student: Enjoying
flexible education
Second of a series
The first description of the Resi-
dential College, published in 1966,
contains extravagant drawings of
an $11.8 million RC campus nestled
comfortably among North Campus
trees bordering on the Huron River.
Looking out his window to the
puddles of East University Ave.,
an RC student stood in his crowded
East Quad room a few days ago,
laughed, and said he really thought
he would be living on the Huron
River when he applied to the new
The North Campus site was part
of a plan that a number of Uni-
versity professors began to piece
together about eight years ago for
what they saw as the ultimate in
undergraduate education-a place
where students could live and study
along with faculty members and
staff, thus. creating an atmosphere
of mutual respect, understanding
and growth.
Due to lack of funds, the multi-
million dollar shell for the Resi-
dential College was never realized.
However, the RC community
agrees that the essence of the
founders' plans - a community
living and learning together -
seems to have found an adequate
home in East Quad.
A few weeks from now, some 100
of the first class of students will
be graduating from the RC. And as
the college was conceived as an
experiment, these seniors consti-
tute the first real "results" of the
What happens to a student who
enters the RC for four years? How
is he changed? Which programs
most deeply affect him, and what
does he think of himself for the
These are the questions which
friends of the RC as well as critics
will be asking now that the first
cycle of the college is complete,
and the "results" can be studied.
The residential x.
After four years
Most RC students and those in-
volved in the college speak wth
pride about the program's first four
years, citing its faults along with
its achievements as examples of
its rapid growth and change.
Yet critics of the college point
to the RC's informal, unstructured
attitudes towards learning as an
"easy way out" for students who
are unwilling to undertake a dis-
ciplined course of study but in-
stead pursue their own whims
without real direction.
For those interested in the RC
program, whether from a negative
or positive viewpoint, a look at
what the RC student says about
the college seems important in
understanding. the Residential Col-
Some of the RC's major charac-
teristics which students most fre-
quently discuss are:
students were to name a favorite
feature of the college, they would
most likely speak of the unst-uc-
tured RC classroom.
"I'll never forget the day I
walked into my first RC class and
the teacher said, 'Well, what do
you want to do this semestei?' "
remembers one senior, "I was
As RC students explain, seminars
and classes in the college are of
an informal, flexible Anature, al-
lowing the student to take, an ac-
tive part in the class.
"The atmosphere between a
teacher and class is usually one of
friendship and respect rathe: Ihan
distance or superiority of the
teacher," says a student.
As a result, students say they,
feel less pressured to "perform"
than they might have to in'"highly
competitive" literary c o 1 e g e
"From this RC atmosphere, I be-
gan to develop my own thoughts
more. easily, rather than trying to
second-guess what the teacher
wanted-the way I got through
high school," says a senior wo-
Those opposed to this type of
class set-up, charge that RC stu-
dents' education is incomplete be-
cause they do not absorb broad
ranges of subject matter, but
rather just deal with one or two
topics per class, or worse, just
float along with no direction.
On the whole, RC students feel
the unstructured classroom has had
a positive effect on their education,
teaching them how to think inde-
pendently and giving them the
needed confidence and encourage-
ment to pursue their own interests.
And if they don't achieve that,
"We've no one to blame burour-
selves," concludes a senior.
0 PASS/FAIL. Perhaps the
boldest program to be instituted in
the RC is its pass/fail evaluation
grading system. Under this system,
a student- receives either a pass
or a fail and, in addition, a writ-
ten evaluation of his progress and
involvement in the class.
"The removal of grades, I think,
kept most competition from the
school. You can't compare g r a d e
averages here and a pass doesn't
mean anything to anyone but
yourself," says a senior majoring
in u ban affairs.
"I a sense I've been competing
with myself alone, something I
find very challenging and m o r e
human than trying to beat my
classmates," she adds.
The RC's pass/fail grading sys-
tem is vulnerable to outside crit-
icism, because RC teachers tend
to fail only two to three per cent
of their students.
Thus, critics say, students es-
sentially ignore their work in RC
courses and devote time instead to
graded courses they are taking in
LSA or do nothing of academic
While RC students recognize
See THE, Page 7
See Editorial Page
ill I r
5k i4au
Cool, sunny
Vol. LXXXI, No. 158
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 14, 1971
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Forum set on
'U' investments
Although not part of their scheduled monthly meetings
this week, most Regents have said they will attend an open
forum tomorrow at 4 p.m. on University corporate invest-
Sponsored by the University Committee on Communica-
tions, the forum is designed to present various viewpoints in
Wthe debate over what companies the University should invest
in and how they should vote their stocks.
