MbeMtc ian Baty Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and maraged by students at the University of Michigan lighting the housing squeeze in tents 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 f Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN CORE and black separatism: Black power for black people TilE DECISION over the weekend by the Congress On Racial Equality (CORE) to adopt a program of black separatism, rejecting its traditional stand of promot- ing integration, should come as no sur- prise. The decision, albeit somewhat be- lated, serves as further witness to a fact which has become increasingly clear over the past several years - there is no fu- ture in being a "good nigger" for the white establishment. No matter what one may think of black separatism itself, CORE's decision can only be seen as a step forward toward active participation in the struggle of blacks against appression and exploita- tion. Previously, CORE has been cast in the role of a "moderate black organization." This meant it went along with the plans of the white establishment for improving the lot of black people and was useful to that establishment as a means of "con- trolling" dissident blacks. As long as CORE, and groups like it do their jobs well, co-operation from the federal gov- Air piracy as counter-revolution THIS WEEKEND leaves destroyed a 23 million dollar airlines and 300 people captive in the desert. The airliner's loss is relatively unimport- ant compared to the totally inhumane treatment accorded to the innocent civil- ians who are passengers on the besieged aircraft in Jordan. The guerrillas' threat to destroy the air- craft with the passengers still aboard if their demands are not met must be con- sidered very real. Yet those so-called "freedom fighters" whoare held captive in West Germany, Switzerland and Brit- ain are dangerous and unpredictable men and women who would present a very real danger to civil aviation in the' future if released. Thus the governments concerned face a difficult dilemma, whether to make a stand against air pirady now, risking the lives of hundreds of innocent people, or later, when the risks involved may be greater. To those of us who have sympathy with the Palestinian cause it is becoming hard to justify much of the activity in which the guerillas are occupied. The obvious anti-semitisn of the guer- rillas who refused to allow Jewish women and children off the planes while per- mitting Gentile women and children to leave is awful and shocking. The callous disregard for human life, which is what the tactics of the guerillas are tantamount to, is counter-revolution- ary and destructive to the ends of the Palestinian cause, besides giving new fire to ithe already powerful Ziqnist lobby. Air piracy must be stopped. It is a shame that it will be stopped by precisely those forces which revolutionary people are traditionally opposed to. -JONATHAN MILLER ernment, among others, is forthcoming. But such a role is fraught with frustra- tions, and when those frustrations a r e expressed, in. the form of more militant rhetoric or action, that white co-opera- tion tends to evaporate. IRONICALLY, such co-operation is rare- ly a loss. Government programs for blacks, at nearly all levels, are infamous for promising the sky and delivering vir- tually nothing. City administrators across the country, black and white, lay at least part of the blame for racial unrest to pro- grams which consistently fail to live up to the glowing descriptions given them by politicians. One of the black lawyers who fought for landmark Supreme Court decision on school desegregation, now speaks of it in subdued tones and slowly shakes his head, saying, "We thought we were really doing something then, but now . . . I don't know." The position, then, of "moderate black groups" is one of doing very little to gain virtually nothing. For blacks who have devoted most of their lives to concepts like integration and black capitalism, such a realization is a hard one to face. But as younger, more militant blacks move on a variety of fronts, and as the futility of being "good niggers" hits more and more current moderates with full force, the "civil rights" struggle will be- come thing of the past. In its place will be, virtually, a revolu- tion. As more and more blacks give up on taking gratefully what is given them, and no more, the rule book on dealing with blacks, and other racial minorities, will have to be totally rewritten. A few groups, such as the National Association for the Advancement of Col- ored People and the Urban League, still remain, ready to serve when the master calls. But they, are rapidly finding them- selves surrounded by a new militancy, de- dicated to working for blacks first, -ROB BIER Associate Managing Editor Say thataan THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reported yes- terday that Palestinian guerrilla spokesmen have protested the presence of armed guards on Israeli's El Al airline flights. The guerrillas charge it is "a gross violation of international law." Speaking over Damascus radio in Syria, the spokesman said the failure of a guer- rilla attempt to hijack an El Al airliner near London Sunday was because of this "outrageous Israeli violation." This came in light of the Arabs threat to blow up two planes full of hostages they had successfully hijacked earlier. If this weren't such a serious, nearly unbelievable incident, they would say in Tel Aviv that the guerilla spokesmen have a lot of chutzpah. -J.C.S. -N.C. By HARVARD VALLANCE "I'M STAYING HERE until it gets too cold" - so they say around the tent city of the Diag, and many of them act like they're not kidding. The