page three im4 Sici2,tigan 3atly NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 CINEMA II "ALICE'S RESTAURANT" starring ARLO GUTHRIE directed by ARTHUR PENN ("Bonnie & Clyde," "Little Big Man," "Miracle Worker") Saturday, January 16, 1971 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Friday and Saturday January 15, 16 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. Aud. A, Angell Hall COMING NEXT WEEK: "Seven Samurai," "Magnificent Seven," and "The Balcony" Open Only to U of M Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni & immediate families NASSAU- SPRING VACATION news briefs ByT The Associated Press A SOUTH VIETNAMESE task force tried to reopen Pnom Penh's highway to the sea, battling North Vietnamese forces yesterday in a key mountain pass, but did not win control of the area. A total of 53,000 South Vietnamese and 8,000 Cambodian soldiers launched the drive Wednesday to reopen the highway, and restore the flow of imports to the capital. The U.S. command announced that an American plane on a reconnaissance mission was shot down in another sector of Cambodia. It was the first American aircraft reported lost there since Dec. 12. American sorties against enemy troops and supplies in Cambodia have increased to their highest level in about six months, Pentagon sources said yesterday. SEN. EDMUND MUSKIE, a potential candidate for the Demo- cratic presidential nomination, spent nearly four hours yesterday, discussing U.S., Soviet, and world problems with Premier Alexei Kosygin. The unofficial meeting was held against a background of mount- ing Soviet criticism of the United States over the past few months. heightened recently by the anti-Soviet violence of Jewish extremists in the United States. The Kosygin talk was Muskie's second major discussion of poli- tical questions since his arrival. He met also with Foreign Minister Andrei Gromkyo. Muskie leaves Moscow today for West Germany where he is scheduled to meet Chancellor Willy Brandt. He visited Israel and Egypt on his way to the Soviet Union and talked with top officials in both countries. > k > FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK, one of the nation's largest banks, reduced its prime lending rate yesterday to 6% per cent from 62 per cent. The prime rate is the interest charged by commercial banks on loans to their biggest and most credit-worthy borrowers, mostly cor- porations. First National City's move, if allowed by other major banks, would mean a further easing of the money situation because of slack- ening demand for loans and growing availability of lending funds. N.Y. police hold ci wide strie NEW YORK (A - Hundreds of New York City policemen, ignoring pleas of union leaders, stayed off their beats yester- day in a pay dispute with the city. The policemen reported for morning duty but remained at their stationhouses and refused to take foot and car pa- trol. They said they were ready to respond to emergencies, however. Some patrols were being manned by detectives and of- ficers and occasional patrol cars were seen on the streets driven by plainclothesmen. - With the wildcat job action in progress, two military recruiting stations w e r e struck by bombs and patrolmen in the districts in- volved responded promptly to the calls. There w a s no indication that the bombings had any con- Tes oViy ecalls Davis $9900 Jet Transportation from Detroit Metro (including transfers and taxes) The bombings occurred at mili- tary recruiting stations in t h e Asie rs Bronx and Harlem. I Coniiiieiiiorating King's birthday A recruiting sergeant and a I SAN RAFAEL_ Calif. (E} Blak FEB. 26-MAR. 5 8 DAYS AND 7 NIGHTS TOTAL PACKAGE, COMPLETE WITH DELUXE ACCOMMODA- TIONS AT THE MONTEAGU BEACH HOTEL, ONLY $169 + $10 tax is tips. OPTIONS-Complete breakfast & 7 course dinner daily for $45; scuba, sailing, fishing, water skiing, car & motor- cycle rental, at additional savings to you. UAC Travel 2nd Floor, Mich. Union The Rev. Ralph Abernathy, head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, speaks at a rally held yesterday near the Capitol. He is seeking the designation of Jan. 15, Martin Luther King's birthday, as a national holiday. ARABS PROTEST: Israeli commandos ra Leanon base 763-2147 administrative services by students international TEL AVIV (U) - Israeli com- mandos staged a hit-run raid on a guerrilla frogman base 28 miles inside Lebanon Thursday night whinh nmntp d nrt t fro i Jipr ou aptea a proiesi. rom BETHLEHEM STEEL CO. posted a 12 per cent price increase Beirut to the U.N. Security Coun- Monday and other major companies are considering following , cil. suit. The attack, near Sarafand har- bor 33 miles south of Beirut, was President Nixon, using the threat of relaxed steel import quotas, the deepest Israeli penetration in- is angling to force down the price increase, government officials say. do Lebanon since the strike against KIDNAP-BOMB PLOT Priests ask custody release (By theaauthorofROW Rondkthe Flap, Boys....DobieGillis...etc.) Nice Guys Finish Who makes a better teacher-a strict authoritarian type person or a relaxed permissive type person? In faculty lounges across the country this vexing question is causing much earnest discussion and not a few stabbings. Today, to help you find an answer, let me tell you about the Sigafoos brothers. The Sigafoos brothers were both professors at a famous Eastern university (Colorado School of