aym u n i u sIhe Sfrian Dail Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Giving birth to a Bengali na I 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigon Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER Surprise! Tuition increase! FOR THE FOURTH TIME in five years, it appears that the Regents at their meeting today will treat the student body to a whopping tuition increase. The demands on the University budget soar, the state won't increase its con- tribution substantially, and so the solu- tion is to make the student pay s t i 1 more. By far the largest increases are dealt to out-of-state students. As recently as 19 6 6 - 6 7, out-of-state undergraduates paid $1,000 tuition for the academic year. In 1967, that figure rose to $1,300 - in 1968 to $1,540 - then, in 1970 to $1,800 - and this year, if the Regents accept the recommendations of the University's executive officers - it will rise to $2.140. This amounts to an average annual in- crease of about twenty Der cent - over four times the annual inflation rate over that period. At the current rate of increase, we can expect out-of-state tuition to ap- proach $5,000 by 1977. But there is no need to project d i r e trends into the future - the problem is already clearly visible. With rare ex- ceptions, out-of-state undergraduates with incomes below a certain level a r e effectively excluded from attendance here, while those with incomes s o m e- what above it do so only with great difficulty. A further large increase will severely worsen the problem and pres- sure more students to leave. In addition to the hardships current tuition policies cause to individual stu- dents, there are serious effects on the University. Out-of-state students bring a diversity crucial in maintaining this as the type of community which it is. To the extent that they are discouraged from attending by prohibitive tuition rates, the University loses. WELL, ALL RIGHT, says the University administration - we agree with you, but what are we to do? What acceptable alternatives do we have?, There are alternatives. The trouble is that for too long the executive officers and the Regents have considered repe- titive increases in student tuition as an acceptable way of solving the Univer- sity's financial problems. If the University cannot receive funds from the state which it considers adequate, it should s e r ious1y ex- amine whether it is trying to do too much. Is it necessary for this univer- sity to maintain programs in as many fields as it does? Is it not possible that some studies would be as well handled elsewhere? Also, there is a serious question as to whether the higher paid echelons of the faculty should be given raises while students are forced to pay exorbitant tuitions. But, even if it is granted that increas- ed revenues from student fees are ne- cessary it is certainly not necessary that they be raised in the way they currently are. IF MORE MONEY is needed, it could be drawn from those students best equipped to pay it. A graduated plan, with tuition linked to family income, would be far more equitable than t h e current system. For in-state students such an arrangement might not be ne- cessary, since in-state students w h o need financial aid generally are able to get it. But with the virtually non-exist- ent monies available for out-of-state scholarships, a graduated tuition system for these students is needed. To ease the burden of tuition pay-, ments, the University could move toward a program such as the one started by Yale, in which students pay a percent- age of their income over an extended period of time after graduation, in lieu of a straight tuition payment. Large, across-the-board tuition in- creases year after year are not the best way to meet the University's financial crisis. There are more equitable alter- natives. WE CAN HOPE, though not e x p e c t, that the Regents will have the vision to choose them. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article represents the position of six experts in Bengali affairs, in- ciuding Prof. John Broomfield, Director of the Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, and Prof. William Ross, Director of Michigan State's Asian Studies Center. The article has been sub- mitted to the State Department and various members of Congress.) TI"E CONFLICT between the Bengalis and the Pakistan army that has erupted as a re- sult of the current political crisis in East Pakistan is on a scale and with an intensity that many lay observers would not have pre- dicted. There are many reasons - economic, political, historical, and cultural, which might help to explain what is happening there. To begin with, East Pakistan is, as everyone knows, separated from West Pakistan by 1000 miles of Indian territory. Distance is an extremely important factor in the current crisis, for it has helped to create the Bengali view that theirecountry is a distant colony of West Pakistan, exploited in much the same way that the Eur- opean powers exploited their col- onies in South Asia before they attained independence. Distance is not, however, the only feature that distinguishes West Pakistan from East Paki- stan. The people of West Paki- stan speak Urdu (and a number of distinct regional languages) : the people of East Pakistan speak Bengali. The culture of the people of West Pakistan is closely akin to that of its Islamic