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September 09, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-09

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Wednesday, Sept. 9
dir. VICTOR SJOSTRO M (1928)
Lillian Gish in one of silenf films greatest
roles/ the Eastern Heroine travels alone to
live and marry in the wild -and unsympa-
thetic West, captured by one of Hollywood's,
talented cameramen, John Arnold.
Sept." 10,II 11
Last Year at Marienbad
7 &9:05Architecture
6 :205 75c Auditorium

page three


£iri 'iiian

Wednesday, September 9, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

NEWS, PHONE: 764-052
BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554''



SOUTH VIETNAMESE TROOPS suffered a sharp setback
yesterday as the North Vietnamese mounted attacks against the
Tra Bong district headquarters and a ranger camp south of Da
Thirty-four South Vietnamese were killed and 42 wounded in the
mortar shelling and commando assault. One American was reported
The setback came as the United States announce& troop with-
drawals of about 3,000 men in Vietnam, and plans for withdrawing
within a year 9,800 of the men currently stationed in Thailand.
Meanwhile, the biggest offensive launched by the Cambodian
government in the five-month-old war ground to a halt 40 miles
north of Phnom Penh when the troops met with blown up bridges
and barriers erected on the highway by Communist troops.
The Cambodians are being aided in the offensive by American
aerial spotters in U.S. light observation planes.
* * *
PALESTINIAN GUERRILLAS yesterday withdrew from a
newly made cease-fire agreement with the Jordanian government,
accusing government troops of attacking commando outposts in
northern Jordan.
The Central Committee of the guerrilla units said the troops
struck without warning near Irbid, 45 miles north of Amman, killing
25 commandos and wounding 40.
A communique from Al Fatah guerrillas. called the fighting a
"new crime committed by the Jordanian authorities in their relentless
drive to liquidate the Palestine revolution."
* * *
FEDERAL OFFICIALS yesterday urged railroad,' union and
industry leaders to negotiate a wage settlement in an effort to
avert a nationwide rail strike threatened for Thursday.
The unions, representing some 500,000 workers, are demanding
a three-year pay hike of at least 40 per cent.
President Nixon could halt the strike threat for 60 days by in-
voking the emergency procedures of the Railway Labor Act.
However, Secretary of Labor James Hodgson said Nixon does not
want to invoke the procedures unless there is a national emergency.
THE SENATE opened debate yesterday on direct election of
the President by a nationwide popular vote.
Opponents of the proposed constitutional amendment primarily .
criticized a provision for a runoff election which would occur if no
candidate attains 40 per cent of the vote.
Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.), chief sponsor of the amendment
claimed there are worse defects under the present Electoral College
system and said the chances of no candidate receiving 40 per cent of
the vote are relatively remote.
Sen. Carl Curtis (R-Neb.) strongly\disagreed saying that the per-
iod between the initial voting and a runoff election would be one of
doubt, confusion and indecision.
The proposed amendment passed the House a year ago by a 339-
70 vote. If approved 'by Congress, it must be ratified by 38 states to
become effective. I

mCarijuana urged
special panel
WASHINGTON (M - A staff report to the National Com-
mission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence has recom-
mended the legalization of marijuana for persons over age 18
as "an effort to restore the respect of youth for our laws."
The recommendation is part of a study to be released to-
day, prepared for the commission by a three-man panel
'There is no reliable scientific evidence of harmful ef-
fects, nor is there evidence of marijuana's being a stepping-
stone to hard narcotics," the panel said.
"Through our harsh criminal statutes on marijuana use
and in the light of evidence that alcohol abuse accounts for
far more destruction than any known psychoactive substance
today," the panel continued, "we have caused large num-
bers of our youth to lose re---

-Associated Press
Labor pains
Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson (right) meets in Washing-
ton, D.C. with C. L. Dennis, president of the Brotherhood of
Railway and Airline Clerks, in an effort to head off a nationwide
rail strike scheduled for 12:01 a.m. tomorrow. Negotiators re-
mained deadlocked yesterday over wage demands which the rail-
road industry said were unreasonable. See "News Briefs."
Guard Reserve use
to, ease draft burden

emergencies requiring a rapid
buildup of the armed forces will
be met by mobilizing the Reserves
and National Guard and not
through higher draft calls, t h e
Pentagon announced yesterday.
The order by Secretary of De-
fense Melvin R. Laird reversed the
policy of the Johnson adminis-
tration which left the bulk of the
nation's million - man Reserve
force at home while large num-
bers of draftees were sent to fight
in Vietnam.
Laird's new policy, contained in
a two-page memo sent Aug. 21 to
the secretaries of the Army, Na-
vy and Air Force and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, said:
"Guard and reserve units and
individuals of t h e selected Re-
serves will be prepared to be the
initial and primary source f o r
augmentation of the active forces

