prep are
The major thrust of the spring anti-war
offensive is scheduled to begin in Wash-
ington next week with a series of demon-
strations which organizers expect will at-
a tract more massive support than the
March on Washington of Nov. 15, 1969.
From April 19 to 23 at least 5,000 Viet-
nam veterans are expected to encamp in
the Washington area and conduct a series
of actions to protest the war. On April 23
they plan to collect their military medals
j and deposit them on the steps of the Capi-
On April 24, the National Peace Action
Coalition (NPAC) and the People's Coa-
lition for Peace and Justice are co-spon-
soring a march on Washington. Following
this march and running until April 30, the
4'People's Coalition will conduct a People's
Lobby at various federal office buildings.
On May 2 the May Day program begins
with a mass rally in Washington. On May
3 and 4 regional groups from around the
country will carry out non-violent disrup-
tion at various target areas in Washing-
ton aimed at shutting the government
down. Finally on May 5 there will be a
"moratorium on business as usual" with
demonstrations across the country and in
Locally, campus and community groups
are organizing support for the demonstra-
tions and arranging transportation for peo-
ple who wish to attend. Student Mobiliza-
tion Committee has chartered buses to go
to the April 24 demonstrations. However,
they say they are getting a better response
from high school students and community
people as most University students have
exams at this time.
University President Robben Fleming
has denied a Student Mobilization request
that those students who missed exams by
attending the April 24 demonstration be al-
lowed to make them up at an alternate
day. He said he was "sympathetic to the
problem but thought the matter should be
left to resolution by each individual stu-
dent and his instructor.
Sponsoring the May Day demonstrations
are the People's Coalition and the May
Day Tribe. The Tribe represents the stu-
dent-youth faction to the People's Peace
treaty movement.
A Student - Youth Conference on the
Peace Treaty, held last Feb. 5-7 at the
University, voted to endorse the May Day
scenario and has since provided continual
support for it through its national Con-
tinuations Committee.
Acceptance of the Peace Treaty by the
U.S. government is one of the central de-
mands of the spring offensive.
The Treaty was negotiated with repre-
sentatives of the people of North and South
Vietnam in North Vietnam by a delegation
from the National Student Association. The
treaty calls for immediate American with-
drawal from Vietnam. Since the Peace
Treaty Conference the treaty has been cir-
culated to individuals and organizations
around the country.
Other demands of the spring offensive
are a guaranteed income of $6,500 for a
family of four, and the freeing of all po-
litical prisoners in the United States.
The last two demands represent a sig-
nificant new alliance within the anti-war
movement. Organizers emphasize that this
is the first time blacks and other third
world people's have united behind the anti-
war movement. Further, this is the first
time that the anti-war movement has ad-
dressed itself to concerns other than sim-
ply ending the Vietnam war.
However, despite the broader base of
See ANTI-WAR, Page 12
-Daily-Jim wallace
Students rally on Washington in 1969
See Editorial Page
41k ligau
Fair, warmer
4Vol. LXXXI, No. 160
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 16, 1971
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
budget request
-Associated Press'
Spring showers
Gainesville police hose down University of Florida students
yesterday after tear gas failed to break up a confrontation result-
ing from a student ultimatum over black student demands.
Groups form county
G en
environmental oard
The battle between the Uni-
versity and the state govern-
ment over the size of the
state's appropriation to t h i s
campus for the 1971-72 fiscal
year will enter its critical
stages over the next t h r e e
Sometime in May, the Legisla-
ture is expected to begin active
consideration of Gov. William
Milliken's Higher Education Ap-
propriations Bill, which propos-
es that the University be given
the smallest annual increase it
has ever received.
Expecting that the actual allo-
cation will far from cover t h e
projected expenditures from t h e
University's general fund, the Re-
gents' plan to approve a consider-
able tuition increase at t h e i r
meeting today.
According to state law, the Re-
gents must announce the exact
amount of their increase today.
