41P
41jtr t an


Cloudy and cool,

Vol. LXXXI, No, 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 16, 1970 Ten Cents
'U'judciarypan may include a I-studen I

Eight Pages
j ury

A committee charged with finding a new
judicial system for the University is ap-
proaching agreement on disciplinary pro-
cedures that would include an all-student
jury to decide guilt and punishment in
some cases.
The main dispute facing the committee
is who will decide procedural questions
such as admissibility of evidence and in-
terpretation of law for the jury. But even
if this problem is worked out, the proposed
judicial system faces difficulty getting
-regental approval. -
While all the details are yet to be work-
ed out, the plan would allow defendants
to chose the judicial procedure u n d e r
which they would be tried. One of these
options would include a jury of six ran-
domly selected students for serious cases.
To simplify procedures in less serious

cases, the committee is considering estab-
lishing a permanent student panel to de-.
termine guilt and punishment.
President Robben Fleming appointed the
committee, which includes students, fac-
ulty members, administrators and Regents
Robert Nederlander (D-Birmingham) and
Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge), last
April to formulate permanent judicial pro-
cedures to replace t h e Regents Interim
Disciplinary Policy.
The interim policy, which was adopted
in the wake of the Black Action Movement
strike, has been denounced as repressive
by student leaders. Under the policy a stu-
dent charged with an offense is tried and
sentenfped by an outside hearing officer
appointed by Fleming.
The committee is presently considering
three methods of deciding procedural
questions in student jury trials.

Student members of the committee have
suggested a panel of three student judges
who could consult a lawyer. The j u r y
would still decide guilt and punishment,
"The idea was that a multi-judge panel
would be forced to argue out procedural
rulings, making it clear to the litigants
and the jury just how procedures were
reached," committee member Ed K u s s y
said at the group's Sunday meeting.
He explained that procedural questions
are quite important, citing what Judge
Julius Hoffman was able to do with ques-
tionable procedural rulings during the Chi-
cago 7 trial.
Some of the faculty members, along with
the two regents on the committee have
proposed an outside legal officer be hired
to serve as judge:'
"I ,think that if the Board (of Regents),

would accept an all-student jury, you'd
have to accept someone who's outside and
not involved to conduct the panel," Neder-
lander argued.
An alternative suggestion proposed re-
cently would chose three judges by lot
from a panel of half students and half
faculty members and administrators.
Under this compromise, which has the
general support of the committee with the
exception of the regents, a student could
draw all student judges, all faculty judges
or some combination of the two.
The jury system would also apply to fac-
ulty members whose guilt and punishment
in serious cases would be decided by a six-
man faculty jury. Judges for the faculty
procedure would also be drawn by lot from
the mixed panel.
However, a more serious problem facing
the committee is persuading the Regents,

to approve any new judicial system. Many
regents have praised their interim policy
as being just and fair, despite strong stu-
dent criticism.
"I came back (from a conference on
university-related law) more strongly re-
solved that the system the Regents adopt-
ed in April has a great deal to be said for
it for the protection of the rights of stu-
dents and the public," Lindemer said Sun-
Even if Lindemer and Nederlander, who
have attended in o s t of the committee
meetings, were to agree with the judicial
system emerging from the group, t h e y
might not be able to convince their col-
leagues to approve it.
While Nederlander and Lindemer have
not committed themselves or, any of the
other , Regents to anything d ur ing the
meetings, it appears the Regents will not

approve a judiciary system that does not
provide for some input from outside the
Student leaders, on the other hand, have,
said they will not accept such a proposal,
demanding trial before their peers.
The entire committee has accepted the
premise that any system adopted must be
reasonably acceptable to all segments of
the University community.
"One's relationship to an unfriendly
court is different than to a c o u r t one
trusts," committee member Michael Da-
vis explained. "Certain legal systems are
going to ask for trouble - we should pick
the kind that won't be an o1ject for dis-
The committee members recognize they
are at a point where political influences

