Campus violence: A test - J AMES WECHSLER-. 'The American Dream was killed by liberals' of academic leadership 4 rME BOMB THAT exploded at the Army Mathe- matics Center on the Wisconsin University campus, killing a young research physicist and injuring three other innocent victims, has shaken many college administrators in many places. In- evitably they are wondering whether this cruel, senseless terrorism was a prelude to a long, hot autumn. - There is an inescapable paradox in the campus prospect. On the one hand an unprecedented number of students-Lou Harris has predicted that the figure may reach 2 million-will partici- pate in political combat on a wide front this fall. The Movement for a New Congress, begun at Princeton, is already entrenched on more than 350 campuses and its operations will almost surely surpass any student political mobilization in our history. But simultaneously there are ominous signs that some embittered survivors of the far-out left, deprived of any leading campus roles, their own ranks diminished and fragmented, have moved underground and fatally succumbed to nihilist fantasies. They are probably not more than a scattered handful, but a bombing foray does not require large battalions. And even a few isolated repeti- tions of the Wisconsin disaster can be sufficient to touch off right-wing political hysteria; Mr. Agnew has already begun to, press the frenzy- button. It will avail little to point out that panic is exactly what these mad bombers seek to produce, and that effective police interdiction is the only serious answer to the threat. In many areas there will be cries for wholesale, indiscriminate repres- sion on the campuses, an end to what is loosely called "permissiveness" and a large-scale assault on those university administrators who strive to differentiate between insurgence and homicidal lunacy. THIS WILL BE the real test of academic lead- ership. No one can offer apology for mindless violence, but it remains fundamentally a police problem. What has impelled some of the young to these desperate, wretched crimes may be worthy of inquiry. Some of the clues may be found in LSD rather in any sect of SDS; not all aberration can be glibly attributed to the sickness of society/. Yet what crucially matters, beyond the realm of crime prevention and detection, is whether educational structures will be stampeded into counter-idiocy by the echoes of the bombs. It is beyond comprehension that some leading universities--including Harvard and Columbia- have refused to grant the two-week intermission urged by the Movement for a New Congress to permit students to engage in political activity in their home communities in October. Surely such a time-out should not seem an excessive conces- sion to young men who face the prospect of two years of military service, and would be wholly consistent with all the admonitions addressed to them to work "within the system." But the deeper issue I whether the universities will yield to the deeping pressures to retreat from internal reform and public responsibility and seek to reconstruct their old ivory towers. IT HAS BECOME fashionable in some aca- demic areas to proclaim that the time has come to reassert the rule of reason on the campus and to end the bedlam that has afflicted many insti- tutions. f that means a larger effort to substitute freer discourse for disjointed disturbances, there can be little quarrel with the plea. But if it means in fact a capitulation to the rule of Reganism- and of often benighted, reactionary regents-it can only foreshadow new, larger conflict. For the moment the vast majority of student activists have turned. away from the counter- productive, dead-end exhibitionism of the Jerry Rubin-Abbie Hoffman set. They are appalled by the tragedy of Wisconsin and by te peril that such explosions may be imitated elsewhere. But they have not become suddenly reconciled to things as they are. They have found no new merit in the Vietnam war or in the spurious game of "Vietnamization." As the Heard report warned, the disaffection is deep and widespread; it will not be banished by a "hate-the-students" crusade led by know-nothing adults. THE CHALLENGE TO educators-in the uni- versities and the high schools alike-is to identify with the decent instincts and aspirations that continue to motivate a restless generation in a dreary world. Yale's Kingman Brewster gave a memorable lesson to his contemporaries when he transformed a potentialy shattering campus col- lision into a mobilization of the university com- munity under the banner of equal justice. Many who initially accused him of "appeasement" were later to salute him for his achievement. But now too many men are preparing to make students the target of their autumn political of- fensives; how many educators will have the wis- dom and fortitude to stand up as Brewster did? And how many students will retain any reverence for the democratic political process if they find themselves treated as a leper colony by the Bab- bitts of Middle America? @ 1970 New York Post The article by James Wechsler appearing on the left prompted a letter to Mr. Wechsler by a 21-year-old college senior. The major portion of that letter is printed on the right, along with Mr. Wechsler's response. The Daily offers both as part of what we hope will become, in the course of' the