At this week's meetings, the Regents will wrestle with
proposed tuition increases as well as finalize a proposed
University judicial system.
The Regents will not participate in the discussion on
investments, but will instead
pro sed
Regents to set
hike on Friday
The University executive officers have asked the Regents
to approve at their meeting Friday the largest tuitionin-
crease in several years, The Daily learned yesterday.
According to highly reliable sources, the executive officers'
proposal-which is not likely to be altered substantially by
the Regents-would raise tuition for out-of-state under-
graduates from $1,800 to $2,140.
Tuition for in-state undergraduates would increase from
$568 to $660 under the proposal, the sources said.
The executive officers-the seven vice presidents and
President Robben Fleming-outlined the proposed increases
in a memo to the Regents yes-
~Fo rces
to remain
in Asia
listen to presentations by the
radical research organization,
Brain Mistrust-as well as a
representative of one of the
University's largest holdings-
General Motors.
Administration policy has gen-
erally been to automatically vote
its nearly $60 million of securities
with corporate management rather
than recent "corporate responsi-
By The Associated Pres
-bility movements, such as Ralph j
Secretary of Defense Melvin Nader's Campaign GM.
Laird said yesterday that the Before listening to the debate,
United States will keep air and the Regents are also expected to
naval forces in Southeast Asia af- settle whatever remaining differ-
ter American ground troops are ences remain between them over
withdrawn. their version of the proposed Uni-
In Southeast Asia yesterday, versity judicial system.
massive U.S. B52 strikes hit North Tentative agreement has been
Vietnamese positions to support a reached since their March meet-
South Vietnamese relief force ig apn otso eaeo
pushing toward the central high- the issue
'lands outpost Fire Base 6 in South
Vietnam. The Regents' plan would alterr
Laird told a news conference in the power of the two associate'
Washington that U.S. naval and judges in the system, giving them
air forces "would be a part of the largely an advisory role in sup-
realistic deterrent which we main- port of a judge chosen outside the
tain in Asia." University community.
"To say that we would not have Finally, the Regents are being
a presence in Asia under this real- asked to approve an application for
istic deterrent strategy . . . would the construction of low-cost hous-
be very misleading," Laird said. ing under the Department of Hous-
In his remarks, Laird was more ing and Urban Development's Col-
See LAIRD, Page 2 lege Housing Program.
-Daily-Jim Judkis
Speaker derides 'economic imperialism'
Dale Johnson (right), professor at Rutgers University, converses last night with James Brugh, Grad., a member of Brain Mistrust.
Johnson spoke on multinational corporations at a program in the Natural Science Aud. sponsored by the local radical research
group. About 50 people attended the program.-
Board favors seating Berstei
terday. Although the reaction
of the Regents to the proposal
was not immediately ascer-
tainable, they have not in the
past voted to change the rec-
ommended tuition levels sig-
nificantly, either up or down.
The tuition increase was recom-
mended as a method of balancing
the University's general fund bud-
get for the 1971-72 fiscal year.
Expecting that the state will not
provide nearly enough funds to
cover the projected increase in ex-
penditures from the general fund,
the University, as usual, will resort
to a tuition hike to fill the gap.
The sources said that under the
executive officers' proposal, tui-
tion for out-of-state students in the
medical, dental, and public health
schools would rise from $2,300 to
'$2,400. In-state tuition in these
schools would go up from $1,060 to
In the law school, out-of-state
tuition would jump from $2,040 to
$2,300, and in-state tuition would
rise from $800 to $900.
Tuition for out-of-state students
in all other graduate level schools
would be increased from $1,940 to
$2,240. In-state tuition in these
See TUITION, Page 2
Two Senate Assembly commit-
tees a r e currently investigating
classified and military research at
the University to advise Assembly
as to whether this research should
be continued.
Senate Assembly's Research Pol-
icies Committee is presently so-
liciting information from the Uni-
versity community as it continues
its hearings on classified and mili-
tary research.
The group announced las4Week
that "after reviewing all t1( ma-
terials presented to the Senate As-
sembly, hearings will be held at
which members of + the academic
community may present their
views on substantive matters rele-
vant to the issues."