neighbors to the west: the culture of the peo- ple of East Pakistan is closely akin to that of its Hindu neigh- bors, the Bengalis of the state of West Bengal in India. In fact, the only feature in common between the two "wings" of Pakistan is adherence to Is- lam. It was this common feature combined with the fear of being a Muslim minority in an indepen- dent, largely Hindu India which cisely that result. It is not, in our opinion, reasonable to think that the status quo ante can be restored at this point merely through a show of arms or a ne- gotiated settlement. OUR ASSESSMENT of the crisis leads us to believe that it is only a matter of time before "Bangla- desh" achieves independence. Though we have no expertise in military matters, it seems to us highly unlikely that given its lim- ited resources the Pakistani army will be able to maintain any but the most tenuous" control over the population in East Pakistan. Ninety per cent of the population there is rural and most of these people live in small hamlets scat- tered throughout the Bengal del- ta. During the rainy season, due to begin in a few Weeks, most of these hamlets will be completely surrounded by flood waters. Yet it is not for these reasons alone that we believe independ- ence inevitable for East Pakistan. The economic exploitation and political repression which t h e Bengalis of East Pakistan f e e 1 they, have suffered at the hands of the West Pakistani "elite," the long-standing cultural differences and antagonisms between the people of the two wings, and, above all, the extremely intense and violent nature of the present conflict all point to the same conclusion. There can be no doubt that the crisis in East Pakistan has ser- iously shaken the stability of the area. If the current situation is not handled properly, there is good reason to believe that the area could become the arena of military confrontation between hion India and Pakistan and the locus of rural based "guerrilla", move- ments. We are quite aware 'of the fact that "sec ssionist" movements and regional "autonomy" or "in- dependence" movements all raise the spectre of political fragmenta- tion and pictures of "falling dom- inoes." Yet we think that Ben- gal may in fact be a special case and one that need not have these results. The independence move- ment there can, in many respects, be seen as a logical continuation of the movements by which the various peoples of South Asia gained independence from the Eur- opean powers, rather than the re- sult of the unleashing of religious and regional "ientrifugal forces." Clearly, it will be in the best interests of the United States to have friendly relations both with West Pakistan and an independ-. ent Bangladesh, if, as we believe likely, that should come to pass. And it would also be in the best interests of the United Staten if some kind of stability dould be restored to the area, if direct conflict between India and Pak- istan can be avoided and if the recourse to guerrilla movements can be avoided in the Bengal re- gion. AS A FIRST step toward re- storing stability in the area, we therefore urge that the United States suspend all aid to Pakistan - both economic and military - until the present crisis is resolved. And we believe that' independ- ence under the leadership of the democratically elected Awami League is the only way in which this crisis can be resolved without further bloodshed. impelled East Bengal is join Pak- istan in 1947. But soon after the formation of Pakistan, Bengalis began to feel that "they had thrown off Brit- ish colonialism only to take on West Pakistan colonialism." East Pakistan's jute and other exports earned most of Pakistan's foreign exchange. Most of t h i s money was, according to Bengali critics, spent in West Pakistan on the development of industries in West Pakistan and to equip the 325.000 man Pakistani army. In addition the Bengalis form- ed a captive market for the goods produced in the West Pakistani factories which they had largely financed. Jobs have been another im- portant economic issue. A quick glance at the composition of the Central Civil Service of Pakistan showed the Bengalis that here, too, they were not getting a fair share of the pie (for example, in 1960. Bengalis, who constituted 60 per cent of the population of Pakistan. occupied only 13 per cent of the senior offices; at pre- sent less than 10 per cent of the top army posts are held by Ben- galis). THUS THE Bengalis of E a s t Pakistan felt they continued to live in economic circumstances which had all the earmarks of a "classical" colonial relationship, and the government's own statis- tics revealed this in plaini terms. Bengalis thought they c o u 1 d correct the injustices they saw operating in the Pakistani econ- omy through "constitutional" po- litical means. The results of the December 1970 elections provide a dramatic indication both of the Bengalis' desire for change and of their desire to effect these changes through constitutional means. The victory of the moderate Awami League under the leader- ship of Mujibur Rahman was an expression of the Bengalis' hopes for peaceful, non-violent change. The Pakistani army has crushed these hopes. The economic exploitation and political repression in East Paki- stan has also been accompanied by cultural antagonisms and stereotypes as well. The W e s t Pakistanis see the Bengalis