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September 15, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-15

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131w iOr


Colder, partly cloudy
Chance of Showers

Vol. LXXXI, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 15, 1970 Ten Cents
Knaass andtrengthening the vp's V
By DAVE CHUDWIN became more convinced there was While Knauss anticipates prob- finding a black assistant vice pres- Feldkamp, however, denies that housing. She says the problem is werei
Daily News Analysis something I could contribute." lems in his new role, his appoint- ident "who would be involved in he has any plans of resigning and lack of University or federal funds Mrs
Folowing more than t w o But as Knauss candidly admits, ment does appear to have solved all operations of the office." says he is looking forward to to pay for it. cerne
years of controversyv over t h e and as Mrs. Newell knows f r o m the problem which was a major Knauss wants, in addition, the working with Knauss.,"There's a Knauss, however, is not ready to werea
appointment of a University vice long experience, a vice president cause of the two year delay in ap- University to take a more active lot of work to be done in hous- take a position on what the next with;
president for student services, for student services cannot please -pointing anyone to the post. For role in non-academic counseling, ing and I'd like to do it," Feld- step in housing should be. "It's Knau
Law Prof.' Robert Knauss today the Regents, the other executive Knauss, in accordance with the especially in the areas of mental kamp said. basically a student decision what rules
takes over the post from acting officers, and the students all at demands of students. has prom- health and drug abuse. He also In many ways, however, it ap- type of housing students want," he dents
vice president Barbara Newell. once over a long period of time. ised that the new student-dom- will encourage greater contact be- pears as though Knauss will not says. Con
Although Knauss agrees w i t h ' "I think there is a very real inated policy board in ;the OSS tween OSS and the schools and greatly change the policies which He indicates heis seriously con- ciplin
many of the policies and attitudes problem of conflict between the "will be setting policy within the colleges. have been pursued by Mrs. Newell sidering the establishment of a comm
of his predecessor, he is expect- vice president as a representative Office of Student Services." Eventually Knauss promises a for the last two years. separate student-faculty policy ing o
ed to be a stronger figure in the of students and the vice president Knauss, however, reserves the significant reorganization of OSS Concerning housing, for exam- board to give him advice on the port.I
administratiorr than Mrs. Newell. as an employe of the Regents," right to give his personal opin- and reassignment of functions, pe, both Knauss and Mrs. Newell housing question. bates,
During Mrs. Newell's two-year explains Mrs. Newell who will re- ion's on matters outside the juris- "I suppose that in certain in- admit that the University has a Knauss can also be expected to catec
tenure President Fleming in many turn to her former position as diction of OSS to Fleming and stances the personnel there may responsibility to see that students continue Mrs. Newell's strong sup- "I t
ways served as his own vice pres- assistant to the President. the other executive officers. not be in a position to fulfill the are well-housed. Mrs. Newell port of cooperative enterprises goes,
ident for student services, making Aware of this problem, Knauss And Knauss' opinions will c'e r- new functions, so there will have denies there is a housing short- such as the University store and would
many of the important policy de- has realistically offered to resign tainly have a significant effect on to be changes in personnel," he age. "I think there is a shortage bookstore and the'Student Credit any o
cisions affecting students, anytime he loses the confidence of the future of OSS. explains. of the type of housing students Union, now.
At this point Knauss, who at any of these groups. His first priority, Knauss says, There has been speculation wish; there's not an absolute Both Knauss and Mrs. Newell point,
- 39 will be the youngest vice presi- "If I am asked to resign by any is to get the OSS policy board among student leaders that t h e shortage," she says. are known to be unhappy about year-
dent,. appears confident that he of my constituencies - the Re- going. The board, when complete, Housing Office and its director The University, Mrs. Newell ex- the Regents Interim Disciplinary dentj
will be able to handle the job gents, the President, or the (stu- will have five student members John Feldkamp might be the first plains, has taken steps to expand Policy enacted last April. "M y in th
reasonably well. "As I learned dent) policy board - I will re- and four faculty members. area that would be affected by married student housing and the feeling about the rules them- one o:
more about the job," he says, "I sign," he says. Another of his primary goals is any reorganization. next priority is single s t u d en t selves is that I'm not sure they

Eight Pages
necessary," Knauss explains.
. Newell was most c o n-
d at the time that the rules
adopted without consultation
students and faculty. Like
ss, she does not regard the
as "repressive" as some stu-
have charged.
ceining an eventual d i s-
ary policy, Knauss refuses to
ent until a committee work-
n the matter submits its re-
During Senate Assembly de-
however, he was an advo-
of an all-student judiciary.
hink as far as effectiveness
an all-student judiciary
probably be as effective as
thei' kind of mix," he says
"Whether or not at t hi s
compared with a year or a
and-a-half ago, an all stu-
judiciary is acceptable with-
e community is,'I suppose,
f the top issues."
See KNAUSS, Page 8