See NEW, Page 2


i ,


Knauss calls for


'neutrality in


-Daily-Terry McCarthy
HISTORY PROF. ArthurbMenKel (right) andhVice President
Sfor Student Services Robert Knauss debate the role of the
University last night before approximately 150 people in Nat.
Sci. Aud.
CSJ begins trial on'
SSrecruter IoCK-11in
The Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) last night began
trial of Students for a Democratic Society for alleged vio-
lations of Student Government Council rules.
The charges, made by the Engineering Placement Com-
mittee and Executive Committee of the Engineering Council,
concern SDS's actions Jan. 29 during a lock-in of a -DuPont
recruiter in West Engineering Bldg.
SGC. student conduct rules prohibit "individual or mass
cts that destroy property or significantly interfere with the
free movement of persons or tpings on the campus," and,
"intentional disruption of a function by depriving needed
quiet, light, heat or other physical conditions of work."
If found guilty, SDS faces a maximum penalty of four
months suspension of its privileges as a student organization
and a $25p fine. Individual SDS members also face separate
450 fines.
Only three of the individuals named as co-defendants,
Richard Feldman, Jerome Goldberg, and William Sachs, were
present at the trial.
The whereabouts of the other
co-defendants named in the com-'
± 1 a i n t were not immediately,
nown, ;and some are thought no
longer to be students. A decision
whether to include them as de-
fendants will be made next week.
However, CSJ, decided to begin
hearing evidence right away. By HESTER PULLING
University Security -Officers A proposal to expand free
ussell Downing and George j campus distribution of the Uni-
Mauch whowitnssedthealed
auch, who witnessed t alleged versity Record to include dor-
ncident, testified for the prose- mitories, libraries, and,. other
cution. student-related facilities will be
"About 75-100 of them came in discussed Friday at the Regen 's
one group and completely filled regular monthly meeting.
the corridor," Downing said. resnt meetinf
"Other officers and I positioned At present, distribution 'f the
~urselves in front of the office Recrd is limited mostly to. the
' oor and were pressed tremend- faculty and administrative staff.
ously against the door. It would continue to be publish-
"At one point we inade a Path ed on a weekly basis.
fn, iinteriewer tn get utand Vice President for University.

"Should the University be
a leader of social change as an
This was one of many unan-
swered questions posed by
Vice President for S t u d e n t
Services Robert Knauss in a
discussion last night in the
Natural Science Aud. Joining
Knauss on the podium w e r e
-history Prof. Arthur M e n d e 1
and Bob Ross, a research as-
sociate and member of the
New University Conference.
Knauss, who was first to ad-
dress the nearly 180 member aud-
ience, emphasized his belief thatj
the University should maintain
a neutral policy when dealing with
student political or social organi-
Knauss suggested that the cri-
terion for 'deciding whether the,
University becomes involved with
things like Solstis School or the
proposed Gay Liberation Front
conferencex should be, "Is it pro-
viding any educational valueto
students or faculty in the Uni-
The new vice president did not
express an opinion on either is-
sue. However, he did say that
the University "must retain its
flexibility to try something - to
give it a go. This, is something we
cannot give up."
Following Knauss, Mendel
stressed that the University can-
not be held responsible or should
feel responsible for solving soc-
iety's problems. The University is
an intellectual community and
each student should be, able to
pursue his own interests\ although
these may not necesarily benefit
anyone but himself, Mendel as-
"It is the right of the individual
to strive for intellectual grandeur,
although he cannot serve the
University or community with it,"
he said.
Focusing on the student's right
to remain an individual, Mendel
said a student should not feel
forced to join a "cause" others
in the same community feel he
should be fighting for.
"Service is a choice of every
student," Mendel added. "If you
don't want to serve then honestly
accept ft. If you can't handle the
See KNAUSS, Page 8'

