See Editorial Page
t r
Vol. LXXXI, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 11, 1970 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
-Daily-Jim Judkis
Early fall revelry
Armed with wastepaper baskets full of water, a crowd of
students doused each other during a water fight last night in the
fountain by the Union. The fight was a scheduled social event
involving Wenley House of West Quad and Helen Newberry Hall.
Harris issues rep
to Teamlster -charge
Mayor Robert Harris yesterday issued a statement defending
himself against police criticism and reiterating a second time his
belief that .a police officer who allegedly struck a demonstrator
during last spring's Black Action Movement strike should b'e tried
as a civilian.
The statement was in response to a press release issued Wednesday
by local 247 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters which
represents command officers of the Ann Arbor Police.
The police union's statement charged that Harris condemned the
AA temple
asks for
Congregation Beth Israel
has filed a complaint seeking
a preliminary injunction
against the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Black Economic Develop-
ment League (BEDL) and the
Washtenaw County Welfare
Rights Organization (WRO).
The complaint stems from the
occupation of the temple by two
or three BEDL and WRO repre-
sentatives that began Wednesday
morning and 6ontinued late last
BEDL and WRO occupied Beth
Israel to press their demand for
an immediate $50,000 from the
temple to provide school clothing
for welfare recipients.
The Beth Israel executive board
met with representatives of BEDL
and WRO Wednesday night but
no agreement was reached.
Acting on the complaint, Wash-
tenaw County Circuit Judge Wil-
liam Ager, Jr. scheduled a show-
cause hearing for this morning
concerning a possible preliminary
injunction against the groups and
issued a summons to several
BEDL and WRO members.
The complaint and summons
m e n t i o n specifically Catherine
Emerson; Henry Bryant III, San-
dra Girard, Vicki Price, and
Charles Thomas, Jr.
BEDL and WRO are already
scheduled for another show -cause
hearing with Judge Ager this
morning .concerning a temporary
injunction signed by a Detroit ci-
cuit court judge which bars the
groups from ten area churches.
The Beth Israel board issued a
statement yesterday announcing
a nmeeting with representatives of
BENLand WRO scheduled for+
Sept. 20.
"Once our premises have been,
vacated, voluntarily or otherwise,
conditions conducive to a free dis-
cussion will have been established
and the meeting will take place,"
the statement said.
WRO member Catherine Emer-
son said the groups would volun-
tarily leave Beth Israel if the1
b o a r d modified in two ways
the position it took Wednesday.
First, Mrs. Emerson said, the tem-
ple must recognize BEDL and
WRO as legitimate agents on be-
half of the area poor and, second,1
hold the scheduled meeting earlier+
than the Sept. 20 date."+
BEDL member Hank Bryant
said a "support statement" from
Beth Israel recognizing the legi-
timacy of BEDL and WRO asl
agents of the county's "poor, black
and disenfranchised" would assisti
the groups in their relations with
the ten area churches, which Bry-
ant terms the "rat pack."
At the same time, EEDL and1
WRO members were meeting with
the Ann Arbor Society of Friends
and the Christian Science Church
executive board to discuss the
groups' demand.
The Friends have allowed BEDL+
and WRO who /have already re-+
ceived a pledge of $10,000 from the
Ann Arbor Unitarian Church. to+
utilize the Friends Meeting Center+
as a day care center.
The groups made their original
demands last winter, when the na-
tional program of the "Black+
Manifesto" called for $500 in na-
tional reparations from churches.
The Manifesto set up self-deter-
mination programs for which the
money would be used.
bombs on
-Daily-Jim Judkis
University Council discusses possible role in crisis
Airline captain
fears guerrilla
Council meets
AL KHANA, Jordan ()- The captain of a British air-
liner hijacked to this desert airstrip said yesterday he be-
lieved Palestinian guerrillas already have put explosive
charges aboard the plane.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP) has threatened to blow up the British Overseas Air-
ways Corp. VC 10 together with a Boeing 707 of Trans World
Airlines and a DC8 of Swissair unless guerrillas held in
Europe were released.