Many administrators fear that an-
nouncing a large increase in tui-
tion now will hurt chances for get-
ting an increase in state appropri-
tions over the amount requested by'
In the past, they say, legislators
have interpreted tuition increases
as being sufficient to meet new
needs not provided by increased
state allocations. In other words,
a large tuition increase would tend:
to make the University's financial
picture look far better to some leg-
islators than it really is.
For University administrators
and state legislators, summer is
the season for thrashing out a bud-
get for the coming fiscal year. This
summer promises to be no excep-
tion, offering the prospect of an
unusually prolonged and involved
debate over the state's finances.
Every year, following the gover-
nor's budget message, usually pre-,
sented in January or February,
the state legislators begin consider-
ing how much money they will
give state agencies when their bud-
gets expire in July. Each agency
or division-including the Univer-
sity-is notified of the governor's
proposed breakdown of allocations,
See 'U', Page 12
Over 250 persons participated in an open forum yesterday
debating how the University should vote its 29,000 shares of
General Motors (GM) stock at the company's annual meeting
in May.
The University's Committee on Communications present-
ed a panel, of speakers, including representatives from Brain
Mistrust, Campaign GM, ENACT, General Motors, -the Pro-
testant Episcopal Church and Senate Assembly.
Specifically, spokesmen at the forum dealt with whether
or not the University should vote along the lines recom-
mended by the company's management, as it has always done
in the past, or if it should cast its approximately 29,000 votes
in favor of three proposals
MEMBERS of the Brain Mistrust (left), a radical research organization, confront General
Vice President Roger Smith over the organization's policies at an open forum here yesterd
forum was held as a prelude to a regental decision on how to vote the University's shares
A number of concerned groups
and individuals have recently
*formed a coalition called the
Washtenaw Environmental Coun-
cil for the protection and im-
provement of the environment.
Leaders and members hope the
organization will become a ina-
jor force in coordinating com-
munity effort for environmental
The council hopes to get away
from the duplication of time and
effort both in studying particu-
lar problems and establishing a
political voice.
According to natural resources
Prof. William Stapp, in the past
various area agencies concerned
with environment, found their ef-
forts overlapping, especially on
problems of community growth.
Stapp, acting chairmangofwthe
coalition, says the organization
has two main objectives.
The first, Stapp says, is to fa-
cilitate communication among
the various organizations and in-
dividuals and thereby gain a
much broader perspective on
particular environmental prob-
"Thorough study of most en-
vironmental problems require
wide consideration of social,
technological, economic, and po-
litical as well as ecological as-
pects. You can -begin to see
See ECOLOGY, Page 12
Students seek rehirii
of replacement prof
advocated by Campaign GM.
Near the end of the forum, some
students called for a mass rally
today on the diag leading to a noon
march to the Administration Build-
ing. Leaflets publicizing the rally
viliani and march were distributed on the
Motors Diag. There were indications that
lay. The a disruption of the regents' meet-
in the ing may occur.
Despite the possibility of a dis-
ruption, Col. Frederick Davids,
University Safety Director, said
yesterday, "I don't think we'll lock
it (the Administration Building)".
All eight regents and President
Robben Fleming were seated
among the audience in the Union
Ballroom, as were several top Uni-
versity financial administrators.
The forum came as a prelude to
the Regents' open meeting this
morning, where action on the mat-
ter should be taken. Fleming said
after the meeting yesterday that
f the type he had no idea what the regents
he said. would do this morning on the ques-
il that he tion of voting the GM stock, but
self avail- said they will make a definite de-
h in his of- cision, since the GM meeting comes
orbits the before the next scheduled regents
our to help meeting.
individual In response to charges that GM
1. is promoting racism in South Af-
udents, feel rica and promoting the U.S. warl
instructors effort in Indochina through the pro-
circulating duction of military weapons, Roger
reinstate- Smith, GM vice president of fi-
d have col- nance, said the company has in
fact been "socially progressive"
is will con- over the years.
tions until He told the audience GM had no
those who See 250, Page 12
donate war
taX money
Over 50 people yesterday pre-
sented representatives of local
community groups with in o n e y
they have refused to pay in fed-
eral income and telephone taxes,
to protest the war in Indochina.