housing market in the sub- urbs of the tent city may or may not be any tighter than in prev- ious tight years, but with the ad- vent of the tent-in, those who lost in the mad scramble for the best apartments are at least making themselves visible. In the old days they would dash for any couch or available floor space a friend could offer while waiting for the magic apartment to appear. This year, however, they not only get the experience 'a unique warm weather life-style, but they get to go on television and get interviewed. "$60 a month for a room with a kitchen down the hall wouldn't be bad" says one graduate stu- dent "but I had to borrow emer- gency money from my father to get back here and I'm just not in the market for what's left - $80 or $100 a month with no kitchen." "Look" an angry camper says, "tell 'em I-answered 18 ads today for two bedroom places and the ones that were already taken went for $200 or more and the ones that weren't were askingupsto $260." "I say we have a revolution," says another. The atrocity stories go on and on . . . of the landlord who wants $80 for a room as a single and $120 for the same place as a double, of $75 per man for four in a two-room place being the going rate, of Ann Arbor being worse than Berkely, etc., etc.... WHILE JOHN FELDKAMP, Letters: To the Editor: IN THEIR LETTER concerning the selection of Robert Knauss as Vice-President of Student Serv- ices, Steve Nissen and Norm Wil- son condemned President Fleming for not appointing any of the five candidate his own Search Com- mitee nominated for that posi- tion. We are in full agreement with them on this point. By delay- ing his selection, President Flem- ing successfully waited until all the nominees were no longer able to remain in contention. He also has hampered student involve- ment in the Office of Student Services by opposing creation of a student majority policy board. The OSS has been functioning without direction, and President Fleming delayed the appointment of a new vice-president and the creation of genuine policy boards which would have made the office meaningful and functional for stu- dents. However, Mr. Nissen and Mr. Wilson do not seem to understand the position Student Government Council has recently taken con- cerning the appointment of a new vice-president. SGC endorsed no one for the position of vice-presi- dent of Student Services. On Aug. 19. Council passed the following resolution: Three weeks ago, Student Government Council began to screen prospective candidates for the position of Vice-Presi- dent of the Office of Student Services. During the past few weeks, we have interviewed all those who have presented themselves as possible candidates and those who have been recommended to for that position.' This past weekend, SGC, in a majority decision, decided that we should make known who we find to be acceptable for that position at the earliest possible date. President Fleming has al- ready indicated to us his willing- ness to appoint Robert Knauss as Vice-President of OSS. After luxury apartment dwellers. If you don't, you can turn singles into doubles, doubles to triples, or you can squeeze yourself into large closets, storage areas, attics and basements and hope either that the landlord doesn't catch you or that the building inspector doesn't catch him. ANOTHER OPTION, of course is to connect your apartment to the campus with a two or t h r e e ,mile walk or to get yourself a farmhouse. If you choose the lat- ter. you've part of the problem because you've probably got a car and enough money to get an ex- pensive place in town. So get a place in town and bid up. the price of apartments and some- body's got to walk two or three miles to class every day because you're; rich and he's not., Still another option, offered by one of the tent dwellers who says he's a bit, tired of "the flat rip- off in this town" is to stage a re- peat of last year's Real Estate Office rip-off and Bank Burn- ing in Santa Barbara. He points out that somebody has already started on the picture windows at Charter Realty. If crises persist long enough, of course, it starts getting defined as normality; and apparently the housing office finds that to be a healthy enough name of the'pre- sent situation. There's nothing to be alarmed about because "In terms -of the over-all market" says Edward Salowitz, Associate Director of University Housing, "this is the best year we've had in the past two or three." To the people living in the tents and on the couches, the over-all market might as' well be the market for overalls. 4 -Daily-Richard Lee Director of University Housing, will swear up and down that "If there's an absolute shortage of housing, I'm unaware of it" the residents of the tent city will swear up and down that there's absolutely no housing they can reasonably afford. The housing office also main- tains that nobody in the tents could seriously be in need of a place to stay when there are 50 openings left in the dormitories and plenty of listings available at the off-campus housing office, even though you may not be in the market for those prices or a return to dormitory roommates, meals and paper thin walls. A tour of the tent area will con- firm; of course, that it is not peo- pled entirely by serious apart- ment hunters, but nevertheless the hunters are there and any contact with the students around you will tell you that most of the victims of the housing squeeze can be round camped out on couches and floors around the student ghetto. You can't live in a tent a 11 winter, of course, nor can you an- noy your friends forever and those who still wander from house to house or from tent to tent, must eventually find places to