inr any future emergency requir-
ing rapid and substantial expan-
sion of the active forces."
Stressing concern over the Re-
serve's present ability to respond
to emergencies - the first of 43
units activated in 1968 did not
reach Vietnam until 15 weeks af-
ter callup - Laird ordered the
Reserves and Guard be given the
necessary money, manpower and
equipment to improve their "read-
iness, reliability and timely re-
sponsiveness'. ."
The defense secretary linked the
new policy with cuts in defense.
spending, noting it would be
cheaper to maintain strong Re-
serve units than active duty forc-
Some officials saw the move as
another step towards. eliminating'
the draft - a stated goal of the
Nixon administration-and build-
ing an all-volunteer force. Laird
has often said this would require
a large, modern, well-equipped
Reserve and National Guard.
Plans in !the early 1964's had
envisioned calling up the Reserves
during an emergency. But when
former President Lyndon B. John-
son built up U.S. forces in Viet-
nam, he resorted to higher draft

spect for our laws generally."
"We have also criminalized un-
told numbers of y o u n g people.
The .scientific data do not sup-
port harsh treatment," it S a i d.
The panel's study, also dealing
with crime rates, revealed t h a t
rates for nonwhites proved to be
higher than for whites for each
of four major violent crimes.
But the majority of homicides,
assaults and rapes committed by
blacks involved black victims, the
report said. Robbery was the one
major crime in which the larger
percentage of victims were white.
For the most, part, the three re-
searchers blamed social condi-
tions, unemploymkent and inade-
quate school systems.
To improve conditions, the pan-
el called for a "deliberate social
reconstruction" to solve the prob-
lems of race and poverty; of in-
equality and violence.
The recommendations included:
-A program to assist the black,
the young and the hard-core un-
employed through private and
public job-training programs;
-Extensive reconstruction of;
t h e urban environment. It de-
scribed the Model Cities program
as promising;
-Experiments i n subsidized
scattered relocation of poor ghet-
to families into middle class
white communities where inte-
gration with its accompanying op-
portunities would break those cul-
tural patterns that sustain pov-
erty and violence; and
-A Presidential White House:
Conference on Family Life a n d
Child Development to discover
problem areas in c h i1 d rearing
and youth.
The voluminous study was writ-
ten by Donald J. Mulvihill, a
Washington attorney, Melvin M.
Tumin, a sociology professor' at
Princeton University, and Lynn A.
Curtis, a doctoral candidate in ur-
ban sociology at the University of
The report had been intended
for the now-defunct commission
which w a s named by President
Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968, but
a lack of funds delayed publica-
tion until now. -


NEW YORK ()-After seven
months of preliminary arguments,
the trial of 13 -Black Panthers
charged with conspiring to murder
policemen and blow up police sta-
tions, department stores and rail
installations began yesterday.
Discord between the Judge and
the defense persisted as defense
attorney Gerald Lefcourt renewed
a months-old motion that State
Supreme Court Justice John M.
Murtagh was not qualified to con-
duct the case ,impartially and
should disqualify himself. As he
had often before, Murtagh turned
down the motion.
There was tight security within
and without the 13th floor court-
room. More than a score of guards
were on duty within, including one
behind each defendant.
Outside, an estimated 300 close-
ly guarded but orderly demonstra-
tors marched before the court
building in sympathy with the de-
The 13 defendants were arrested
in police raids April 2, 1969. Ten
of them since have remained im-
prisoned, unable to make ball
ranging up to $100,000. This has
led to defense charges of preven-
tive detention.
The Panthers also claimed the
indictment 'was part of a nation-
wide campaing of harassment
against the militant Negro party
-an accusation denied by the Jus-
tice Department.
The state revealed that it will
base its case in part on testimony
of at least five police officers who
claimed to have infiltrated Pan-
ther ranks.
Pretrial hearings began last Feb.
2 as 'the defense sought to bar as
trial evidence weapons and am-
munition police claimed to have
seized during raids on homes of
the defendants. The defense also
sought to "suppress statements po-
lice said were made to them by
defendants, on grounds theyfwere


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The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-j
igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tionrates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mail.





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