Liz Taylor, spokeswoman for
Ann Arbor War Tax Counseling
(AAWTC), the organization spon-
soring the demonstration, spoke
to the crowd assembled at the'
Internal Revenue Service office.
"The government callously I g-
nores the needs of its citizens and
instead spends our money to kill
people, she said.
"Because we cannot accept
these priorities, some of us are
refusing to pay a portion of our
federal income tax and are giving
the money instead to groups work-
ing for constructive change
in our society," she added.
Taylor said she felt the demon-
stration was very successful. "We
had all types of people out here
showing they are serious in their
opposition to the war," she said.
While some of those present had
withheld portions of their federal
See WAR, Page 12
A chemistry professor, assigned
as a replacement for two profes-
sors on sabbatical leave, will have
to resign his temporary post at the
end of this term. Over 55 per cent
of the students in his two sections
have signed petitions calling for
his reinstatement next year.
Since Prof. David Dull was hired
to teach organic chemistry as a
replacement he will have to leave'
when the two professors return
frcm their sabbatical. But two of
his students, Steve Yarows, '73 and
Grant Hyatt, '73 both feel that he
will still be needed.
"I am in Prof. Dull's class this
term, and I am very impressed
with his ability to take the dry-
ness out of chemistry," Yarows
said. "He has an amazing ability
to make chemistry more than just
a bunch of equations. We need a
guy like that around here."
Hyatt has similar feelings con-
cerning Dull's'teaching ability. "It's
unusual to find a combination of
Grades and courses:
Pass/fail marking
Fourth of a series
A liberation dance, a booklet on sex education,
and a silk screen print are not likely subjects
for final exams.
But students in the Residential College often
have a variety of choices for summing up a
semester of learning, and rarely elect the tra-
ditional blue book method.
Even more untraditional than exotic f i n a 1
exams, however, is the RC's grading system.
In a sharp departure from past grading
methods used at the University, the Resi-
dential College established a pass-fail system
which includes an extensive nrnP vahmfln
The residential
After four years
. .... .. ._ . . . ... ....
The RCstyle
Curriculum changes
Bearing little resemblance to the progran
it started as, the curriculum of the Residentia
College has probably undergone more chang
during the RC's first four years than any othe
aspect of the college.
Although the RC, a division of the literary
intellect and sincerity o
Prof. Dull possesses,"
"And it's very unusua
continually makes him
able to the students botl
fice and in the labs. He
labs at least once an he
students with their
problems," Hyatt added
So these, and other stu
that there is a need for
like Dull. They began
petitions asking for his
ment two weeks ago, an
lected 382 signatures.
The concerned student
tinue to circulate peti
they get signatures from
may have been absent
on the days they were be.
They feel that at least 7
of Dull's students will s
end of the term.
Prof. Robert C. Tay
ciate Chairman of the
department, is pleased tJ
dents are showing enoui
to send out these petitio
"We're pleased that h
a good job of teaching
said, "and we're alwo
when we get this sort o
tion. But, like all situa
one is more complex t
Taylor explained that
hired for one year only
not given a staff pos
chemistry department hE
structed not to hire ans
structors due to finan
lems and a well-staffe
from class
ing signed.
75 per cent
.ign by the
lor, Asso-
hat the stu-
gh interest
e aas done
g,' Taylor
Tys happy
Df informa-
itions, this
han it ap-
t Dull was
and so was
ition. The
as been in-
y more in-
cial prob-
d organic
........ .
college, began with a rigorous set of required
courses to be taken instead of LSA distri-
bution requirements, the college has since abol-
ished nearly all of its own requirements. RC
is now petitioning the parent college for an
exemption from all but one of LSA's require-
ments - freshman English.
Explaining this sharp reversal over require-
ments, one sophomore summed np the prevail-
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