Fleming bacing down on ay Lib
President Robben Fleming is preparing to back down on <
his controversial five-month old ban on the use of University
facilities for a midwest conference on homosexuality spon-
sored by Gay Liberation Front, reliable sources report.
Some ind ica tion of the new policy is expected within a::ยข:><r. r: '{{F
week, possible in conundtion with the Regents regular
monthly meeting this Friday.
In an interview yesterday, Fleming declined to confirm }.r




or deny the report, but indicated he believed it would be un-
fair to refer to such an action as "backing down." Instead,
he suggested the phrase "resolution of the controversy."
___- --" The conference is tentatively
scheduled for some time in No-
H ousing Fleming has received heavy,
criticism from both $tudent Gov-
ernment Council and Gay Liber-
ation Front in connection with
the conference ban he initiated in
late April. GLF has expressed de-
termiation to proceed with t h e
e te en econference despite the official ban.-
d efed Sources said one way Fleming
might engineer the change in
By HARVARD VALLANCE policy on the conference would be
to issue a statement expressing
The Ann Arbor City Council last official disapproval, but leaving
night unanimously defeated a pro- thefinal decision on bwhether
posal permitting the conversion of space is provided in the Michigan
fraternity property at Hill and Union up to the Union Board.
Onandaga streets into what sup- The board would then be expected
porters of the plan have called "an'to alocate space for the confer-
apartment house for low and ence. 0
,moderate income tenants." A similar procedure was used by 1
The ordinance would have pro- the Regents recently when they
vided for special zoning restric- expressed disapproval for t h e
tions to enable a neighborhood as- Ann Arbor Blues Festival, but left
sociation which controeled the authoritlj in the matter with the
property to convert the house into Union Board. The festival was
eight family dwelling units. subsequently held as scheduled
The proposal had been turned with continuing approval front
down by both the city planning the Union Board.
commission and a special council In announcing the ban 1 a s t
zoning committee on the grounds April, Fleming said facilities L
that the group's proposal for re- would not be made available for Sup]
modeling the house did not meet the conference because it did not tha
specification for low income fain- fulfill the criteria of being "clear- toq
fly housing. ly educational in nature and di- doe

-Associated Pre
Woodcock, Bluestone emerge from bargaining session -

worke rs
DETROIT (R) - The United
Auto Workers struck auto in-
dustry giant General Motors
Corp. at 12:01 a.m. today
after negotiations over a new
three-year labor contract
ground to a halt.
UAW President Leonard Wood-
cock termed the strike regrettable,
but added, "The company held
out no other choice."
Thousands of workers at GM
plants in the Midwest, East and
Canada walked off their jobs and
threw up picket signs, joining
ss thousands of others who h a d
jumped the gun with wildcat
walkouts earlier in the day.
Earl Btamblett, chief negotia-
tor for the company, termed the
union's action "a strike against
Woodcock left last minute ne-
gotiations to announce the strike,
that will involve 344,000 workers at
GM plants in 31 states and two
Canadian provinces. ASST. SECRE.
"Ithas become apparent that rest in the cor
GM was not content with fash- during negotiat
Kel- ioning a stalemate just at its own
bargaining table," Woodcock said,
rard adding GM "was just as deter- I ai
rd mined that no agreement be
iedin reached with Chrysler Corp."
eeded The UAW exempted Chrysler
n on from a strike Sunday, and Ford I
Motor Co. two weeks ago. Both
ruling plan to continue production.
nt of "In our view, Chrysler was turn-
was ed away from a settlement by
the virtue of pressure exerted by WASHING
nging GM," Woodcock said. restraining ord
Contracts covering 713,000 against three r
workers at Big Three plants ex- The order
pired at midnight Monday. Washingtonan
The UAW left 72,750 of itsW g
ed members working at 27 GM plants Corcoran i
of supplying parts to Ford Motor Co., tive strikes-fo
th Motosler Corp and American lawyers. He sch
Thetwo sides appeared far The judge
See UAW, Page 8 called the stril




State Supreme Court upholds
constitutionality of parochiaid

ANSING (A') - The Michigan
preme Court yesterday ruled
t a law establishing :tate aid
parochial and private schools
s not violate the state's con-

-Associated Press
TARY OF LABOR W. J. Usery takes a brief
ridor of New York's Statler Hilton Hotel yesterday
ions with the railroad workers.
Iroad strike

George Sallade, an Ann Arbor
attorney and an organizer of the
neighborhood association which
obtained an option to buy the
prope 'ty last March, said the
council's action and recommenda-
tion for denial indicated that City
Council "does not want to see low,
income housing on thesite."
However, councilman , Robert
Faber (D-second ward) denied#
that the vote was an expression of
sentiment against low incomel
J housing on the property. He add-I
ed that he hoped a new plan would
be negotiated between the neigh-
borhood association and the city
Housing commission that would
permit the existence of low-income

r'ected primarily towards t h o s e sTUtion.
people who have professional in- The high court split 4-3 in up-
terest in the field." The state- holding the plan, popularly knownj
ment also mentioned the illegal- as "parochiaid."
ity of homosexual practices. Under the plan the L e g i ,..
In a second statement in June, lature appropriated $22 million to
Fleming emphasized what he call- help pay the salaries of lay teach-I
ed "practical considerations "in- ers teaching non-religious coursesJ
at private schools.

