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January 15, 1971 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-15

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' Friday, January 15, 1971

Page Seven


Frdy JiuyI5 97 H IIA IL







Super Bowls..."
Super Flops ? ?9?
Artistically speaking, Super Bowls have always been something
of a flop.
This year's clash between Baltimore and Dallas has the po-
* tential to be the first truly exciting game in the five-year history
of the January bonanza, but it will still lack the tradition and
aesthetic qualities inhrent in great sporting events.
The Super Bowl's main problem is that it belong to tele-
vision, not to the fans. It may be argued that this is true of
pro football in general, and indeed of all pro sports. The
Tv Super Bowl-viewer is comparable to a Roman watching
the death duel of the gladiators; he cheers with passionate
disinterest. Only the rich and indifferent few migrate to
Miami to yawn in person.
The Super Bowl is also the only major professional cham-
pionship played in a neutral stadium, which further diminishes
the drama.
As far as the media is concerned, this Sunday's game is not
terribly attractive. It lacks the aura of a Lombardi, the brash-
ness of a Namath. The big name player in this year's game is
Baltimore's number 19, John Unitas. The incomparable Colt
signal-caller has all the statistical qualifications to be a living
legend, but he has never fit into that role.
UNITAS IS CERTAINLY the coolest quarterback under the
' gun in football history, and he maintains his calm off the field.
He has never had the kind of glamour image that sells razor
blades or hair tonics; the kind of image mass media thrives on.
This is a pity, because if any one player is the key figure
in this game, it is Unitas. His bursitis-plagued elbow kept
him on the sideline for most of the 1968 season as the Colts
stormed into the Super Bowl and > umiliation by the Jets.
Now, at 37, the old master has a second shot.
Almost everyone is surprised that Baltimore has gotten this
far-everyone, that is, except the Colts themselves. They wheezed
through an easy schedule (11 of their 14 foes had losing records)
with such difficulty that the hometown fans booed them even
in victory. After 51 straight home sellouts, the Baltimore fans
failed to pack the stands for the Colts' two playoff games.
BUT XF THE COLTS appearance in Miami is a surprise,
Dallas's is a real shock. First of all, they only won their division
when the Giants and Cardinals went sour the last two weeks of
the regular season. Not even their ludicrous 5-0 victory over
Detroit made anyone take them seriously, and why not.
Craig Morton, the Cowboy quarterback has rarely risen to
mediocrity this year. Plagued at various times by a sore arm, a
sore throat and a sore head (he was benched early in the sea-
son), Morton has been reduced from field general to second
lieutenant. Cowboy Coach Tom Landry calls all the plays and
Morton rarely audibles and passes only when absolutely neces-
sary. But it is hard to argue with success.
Dallas went back to fundamental football and made it
work. Their defense has yielded one touchdown in the last'
25 quarters, and their rushiig is the best in either onfer-
ence. The defense is keyed by Bob Lilly, the incomparable
tackle, and the best secondary in football. The running at-
tack is named Duane Thomas. The West Texas rookie came
out of nowhere at mid-season to become the best leather-
luggerargpnd. His style is reminiscent of Jim Brown. It
doesn't look like he's really working at all, but he runs over,
around and through people with great effect.
On paper, the teams appear even. Baltimore can't run,
Dallas can't pass. Both teams have strong defenses, but the
edge here belongs to Dallas. Throwing deep against Dallas is
nigh on impossible, and this is how Unitas beat Oakland despite
going 11 for 29. Morton, however, completed but 11 of 40 in the
Cowboy's playoff wins over San Francisco and Detroit.
All indications point towards a low-scoring, hard-fought
and close game, a Super Bowl first. Unitas will probably con-
centrate on the short game at the outset, and Dallas will run,
run, run, probably going for the bomb to Bob Hayes once in a
while for variety.
It's too even to call, but if it isn't one helluva game, I'll be
. ._. _ ~ ~ ............ .

