lir kidigan iDaily Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Is America worth saving? 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone' 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ERIKA HOFF Sois VS s.4'bureaucracy THE SIZE OF MODERN "multiversities" has a way of smothering alternatives to the kind of educational systems they exemplify. Often potentially creative in- novations are crushed beneath the iner- tia of an impersonal university bureau- cracy. While at other times, direct ac- tions by universities have threatened the ability of an existing alternative to sur- vive. Such is the case here in Ann Arbor' with Solstis school. Last June, when Solstis w a s still an idea in the minds of its founders, Solstis found itself in the unhappy position of shopping in the Ann Arbor housing mar- ket for. a place to put their school. Ann Arbor landlords,' concerned first with "economics" and property, aren't likely to give low rates to students, much less to ones operating an experimental school. The logical alternative to leasing a pri- vate building was to turn to the Univer- sity, which owns many old homes in the campus area. However, in turning to the University, the organizers of Solstis for- got that the "Big U', also often holds fi- nancial considerations more important than the needs of its surrounding com- munity. But, at the beginning of the summer, War auilets THINKERS WHO view religion empiri- cally argue that the only important criterion in evaluating religious beliefs is results. In other words, don't knock it. The argument, expressed eloquently by William James in the 19th century, has been reiterated most recently by a young Cambodian company commander, who willprobably never be recognized for his contribution to religious philosophy. The New York Times reported Wednes- day that the basic equipment of Cambod- ian soldiers includes a number of bags, beads and other assorted relics, blessed by monks and virtually guaranteed to shield the wearer from harm. Called yaon, the devices have been used for 900 years. The soldier -believes that the charm make's him stronger and protects him from bullets And business is thriving - the Times said that monks, "after decades of peace in Cambodia, find themselves swamped with demands for the amulets." "The monks are not strict about the interpretation a soldier chooses to place on' his amulet," the article continued. "Nor do the monks put limits on t h e amount of protection a soldier may car- ry." IN A BATTLE two weeks ago, the com- pany commander named above coax- ed his men into the field with a bag in his mouth and, bags in their mouths, the men followed him. Later, the Cambodian empiricist fur- ther proved the effectivensss of his re- ligious relics "by tying an amulet around the neck of a duck and then firing his automatic rifle into the flock." "When the commotion and feathers settled," the article concluded, "the duck, was still alive." And the fact that the redeemed duck "very nearly managed to flee with his amulet" did not -deter the soldier from his beliefs in the slightest. In other words, if it works, don't knock Solstis apparently thought itself lucky. The University was willing to rent them an old house for, only $100 per month. But as usual, t h e University's philan- thropy represented the part of the ice- berg which appears above the surface, while the not-so-generous considerations remain unseen below. THE UNIVERSITY wasn't using' the house at the time as it was considered to be "substandard." In fact, the build- ing was slated for demolition, eventually, to extend an adjacent parking lot. How- ever, in the meantime, the University was perfectly willing to rent the house to oth- ers without repairing it. Still, Solstis overcame this obstacle, se- curing donations and doing repairs, such as painting, themselves. Using the first floor and basement of. the house (as the second floor was boarded up) they taught over 70 junior and senior high school stu- dents using self-motivation as a basis. The school was a tremendous success in its first two months of operation. But this was not to last. The Housing Office was only "generous" for the two months of the lease. At any r a t e, the lease ended, with Solstis having no place to go. NOW THE University's "generosity" is indeed tested. 'Perhaps the childcare centers supporters could help us on this one - What is the University going to do? Whatever they do, a few things a r e clear. First, the University has not been honest with Solstis, the community, and themselves. After first calling the house "structurally unsound," they now say "it probably isn't structurally unsound, but for our purposes, it is unsound." What can this mean? If it was "structurally un- sound," why did the University inspect- or include in his repair estimate last Fri- day only screen doors, painting, and elec- trical wiring? And this work estimatedto cost up to $2,500! 