Page TSE MICHIGANUAILY S Aday, Septemb 13, 1970 Sunday, September A, 1970 11 E MICHIGAI , DAIUY "" -" ~E MICHIGAIK~DAILY Managers bask in W fr m~iPoIMal of p~rsoitnalizxd ck By TERRI FOUCHEY The Michigan football team has just completed another me- morable touchdown drive and the point after attempt is about to follow. The kicking t e a m comes in and lines up. Mean- while a different team lines up outside the end zone. This team wears yellow wind- breakers and no pads, yet, at times they face stiffer opposi- tion than their padded counter- parts on the field in their bat- tle to retain possession of the noble pigskin. Ivery Saturday these unsung fearless young men risk their lives as they run up into the stands after field goal and point after attempts trying to retrieve the kicked football from overzealous fans. IN A JOB noted for its an- onymity, this recovery opera- tion is the o n 1y occasion in which the football managers emerge from the behind-t h e- scenes shadow of the team. There are six members of the present managerial corps. Three are new this season and three are returnees from last year's championship squad. Neil Hiller from Southfield is senior manager and this is his third season as one of the ball- chasers. He became a manager during spring practice of h is freshman y e a r. "I wanted to have some involvement with sports at Michigan. I'd r u n cross-country d u r i n g high school but didn't try it up here. I considered joining the Daily or the Michiganensian since I'd been sports editor of our year- book. I guess I decided to be- come a manager because I knew the head manager and I like football a great deal and the combination sounded like some- thing I'd enjoy doing." NEXT IN ORDER of senior- ity is Chuck Quebberman, a jun- ior from Concord, Michigan. He was a nine letterman there and included football, basketball, baseball, and track in his rep- ertoire. He didn't feel he was big enough to try out for foot-_ ball at Michigan and that was one reason why he became a manager. "I like football but I decided to be a manager be- cause I wanted to feel close to the football t e a m, to feel as though I was a part of it." David Fish is the only one of t h e four sophomore managers who is entering his second sea- son. He had been manager of the football, wrestling, and la- crosse teams during high school in Pennsylvania. T h is exper- ience was one reason for his bo- coming a manager. He lists his others, "Since I didn't live in South Quad last year I had very little contact with athletes. Since I had contact with ath- letes before I wanted to s e e what a big-time college athlete was like so I decided to t r y managing." One of the three rookies is Jerry Fine. Like some of his fel- low managers he was sports edi- tor of the yearbook, has had previous managerial experience, football, basketball and track at Lansing Eastern High, and he also wrestled for the varsity. His reasons for giving managing a go at Michigan are also similar to those of his fellows. ANOTHER SOPHOMORE rookie is-Gary Johnson f r o m Grand Rapids. He played var- sity soccer in high school. He gives "keeping me out of trou- ble" as his main reason for be- ing a manager. However, he adds, "The athletic involve- ment plays a big part, too." John Levine Is the only one of the managers who came into his present circumstances with- out having any prior knowledge of what he was getting into. During high school in Highland Park, Illinois he neither man- aged nor played on any team. He states his reasons for stepping into t h e unexplored, r e a l m of athletics in this manner, "Since I had had no particular involvement w it h athletics before, I figured it would be interesting to try. Al- so, I liked football and I had a lot of time so I thought I may as well use it to become a little more familiar with athletes and athletics." The consensus of the manag- ers is that their job, which takes about 18 hours out of e a c h week, is interesting a n d does give them a closeness. to t h e team that most students never have the chance to obtain. Their basic tasks during prac- tice sessions are to take care of on-field repairs of equipment, run errands for t h e coaches, like getting the films processed, giving t h e cards containing plays to the correct coach and, at the end of practice, seeing that there are as many footballs as there were at the beginning. During games, along with their ventures into the stands, they also keep track of indiv- idual player's playing t i m e which is u s e d in determining who gets a letter. THE MATERIAL rewards for their work are almost complete anor anonymity, free tickets, a free food (all of them eat at t players' training table, so t food's decent). As Fish points out, "The n terial rewards come once in while, but they're not the re son you're a manager. I kn when I got into it that I w devoting myself to somethi that wasn't really rewarding p cording to material standar The biggest reward for me cai at last year's banquet when. R Kohn (the senior manager) i troduced us and there was