live, much to the relief of an embar- rassed housing office. There are-several alternatives to the glut of students on the market, all of which necessarily are quite beneficial to our local population of landlords. As one lean desperado, a vet- eran of a week-long search put it, "we finally stooped to the modern apartments."' If you have the means, you can always bid your- self up into the market of the 4 SGC has faith in Prof. Knauss iol having extensive interviews and conversations with Professor Knauss, SGC believes that his appointment is an acceptable one. SGC would have preferred that President Fleming prompt- ly had chosen the Vice-President of OSS from a list of five can- didates nominated by his own Search Commvittee. He did not, and so the Office of Student ' Services has stagnated without direction and without policy boards during the past year. SGC did not attempt to re-do the work of the Search Coin - mittee, but rather to find an acceptable candidate who could be appointed fairly soon. There- fore, even though we have inter- viewed people who we have been enthusiastic about during the last few weeks, there has been no attempt to come up with any list of endorsed candidates. FURTHER, Steve Nissen and Norm Wilson have stated that- Professor Knauss has recently been silent concerning the issue of policy boards. This is not true. At three open sessions, Robert Knauss has been probed at length on that issue. We believe that his stand is acceptable to us. He has agreed that the policy decisions and ulti- mate control of the OSS must be left to a student majority policy board, and that the extent of that control is to be determined by the policy board. He has also agreed to put in writing his intention to resign his position whenever the policy board calls for his resigna- tion. We have no reason to believe that Prof. Knauss has lied about his stand concerning p o li c y boards. SGC has not changed its posi- tion on the question of policy boards for the Office of Student Services. Students must and will make the decisions in that office. --Marty Scott President, Student Government Council -Jerry De Grieck Executive Vice President Sept. 8 Dis functional consciences To the Editor: JIM NEUBACHER'S editorial (Sept. 4) on the Wisconsin bomb- ing features some provocative uses of words. He declares that t h e Army Mathematics Research Center is now "disfunctional," a scientific term which connotes the breakdown of a piece of machin- ery. While I believe with Mr. Neubacher that writers must keep abreast of current jargon in all fields, I wonder if ',he" is aware that the bomb also rendered "dis- functional" research being con-4 ducted in surrounding buildings, some of it dealing with drugs to treat cancer and other diseases? And "disfunctional" also seems to me to be inappropriate usage in describing what happened to the 30-year-old researcher who was in the building at the time of the blast. Might I suggest "murder- ed"? Those who oppose violence are labeled "impotent" by Mr. Neu- bacher. This again raises objec- tions in my mind. Since I had al- ways thought of one who con- demns the destruction of life and property as a "responsible.human being." But, I must agree that advocates of non-violence are not politically efficacious - they r a r el y blow up buildings and people, a tactic which surely does seem to be reducing "repression and militarism." Why, just think of what an effect the removal of ROTC from the campus will have on the military! And the m i n d boggles at the drastic reduction of repression which will surely oc- cur as a result of increased vio- lence! I SUPPOSE THAT "conscience doth make cowards of us all," yet the writer's effort at equating that word with "efficacy" most disturbs me. I had always thought that what my conscience told me was wrong should be rejected, whether or not it happened to be efficacious. My conscience rather consistently indicates that bomb- ing and murder are immoral acts, and even in some cases ineffica- cious, since someone is liable to put up a bomb-proof building in place of the vulnerable one. Mr.. Neubacher's citation of the di- lemma of conscience posed by tac- tics comes inthe form of a quote from a local radical: "I can't condemn those people [Weather- man bombers in Manhattan]. I don't agree with it, I won't con- tribute to it. but I can't bring my- self to say they are totally wrong." Surely there is no dilemma here: the speaker has rendered his con- science "disfunctional." -Robert F. Willson, Jr. Assistant Professor English Dept. Sept. 4 Good luck! To the Editor: LAST WEEK I received 'the note from the powers that be asking $5 for your bookstore. I didn't want the damn thing, voted against it, and won't be using it. Since no penalty was mentioned on the thing for fail- ure to conform, I guess we're even. Good Luck. -Walter W. Broad, grad Sept. 3 * * * (ED's NOTE: The University Cashier's Office informs us that a Hold Credit will be placed on the account of all students failing to pay the $5 assessment. In addition Mr .Broad should know that the $5 is returned to all students who request it upon their leaving the University.) The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who wishes to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than - 1,000 words. 