1 'Why was no inspection of the house made by the University officials before Solstis moved in to check for "structural deficiencies" in the interest of safety? And, if a house is in need of basic repairs, does not the landlord have a responsibil- ity to make repairs as long as he collects rent?t THESE QUESTIONS are serious and must be answered. The over 4,000 peo- ple from all parts of the community who have. signed petitions expect answers. The University has used its size to aug- ment its power as landlord. But the larg- er tragedy is that this fight will obscure the meaningful alternative that Solstis really presents. SOLSTIS HAS BEEN successful in a way many students w i s h the University could be. Without grades, without pre- requisites, relying entirely upop the aca- demic discipline which the student ini- Viates himself, rather t h a n an imposed discipline from an institution, Solstis has succeeded where the University has fail- ed. As long as groups like Solstis exist, there is a chance that a new generation will seek a more worthwhile system of ed- ucation. It would be a shame if Solstis is forced to close its doors due to the lack of a lease just at the time it is succeeding as an alternative to institutionalized educa- tion. -MARK DILLEN (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar- ticle is the first of a two part series, analyizing contemporary American so- ciety. The author is a teaching fellow in the political science department.) By BILL BARNES Daily Guest Writer JUDGING BY letters and state- ments which appeared in The Daily with increasing frequency last year, there are quite a few fairly sophisticated people in the University community who believe t h a t the stability of American campuses and of American society can be maintained by mobilizing "responsible liberals" to come out foursquare against "violence and anarchy." I find this difficult to understand, for it seems to me that such a conviction could flow only from either total ignorance of contemporary developments in American life or from the most willful and stubborn blindness to the essential meaning of these de- velopments. In fact, it seems clear that the disruption of normal life in Amer- ica is virtually -certain to increase greatly during the 1970's - and if t h i s leads to the emergence of either full-scale fascism or full- scale revolution, the largest meas- ure of responsibility will lie pre- cisely with the "responsible liber- als" who spend their time signing stAtements and writing letters ex- pressing vague sympathy with the goals but soundly condemning the tactics of the New Left and black movements. THE ARGUMENTS of these "liberals" come down, essentially, to the position that while in prin- ciple they would like to see the underlying causes of violence and instability dealt with as well as the symptoms, in practice they will approve only "responsible" and decorous approaches to these problems, approaches which do not seriously disturb the opera- tions of the institutions in which they themselves work. That is, in practice, they will settle for deal- ing with the symptoms. These people find this kind of stance acceptable because on one hand they feel that the American system is too good to risk injur- ing, and on the other hand they are convinced that in t h e long run "responsible" and decorous approaches can be successful be- cause the American system is bas- ically open and responsive (see Gardner Ackley's letter to ,The Daily of April 3). The idea that the American system is too good to risk injuring is based on the view that the m o s t important thing about. the United States is that it is the m o s t productive, equalitarian, and civil libertarian society (at least of its size) in history. Now, obviously, the achieve- ments of American society in the areas of civil liberties and (par- ticularly) equality are o p e n to great question - but let's pass over this. I prefer to bring for- ward the sense in which achieve- ment in these areas is not the most important aspect of contem- porary America - rather, t h e most important characteristic of our society is that, despite limited achievements in the above areas, its basic mode of operation, its basic direction of development, has led us into massive degrada- tion, misuse and waste of human rights and natural resources at home, into genocide abroad, and to the point where the survival of our civilization, of o u r species and of the natural environment itself is called into question. THIS BRINGS THE ISSUE of the openness and responsiveness of the American system into fo- cus. It is claimed that we should stick to "responsible" and decor- ous approaches to our problems because, despite the fact that we may not have done very well in the past, now that we better un- derstand these problems and bet- ter appreciate their urgency, now that public opinion is aroused, our established institutions can be expected to respond effectively. It won't be easy, but if those gen-, uinely concerned with construc- tive change would just have the good sense to devote themselves to making the system work rather than to protesting against