round of applause. I really f good after that." Jerry Fine adds, "One of t advantages is that you're lowed where others aren't. A whatever the outcome of a gar you tend to feel a little me yo{ edt elaltl I* r L Jerse Game Helm and football plus CAN# IXti'eV 711 North University F j:o7,211wo tool. their work are almost complete Make your reservation for a Stadium Check4 now! If you're a U of M fan, here's alerrific way to show your pride in the maize and blue. This exciting new check, designed exclusively for Ann Arbor Bank, will be available soon. We're expecting a great demand, so we suggest you make your reservation now. Stadium checks come in a small, handy package of four books of 25, each book containing 6 deposit slips, for only $1.00. If you don't write many checks, or if you're just plain proud of the university that made Ann Arbor famous, now's the time to order your Stadium Check from Ann Arbor Bank. IF DEFENSE JELLS Iowa hopes rekindle ..-.----.----------- - - UI - Yes, I would like to order my Stadium Check I package, containing 4 books of 25 checks each, r 6 deposit slips in each book. Please charge it to r my checking account. r r NAME r r ADDRESS rIr : ACCOUNT NUMBER__ 1 urnderstand that they will be delivered on or I * about October 1, 1970. * I # Please send to: Attn. Marketing Dept., Ann Arbor r Bank, P.O. Box 615, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 I. 1-l-I....1- ........................i...........,..... u .ANN ABBANI -R (- by BOB ANDREWS The past few football seasons at the University of Iowa have not been happy ones. The Hawkeyes have scored points like mad but they always seem- ed to give more back. They be- gan each season as a darkhorse threat for the conference crown but invariably finished the cam- paign somewhere below the .500 level. ' To compound the Iowa blues, there was s o m e dissension among the black gridders dur- ing spring drills in 1969, and after last season was over, star quarterback Larry Lawrence transferred to another school. The Iowa athletic department was a far from happy place. Ev- eryone in town knew that Ath- letic Director Forrest Evashev- ski did not get along with foot- ball coach Ray Nagel. Both were dismissed this spring, but Nagel, who had a year to run on his contract, was taken back and will be the coach this fall., The man brought in to re- place Evashevski was Bump Elli- ott, former Michigan coach and one of the most amiable guys around, so everyone is hopeful that peace and victory will re- turn to Iowa athletics. Everyone is also hopeful that Roy Bash is the man to replace Lawrence at quarterback. Coach Nagel is in the unenviable posi- tion of having no one in camp with a single minute of varsity experience at quarterback, but he thinks Bash can do the job. Bash is a senior who has pre- viously played at defensive back and tight end. His coach des- cribes him as "a good team leader, the type of guy all the players seem to rally about." A strong team leader can help cre- ate team unity, and Nagel feels that the Hawkeyes will play with confidence behind Bash, as they have a plethora of offensive ta- lent. In the backfield are Levi Mit- chell, Dave Harris and Denny Green, who all have great speed, and Tim Sullivan, a strong sen- ior fullback. Nagel feels Green is one of the most under-rated players on the squad, as his blocking ability makes him an invaluable asset. As far as having receivers goes, Bash couldn't ask for much more. Split end Kerry Reardon is rated as one of the best in the Big Ten, and Nagel wouldn't trade his tight end Ray Manning "for anyone in thet conference." The unsung heroes of any good offense are the offensive linemen, and Nagel feels that this years bunch, anchored by guards Lorin Lynch and Chuck Legler, is the finest in Hawkeye history. The real key to Iowa's suc- cess this year, as it was last year, will be finding some sort of defense. Nagel has expressed concern about deficiencies on defense, especially with the linebacking. "I'm pleased with our line and secondary," Nagel said before fall practice began, "but if we're going to be good defensively, our linebackers will have to come through." The leading candidates for the- linebacking slots :are Dave Brooks, Dave Clement and Jer- ry Nelson, but there are some sophomores who will get long, hard looks before this season opens. The biggest improvement in Iowa's defense is the added depth the Hawkeyes will have up front. Last year, the Hawk- eyes became vulnerable when- ever one of the front four was injured. This year, Nagel hopes to eliminate that problem with the addition of Bill Rose, Mike Dillner and Wendell Bell. Nagel, now in his fifth year as head coach, claims that this Hawkeye team is the best he has ever seen. With dissension hope- fully gone, Bash's leadership ability, and a potentially explo- sive offense, a little defense could carry the Hawkeyes a long way. ;:; -1 Il I, I' On the move with you in mind Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 601 E. WILLIAM ST.-next to MARCK' 1I HOURS: Monday- 0-9 Tuesday-Saturday-1