At its March 22 meeting, As-
sembly asked the committee to
See POLICY, Page 2
Sports Editorf
The Board in Control of cuter-
hcollegiate Athletics has deied
that it has no objections to seatig
Rose Sue Berstein, '73, as the
group's first woman member.
In discussing the question last
week the board concluded that
Berstein's eligibility must be de-
cided by the Office of Student Ser-
vices or ultimately by the Regents.
Poll Sh
The many University housing residents
who think they live in the worst of all
possible worlds would do well to consider
the housing policies at other universities
across the country.
For, while many other institutions may
offer facilities superior to those at the
University at lower costs, they also en-
force stricter regulations in several cases.
It seems, by comparison, that the Uni-
versity treads the middle ground. Like
It was reported earlier that Ath- male students are eligible to serve der the auspices of a student groupr
f ietic Director Don Canham would on the board. The rule will still and it is not up to us, he added.
attempt to prevent Berstein from have to be changed before Berstein "It all depends on the Regents,"
serving on the board. However, could take her seat, current mem- pathology Prof. Dorin Hinerman
members of the board have in- bers felt, but they expressed op- said. "If the Regents change the
formed The Daily that the vaca- irules there would be no objection
tioning Canham has voiced no op- timism toward its revision. by the board. Why should there
position to seating Berstein on the "The board has nothing to say be?" Hinerman said.
board. in the matter," said architecture According to student represn-
Controversy over the election Prof. Alan Marra, a board iem- tative Pete Newell, '71, "The prob-
t ber.lem now is trying to get her cer-
arose after it was learned that a - tified."
Regents bylaw specifies that only, "The election was conducted un- "There is no opposition in the
Athletic Department," he added.
TES The group's other student repre-
1 ~sentative, Mike i~eiler, '71, echoed
Newell. "I have no objections,"
* Keller said. "If the student body
votes her in then she should serve
f-i the bylaws are straightened
dorm phy===
Marraalso no-ed that the board
plan that does not penal- ing objects, liquid or solid, to be ejected is obligatedto observe the decision
meals missed. into or out of windows of residence hallsudents want her, that's all we need
y-offered option consists is prohibited. Residents of a room are to know," he said.
ousing only, in buildings considered responsible for any objects Although Canhamn has been
niversity's Baits housing ejected from a window. Violators are sub- charged with sexism regarding the
all. These arrangements ject to disciplinary action." election, Marra denied that Can-
the request for separate At Indiana, "Illegal possession of 'Stop' ham was opposed to seating a wo-
contracts, however, since and other street signs and University man on the Board. "His reaction
pplies to buildings with markers is prohibited. Violations of this was that more women should have
nder the optional, sepa- regulation may lead to serious disciplinary been on the balot," Marra as-
ents contract only for the action." serted.
"It will bring a c.iiferent point
s they want to take in the The visitation policies, in general, be- of view in, which might be bone-
sides being regulated for the entire com- ficial," Keller said. "In view of1
Child shot in renewed
N. Ireland violence
University at Bloomington charges $995;
Ohio State University charges $1,095;
the University of Texas at Austin charges
$1,058; the University charges $1,135.
These current figures cover a double
room, 20 meals a week, and whatever
services each university provides.
Among private schools, the costs are
considerably higher; Harvard University,
for example, charges $1400..
In addition, many smaller colleges in-
cluding Wellesley College and Benning-
ton nlee. dn not aess senarate fees
a modified meal
ize students for:
A more widel
of providing ho
such as the U:
and Fletcher H
do not satisfyt
room and board
that request al
food services. Ui
rate plans, stud
number of meal
residence halls.
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (P)
- The shooting of a 12-year-old
boy sparked riots that ended in
a face-off early this morning be-
tween 1,000 British troops and 2,-
000 missile-hurling Protestants.
Paratroopers split the mob with
a surprise charge and an army
spokesman said eight hours after
the shooting incident that "the
lid's fairly tightly on."
Flaming gasoline from a home-
made bomb set the clothing of
four British troopers on fire. The
flames were extinguished quick-
lv and the men escaned injury.
three adults were slightly injured
by gunfire and another was hurt
in the resulting panic.
Seaforde Street has been cited
by militant Protestants as a
stronghold of the outlawed Irish
Republican Army (IRA), c o m -
mitted to overthrow Northern Ire-
land's Protestant-based govern-
ment and unite the British-ruled
province with the Irish Republic
in the south.
The target of the Protestant
mob's fury was St. Matthew's
Church. An army spokesman said
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