as a "lazy," "weak," and "talkative" folk and view the Islam practiced by them to 'be "tainted" with Hindu elements. And the Bengalis view the West Pakistanis as "foreign, colonial power." S u c h views have apparently reinforced the vehemence with which b o t h sides have reacted in the current crisis. They lend to the conflict a dangerous and ugly "racial" overtone. Many people have become aware in the past weeks of many of the economic and political issues at stake in the current political cris- is. Yet, those of us who claim to have some specialized knowledge of Bengal's history and c u l t u r e think that these issues and stereotypes alone cannot explain the 'intensely bitter terms in which the present conflict is set. The Bengalis, unlike the West Pakistanis, do not have a long and violent military tradition be- hand them. Historically, Bengalis have been slow to respond to ex- ploitation and oppression w i t h violence. They have done so only when pushed beyond the limits of human endurance. The attempt on the part of the Pakistani army to capture and destroy the mo- derate Awami League leadership and the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians has had pre- * I -STEVE KOPPMAN Editorial Page Editor Letters to The Daily: Interpreting Kahane The Interim Rules in action WEDNESDAY'S TRIAL of John Eustis under the Regents interim discipli- nary rules showed that true justice might well be impossible within the present Uni- versity judicial system. Following the hearing, Eustis was de- clared guilty of violating two of the three rules invoked against him. The charges had s t e m m e d from Eustis' part in a skirmish between security guards, Ann Arbor police, and students outside the Feb. 19 Regents meeting. One of the key stipulations of the rules is that cases will be tried and sentences imposed by a hearing officer appointed by the president of the University. To hear the case against Eustis, Presi- dent Robben Fleming c h o s e Theodore Souris, a former state Supreme Court Justice now practicing law in Detroit. Although Souris stated before the hear- ing that "the burden of proof would be on the complainant," the case against Eustis became, in the final analysis, a simple matter of "their word against ours." And "they" won. WHAT IS REALLY important, however, is that the structure of hearings con- ducted under the rules virtually guaran- tees that "they" will win every time. In any case brought against a student by a University employe who is defended by a University lawyer before a Univer- sity-appointed hearing officer, it is al- most a foregone conclusion that the com- plainant will win. And that is exactly what happened. Russell Downing, the University secur- ity officer who brought charges against Eustis-on the advice, he said, of his superior and a University lawyer-based his complaint on an incident in which Downing accused Eustis of grabbing his (Downing's) hat and hitting him with it. Downing himself and Walter Stevens, another University security official, testi- fied that Eustis had indeed done the acts orf whih Tnumino' ncuer him. And the disturbing thing about this choice of whose testimony would be ac- cepted and whose would be rejected was that it appeared to be made on the basis of the politics of the witness. The testi- mony of radicals was uniformly called contradictory, while that of University officials was accepted as stated-thus exposing the political nature of the judi- cial system. A good example of the way politics affected the proceedings appeared in For- sythe's cross examination of Gary Roth- berger, a witness for Eustis. In his c r o s s examination, Forsythe, rather than questioning Rothberger about the hat incident, questioned him exten- sively on his past experience in political actions. "You're a professional, aren't you, Mr. Rothberger?" Forsythe asked on one occa- sion. ("So who's paying me?" Rothberger replied.) When this line of questioning was chal- lenged by Rothberger, Forsythe stated that he wanted to "impeach Rothberger's testimony" by examining the political ac- tivities in which he has been involved. However, when H a y e s attempted to question Rothberger on Downing's repu- tation for dealing with students, the tes- timony was 'forbidden as "irrelevant." This is another example of the prejudicial politics evident in the hearing. THIS CONCLUSION was substantiated further by the basis which Souris gave for his verdict. In announcing his deci- sion, Souris said that the "contradictory" testimony of the witnesses for Eustis and the "direct and positive" testimony of Stevens and Downing led him to believe that Eustis did grab Downing's hat and push it in his face. Perhaps a jury of Eustis' peers would have judged differently. Perhaps not. But this is only one of the disturbing facets of the first hearing under the interim rules, and of the rules themselves. To The Daily: THE DAILY'S REPORT on Rabbi Kahane's talk (Daily, April 15) leaves the reader with a dis- torted view of the actions and goals of Jewish Defense League. The selected quotes were taken out of context giving the notion that thetJDL is a neo-Fascist organi- zation. Rabbi Kahane pointed out that "while violence is reprehensi- ble it can be used as a last resort." The program of the JDL makes great efforts to follow in t h i s peaceful tradition. The JDL "vigi- lante" patrols in high crime