Wednesday, April 14, 1 97'1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' WenedyAri 1,191TH MCIGNDAL Habitat: TJ Moshe Safdie: BEYOND HA- BITAT, 1970, MIT Press, $10. By JIM THOMPSON Combining equal amounts of genius and pure guts a young Canadian architect named Moshe Safdie battled bureaucratic es- tablishments in Canada to create a unique housing structure for the Expo 1967. The project, Habi- tat, and the struggle by a group of progressively-minded archi- tects in Montreal to: see it built N are described on a first-hand ba- sii by Safdie. The book combines his autobiography, the history of his projects, an analysis of our, housing needs 'in terms of both quantity and quality, and a heal- thy amount of preaching to give a many-sided view of this archi- tect and his ideals. Safdie traces his outlook on architecture and housing in par- ticular back to his youth in Is- rael and admits that his .deas are thoroughly conditioned by Medi- terranean architectural systmes. To put his ideas into the most ex- treme simplistics, Safdie has taken the traditional Mediter- ranean village built on a hillside and injected twentieth century technology into it. He has taken the system of multiple uses for a roof as another's garden and the closeness of a community with v full privacy for the individual and applied these to current housing dilemmas. The major problem he and his ideas have faced, while not mentioned explicitly in his book, is our predominantly Northern European heritage in housing. Tightly packed, struc- turally - overlapping communi- ties as may still be seen in the. Greek Islands today are not in- digenous to Northern Europe. Only in the Mediterranean region is there a tradition of both in- cluding and excluding the climate in the construction of housing. Thus the houses are oriented in such a way as to avoid the heat and strong light of day, but to he sItudy ( lem for my thesis and instead do a housing system. Several years after this thesis was submitted, the chance to build Vtabitat arose. After some months of bureaucratic debate, it had been decided by Canadian officials to build a housing ex- hibition instead of a wild sym- bolic gesture like the Seattle Needle. Gradually the project took form and was begun. Safdie elaborates on the many crises he and his team faced, ranging from dollar-tight politicians to uncooperative contractors to ma- jor cutbacks in the program. Finally, Habitat was completed, much altered, but on time. Even in its abbreviated size Habitat was seen as a structural and aesthetic, success. More import- antly, as David Jacobs of "The New York Times" has said, "Habitat is, before it is any- thing else, a decent place to live." The success of Habitat was im- mediate, the famne of the build- ing and its designer spread. Saf- die relates a number of subse- quent projects which wer planned but never begun. The Department of Housing and Urb'an Develop- ment wanted a development for f a dream the Fort Lincoln project in Wash- ington, D.C., and eventually left Safdie holding a huge bill for feasibility studies. New York City almost got a Habitat or so it appeared until the New York Stock Exchange found out who its new neighbor was to be. San Francisco State College wanted a Safdie student union paid for completely by student tunds, but the regents in one day vetoed the plans and then fired Professor George Murray. Enter S.1. Ha- yakawa and the San Francisco rio police; exit one architect, one student union, and one professor. Only a project backed by build- ing developers in Puerto Rico seems to have gotten started. Eventually, it is hoped, some sense will prevail and the hous- ing problems of this country will be approached in terms of twen- tieth century technology. Saide in his work illustrates the prob- lems an dproposes a rather good solution to them. It isn't the only solution, but it works and should be tried on a more effic- ient scale. At some point men like Safdie will be allowed to build their ideas. Perhaps Habitat and Beyond Habitat will bring this a little sooner.