Mines). Worsham, the elder brother, taught mica and feldspar. Hymie, the younger, taught shafting and shoring. Worsham was a strict authoritarian who believed the best way to teach was to stay aloof from his students, to be distant and forbid- ding. In Worsham's classes only he talked, nobody else. In fact, not only didn't he let his students-talk to him, he didn't even let them look at him. For years the kids had to fall full length on their bellies every time Worsham entered the classroom and stay that way until he left. The college finally forced him to stop last spring after a sophomore coed named Ethel R. Beinecke died from an overdose of floor wax. After that Worsham just had the kids drop to one knee. (Incidentally, speaking of dropping to one knee, it's a very ironic little story, the story of how this custom began. As you know of course, it started in Bavaria during the reign of Ludwig the Gimp (1608-1899) who, as you know of course, had one leg shorter than the other. To keep the king from feeling self-conscious, his subjects would always drop to one knee whenever he came gimping by. Indeed, they did such a convincing job that Ludwig lived all his life believing everybody had one short leg. (Now here comes the ironic part: after his death it was discovered that Ludwig never had a short leg after all! Do you know what he had? 4< He had his pants buttoned to his vest!) But I digress. Worsham Sigafoos,I say, stayed aloof from his stu- dents. So what happened? The students grew steadily more cowed and sullen, trauma and twitching set in, night sweats followed, and when it came time for finals, every man jack of them flunked. Now let us take Worsham's younger brother Hymie. Breezy, bearded, twinkly, outgoing, dressed alv .ys in homespun robes and a Navajo puberty pouch, Hymie was totally unlike his brother (except, of course, that each had one short leg). Hymie believed the way to teach was to be a pal to the students, not a despot. He let the kids come to class or not, whichever they liked. Classroom discussions were free and unstructured. Anyone who had anything to say simply spoke up. Sometimes the class discussed classwork, but more often they just sat and gassed about life in general or maybe played a little Show and Tell. (This was especially popular in spring when everybody brought their Easter chicks toclass.) HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Two priests and a former priest, defendants in an alleged kidnap bomb plot, asked a federal judge yesterday to re- lease them to Cardinal Lawrence Shehan, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore. The, three are the Rev. Neil McLaughlin, 30, the Rev. Joseph Wenderoth, 35, and Anthony Scoblick, 30, all of Baltimore. They are among six persons indicted in Harris- burg Tuesday on charges of planning to kidnap presidential foreign affairs adviser Henry Kissin- ger and blow up heating systems in five govern- ment buildings in Washington last February. Francis Gallagher, attorney for the three men, told Judge Dixon Herman that Cardinal Shehan "has expressed his willingness to supervise these defendants." McLaughlin, Wenderoth and Scoblick h a v e been held in Lebanon County jail in lieu of $50,- 000 bail since their arrest Tuesday night in Balti- more. Gallagher attempted unsuccessfully at t h a t time to have them released to the custody of the Cardinal, who had visited the men prior to their transfer from the Baltimore jail. The Rev. Philip Berrigan, 47-year-old anti- war priest, was indicted on charges of master- minding the plot from his cell at the federal pen- itentiary in Lewisburg, 50 miles. north of Harris- burg. He and his brother Daniel, named as a co- conspirator but not charged with an offense, both now are serving terms at the federal prison in Danbury, Conn., for their part in draft board raids in Maryland. Meanwhile another federal judge heard argu- ments by an attorney for a Catholic nun named as a co-conspirator who refused on constitutional grounds to testify before the grand jury. Jack Levine of Philadelphia, attorney for Sis- ter Joques Egan, 32, of New York City, said a new federal law that grants immunity to witnesses was unconstitutional because it allowed a witness to be indicted after he testified. Beirut's International Airport in December 1968. AP correspondent Elias Antar reported from Sarafand that an estimated 120 Israeli guerrillas staged the raid in four helicopters. Antar said they blew up two com- mando strongpoints along the shore, but guerrilla and 'Lebanese army sources said the raiders were driven off before they reach- ed the main guerrilla base. An Israeli military communique said 10 guerrillas were killed and "many more" injured in the strike near Sarafand. It said six Israelis were wounded. 