A drastically different Michigan
hockey team takes to the ice to-
night against the North Dakota
Sioux, as Head Coach Al Ren-
frew has juggled both his forward
lines and his defensemen in an
attempt to give his struggling icers
a boost.
Tom Marra, previously used as
a defenseman, moves into Merle
Falk's right wing spot on the line
(Renfrew doesn't designate his
lines as first, second or third) cen-
tered by Bernie Gagnon with Rick1
Mallette on the left wing.
Falk transfers to the line cen-
tered by captain Paul Gamsby
with Brian Sack on the left side
and replaces Buck Straub. Straub,

meanwhile, has be°n shifted to
left wing on the Rene Desmarais,
Gary Connelly combination. The
fourth line remains the same with
Julian Nixon centering Rick Jack-
son and Bob Falconer.
Moving Marra to a forward slot
has necessitated a change in the
defense. Brian Skinner and Mich-
el Jarry make up one of the pairs
while the steady Punch Cartier is
nmatched up with the new defense-
man, Jerry Lefebvre.
Lefebvre. a senior has limited

ability to pass the puck in our own
zone" and "losing the puck around
the blue line too,'much" as prob-
lem spots. for the Wolverine de-
fense but added, "Every one of
the defensemen can really lug the
Michigan opened their WCHA
season against the Sioux in North
Dakota losing the opener 6-5 but
coming back to take the second
game 2-1. The opening loss was
particularly tragic since the Wol-
verines held a 5-2 lead with only



-Associated Press
USING HIS BODY to protect the ball is Cleveland's Bob Lewis
(5). Lewis kept possession here over Detroit's Howie Komives,,
but the Cavaliers were unable to protect their lead as they bowed
to the Pistons, 108-106.
Upstart Cavaliers fold
to 'Pistlons, 0-0

ermen se
feeble Gop
The Michigan swimmers take
on yet another weak conference
foe today, the semi-aquatic ag-
gregation from Minnesota.
This meet should be basically
indistinguishable from those
with any other Big Ten teams,
with one notable exception. The
Gophers placed-fifth out of the
six squads participating in the
Big Ten Relays held in Iowa
City last Saturday. The Wolver-
ines took second in the compe-
The Gophers were less than
impressive on the whole in the
swimming events, taking one
third, four fourths, three fifths
and a sixth. Minnesota fared
slightly better in the diving
competition, finishing second in
the three-meter dive and fourth
in the one-meter dive,
The meet, scheduled for 7:30
at Matt Mann Pool, should pro-
vide an opportunity for the
tankers to use some of the
swimmers who have not had
much chance to compete this
In all fairness to the Golden
Gophers, they came off con-
siderably better than Iowa did
at the Relays. The Hawkeyes
finished 18 points behind Min-
nesota, and at times showed al-
most incredible ineptitude for
a Big Ten swim team.
Iowa garnered seven last place
finishes in 12 tries, not bad for
this early in the season. The
Hawks really shone in the 1500
b IL UQE' 1

c crx , t 'c xv , x lttL
varsity experience but assistant about 13 minutes left in the game.
coach Phil Gross, a former Michi- But the icers were called for num-
gan defenseman, commented, erous penalties in the closing min-t
",He's really looked good in prat-utes and the Sioux eventually won
tice lately." in ortime.
Gross pointed to Michigan's "in- The second night, the Wolver-
ine defense stiffened and D o u gf
Hastings, no longer with the team,
1clayed an outstanding game in
e ~ to auni I goal to produce the victory. jf
North Dakota, 6-6 in WCHA
action, has been up and down allI
season. Last week, the Sioux drop-f
h erTs ped both of their games to Mich-f
n Tech, by far the best team ink
the league, by identical 6-2 scores.!t
yard freestyle relay, finishing Center ice man Brian DePieroI
480 yards behind the victorious leads the Sioux in scoring having
Indiana Hoosiers and nearly netted seven goals and nine assistss
seven minutes afterward. in 12 games. Close behind, how--1
A Big Ten innovation was un- ever, in the balanced North Da-
veiled at the Relays last week. kota attack are Greg Cameron and
The conference sanctioned the Jim Cahoon with 15 points a n d
use of the forward somersault Earl Anderson with 14,
flip turns for the backstroke, "We had a couple of nip and
b r e a s t s t r o k e and butterfly tuck games in North Dakota,"
events. The idea behind the commented Gross. "North Dakota
move was partially to test the is in a pretty good position. They
turns for the future and par- played a few more games than we
tially to add some interest to have. But, we anticipate taking
what was feared to be a listless two games. One thing is sure, we're
competition. going to be healthy for the games.
It was a listless event, as will Gross attributed the icers poor
be much of the Big Ten swim- record (2-6) to a combination of
ming action this season, because too many penalties and the in-
no conceivable degree of change ability to "get going." "We need
in the expected, outcome of the to build some momentum," he
championships cOuld knock In- commented. "The last few weeks.
diana off the throne they have we've really played some sound'
held for the last decade. hockey, But we also have to start

