THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 15, 1971 00 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 15, 1971 ~ ARCHIE SHEPP Sat. 9:30 p.m.-2:00 a.m. Tonight 9:30 p.m.-2 am. Sun. 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. No Age Limit ADMISSION $3.50 STRATA CONCERT GALLERY 2554 Michigan (near 17th) DETROIT Thousands of r USED BOOKS Engineering %e& Science Graduates The Xerox Representative will be on campus MON., JAN. 25, 1971 Sign, up at your placement office today. Competition lively for " collegiate By JIM LAMBE Doug S They're off and running. The fifth pla collegiate trackmen, that is. The" The three month indoor sea- pected b son will climax with the NCAA BothE Indoor Championships to be Texas-E held in Detroit's Cobo Hall in heavily March, and a host of teams men. look like good pre-season bets LikeF to vie for the title. is a st Headed by its corps of field High ju events specialists, defending Chris C champion Kansas looks to be hall ha the best of the lot. Karl Salb feet. Po and Bruce Wilhelm have finish- complet Bd first and second in the shot- has a p put two years in a row and are inches. back for one more try. UTEP Bill Penny switched events strength when he realized that he could putter V not compete with the other jumper Kansas shotputters. Now he is a placed standout in a more unusual meet. event, the 35-pound weight UTEP throw. sprints NCAA outdoor champion Jan ton Jac Johnson has gone 17 feet 7 sprinter inches, and if his suspension is Gibson not rescinded, fellow all-Ameri- high h can Bill Hatcher can replace spring. him. Half-r In the running events, the Greg Jo Jayhawks are led by an out- respecti standing trio of middle distance door se runners. Half-milers Jim Nei- Breen h house and Brian McElroy ran time fe 1:49 last spring. And in last have ma year's indoor championships, The b SDan Devine tc mith surprised with a ace. foreign legions" are ex- to give Kansas a battle. Brigham Young a n d M Paso will be banking on "imported" track- Kansas, Brigham Young rong field event team. ampers Ken Lundemark, elion, and Pat Mendon- ve all been over seven olt vaulter Atti Alarotu es this acrobatic act. He ersonal best of 17 feet 3 has point - scoring in many events. Shot- Vince Monari and triple Larry Vanley both in last year's indoor is very tough in the and hurdles. Harring- ckson is a top notch , while teammate Paul was the NCAA outdoor hurdles champion last milers Kerry Ellison and ones ran 1:52 and 1:53, vely, during the last in- eason. Two miler Ken has been under 8:45, a ew returning collegians atched. big shocker could come track crown I 25%10oij at FOLLETT For the student body: Genuine Authentic Navy PEA COATS I $25 Sizes 34 to 46 State Street at Liberty Read and Use Daily Classifieds from the Big Ten. Should the front-runners falter, Wisconsin and possibly Indiana could move in. Both squads have nearly everybody returning. Wisconsin is p o w e r f u l throughout the middle dis- tances. The Badgers feature Tom Young in the 440. Then there is John Cordes, who took a second in last year's 1000 yard run only to be disqualified. Wisconsin has unbelievable depth in the 880. Mark Winzin- reid was the NCAA indoor champion last time and should repeat. He is backed by All American Chuck Baker and Don Vandrey. Versatile Greg Johnson is a great asset. He is a standout in both the long jump and the high hurdles. High jumper Pat Matsdorf, surprised in last year's NCAA outdoor title, should show continued improve- ment. Villanova and Tennessee, two big names during the past few years, will probably be weaker, but they still have a good chance to take the title. Villanova has two sub four minute milers in Marty Liquori and Chris Mason. Marty Li- quori has won two straight out- door championship miles, but he has never won indoors. Tennessee willdepenid on four superstars for its title bid. All four have proven in the past that they could be tops in their specialties: Bob Sprung has cleared 16 feet 71/ inches in the pole vault, while Lonnie Hance is a seven foot high jumper. Bill High was picked by nearly everybody as the man to beat in last year's high hurdles. He was beaten soundly. Audrey Hardy had a second as a sophomore but was only seventh in last year's meet. One thing is certain, nobody had better think he has any- thing won until the season is over. As always, there will be surprising improvement f o r some, disappointment and de- feat for others. 4. )head Green Bay Packers GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) - T h e with a 20-21-1 National Football Green Bay Packers announced yes- League record. terday the appointment of Dan The announcement also was Devine of Missouri as coach and made almost simultaneously by the general manager. university. Dominic Olejniczak, P a c k e r "I would be less than honest if president, made the announce- I didn't say that reaching t h i s ment at a hastily called n e w s decision to leave the University of conference. Missouri was the most trying ex- Devine was signed to a five-year perience of my life," Devine said. contract but the terms were n o t Olejniczak said the 46-year-old disclosed. Devine would be present at a news He will succeed Phil Bengtson, conference in Green Bay Tues- who resigned after three seasons day morning. It -4ssociated Press Muhammad menacing With fists flailing and boasts bleating, Muhammad All opened training for his March 8 title bout with Joe Frazier. "I'll be sharp and readier than I ever have," predicted Ali. "I never wanted to whup anybody so bad." Mecom denies blacklisting; Wilson considers Bills' move By The Associated Press * CLEVELAND - New Orleans Saints owner-president John W. Mecom Jr. told newsmen yesterday after appearing before a federal grand jury here probing National Football League operations that he had no knowledge of blacklisting of players. "I am sure if there were any blacklisting, we would be aware of it, but I can honestly say that I know of no blacklisting in the league," said Mecom, the highest ranking club official yet to appear before the jury. " MIAMI - Ralph C. Wilson, the owner of the Buffalo Bills, said yesterday he was prepared to move the club to Seattle next season but that interests in Memphis, Tenn., and Tampa, Fla., also had made approaches aimed at acquiring the club. Replying to a report that indicated he had committed the Na- tional Football League club to remain in Buffalo at least one more season, Wilson flatly denied it, telling The Associated Press: "I would consider moving the franchise for the 1971 season." * * * HOUSTON - Darrell Royal of Texas, Charlie McClendon of Louisiana State and Bennie Ellender of Arkansas State, three small- town Southern Boys, won Coach of Year honors yesterday from their fellow members of the American Football Coaches Association. 4 XEROX An Equal Opportunity Employer (m/) XEROX IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF XEROX CORPORATION I APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN TO FILL ONE VACANCY STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL MEMBER-AT-LARGE SEAT AND 3 STUDENT OPENINGS ON UNIVERSITY COUNCIL (Proposes conduct regulations & considers policies concerning police on campus) Pick up applications & sign up for interviews at 1546 SAB STUDENTS FROM ALL SCHOOLS & COLLEGES ARE URGED TO APPLY Y;'s: } r}KYfiK74t{;fi". %rrtiw{.Y" '+ v y,5. s:e }?Y;:; .. y, ,:,: :r : f,:^ ,' .":vfitirie i:s4:s e; }.'"f}$A' Y tiaY"} $ k' ::v. fikii+ : r ,vr.4::: Record Accessories Keep your records in tip-top shape by using the best diamond needle, plastic record covers and other accessories. 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