'The Palestine guerrilla com- mand said 2 commandos were kill- ed and 7 wounded, against 15 Is- raelis killed and wounded. The Lebanese Cabinet met in emergency session to discuss the raid, and the Lebanese army was placed on alert. The Arabs said the Israelis came in under cover of rain from the Mediterranean, using boats and helicopters. A spokesman in Tel Aviv said the raiders demolished twohous- es, a number of tents, and under- ground storage buildings a n d caves. The Israelis were tipped to Sar- afand after t h e y intercepted a team of guerrilla frogmen - complete with a motorized rubber raft - Jan. 2. The guerrillas ad- mitted that they had been trained at the base and were to kidnap an Israeli citizen, the spokesman said. building superintendent were in- jured in one of the blasts in a building in. the Bronx. The othen explosions in an Air Force recruit- ing station in Harlem caused no injury and little damage. The job action began spontan- eously Thursday afternoon follow- ing word of a Court of Appeals decision that set back police con- tract talks by leaving unresolved a dispute over pay parity between patrolmen and sergeants. The ac- tion grew hour-by-hour despite appeals against it by the Patrol- men's Benevolent Association. Mayor John V. Lindsay, con- tinued the emergency meetings he started Thursday night when he announced he had been in "min- ute - by - minute communication with the police department ... concerning the failure of s o m e patrolmen to perform their du- ties." Mayor Lindsay, who would make no comment on the possibility of calling out the National Guard, said the city's eight million in- habitants w e r e being protected. There was no immediate indica- tion of any increase in crime. Lindsay canceled a scheduled appearance at memorial services for the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose birthday was be- ing observed throughout the city. At Criminal Court, it was re- ported that arrests in Manhattan requiring court arraignments fell off 90 per cent Thursday night. At the main police headquart- ers, it was reported that s o mne members of the special squad that handle riot or crowd situations were joining the job action and some were not. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by mail. , t tl . - - militant Angela Davis is identified as the purchaser of four guns us- ed in the Marin Civic C e n t e r shootout in a 127-page transcript of testimony before a grand jury that was released yesterday. A witness, Peter Fleming a ser- vice station attendant, also testi- fied he saw Jonathan Jackson and a woman who looked similar to Davis at the Civic Center 1 a s t Aug. 6, the day before the shoot- o u t in which Jackson, Superior Court Judge Harold Haley and two convicts, James McClain and Wil- liam Christmas died in an abortive escape attempt. Testimony in the transcript al- so said Davis was accompanied by Jackson when she bought one and possibly two of the guns. Davis has been indicted oin charges of murder, kidnap and conspiracy under a California law which makes an accessory as guil- ty as a person who actually com- mits a crime. Davis, 26, an avowed Commun- ist, said at a Jan. 5 arraignment she is innocent and charged that she is victim of a political frame- up The transcript, which had re- mained sealed until yesterday by court order, includes testimony bM S a n Quentin prison Lt. Robert West that Jackson visited his old- er brother George Jackson, at San Quentin prison on Aug. 4 a n d again Aug. 5 accompanied both times by Davis. He s a i d she remained in a waiting room and did not see Jackson who is one of three San Quentin prisoners called t h'e "Soledad Brothers" w h o are charged with killing a prison guard in January 1970. Fleming, whose service station is located across the street from the civic center, said a man and woman came to the station about 10:30 a.m. on Aug. 6 and asked for help with a truck parked in a lot at the center. 1 I THE SeaTwain CONCERT HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL I id. 11. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 8:30 P.M. ARCHIE SHEPP TONIGHT 9:30 p.m.-2:00 a.m. SUNDAY 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p. m. NO AGE LIMIT ADMISSION $3.50 STRATA CONCERT GALLERY 2554 Michigan (near 17th) DETROIT 1!1 H i-Fi Studio JANUARY SALE Receivers, speakers, turntables, and tape recorders are included in this Special Sale-Make your deal and save a bundle. Hi-Fi Studio 121 W. Washington 668-7942 at HILL AUDITORIUM all tickets that have been sold will be honored at that concert, or can be returned to Canter- .bury House for refund. Call 665-0606 for in- formation. I I A MEN'S SHOE I SALE A re you Driving a Do you have a beast that eats up y o u r summer earnings in gas gulping, o i l gouging persistent failures, etc. Make it work for its liv- ing - become a DAILY salesman. A generous commission plus mileage is offered you. If you want to get rid of that White Elephant, call The Family Britches is making room for new stock Groups of Bass, Well sir, you guessed it. Hymie's class, loved and fulfilled though they were, flunked just like Worsham's, every man jack. You're frowning, I see. If authority is wrong, you ask, and if friendliness is wrong too, what then is right? Well sir, how about some- thing right in between? How about striking a perfect balance-just as, for example, Miller High Life Beer has done? Take a sip of Miller and you'll see what I mean. Does it have authority? You bet it does! It's brisk, it's bracing, it's ardent, it's sub- stantial, it's forceful. If that's not authority, then I need a new the- saurus. Take another sip. Now do you see that along with its authority, Miller is at the same time a wonderfully friendly beer-affable and benign and docile and dulcet? Of course you see that. And that's exactly what I mean by strik- PRICES SLASHED! French Shriner, J&M, Y/3 OFF on all Corduroys / OFF on the rest of and Wright Arch Preservers at 20-50% off A good selection of boots and slippers tnr - nl- II I I !I U I !in/Jim sate- II I I