THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday; September 11, 1970 y THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 11, 1970 ~ f boasts All-American hopefuls Trojan veterans hope to bolster bid for 5th straight Bowl game Wolverine head coach Bo Schem- bechler calmly asserts that his quarterback Don Moorhead is as able as any in the nation. "He does everything we require of quarterback and does it well.", Blessed with brilliant ball-han- dling ability and afine arm, Moor- head managed to set a new school total offense record last season while leading his team to an 8-2 record and the Big Ten title. THOUGH NOT as flashy as some of his rivals for the quarter- back slot, the senior education ma- jor from South Haven, exhibited a gutsy willingness and talent for running with the ball that al- lowed him to score nine of his fourteen touchodowns on the ground and give the Michigan of-' fense an added threat. Perhaps his greatest claim to fame was his brilliant perform- ance against Woody Hayes' Buck- eyes as he led his team to that 24-12 upset that is now part of history, completing 10 of 20 passes- and scoring once. Sharing the offensive honors with Moorhead could be outstand- ing tackle Dan Dierdorf. At 6-4, 250 pounds this Canton, Ohio na- tive could be the key to the Wol- verine offense at his power tackle position as he clears holes for Michigan's outstanding running backs, Glenn Douvhty and Bill Taylor. Very quick for his size, Dierdorf has twice been named to the all-Big Ten squad, and as one of the ablest tackles in nation seems almost a definite All-Amer- ican choice. E v "DEFENSE WILL be one of our strengths," Schembechler said ear- lier this year. Defense is also one of Marty Huff's strengths, as op- posing teams will tell you. A great football talent, Huff-comes from a long line of football greats. He has a brother playing for Notre Dame and his other brother and father both played for Indiana. Displaying a tremendous knack for coming up with the ball this Toledo, Ohio native intercepted three pases against Purdue's gol- denboy Mike Phipps in the Wol- verines' victory over the Boiler- makers last season. Earlier in the season he blocked a punt against Vanderbilt and carried it in for the score. THE FINAL Wolverine All- America prospect is middle guard Henry Hill. A walk-on from Mar- tin Luther King High School in Detroit, Hill anchors the excellent Wolverine line. Co-captain of this year's squad with Moorhead, Hill's chief asset is his great speed which enabled him to. dump opposing runners for losses 23 times in two seasons as a starter, despite his relatively small size at 5-11, 210 pounds. A two-time ,econd team All-Big Ten pick, Hill is a busi- ness-law major on, a c a d e m i c scholarship. Billboa rd A meeting of propective inter- mural touch football officials has been called for next week. All interested students invited. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the ,wrestling room at the IM Bldg. By MICHAEL OLIN Unless Stanford's Indians can pull off a surprise ambush of John McKay's Trojans, it appears that. USC will give another repeat per- formance in the 1971 Rose Bowl, their fifth in a row. Southern Cal has a returning crop of five All-American candi- dates - including almost their entire offensive backfield. Quart- erback Jimmy Jones, Tailback Clarence Davis, Flanker B o b Chandler, and Fullback Charlie Evans comprise one of the coun- try's quickest, most experienced,, and most capable backfields. Add to, this split end Sam Dick- erson and an offensive line spear- headed by John Vella and the re- sulting offense will be capable' of scpring on anyone. ALTHOUGH THE front four has been hurt by graduation, the defense does not seem to be lack- ing. End Charlie Weaver and Tackle Tody Smith return from the fabled "Wild Bunch" and the other three spots will be filled by eager, and large, sophomores and transfers. Linebacker Greg Slough a n d cornerback Tyrone Hudson lead the secondary. Stanford's chances to knock off Southern Cal lie in Heismann Trophy candidate Jim Plunkett. In 1969 Plunkett passed for 2673 yards and 20 touchdowns w i t h 197 completions in 336 attempts. That's a cool 58.6 per cent. In addition, Plunkett has a bevy of sticky pawed receivers to throw at in Jack Lasater, Randy*Vataha, Demea Washington, and B o b Moore. AT RUNNING. BACK, Hillary Shockley and Jackie Brown will have to replace Bubba B r o w n and Howte Williams, who went the way of the sheepskin. Both - are capable and should keep oppos- ing defenses honest. The lines are solid with Moore and center John Sande anchor- ing . the offense. Defensively, all six linemen, who held opposing runners to an average of 1 1 0 yards per game, return. The only question mark appears to be the Indian defensive second- ary. With all new starters t h e y will be severely tested. If, t he y can shore up, their chances of top-' pling the Trojan Horse are vast- ly improved. As the darkhorse contender, UCLA has one ace - and it isn't up their sleeve - in qarterback Dennis Dummit. Thir other ace, running back Mickey Cireton, who gained 721 yards for a 6.6 average last year,. has been sidelined for the season with a neck injury. However, center .Dave Dolby, who could be th& best on the west coast, and all but one defensive halfback, will be returning to this year's squad. SPECIAL SALE KOFLACK EXPO Standard Plastic Boots REG. $90 HEAD KILLY 800 SKIS REG. $200 1969 HEAD and HART SKIS Now $60 Now $159 $40-$10 .._ .... USVtffl... . . vn n............... Demonstrators Only PR E-SEASON. ONLY i ; .. :., : : rr" I :,:} {ti: ;:ti;: ;: . ti 1' { :h t i. Yi .ti w "iiJ "M. CF: WHAT IS ITS" Union-Room' 3K 1730 P.M. , Dr. Kenneth Pike Prof. of Linguistics "Christian and Scholar" IT'S TONIGHT! I. (LIMITED QUANTITY) TEE t SKI 2455 S. STATE PHONE 662-7307 THE BRUIN'S major concern lies in their linebackers and front four. All seven positions were vacated by graduation. If Prothro's Juniors develop rapidly, the Bruins could repre- sent a strong challenge to USC and Stanford. The answer lies in the outcome of UCLA's f ou r th game, with national champion Texas. With eight defensive and five NO LAYAWAYS * BANKAMERIKARD * MASTER CHARGE NEW STORE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9:30-5:30 Thursday and Friday 9:30-9:00 C offensive starters returning, Cali- fornia Coach Ray Hallsey h a s reason to be optimistic. Sophomore Isaac Curtis was im- pressive last year for the F r o s h averaging 7.4 yards per carry. And,.as a 9.3 sprinter, Curtis pos- es as a breakaway threat every time he gets his hands on the ball. SENIOR QUARTERBACK Steve Curtis will have three returning wide receivers in Geoff DeLapp, Kenny Adams, and Jim- Fraser. If the Golden Bears can pll it all together, they could be t he surprise team of thecPacific Eight. Oregon State's giant killers of two years ago return this year as' the giants - literally. TheBeav- er's offensive line averages over 240 pounds with Dave Nirenberg (244) and Cris Haag (270) at tackle, Steve Morton (225) and Dan Zellick (243) at guard, and Jack Turnbull (237) at center. With quarterback Steve Endi- cott leading the offense and 230 pound fullback Dave Schillingoi powering for yardage, the Beayers are not lacking in talent. But in- experience will hurt them early in the season when they must meet both USC and UCLA. OREGON'S OFFENSE will be the key to their season., A11 school offensive rcords tumbled as the Ducks scored '271 points and gained 4064 yards last year. Quarterback Tom Blanchard completed 57.6 per cent of his passes for 2282 yards and 17 touchdowns. Blanchard's key re- ceiver will be All-American candi- date Bobby Moore who grabbed 54 passes for ten toichdowns last year. If Oregon pis to pose a serious threat, however, their defense, where Coach Jerry Frei will start three sophomores, must Jell rap- idly. Both of the far northern teams, Washington a n d Washington State, are coming off losing sea- sons. The only area of the Huskie team that appears solid is the: of- fensive ,line where coach J fm Owens has six returning letter- men. WASHINGTON STATE Coach Jim Sweeney is at a disadvant- age in that his Cougars have no home field to play on. Rogers Fieldi partially burned in the Spring and home games will have to be played in Spokane. The Cougars too are placing their hopes in a Sophomore quar- terback - Ty Paine. Paine led his Frosh team last year to four consecutive victories. The backfield that will complir ment Paine is well stacked talent wise. With running backs B o b Ewen and Kenny Lyday the Cougars should improve on last years 1-9 record, Halas plans, bet to help cancer fund CHICAGO WPs--Owner George 0 Halas of the Chicag Bears, as- serting "I'm serious about this," said yesterday he would seek Na- tional Football League permission to place a $15,000 wager, at 200-1 odds, that the Bears will win the Central Division title. The odds were established in* Las Vegas. Halas said it was "A wonder- ful opportunity" to win $3 million which would be distributed equally among the Vince Lombardi Re- search Cancer Fund, the John V. Mara cancer Fund, and the Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund. Halas, 75, said he would tele- phone Commissioner Pete Rozelle today for approval of the let which he proposed be placed by either the NFL's security office or a bank president. However, in New York, Rozelle nixed the whole idea. "As much as I would like to see the cancer fund get the money, I have to deny permis- sion," Rozelle said. UNION BILLIARDS-$1/HR TABLE TENIS-50c 9 A.M.-NOON MON.-SAT. 1 P.M.-6 P.M. SUNDAY Ai I t f a 2 , i f{ S y "4 f. iSf y : s 9 s Y 7 "i -, .. . f '. ".si > rs a rf > y t f w95 n ) k31 yea-0x }5 a7f s. t4. + { : ,t} sat.: \;k" ' }t. B j .._ / t i ..{. t {r{ contemporary classics in the Miss J mood... Voguester's savvy striped knits in one, two and three-part costumes to round out the young on-the-move wardrobe. The colors are classic, the styles up-tempo in these slimmest, trimmest of Orlon@knits. Sizes 5-13. A. Zig-zag striped dress and solid pant. Purple, navy or orange with white, $38. B. Three-part pant set with sleeveless white top. Navy, grey or brown, $52. C. Skimmer with yoke-effect. Navy. green or brown with white stripes, $2( The up-front pump with monkstrap in antiqued red or russet goatskin on a wood heel, $15. C I ll= l k V 4 ---------------------------- t I I f' Kunsier's F ".5 f i' , { ICunning! I i G