Speaking at a planeside news conference, Capt. Cyril
Couldbourne said his 81 passengers have lacked food for
24 hours.
"Somebody brought up a packet /
of biscuits but they did not go
very far," said Couldbourn. "We
have plenty of water aboard but aD S M
it's food we need. They have
promised us some but we haven't
seen it yet." h l i s
siCouldbourn reported the pas- old firsj
Ssingersnevertheless were "stand-
ing up very well." Then, squint-
ing up at the sun blazing down on
the shimmering desert, he r e -
marked grimly: "It's damn hot
here, isn't it?" By MARK DILLEN
Couldbourn, three other c r e wB K
members and eight passengers and
spoke to newsmen as the others MIKE McCARTHY
aboard watched through th e Students for a Democratic So-
planes' windows and open doors. ciety and the Ann Arbor chapter
The guerrillas are holding some of the Movement for a New Con-
280 passengers, and crew 'in the gress (MNC) held their first meet-
three planes, parked on what they ings of the semester last night and
call "Revolution Airbase. discussed widely differing views on
The hostages got a respite of. show to effect social change.
72 hours when the PFLP announc- Two SDS speakers talked tq
ed yesterday an extension to 10 nearly 200 people in South Quad
p.m. EDT tomorrow of the dead- on the political objectives and in-
line for release of the captive com- ternal structure of .the group.
mandos. A statement read to the group
As Couldbourn and his compan- calledoranend to the caoitaust
ions climbed down a creaking system of exploitation and aast
wooden ladder from their plane, age of resources," and "al types
guerrillas rushed forward to pin ag ofpress,"
PFLP badges on their shirts and of oppression."
present them with PFLP key "We support movements of op-
chains, pressed people of the world in
Unlike the two other planes, their struggle for freedom," the
there was no sanitation problem statement read. "We want an end
aboard the VC10. "We emptied our to the political and cultural op-
toilets in the sand," Couldbourn pression of all minority groups,
said. He said he had no trouble women, youth, and homosexuals.
landing on the strip and did not We demand a release of all peoples
resist the three hijackers. "When presently imprisoned for revolu-
they hold a gun at your neck, you tionary activities."
fly the plane without asking ques- The speaker stated the group's
tions." belief that "only by collective
The plane was undamaged, he action can people take control of
reported, but had fuel enough the institutionis which dominate
left only to reach Damascus in their lives. Factories, schools, the
neighboring Syria. army, the government must be re-
Guerrillas painted "Popular turned to the people."
Front for the Liberation of Pales- Political science instructor and
tine" in red letters on the plane's MNC member Andy Semmel ad-
blue and white fuselage. A Pales- dressed the nearly 300 people as-
tinian flag fluttered from t h e sembled for MNC's mass meeting
front door, in the Union ballroom.
on- disruption
NEVI HAVEN, Conn. (/P)-The
first adult Black Panther to be
sentenced in connection with the
torture murder of Panther mem-
ber Alex Rackley was given a sus-
pended jail term in Superior Court
here yesterday.,
Loretta. Luckas, 22, of Bridge-
port, who pleaded guilty to a
charge of conspiracy to kidnap
and turned state's evidence, was
given a suspended two-to-three-
year sentence by Judge Harold M.
The suspended sentence was
recomended by State's Atty. Ar-
nold Markle, who noted that Miss
Luckas testified. for the state at
the recent trial of Black Panther
Lonnie McLucas.
McLucas was convicted Aug. 31
of conspiracy to murder in con-.
nection with the death of Rackley
in May 1969. Judge Mulvey said
he would impose sentence on Mc-
Lucas Sept. 18.
officer without a trial by referring
his case to the country prosecutor.
They further accused the mayor
of ignorance in the matter, stating
he had not personally interviewed
any of the witnesses to the in-
In an earlier statement local 247
threatened to sue the mayor for
libel, but no legal action was men-
tioned Wednesday.