} Mystacismal colla Beethoven,' Liszt: Mixed mudi By R. A. PERRY The constantly rising interest in mysticism and in Eastern re- ligions has caused publishers to bring into paperback editions many booksthat ten years ago they would not have touched. For anyone who wants to'pursue a fascination with mysticism and the "inscrutable East" be- yond George Harrison's sitar, a large number of outstanding books are available. Some of the newest paperbacks are noted be- low. For the philosophically-minded person who wishes to "under- stand" the religious experience by comparing in a methodical manner his Western heritage with the traditions of the East, two recent paperbacks offer con- siderable help. Rudolf Otto's Mysticism East and Whest (Mace. Millan, $2.45) compares a n d contrasts Occidential and Orien- tal mysticism by focusing on a prime thinker in each tradi- tion: the German mystic Meis- ter Eckhart and the Indian} mystic Achara Sankara. Otto's book is not without a reliance on technical terms, and his use of only two thinkers somewhat limits his scope; nevertheless Otto is a reliable and insightful author. A more thorough examination of Western, Chinese, and Indian philosophy that g'oes beyond the consideration of mysticism alone is P. T. Raju's useful and read- able Introduction to Compara- tive Philosophy' (Southern Illi- noisUniversity Press, $2.85). Raju's book hardly shiges with the inner light that many read- ers will seek, but it is neverthe- less a good reference volume. Students who wish a less aca- demic introduction to the phe- nomena of the mystical exper- ience should seek out F. C. Hap-' pold's Mysticism (Penguin, $1.95), a slim voume containing both an excellent short essay4 and a well-considered anthology of mystic writings. An especially fascinating book on the subject of Nirvana - that Indian goal of complete stillness and serenity, the "place" where a candle will nev- er flicker. Where a fire "goes", when it goes out - is Rune E. A. Johansson's The Psychology. of Nirvana (Anchor, $1.45). Jo- hansson not only examines the most ancient Buddhist pro- nouncements on Nirvana, but also draws certain comparisons between the Indian goal and the aims of modern mental health.) One of the most intriguing In- dian holy men in recent cen- turies was Ramakrishna, Christopher Isherwood's Ran krishna and His Disciples ( mon ando Schuster, $3.95) rc idles the swami's life and act ties in a thoroughly engag manner. Isherwood, one of Ei land's'finest novelists, whose terest in Indian religions has to his collaborations on seve fine translations of religi texts, provides a study w h i embraces not only the extrao inary influence and powers one man but also the entire c ture which produced and s cored that man. Photogra- from the original hardcover e tion have been retained. The Indian experiences of a ther 'holy man of sorts, A 11 Ginsberg, are found in chaotic, hallucinogenic, inspir scatological, descriptive, bori pungent writings that Ginsb scribbled down during his ran lings through India in 1962 Indian Journals has recer been published by City Lig Press in San Francisco ($3) a is aptly illustrated. The English poet, artist, a mystic William Blake has : haps never been penetrated well understood because h reliance of esoteric symbol: was so complete. A fine way gain entrance into Blake's sp ial wisdom is through S. Fos Damon's A Blake Diction (Dutton, $4.45). Damon, a B1 specialist, lists in alphabeti form terms, concepts, ico graphic facts, and mytholog: beings used by the poet, expla each, and gives examples f r c the poetry and art works further understanding. Finally, examples of the p fect fusion of mysticism, p try, eroticism and art may found in two new Grove.Pr volumes: The Love Songs Vidyapati and The Love So of Chandidas, both translated Deben Bhattacharya ($2 each). Beginning in the 1 century, there was in India rise in the worship of Krisl a personification of the gr god Vishnu. Krishna was t perfect potent, beautiful ma (god) with whom all fema (the human heart) sought 'be united. Poets such as Vid pati and Chandidas explored longing of the soul for god their highly perfumed and : sionate descriptions of the lc seeking the beloved. Indian tists, too, painted scenes search and union in erotic a highly symbolic miniat paintings that are today mi prized by connoisseurs. Elliot Forbes, editor, THAT- ER'S LIFE OF BEETHOVENO Princeton University Press, $6.95. Ernest Newman, THE MAN LISZT, Taplinger, $750. By JOHN HARVITH 14 shirts, 20 undershirts, 9 sym- phonies, 18 pairs socks, 0 night shirts, 16 