-Associated Press
RIOT-EQUIPPED POLICE move in yesterday morning on alleged Black Panther headquartetrs in
New Orleans. Fourteen persons were arrested and seven were wounded in the ensuing exchange of
Auto talks put off one week;
hopes dimmed for quick accord
xDS 11~ rG1 C~

DETROIT () - The United body," said Ben Robinson, who
Auto Workers strike against Gen- led the meeting.
eral Motors moved through its The group is planning to seek a
first day yesterday, with hopes Yor forum with a GM recruiter Sept.
a quick settlement dimmed by the 28 and to organize strike assist-
announcement that serious bar- ance and class discussion on the
gaining would be put off for at issues involved.
least a week. , The other three speakers stress-
The two' sides said they had ed the necessity of student in-
scheduled their first poststrike volvement with labor. John Wil-
bargaining session for next Tues- loughby of International Social-
day. P i c k e t i n.g was generally ists said, "Both students a n d
peaceful at GM facilities in 31 workers are oppressed - only lab-'
states and two Canadian prov- or is fighting worse oppression."
inces. Al Kaufman, a member of SSAW,
(On campus last night seventy emphasized, "Auto workers an d
people attended tne initial mass students must unite against our
meeting of, Students to Support common enemies - war and the
the Auto Workers (SSAW). companies profiting from it."
"Our goal is to build sympathy Labor Committee member Peter
for the strikers among the student Rush agreed, "The government

wants to prevent labor, students
and minority groups from becom-
ing allies.",
University cooperation with big
business was also mentioned.
John Line, a member of De-
troit's Black Caucus, spoke for
labor. "There's a new mentality
among young black workers who
won't stand for any shit," Line
said. "Thats the kind of militancy
we're trying to direct."
Dissatisfied that the UAW has
not dealt with "institutionalized
racism," 'Line hopes more Black
Caucus representatives will become
influential in the union).
Meanwhile, tlhe cost of the strike'
to all concerned began mounting
at a rate put by GM and the union
at more than $118 million a day.
Earl Bramblett, GM's vice presi-
dent for personnel, detailed, these
daily losses: GM sales, $64.3 mil-
.lion; payments to GM suppliers,
$28.5 million; U.S. and Canadian
tax payments, $14.3 million, and
wages for the 344,090 striking'
workers, $8.57 million.
In addition, the union said its
$120 million strike fund was being
drained of $2.5 million daily, as
strikers drew up to $40 weekly.
The stock market closed moder-
ately lower yesterday as Wall
Street observers vpiced predictions
of a long strike.
One, David Healy, auto industry
expert at Argus Research Asso-
ciates, said: "Pressure for a settle-
ment won't intensifykdramatically
for six to eight weeks . . . when
the strike fund runs out."
His view was shared by some
Cr affinina c mnu .mil ,nn- hP

New rleans
police raid
P-anther HQ
Sy The Associated Press
Black militants exchanged gunfire with a heavily armed
police contingent near a black housing project in New Orleans
yesterday until tear gas drove them from a barricaded white
frame house. Seven persons were wounded.
The militants -- 12 young men and two girls;- were
members of the Black Panthers and the. National Committee
to Combat Fascism.
Police said the militants used high-powered' rifles, auto-
matic weapons and handguns against the officers. Officers
said they found at least 10 rifles and several handguns inside,