Harris defended himself for
taking action on the basis of evi-
dence gatlhered by a three man
tommittee appointed by City
"I see no point in having an in-
vestigating committee appointed
to find the facts if each member
of the City Council is going to
ignore these findings, hear the
evidence himself, and make his
own findings," the mayor said.
The Teamsters discounted this
study because the investigating
committeeadid not interview the
police officer involved.
Harris pointed out in his state-
ment that the investigating com-
mittee, in the tradition of such
committees, did not interview po-
lice officers directly but had to
See HARRIS, page 7
Student, faculty and adminis-
tration representatives met yes-
terday to discuss possible mechan-
isms for dealing with future' dis-
orders at the University.
The meeting was called by Uni-
versity Council (UC) - a per-
manent student, faculty 'nd ad-
ministration body empowered to
formulate University-wide r cies.
Another function of the Council
is to "consult with and advise
the President . . . concerning re-
lations within the University and
the general community, including
the use of law-enforcement agen-
A sub-committee of University
Council drafted the set of emer-
gency guidelines -- about which
the meeting was called -- in an
effort to "broaden the base of
communication, consultation and
negotiation" and to "improve de-
cision making in crisis situations."
Also attending the meeting were
Student Government C o u n c i 1
(SGC) and the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA)-the top faculty body.
Chairman of UC Law Prof.
Theodore St. Antoine questioned
the role of his group in deciding
whether police should be called on,
cam pus.
"Is University Council respon-
sible for setting general guidelines
fqr the President to follow, or is
Council (or its delegate) to parti-
cipate in the actual decision?"
"And if the council is to parti-
cipate in the decision, what is an
efficient means of providing stu-
dent and faculty input?" St. An-
toine asked.
Conflicting ideas were expressed
over the necessity of establishing
any guidelines or group to work
with President Robben Fleming.
"Please, let's not tie President
Fleming's hands," SACUA member
C. Merle Crawford said. "Under
the stress of the conditions, Flem-
ing is not going to deal with two
underlings from SGC, two from
SACUA nor two from anywhere
else. He'll work with the people
who are calling the shots-secur-
ity people and police."
However, the general consensus
of the group was to formulate a
body to work with Fleming and to
include students on that body.
"We need a nultilateral group
and one that is representative of
the various constituencies at the
University," said Alfred Sussman,
an administratice representative)
on UC and co-sponsor of the
emergency guideline proposal.
"If there is a student confron-
tation, we would augment the ad-
visory group by as many students
as possible to insure better com-
nunications and better under-
standing of the issues." Sussman.
St. Antoine ndicated he had
previously talked with Fleming
iabout such a consulting body.
wAllthe president desires is that
we are in reasonable agreement
and that the whole group does not
get too cumbersome," St. Antoine
SSGC members at the meeting
were particularly emphatic about
studentparticipation in emer-
gency situations.
"Student Government Council
will not be interested in creating
the illusion of a community de-
cision if President F 1 eminn g is
still going to be making the de-
cisions on police alone," said Jer-
ry De Grieck, UC member and
executive vice president of SOC.
"Any student on such ab o dy
would make any disagreement on
use of police public.!'
The session ended with the sug-
gestion that all three groups ---
SGC, University Council a n d
SACUA - discuss the proposal
among themselves and meet on
another date.
- --°
Radical College to regroup in
preparation for 'U' issues
"The faculty is perfectly happy
under the old system . . . They
like what is elite and the school
serves elite purposes."
It was in reaction to this sort
of faculty elitism, history Prof.
Sam Warner says, that more radi-
cal faculty members banded to-
gether last year to form Radical
Although the College appeared
defunct at the end of last year and
did not meet at all during the
summer, Research Psychologist
Sylvan Kornblum says the Col-
lege is planning to hold its first
Increased security problems h a v e
caused both administrators and stu-
dents to take a second look at protec-
tive nasures in University residence
Several recent incidents of voyeurism
and exhibitionism have brought atten-
tion to particular security inadequac-
ies, espccially in South Quad. And
the incidents have resulted in an atmos-
phere of fear among many South Quad
"Girls here are extremely upset
about what has happened," says Lori
Wnt+pit ,.cipnt dirpfn of N ti n f.
tighter dorm security
meeting of the semester next
At its peak last year the College
had approximately 120 members
including 20 senior faculty mem-
bers and 40 teaching fellows.