it, we could beat these problems. Well, if liberals can really use reformist tactics within the con- text of established institutions and procedures to achieve t h e kinds of results which we must achieve if we are to s a v e our- 4; -Valley Daily News Kent State selves, fine. But there seems to me to be very little reason to believe that such a course of action will even be seriously attempted, much less be successful. The American "establishment" has never gone beyond token re- form on its o w n initiative. As Howard Zinn says, "Tokenism is the American way of reform; it has become a national pastime to celebrate gestures." Indeed, the historical record seems to me to strongly suggest that no "estab- lishment" ever goes beyond token reform except when it is under revolutionary or semi-revolution- ary pressure. 0. Creeping Communism threatens Chile THE FOLLOWING A R T I C L E was mysteriously delivered to the editorial desk of The Daily yesterday by a uniformed m a n who claimed he was conducting "official business." "IT HAS BEEN one week since Chile freely and democratically elected a Marxist president despite iassive opposition from our bur- eau, and to our consternation there has not been -- as of yet - a military cgo u p or widespread rioting and chaos. "Such a situation is unfortun- ate because it gives the U.S. no excuse to send in marines to pro- tect American lives and property. At the present time we feel it would be impossible to install a president who would be more friendly toward American busi- nesses than Allende will be. "Nonetheless, there is still jus- tification for some kind of inter- vention in Chile because the very fact that a Marxist could be elect- ed indicates that the election was rigged. The result is the same as if Russia sent an army over to oc- cupy Chile - an action prohibited by the Monroe Doctrine. "THERE IS ALSO A possibility, although very remote, that Salva- dor Allende will not become the new president since he did not re- ceive an absolute majority in the popular election. Chilean law re- quires that when no candidate for president receives more than 50 per cent of the votes cast, t h e Congress, meeting in joint ses- sion must c h o o s e a president from among the top two vote-get- ters. "Thus, on Oct. 24, the Chilean Congress w i 11 decide between Jorge Alessandri and Allende. If the Congress were to choose Ales- sandri, who is willing to obey the dictates of American business in Chile, things would be just fine. However, Alessandri has only 47 supporters in the 200 member Congress while Allende h a s 83. The Christian Democrats, who control the remaining 75 seats are reported to be mostly in favor of Allende. Also, the Congress has an unbroken record of electing the man with the plurality in the pop- ular election. "Therefore, for all practical pur- poses, Allende is the next presi- dent of Chile, and will take office on Nov. 4. "HAVING ALLENDE as presi- dent will p o s e extremely grave problems for the U.S. and for our bureau. For one thing, he h a s promised to completely national- ize the copper industry in which Chile already owns a 51 per cent share. Large American companies are never happy when their for- eign property is expropriated, and will annoy government officials continually as they whine about, the offending country. \ "The greatest danger posed by the election of Allende is the threat to U.S. influence in Latin America. Throughout the twen- tieth century, U.S. businesses have wielded great powers in Latin countries by virtue of their' gi- gantic investments and close ties with the ruling elite. Official U.S. policy in' the Latin countries has often been indistinguishable from the interests of the American cor- porations. "The cozy relationship between U.S. business and the U.S. gov- ernment was expanded and made official under the Alliance f o r Progress, a clever program by which the U.S. was able to assume a dominating position in the eco- nomic and political development of the Latin countries. The U.S. was able to guide the countries on a path that benefited American businesses and sometimes the country itself, and at the same time instilled the virtues which made America a great nation into the hearts and minds of the lead- ers of the underdeveloped coun- tries. "AN IMPORTANT PRECEPT which all the Latin countries ad- hered to religiously was the iso- lati6n of Cuba. By having no dip- lomatic or commercial relations with Cuba, the Latin countries were able to keep the infection of Communism out of the Western Hemisphere. -Associated Press Salvador Allende "However, Allende now proposes to renew relations with Cuba, and in doing so, could very well set an example for the r e s t of Latin America. "What we see in Chile is a La- tin country in which a great many people apparently think they know better than the U.S. what is good for their country. T h e obvious consequence of such an attitude will be a decline in American pres- tige, influence, and, economic earnings in the country." LETTERS TO THE EDITOR why the