4 Berkeley, C alifornia: Where it all began BERKELEY By CARLA RAPOPORT SOFT AND WARM, continuing. The Berkeley campus flourishes un- der a subtle western sun. Students cross sloping greens in casual hurries. Some stop to buy organic foods at stands which border the area. Hare Krishna chants and familiar sweet smells waft to those - who lounge on the lawns near a tall bell tower. The sun is strangely gentle, never the fatiguing force of Midwestern summers. Near the campus entrance is Sproul Hall, proudly labeled on a post card as the home of the "first student protest" in 1964. And in- deed, disruptive and destructive student activism was cradeled here. Surveying the grassy grounds, I recalled another time I had viewed the area. It was a televised picture - was I in sixth or seventh grade? - a battle between students and police with screams and shouts and gas. My mind confuses the far away scene with so many other far away scenes projected on my television screen. Unreal situations like an un- real, far away war, just rising to public concern. Now comes again the- fused television memories of this Californian area, memories laced with r strange words and uncomprehendable violence. Building take-overs, communes, drugs, People's Park, police shootings, Haight-Ashbury, confrontation, Mace. All connecting to that far away place, Berkeley. In a short time, freaked-out Berkeley was no longer unique. Co- lumbia, Harvard, Wisconsin, and so many others made headlines with their protests. Soon large schools and most private ones had picked up the Californian cult of politics and dress and drugs. And in the last year even smaller,'traditionally conservative schools have added their names to the ever increasing list of schools with active student move- ments in the Berkeley tradition. THE UN-VOLUNTEER ARMY On ending the draft STOPPING the war By BILL LAVELY AST SPRING I wrote an editorial on these pages condemning the proposal for a "volun- teer army." I received a lot of mail about it, 'some of it angry, but most of it frankly incredulous. Why the letters asked would someone who plainly hates the draft (I called it "slavery") oppose its oppositionn? Looking back, it is hard for even me to explain it, since I am not convinced that abolishing the draft would be a Good Thing. But in light of the mixed-up vote in the Senate last month which defeated the volunteer army proposal, I think that an explanation of my rationale might cast some light on the confusion in Washington over the issue. At the time last spring's editorial was written, it looked very much like the Democrats were going It was my belief, ard it still is, that ending the war is the most important business facing the country. Ending the war, that is. Not "Vietnam- izing" it, not cutting our troop strength, not estab- lishing an "electronic battlefield," but actually ending the hostilities. IN WASHINGTON, the war is an issue second to our involvement. Politicians sonoriously evoke the tragedy of 50,000 of our "boys" and ignore the several hundred thousands Asians who have died in. combat, in bombing raids, or by plague or starvation brought on by the war. They would pretend, (and Nixon especially would pretend), that by replacing American sol- diers with Asian soldiers, the war would magically disappear and cease to be our responsibility (ex- cept financially). Unfortunately for Southeast getting rid of the most tangible and immediate target of the anti-war movement. Without those selective service forms coming in the mail, wouldn't college males just forget about the war entirely? But last month the volunteer army proposal was defeated under Nixon opposition. Nixon wants to wait until the war is over because raising an army by raising salaries would be too expensive. Although it is difficult for me to conceive why middle America, which supports unswervingly the Pentagon's multi-billion dollar ABM system, would complain about a few billion more to pay a mer- cenary army, the added expense may nonetheless constitute an embarrassment to the administra- tion. THE VOTE ON draft abolition revealed that more than a few people were confused. Kennedy Students can afford lawyers and appeals, doc- NOW CALIFORNIANS want very badly to change the face of tors, braces on their teeth, psychiatrists or what their university communities. Leaders of radical action have been ban- nave you, while the gas jockey at the filling sta- ned from campuses and are arrested for trespassing if found in the ar- tion who doesn't know his rights and who has ea. In Berkeley, at about 3 or 4 on most afternoons, city police (on crooked teeth goes into the army like a lamb their own initiative) patrol the popular street stemming from tie cam- going to slaughter. pus. They pick up all non-resident persons under 18, regardless of-per- The students have a definite advantage; one sonal identification and precede to send them back to their home town. lesson to be taken from this is that as long as the A written parental note sanctioning one's presence does not exempt army is what it is, it will draw more heavily on one from this tprocedure. Thankful for the six months separating me the low-income half of the nation.-_ from immaturity, I strolled the streets unaccosted, watching unfortun- ate younger peers being deported. A VOLUNTEER ARMY may not improve this A few traces of the violence which once shook this community are situation, but it will provide an out for the man seen here and there. For instance, The Bank of America buildings have who, for any reason, simply does not want to put literally bricked themselves in, standing in solid defiance of "r o c k- on a uniform and fight. While the draft has throwers and bomb-plantr&s>Last summer, students and police bat- tended to make the war less tolerable in some tled fiercely in a University-owned area known as People's Park. The cases, it doesn't look like its elimination 'would patch of land was to be a 'free community playground built by area cause any slackening of anti-war sentiment at people. After the confrontation, which resulted- in one student's death, 10