neigh- borhoods carry no firearms. The members are trained in karate, a defensive of physical protection. The recent harrassment of So- viet diplomats by the JDL have been of a nonviolent nature. This "militant" organization has de- nied any connection to the bomb- ings of Russian property, nor have any charges been brought against it for these actions. It might be ad- ded that their harassment policy has led to unparalleled attention to the plight of Soviet Jewry and thus could very well be instru- mental in the recent increase in exit visas to Israel. The goals of the JDL are related to renewed Jewish pride and iden- tity. They emphasize an obliga- tion of one Jew to help another Jew. The watchword of the or- ganization "Never Again" serves as a constant reminder of the con- sequence of passive acceptance of threatening circumstances. While there are those that are annoyed by constant reference to the Holo- caust, the fact remains that six million Jews were murdered and there has since been nothing to indicate that this could not hap- pen again. Kahane's reference to the Bible points out that while Jews a r e taught to strive for peace, they are not pacificists as illustrated by the Macabees, Moses, Masada etc. Unfortunately this spirit is lacking in many American Jews today. These Jews fear that Ka- hane's words w i ltarnish their 'respectable' image and conse- quently they denounce the JDL as an irresponsible radical minor- ity. These are the people that Ka- hane refers to as the Uncle Jakes. While Kahane states that "No one is going to help a Jew but a second Jew" his own organization incorporates both Jew and non- Jew. In Boston JDL neighborhood patrols contain 40 per cent black membership, a surprising fact for those who feel the JDL is an out- growth of Black Panther anti- semitism. In Brooklyn the JDL patrols provide protection for the stores of Arab and black as well as Jewish merchants. WHEN. EVALUATING the JDL the observer should not be over- whelmed by news accounts which portray the organization as high- ly militant. The organization wishes to stimulate Jewish self- respect a n d to. promote Jewish brotherhood. "If I am not for myself who will be for me? "If I am not for others what am I?" -Karen Engelbaum '71 -Mark Whitefield '71 April 15 Pakistan To The Daily: THE FOLLOWING is a resolu- tion passed by the India Students' Association at a meeting held on Saturday, April 10. We feel the resolution should be called to the attention of the rest of the uni- versity community, because of the seriousness of the present situa- tion in East Bengal (East Pakis- tan). The India Students' Association (a) expresses shock at and con- demnation of the continuing mas- sacre of civilians in East Bengal by the West Pakistan army, (b) urges the United States gov- ernment, on h u m a n i t a r i a n grounds, to suspend military aid to the regime in West Pakistan while the conflict continues, (c urges all governments a n d peoples to support restoration of democracy and cessation of geno- cide in East Bengal. -Committee for Human Rights in East Pakistan April 15 Moderation To The Daily:- I CANNOT HELP feeling a sharp pang of disappointment as I survey the results of the SGC elections. Of course it is always discouraging to see that almost no one you voted for made it, but that alone would not be enough to discourage me. No, the real shock was to rea- lize that not a single moderate can- didate won an SGC post. Instead, radicalism and conservatism split the field between them, with the latter gaining a slight edge. The Student Caucus and the Peo- ple's Coalition are in 4-3 ratio of -- '-S " '., / f , Iv1i5 '* i t Unstable, Leaky, and Highly Toxic S_' i 1 i' i _ - , , t , ; ,, :.-- ,__ E } " _ _ _ .I,- .' : - --I that few moderates vote? Or are there simply few moderates to vote? It's bad, either way. The first argues impotence; the second, a. disastrously large amount of po- larized opinion at this University. However, all is not hopeless where moderation is concerned. Conservatism, being more ap- proachable by convention, may be more susceptible to moderate in- fluence than the left-dominated governments of the past. Further- more, there is at least some com- fort in knowing that leftist extre- mism is no longer monopolizing the political system here. Moderation has not yet arrived at that point of grave danger which comes when one side or the other wins a com- plete and decisive victdry and has no more opponents. Most importantly, the ideological split is almost even. While this is cause for concern in terms of the opinions which brought each to personal lobbying, or through initiative, referral, r:eferendum, and even, should the occasion ever arise, recall. Of course these latter methods would require student sup- port--hopefully more than was shown during the elections! BUT MODERATES, 'though they may surely find some cause for hope in this situation, must not be deluded. The fact remains that in a very large, indeed perhaps a re- cord, turnout, the end result was an almost-even split between two ex4- tremes. I have been tempted, lately, to believe that moderation would come about of its own ac- cord, and in fact was doing so now. Conversely, polarization and extremism would be at low ebb. The SGC elections seem to show that. at least at the University o*s Michigan, I am wrong. -Charleen Cook Third Societal Force