bookstore has no books I To the Editor: SOME STUDENTS have ques- tioned the absence of textbooks at the student bookstore this fall. It should be understood that the Board of Directors of the book- store made every effort to secure textbooks prior to this semester. The decision to hold textbook sales until January of 1971 was reluctantly made for sound rea- sons, only after analysis of several factors. First, there was insufficient initial capitalization prior to this fall to provide necessary funds for the store to purchase textbooks. The $5 student assessment will not be available until mid-October. Few publishers will give a new store a line of credit and initial purchases must be made in cash. The $100,000 from the student parking fund transferred to the Board for the Student Bookstore, Inc., in May, was used for the purchase of the old University Dis- count store from the Student Gov- ernment Council for the temodel- ing of the MUG, for the purchase of supply and book fixtures (now overdue from the manufacturer) and for increases in school, art ind engineering supply inventory. Because bookstore revenues are low in the summer, it was also necessary to maintain a higher --LARRY LEMPERT than normal cash balance to meet the requirements of the store's cash flow. The $5 student assess- ment being collected at this time will, when received, provide the funds necessary for purchasing and stocking textbooks. SECOND, THE NATIONWIDE search for a competent bookstore manager ran well into May. The Board of Directors sought a man who was not only highly skilled in new and used book sales but also an individual who could for- see and adapt to the needs of stu- ients. The Board feels they were fortunate in hiring Mr. Louis Hahl, formerly manager of the bookstore at the University of California at Santa Barbara, a man who meets both of these re- quirements. Due to commitments at Santa Barbara, Mr. Hahl did not begin work in Ann Arbor until Aug. 1, too late to place book orderms even if funds had been available. Third, the Board request for the dining room adjacent to the new store, that space being necessary for the textbook department, was never resolved. Fourth, the Board of Directors felt a responsibility not to take unnecessary risks with student funds. It seemed more reasonable to the Board to wait for a com- CORRECTION Yesterday, The Daily printed an editorial containing factual errors implying impropriety in petent manager try survey the book market and to order the books, to wait for sufficient floor space and fixtures to display the books, and to wait for sufficient capital to order books, (instead of decreasing the supplies inventory )than for :he board to rush headlong into a possible economic disaster. AS PREVIOUSLY stated, plans call for textbook sales starting in January of 1971. The importance of an early payment of the $5 as-, sessment cannot be over-empha- sized for it is these funds which will be used for the initial book purchases. Only a failure to rent sufficient floor space in the Union or a delay on the part of students in paying the $5 assessment will prevent the bookstore from pro- viding substantial textbook sav- ings next semester. -Gary F. Allen Sept. 8 Stop the war To the Editor: MR. HIRSCHMAN'S editorial comment on the military, (Sept. 4) only hints at a most important aspect of the American war pol- icy. There is no doubt that the ad- ministration has been forced. by anti-war activity in the U.S. to withdraw some ground combat troops. But it is all simply a se- mantic game. The playing field is the vacuous American mind. The government should have no difficulty , killing and maiming hundreds of thouands nf Tndn- jeopardize the lives of American men, Americans don't much care. A brave country. --Thomas G. Rieke Sept. 3 -anifesto To the Editor: I AM IN COMPLETE agreement with Martin Hirschman's recent editorial (Daily, Sept. 5) evalu- ation of the Black Economic De- velopment League and the Wel- fare Rights Organization. The ac- count is' very accurate in its anal- ysis ,of the relationship between racism and American religious establishments. Something very fundamental is missing in that editorial, however. First, an analytical observer of an organization such as BEDL-WRO must ask certain questions about the credibility and efficacy of the group, In other words: 1. Who does the BEDL-WRO represent and how were its mem- bers elected? (assuming that the electoral process is consistent with the idea of self-determination) 2. What means do the two groups have for effectively han- dling and distributing welfare; funds? 3. Why should these groups be any less susceptible to corruption than the churches and other wel- fare organizations have been? THESE ARE SOME of the ques- tions which are left in my mind over the BEDL and WRO de- mnnteA xT .. -ri a n T'arif *1 C-r 05' 13£~ AR AMCOJT. AFTE-AT- AT aJ. AFTf6 THAT- VWETNMN. AFTR 1ThAT- (SAY IBERA1OLu. AFTER ThfAT- B'IACK I~WCPf. IC G NYf CA LONRIM PYHA&c~ IUEX7t AFTCR THAT- %22 vJ '50 WW :$AST AIJ STAY UFF CTIVU. I