string quartets, 14 un- derpants, 5 piano concerti, 6 night -caps, 32 piano sonatas, 20 ascots and handkerchiefs . . . These earthly remnants of one Ludwig van Beethoven are among the boolksbooks and manuscripts, thus yielding all the necessary data for later edi- tors to complete his mammoth undertaking, first in German, then in English. Unfortunately from an histor- ian's point of view, it is often im- possible to tell which parts of the work are Thayer's own, and which belong to his subsequent German (Deiters and Reimann) and English (1rehbiel) editors. This lamentable state of affairs has been caused by the myster- ious disappearance of Thayer's papers and Krehbiel's own notes after the latter's death in 1923. Until music conservatories can produce occult music detectives a la Rosemary Brown to enlist Thayer's aid in preparing the un- expurgated original, e d i t o r Forbes' sensible handling of this tangled biographical thicket will be scholastically unassailable. Forbes handled admirably the unenviable task of sifting through and re-evaluating the previous German and English editions for their current accuracy and rele- vance. His solution for a 3t ling nowly-discovered information and deleting disproved assumptions of the past is to incorporate these" fruits of recent Beethoven schol- arship into the body of the text carefully marked off by elabo- rate art nouveau parentheses, briefly footnoting the source. Forbes thus neatly avoids the log- 0 jam of.lengthy footnotes which so often stifle the literary efforts of more pedantic professional edi- tors, while making his own con- tributions to the text clear for posterity and preserving the ba- sic literary style of the book. Although Thayer's general mot- to in historical endeavors-was "An ounce of accuracy is wotth a pound of rhetorical flourish," this crusty old bachelor foun- dered badly when it came to the topic of sex. Normally level- headed and extremely devoted to keeping his own preconceptions\ out of the picture, Thayer pruned out all but the most fleeting fere- ences to Beeth6ven's six-life re- vealed in conversations with the Bonn profligate's one - tine friends and bed-fellows. This most unhappy puritanical relic of Thayer's Bostonian up- bringing (not to mention Bee - hoven biographer Anton Ochind- ler's methodical destruction of two-thirds of the conv-icsation books supposedly shedding fur- ther light on this secretive area of Ludwig's personality) reduces all efforts at divining Beethoven's attitudes toward sex and his dis- puted syphilitic cosdition to the realm of educated guessing. Nonetheless, there is no doubt from what'is left of the conver- sation books that Beethovan was an earthy person with respect to sex, though somewhat prudish, when one recalls that he dis- liked Mozart's Don Giovanni for portraying a lech as a hero. For those Interested in tracing this sketchy terrain of Beethoven's psyche, the Sterbas' psychoana- lytic Beethoven and his Nephew comes highly recommended. As far as the external trappings of this defiant genius' evenll life are concerned, howrm i' Thayer's scrupulously detailed exposition still pre-emipts te field. And, consider that this paperback edition is being of- fered at less than one-third the price of the original hardback. The Man Liszt, a reissue of the 1935 character studyby the En- glish music critic Ernest New- man, is chiefly memorable for its lucid preface. In it, N wmuan sets forth his basic premise of scepticism in biography, He makes it clear that painstaking research and scholarship hive usurped the position all-too-fre- quently occupied in other au- thors' biographies by popularly accepted, yet unexamined mis- conceptions and inaccuracies spewed forth from the mouths of revered "authorities." He also discards a beloved biographical technique of some scholars, the adoption of a pet theory and sub- sequent rejection of any evidence which cuts to the contrary. New- man, not unlike Thayer, is con- tent to have all his collected da congeal into logical patterns from which conclusions can be drawn.' While this approach is an- un- impeachable model for any as- piring biographer, the results Newman achieves in The Man Liszt are regrettably disappoint- mug. The primary reason is the seemingly straw-nian theseis that Newman sets up for himself: Franz Liszt was not a Saint. Actually, the proposition that Liszt could ever have been mis- taken for a Saint was not ot pat- ently ridiculous to the musical public of the 1930's as it is to the musically inclnecd of today, who view Liszt at the opposite end of the moral Sectr'lcful, as a kind of Tom Jones turned pianist. The myth of the pure Liszt emerged from Lina Rin:nn's late nine- teenth-century biography w rit- ten inconjunction with Liszt's then-mistress Countess S a y n- Wittgenstein, and acquiesced in by Liszt himself), according to which Poor Franz was temnorar- ily deterred from the patn of 1 righteousness (i.e. maliciously seduced) by the designing, sex- crazed Countess D'Agoult. receive the cooling breezes of the evening. Northern European ar- chitecture with a more extreme climate to consider has to a de- gree simplified matters by sim- ply excluding the climate, shut- ting off all external elements from the house. Safdie points out repeatedly that the low population density of our suburban communities has caused many problems for the suburbanite. Primarily this is seen in the lack of public serv- ices. As an example he cixes Los Angeles as having such a low density factor to make financial- ly sound public transportation impossible. This applies just as well to both Detroit and Ann Ar- bor. With transportation and other public services at a mini- mum. Saf die asserts it is impos- sible for the suburb to function as a community. Or better, to even fulfill the supposed func- tion of a suburb: availability to the city's resources without the city's problems. The same lack of a sense of community plagues) the modern urban housing pro- ject. However, greater problems are posed here such as the lack of krivacy, public services, and local business, social, recreation- al, and educational areas. In gen- eral, Safdie, like many other prominent architects today, finds the state of housing in this coun- try woefully inadequate. Starting with these assump- tions, Safdie decided to try to find a solution while still an architec- tural student at Medill Univer- sity. The first step he took was probably the most important. "I felt we had to find new forms of housing that would re-create, in a high-density en- vironment, the relationships and the amenities of the house and the village , . . I decided to abandon my plan to do a parliament building for Jerusa- fascinating statistics to be en- countered in what his to be the weightiest paperback issue of the Beethoven Bicentennial Y e a r (both in terms of amassed data and sheer poundage): Thayer's definitive Life of Beethoven. I'm sure you've noticed for- lorn copies: of this elephantine classic (newly edited by Elliot <: Forbes) staging a sit-in on the music shelves of local Ann Arbor bookstores, but have sheepishly passed it by, fearing a possible muscle spasm while attempting to wrest it from its tightly- wedged cranny. Let this flabby reviewer put all your qualms to rest: it isn't as heavy as it looks (a mere three pounds, according to nty landlady's bathroom scale). in addition, it is the -most scrupulously honest Beethoven biography ever written. Alexander Wheelock Thayer, nineteenth-century Bostonian and Harvard Law School alumnus, lit- erally devoted his life to re- searching and compiling this Beethoven histoire. Though he never lived to complete the ac- tual writing of the text, his in- satiable quest for unbiased infor- matign (aided by invaluable legal research tools) drove him all over Europe interviewing living Beethoven acquaintances, un- earthing old court records and news clippings, and poring over Beethoven's conversation books Today's writers.. . John Harvith is a second year law student and a regular music reviewer for the Daily. Jim Thompson is a graduate student i4 art history. R.A. Perry now teaches at the University of Wisconsin and is the former Books Editor for the Daily. OVER 25,000 LP'S, OVER 300 LABELS IN STOCK HATCH FOR SPECIAL SALE ITEMS CHANGING WEEKLY k .'iscount recordsl ON"sA linte M3 I 1235 S. UNIVERSITY * 668-9866 300 S. STATE 665-3679 * ANN 'ARBOR, MICR. The University Cellar jBuys Books, Too l] 1__. E:1 ElI ui Ui JO IN MAYALL ERKIC CLAPTON SUGARCANE HARRIS LA RRY TAYLOR JOHNNY ALMOND HARV EY MANDEL KEEF I IARTLEY ,EF }! 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