semester, a continuing debate on these pages over the role of violence in politics. -J.N. "... AS A CHILD I loved FDR and Eleanor - Hyde Park was a kind of shrine. And then JFK liberalism had the answers and would form a great society. I was too young to go down South and march with King but I believed in peaceful change. "I'd like to tell about the dream I had the" other night. Cops broke into my home and next thing I knew I was in jail for drugs (which I've been off for a long time). I knew they planted it in my room but I couldn't talk to anybody. There wasn't even a trial, and I was also held for some political crimes. OK . . . just a dream. But even in my dreams I don't believe in the system. I felt joy when the bank was burned down to the ground last year. Force and power seem to be the only things this societyunderstands. This is my last last year at Columbia and the strange thing is that most of the students I know have gone through just such a change. This year we turned 21, and we don't even know if we'll even bother to vote. The NLF are our Wobblies. Yet there is still a great will to believe in America. But as Camus said, 'I wish I could love my country and still love liberty at the same time.' "The worst part of it is that liberalism, and not Nixon, led us into this war and created the likes of George Meany ... . "Let's say you are 21 and No. 32 in the draft -what would you do? If you read James Wechsler would you react the same way to hearing that liberalism is not dead? Would you react the same way to the Black Panthers? Or breaking laws, or force? In fact would you be James Wechsler be- lieving in liberalism? Would you believe that the courts provide justice, elections are hope, or in change in an orderly fashion? "Even if the war ended today the worst part would hit this nation in the years to come. For us the American Dream is dead: killed not by Nixon, but by liberals." SOME NERVOUS ELDERS may exclaim that such intemperate sentiments should be excluded from the public prints and others may dourly call them a reflection on the state of higher education. It is hard to fathom, for example, how George Meany, a product of the conservative building trades, could be described as a creature of liberal- ism. But to quarrel about such matters would justify a charge of pedantry. What is important about the document is that it expresses a desperation that is still, one hopes, not beyond the realm of communication. And one must begin by acknowl- edgement that there is no satisfactory answer to the dilemma of a young man facing conscription in a war in which most Americans have ceased to believe. The best .prospect is that he may find refuge in the broadened concepts of conscientious objection now evolving in the courts. Yet the failure of public pressure to end the war is a major tragedy for which all of us are answerable. But the crucial passage in this youth's outcry describes the "joy" he found in the sight of a burning bank and his assertion that "force and power seem to be the only things this society understands." Is that really the case? Was the bombing at Wisconsin -which rendered three kids fatherless -a triumph for anything? In fact there is overwhelming evidence in every opinion poll of recent years that random terrorism-and self-indulgent exhibitionism-on the far-out left have repeatedly strengthened the hands of the pro-war block. If one were to pursue the game of recrimination, it could even be argued that the prolongation of the war is in some meas- ure the result of the antagonism and divisiveness created by amateur Che Gueveras and their romantic followers. A CENTRAL FACT of our political ljfe is that all the legions of reaction and know-nothingism have been nourished by the delusion of those who see "revolution' as an authentic American alter- native and terrorism as a strategy of hope. As Dissent editor Irving Howe wrote a few months ago: "It would be a grave eror to argue against terrorism mainly on grounds of expediency. To throw bombs is wrong. It is wrong because it is inhumane, because it creates an atmosphere in which brute force settles all disputes, because if the bomb-throwers could wirn power through such methods they would no longer be (if they ever had been) the kind of people who would build a good society .. *' We may be doomed to an age of unreason; no one can be sure of the outcome. But the battle for peace, freedom and justice will not be won on any fantasy baricades. It will be won, if at all, in polit- ical combat and-as Martin. Luther King and- Cesar Chavez and Leon Davis have shown-by. steadfast challenge, to the conscience of country and community. To affirm these propositions will be increasingly hard in the Nixon-Agnew era. It may even require a higher degree of conviction and resolve than 'hit-and-run bombing and anti- liberal sniping. V 1970 New York Post Ekt stgn a Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Hotes and comments The pro fessionalization of everyone ronIandsman 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the edit9rs. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER A / A value of the space program: An impetus for technology FEW WOULD deny that the American space program has been of major public interest during the past decade. In the middle-sixties,- the talents of hund- reds of thousands of people intermeshed under the supervision of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as America moved steadily to- ward the moon. As a result of government funding cut- Whererethre Sman s principles? LAST WEEK, two members of the Vice Presidential Search Committee, Steve Nissen and Norm Wilson, strongly con- demned Prof. Robert Knauss for accept- ing the post of Vice, President of the Of- fice for Student Services. They were ap- palled, they said, that Knauss would take the job with full knowledge that he was not among those originally recommended to President Robben Fleming by the Search Committee. Where are the man's principles? It just so happens, however, that before Knauss was appointed, Fleming inter- viewed one other candidate for the job --G r e t c h e n Wilson, wife of Norm. Mrs. Wilson said, after the interview, that she could not envision taking the job because of political differences with Fleming which, in all prodability would have made her tenure in the post very short. backs in the last year, however, the NASA organization has been falling apart - projects have been curtailed and engi- neers laid off. The extent of space cut- backs became dramatically apparent last week when NASA announced that t w o moon landings in the Apollo program would be cancelled as an economy move. Several prominent scientists immed- iately blasted the move, contending that the money needed to finish the program was nothing compared to what had al- ready been spent developing the neces- sary technological devices. And with the bulk of the program already financed, these scientists saw little reason to dis- continue it when the goals were so near. It is certainly true that, since the pro- gram has, been curtailed, some of the scientific intrinsics will not be fulfilled. However, there are a great many fringe benefits from the space program which are already paying dividends, even if the Apollo program is not completed. THESE BENEFITS are mostly in the form of advanced technology which was developed for the space effort and which can now be applied to other areas of social concern. Development of in- formation storage and retrieval systems, transistors, thin-film circuitry, and t h e whole computer industry was accelerated due' to the impetus of the space program. It is extremely doubtful that t h e s e technical achievements would have been developed so soon solely as a matter of pure research or for application to social problems such as environmental pollu- tion. The idea of going to the moon and beating the Russians the~re annsarentlv ONE OF Vice President Agnew's more famous recent comments-land one which brought down on him the usual scorn of the academic and liberal communi- ties - was that not everyone ought to go to a four- year college. The scorn is well-deserved if Agnew meant as he unquestionably did - that fewer students should go to college because it turns them into liberal and radical agitators. But there is a certain unintended wisdom in the Vice President's words. The fact of the matter is that not everyone should be going to college, not because of its politics, but because what colleges offer intellectually is not for everyone. More important, what colleges offer is irrelevant to people's real personal and professional needs. And, lastly, that colleges don't offer what many people do need, though the claims that they do persist. What is this phenomenon of formal education for everyone? Two things: -Liberal arts for everyone, from the scholar to the copy boy to the shoe salesman. To get anyplace today, the common knowledge accurately has it, you have to have at least a B.A. or accept a life of enforced medio- crity. -Professional graduate degrees for everyone else, from social workers, school administrators and dental hy- gienists to doctors and lawyers. The basic problem is that there is a myth about the classroom and what goes on there. It confers some special prestige, some strange aura of ability and com- petence that nothing else in our society can confer. It is, as one sociologist noted, the new religion. I CAN'T CLAIM to be above it. The socialization pro- cess that makes us believe that college education means something special is pervasive. When I meet someone, no matter how much I fight it, I put some weight on his formal education or lack of it. It is too ingrained to be cast off lightly. The mseaure of the problem is the number of absurd- ities the myth produces, the number of times it breaks down. The examples are legion. The New Republic last year published a very good article damning the medical profession for its exclusionary use of formal schooling and degrees for advancement in the profession. Professionalization in general has two sides - the maintenance of standards of conduct and the distribu- tion of its services. Medicine has been good - perhaps too good - in the former while being atrocious in the latter. The real question that should face a person seeking a place in the medical profession is whether he or she is competent and able to handle the job. As the pro- fession now stands, you can only move up to a certain level by passing a standardized test, but you can only take that test if you have gotten the proper degree after the right amount of schooling. And if someone is capable of passing the test without the degree? No matter, standards are standards. This problem manifests itself when it comes to licensed practical nurses who seek advancement to registered nurse, or the latter to full M.D.s. People who work in any of the lower positions learn the trade in the way ap- prentices have always learned their trade, by practice under the direction of a master tradesman. But to get to a higher position now requires formal schooling, even if every moment of that schooling is repetition of what the student already knows.