as well . as several hundred'
rounds of ammunition.
The group used the building as a
headquarters for some weeks and
were kept under surveillance. But
trouble developed late M o n d a y
night when police said two men
were pistol-whipped in Panther
headquarters before the two es-
caped. Later, Police Supt. Clar-
ence 'Giarrusso said the Panthers
fired on a patrol car and injured
two officers. Giarrusso described
it as a "systematic reign of ter-
ror." ,
Giarusso, Mayor Moon Landrieu
and U.S. Atty. Gerald Galling-
house huddled all through th
night, deciding to wait for day-
light rather than go into the area.
After dawn, a big police convoy
surrounded the area, located on
the eastern edge of the city not
far from shipyards and other in-
dustrial installations.
Officers, wearing bulletproof
vests, were equipped with arms
ranging from machine guns, to
shotguns affixed with bayonets.
Officers with rifles crouched
below the edge of a roof near the
the house while others gathered
on the banks of a canal where
Giarusso said the Panthers had
burned a late-model car and shov-
ed it into the canal's shallow wat-
A heavy rain fell as police lob-
bed tear gas into the battered
house, plastered on its sides with
pictures of Black Panther leader
Eldridge Cleaver.
See PANTHERS, Page 8
Makeup,, of
LSA search
!tht unclear
There will be some student re-
presentation on the search com-
mittee for a new literary college"
dean, acting LSA Dean Alfred
Sussman said Monday, but the
percentage of students and fa-
culty on the committee remains
The appointment of two separ-
ate search committees - one with.
student representation and one
without - has also been suggest-
ed by members of the literary col-
lege faculty.
The faculty met Monday to de-
cide on a panel of names to be
submitted to President Robben
Fleminz for onnnintment n the

leads Md.
By The Associated Pres
Sen. Joseph D. Tydings of
Maryland, combining strength in
Washington's suburbs and in Bal-
timore's inner city, rovercame an
early deficit last night and surged
into the lead over conservative
challenger George P. Mahoneyin
a surpr isingly close Democratic
, In all, nominations for five Sen-
ate seats now held by Democrats
-and for five governor's chairs
were decided in "voting in Massa-
chusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland,
Minnesota, Oklahoma and Wash-
Former Vice President Hubert
H. Humphrey won handily over a
black opponent in Minnesota's
Democratic senatorial p r i m a r y.
In November, the '59-year-old
Humphrey will face Republican
Rep. Clark MacGregor, 47, for the.
Senate seat being vacated by re-
tiring Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy,
also a Democrat.
In Minnesota's governor's race,
state Atty. Gen. Douglas Head,
40, won the Republican nomina-
tion, while state Sen. Wendell An-
derson, 37, was unopposed for the
Democratic designation. GOP Gov.
Harold Levander is retiring.
Tydings' November opponent
will be freshman Republican Con-
gressman J. Glenn Beall Jr., 43,
son of the man the 42-year-old
senator unseated in 1964. Beall
easily defeated two foes.
In Massachusetts, Sen. Edward
M. Kennedy' was renominated in
the Democratic primary without
Josiah Spaulding, former state
Republican chairman, defeated'
John .D. McCarthy, a conservative,
to become the 38-year-old sen-
ator's November opponent.
In the governor's' race, state
Senate President Maurice Dona-
hue, 52, leg Boston Mayor Kevin
H. White,,44, in a close battle for
the Democratic nomination.
In Rhode Island, Sen. John O.
Pastore, 63, had only token oppo-
sition in the Democratic primary.
His Republican opponent in No-
vember is 'the Rev. John J. Mc-
Laughlin, 43, a Jesuit priest, who


to consider

"does the

In interviews since then, sev-
eral Regents have said regental
complaints about The Daily in-
clude "frequent inaccuracy" and
"bias" in news coverage. They
said they hoped an expansion
of the Record would allow stu-
dents to get "another point of
"The faculty and students
don't think The Daily is a good
newspaper and, the taxpayers
don't want to support the filth.
which gets printed," said Re-

bad newspaper, but
community need

Agreeing with Nederlander,
Regent Gertrude Huebler (D-
Bloomfield Hills), said, "This
is merely another means for ex-
tending information to more
segments of the community."
"The administration doesn't
get a fair shot in the paper,"
said Regent Otis Smith (D-De-
troit). "A competing medium is
a good way to find truth and

objected to what they consider
obscenities published in the'pap-
er and to editorials condoning
or calling for violence.
"I would be most happy and
it would help all of us if The
Daily would eliminate some of
its four-letter words," M r s.
Huebner said.
"I object to the utter vulgar-
ity of obscene words," Smith
said. "They serve no social nor
useful value."
Defending the inchion of

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