Kornblum says he had no idea how
many people will come to next
week's meeting.
College meetings last year were
usually packed during c a m p u s=
crises, but in quieter times only a
small core of members regularly
attended. Kornblum says he
doubts "there will be a paucity of
issues for Radical College to
choose from this year."
Last year the College took in-
dependent action on only a few
issues such as organizing a one-
day moratorium in protest of
campus recruiting. For the most
part, however, it acted as a sup-
port group, endorsing actions of
other groups like the Black Ac-'
tion Movement.
"This year's issues," Warner
predicts, "will be' thesame ones
held over from last year. These
include ROTC, the voting of Uni-
versity stock, campus recruiting
practices and budget priorities."
In extending its support of
BAM demands, Warner says he
expects Radical College to sup-
port open admissions at the Uni-
versity. "If the University isn't
open to a cross-section of t h e
state," he says, "the subjects will
remain elite and the academic
community will remain elite."
' Specific plans for this year are
undetermined now, but open ad-
missions "sounds like something
poses setting up a body with equal
faculty and student representation
to work directly under the Re-
A more specific area where
Warner believes student-faculty
participation is needed is on the
budgetary committees. "Current-
ly," Warner says, "there is only
one faculty member on a budget
committee. A budget-making
committee with student and fa-
culty representation as men'bers
is a matter of right."
Despite its name, and presum-
See RADICAL, Page 7
Semmel defined MNC as a high-
ly organized national , movement
whose objective is "trying to elect
non-traditional candidates to the
Congress by v e r y traditional
means - specifically by working
within the system and through the
electoral process to bring about
a radical change in the system.
Although MNC is organized on
the national level with a central
headquarters at Princeton Univer-
sity, Semmel. stressed that the
heart of the movement was the
local chapter.
Semmel stated that the Ann Ar-
bor chapter hopes to become ac-
tively involved' in one senatorial
and five congressional campaigns.
On the state level MNC is en-
dorsing the incumbent U.S. Sen-
ator Phillip Hart. In the 2nd Con-
gressional District, which includes
Ann Arbor, MNC is eidorsing
Michael Stillwagon, in the 3rd,
Richard Enslen, Don Reigle in the
See MNC, Page 7
staff to provide an, atmosphere of pro-
tection for residents," she adds.
Miss McMacken further says that it
is "unacceptable" to have a situation
exist where two women have b e e n
accosted. "Housing has, by negli-
gence, created an atmosphere increas-
ing the risk of jeopardy to residents,"
she says.
The women involved declined to di-
vulge details of the incidents.
One staff member says the security
problem "comes down to how much the
students are willing to impose upon
themselves. "Students must enact regu-
lations reflecting their concern: they
But he insures students that housing
is aware of the current situation and
that changes will be made.
"Changes are being made," one stu-
dent agrees, "but not by the housing
office. We're doing the work ourselves,
because we're scared."
South Quad Building Director Bill
Ennen says students should make the
changes, but that "It's difficult to enact
security measures with 24-hour open
Security measures are greatly hamp-
ered when the open visitation policy
is combined with a no-escort system,
c in t h-k r,,0. Xiii e, a o nr. ar ft.'"hp-
Williamson, problems of the dorms re-
flect larger problems of society in terms
of concepts of community cooperation.
"We could ideally set up a perfect se-
curity system, but that's useless un-
less the people involved cooperate. It's
a problem of motivation rather than
"The problem of large dorms," he
adds, "is of mutually inconsistent goals:
open visitation and security."
Smaller dorms also have security
problems, but a resident of Helen New-
berry Hall says "because the dorm is
small, we recognize one another and
strangers are easy to spot." The major
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