of State Canvassers to place. the Court of Appeals overturned
parochiaid on the November bhal- ley, it accepted the petitions.
lot. State elections director Ber
"The key element," Kelley said, Apol said the group had ;turn
"will be the wording of the ques- 313,844 signautres. It n
tion that is placed on the ballot 246,191 to place the ouestio
over the actual text of the pro- the ballot.
posed amendment itself. The Appeals Court, in overr
Following Kelley-s advice, the Kelley, accepted the argume
Board of Canvassers at first re- the citizens group that it
fused to accept the petitions sub- simply adding language' to
mitted by the council against Constitution rather than char
parochiaid. However, after the it.
Because of a misunderstanding, The Daily reporte
on Sept. 4 that Sen. 'Robert Griffin is the brother
Hugh M. Griffin, a landlord involved in a dispute wi
a tenant. Sen. Griffin is not related to Hugh Griffin.

;ed by



housing on the site.r
If no such agreement can be [
worked out, he said, the property j
will revert to the single unit zon-
ing that was in effect before the u
fraternity was built.
The use of the site at Hill and
Onandaga has been a source of'
controversy since last March when
the property was put up for sale
by the fraternity. According to
Faber; the property was being con-
sidered by the housing commission President Fleming
as a site for - approximately 20 Flm
units of low-incone public hous- volved in the decision. Specifically
ing when a group of area residents he said that allowing such a con-
purchased an option to buy the ference in University f a c i ii t i e s
property. would 'hurt the University's public
While the purchase was seen by image and "jeopardize much need-
some as a move to prevent blacks ed public (financial) support."
and other poor people from mov- In response to these state-

But the Legislature had otipu-
lated that the funds not be' used
until the high court had decided
the constitutionality of the ques-
Several other states, including
Pennsylvania and Louisiana, have
adopted similar plans.
At the same time, the Supreme
Court cleared the way for a pop-
ular vote on the issue in November.
Frank Kelley, state attorney gen-
eral, had ruled petitions calling
for the referendum illegal because
of a legal technicality on their
wording. He had earlier been over-
ruled by the State Court of Ap-
peals and the Supreme Court re-
fused Monday to review that deci-
The referendum would lecide on
a constitutional amendment "out-
lawing public aid to nonpublic,
The court decision to allow the
referendum was thus a victory for
The Council Against Parochiaid,
the citizens group against parochi-
aid which had submitted the peti-
tions calling for the referen-
Kelley held that the petitions


ROTC enrollment dec

Although ROTC continues to exist at
the University, the number of participants
in the program has reached its lowest level
in recent years. To combat the problem,
all three programs are attempting , to
change their images through innova-
But solutions are not easy, for even the
ROTC leaders agree that no single factor
is responsible for the decreasing enroll-
ment. Most importantly, perhaps no one
seems to feel that the program faces ex-
tinction on this camnus.

"It is too early to know," says Schil-
ler, "but I anticipate that enrollment will
be lower nationwide for the same reasons."
Although there is a decrease in enroll-
ment this year among freshmen, Col.
Schiller says "the number of persons en-
rolling in our two-year program increas-
The two-year program is an alternative
to the standard program. It is composed
primarily of transfer students and stu-
dents who make decisions about careers
in the armed forces as late as their junior

that arbitr
"tainty noi
One fact
the decrea
number of
All three
marked in
sons dropp
"I don't
that regar
nah, chairn
crease in

'ary a decision."'
problem at U-M ir
or which has not
se in enrollment
dropouts from th
men say there
crease in the nu
ing out of the pr
see any pattern
d," said Col. San
nan of the Depart
there has been
drons after the

TON ---A federal judge issued a temporary
er early today blocking a strike by four unions
ailroads just as picket lines were ordered.
was issued by Judge Howard F. Corcoran in
id will be in effect until 1:45 p.m. Sept. 23.
ssued the order-barring "whipsaw" or selec-
llowing a .brief hearing requested by railroad
heduled another hearing Sept. 22. -
acted less than an hour after the unions
ke and just 30 minutes after members of the
----=t-United Transportation Union
picketed the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railroad at Huntington,
W. Va.
President C. L. Dennis of the
AFL-CIO Brotherhood of Railway
Clerks, said the strike was planned
against the Southern Pacific and
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
There is cer- in addition to the C&O.
n that regard." Government sources had earlier
contributed to predicted that President Nixon
has been the would not immediately invoke a
e program. 60-day delay under the Railway
has been no Labor Act because ,of the limited
amber of per- nature of the strike.
amber op- Dennis said the four AFL-CIO
ogr am. unions had agreed to a 'govern-
developing in ment request to continue handling
muel A. Han- defense shipments and coal ship-
ment of Naval ments on the three lines.
Gerald Warren, deputy press
a slight in- secretary to Nixon, said the White
draft lottery t House had no immediate comment

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