thinking enough so that we don't
get those darn penalties."
Bad luck also has hurt the icers.
"In last week's games, Gagnon had
three deflections that just missed
going in by this much," G r o s s
added, holding his thumb and
forefinger a couple of inches
While few people picked Michi-
gan's icers to set the league on
fire, even fewer thought that t h e
Wolverines would ever be wallow-
ing in the cellar. But, most of the
people connected with the team
feel that its only a matter of time
before the icers start playing up
to their potential.
As Gross puts it, "Sooner or
later, we're going to put it to
somebody in the WCHA." Let's
hope this is the week.
WCHA Standings
W L T Pet.

Michigan Tech
Michigan State
North Dakota

8 1 0
7 5 0
4 4 0
6 6 0
5 5 0
4 5 0
4 6 0
35 0
2 6 0


..,. , _ i

By The Associated Press I
DETROIT - Jimmy Walker's
15-footjumper /with four seconds
left snapped a tie and gave De-
troit a 108-106 National Basket-
ball Association victory last night,
over Cleveland,, enabling the Pis-
tons to match their winning out-I
put of a season ago.
The Pistons, winning their 31st
game, never led until Walker's?
shot. Detroit came back from a
16-point deficit-in the thirdper-
iod and a 10-point deficit start-
ing the last period.

Wings tied
DETROIT - Jean Pronovost
scored on a penalty shot at 12:23
of the third period last night to
give the Pittsburgh Penguins a
2-2 tie with the Detroit' Red Wings
in a National Hockey League game.
Prononvost was pulled down by
Bill Collins and referee Bruce
Hood immediately signaled for a
penalty shot.
* * *
Royals crowned
TORONTO - Jerry West's bas-

North Dakota at MICHIGAN
Michigan Tech at Minnesota
Michigan State at Wisconsin
Notre Dame at Denver
Colorado College at Air Force


If it's classical music on

records . .


* * * ket with just over six minutes re-
maining tied the game at 101-101
Esposito immettSP and the Los Angeles veteran added
BOSTON - Phil Esposito set a another nine points as the Lakers
modern record with his fifth hat topped the Cincinnati Royals 126-
trick of the season and added1
three assists in sparking the Bos- 120 in a National Basketball As-
ton Bruins to a 9-5 National Hock- sociation game last night,
ey League victory over the Los
Angeles Kings last night. r m u

If it's open reel tapes .. .

If it's


. -s


Baby Blue boffo
Michigan's junior v a r s it y
hockey team outskated the
rugged but ragged Rangers
from Macomb Community Col-
lege yesterday afternoon, de-
feating them 8-2. Both B o b
Lothian and Mike McLaughlin
scored the hat trick while Rick
Brown and Bob Godwin added
single scores.
Earlier this season, the Baby
Blue mauled the Rangers 15-3
in an away game.
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Then It just has to be the
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Detroit 108, Cleveland 106
Chicago 108, Philadelphia 103
Buffalo 119, Portland 113
Detroit 2, Pittsburgh 2, tie
College Basketball
Notre Dame 93, Detroit 79'
Mississippi St. 72, Florida 58
Georgia Tech 90, Auburn 81
Wagner 76, Elizabeth 75
Delta Sigma Delta
Fri.-Jan. 15
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