% And in medicine, that has meant that blacks who can't afford to go to 'school get into the lower level jobs and stay there. Financially unable to get the formal schooling they need for advancement, they must spend their professional lives in the depths of the profession, despite their ability and potential competence. LIKEWISE IN DENTISTRY. There is a man in De- troit, one of many in the U.S. and Canada now, who fled Czechoslovakia following the 1968 invasion. Trained as a dentist, with 15 years of practice behind him. he cannot work at his trade unless he gets a degree from an American school - three years of expensive school- ing that he cannot afford. He can't even get work as a dental hygienist without going to school again. There is a formal requirement that he have an American hygienist degree before they will even let him take the test for a license. Absurd? Of course. But medicine and dentistry at leapt have the defense of established professional standards, misused though they sometimes be, that are necessary for the protection of the public from quacks and frauds. Elsewhere it is not so. The origin of these and other professional standards is the social need for status.'Give a man a little prestige and he'll scorn you for your grammar. Noted Harold Wilensky in an article in the.1964 Amer- ican Journal of Sociology ,(the title of which I plagiar- ized for this article): Many occupations (that seek to become "profes- sions") rest on a base of knowledge or doctrine which is too general and vague . , . epitomized by the personnel men, salesmen, junior social work- ers, and other human-relations specialists who are products of American general education at the col- lege levelw.. In the recent history of professionalism, the or- ganization push often comes before a solid technical and institutional base is formed . . . and the whole effort seems more an opportunistic struggle for the rewards of monopoly than a "natural history of pro- fessionalism." [t is altogether an unsavory situation. It has meant the debasement of universities and academic life without any provable progress in the human condition. That it will change for any reason of logic or rationality is patently untrue. That it will change for the better because of outside social and economic pressures one can only hope. 4 r t How to handle our many constituencies By STEVE KOPPMAN ! PRESIDENT FLEMING hasn't wasted any time in getting across his "many constituex.cies" theory of university governance to new arrivals in Ann Arbor. At the freshman welcome last week, Fleming explained that the University has to satisfy a vast panorama of often conflicting in- terests. There are, of course, the faculty and students, who do their part by teaching and studying here. Then, as the President likes to tel it. there are the people of the should exert a major control over its operations should not stand unchallenged. If those who pay should always control, maybe out- of-state students should have pri- mary control over their educa- tions, since they pay for it, while in-state students should leave things to the Legislature. Perhaps faculty should be excluded from the decision-making process, since they are mere employes and should thus do the bidding of those who pay their wages. Fleming is only being realistic when he says the University de- University - what should be its highest aspirations. I would argue (and I think a majority of faculty and students would agree) that the University should be, among other things, a place where our society and its in- stitutions should be studied, both inside and outside the classroom, with a view to its improvement- and a place where individuals can explore alternatives as freely as is possible, in terms of politics, the educational process, and the lives they will lead after graduation. I think most citizens of the state of Minfjhigan millet crvn a l c, +that the University is financially de- pendent. As things stand now, under the constant watchful eye of the Re- gents and the annual tight fist of the Legislature, the University is severely inhibited in these vital functions. It is inhibited, for in- stance, in hiring of radical fac- ulty, in democratization of Uni- versity procedures (which can be seen as a model for demoncratiza- tion of other institutions), in pro- viding forums for controversial groups. not be subject to continuous poM- ical pressure. We can say that the University must be a place wh re people can be free to teach and study and organize and experi- ment, and that the chronic in- trusion of our financial benefac- tors damages our operation. The Legislature could put\ Uni- versity appropriations on a vir- tualy automatic basis--approving a budget for ten years in advance, with automatic adjustments for inflation, for example, as an al- ternative to continous legislative pressure and the annual hassle ne ar mVlr 1