CINMA ILD SATURDAY, SUNDAY-APRIL 10, 11 LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS dir. ROGER CORMAN (USA) 1960 "Wet or dry" says Seymour to the hooker, "Give me to eat," says Audrey, Jr. in a Shakespearean-Bur- roughs style epic heralding a hybrid heart-rending herb cruising for humanburgers. And the boy who loved her. In other words "THE PLANET MOVIE." "Leesten, it's not only Zen, it's the Chicken Soup of cinema aesthetics." -s. Berlin page three Ci4c 5143a w41F tti NEWIS PHONE 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Sunday, April 11, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: JONATHAN MILLER Page Three A news briefs By The Associated Press I I 7& 9:05 662-8871 75c ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORIUM A NEW LAW makes Indiana the first state to ban nearly all phosphate detergents, blamed by conservationists for the ecological death of some lakes and streams. Only those laundry and industrial detergents with less thanthreer per cent phosphate by weight may be sold after the restriction goesk into effect, Jan. 1, 1973. "The law has the effect of banning all but a few laundry detergents} now being marketed," said state Sen. Donald Park, one of the bill's CANTERBURY HOUSE Presents sponsois. A THREE-JUDGE federal panel has ordered a halt to the pro- secution of civil, rights activists Stokely Carmicheal and William Comhm and 6 CoStuart House under Alabama's anti-riot law, saying the law is too vague to be constitutional. and his lost planet airmen The ruling came Friday on an appeal by Carmicheal and House. They were arrested in Selma, Ala., during a racial disturbance in plus November 1966. The ruling said the statute "is an easy vehicle for the suppression of unpopular causes and action." FAIRCHILD-HILLER CORP., largest subcontractor of the super- and a movie sonic transport plane grounded by Congress, says it has a White ~ m -Ab 9 "House go-ahead to look for private financing of the project.I "Summer-'-Ann Arbor1 970"The firm's president, Edward Uhl, said Friday Fairchild "believes April 17-8-12 P.M. the substantial government anddcontractor investment to date in the SST program should not simply be allowed to waste away." TICKET PRICE: $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 The study involves no government funds and should be completed1 within 90 days, Uhl added. WORKERS BEGAN yesterday what they hoped was the last TICKETS NOW ON SALE: Michigan Union, Dis- maneuver in a costly battle to smother a 131-day-old fire that vir- count Records, & Students Interontonal - Tickets tually destroyed one of the world's biggest and busiest offshore oil Selling Very Fast platforms. The target was a blazing oil well, the last of 11 that flared on the Shell Oil Co. platform off the coast of Louisiana. Th ,.nc of f xtinguishin th fir dv.nrl fi htinrr c t dn n rlhar n -Associated Press Eg heads Youngsters in Madison, Wisconsin race toward a treasure of Easter eggs at the city's annual egg hunt at the Dane County Coliseum. PING-PONG TEAM: C t k The world has entered a new stage of history, the age of the maturity of man and the beginning of a world civilization. The source of this new development was a Man who was exiled, tortured, banished and imprisoned for more than 40 years. He lived during the last century. His name - N U THE PROMISED ONE Baha'u'llah is the latest in the succession of Divine Messengers sent by God since the beginning of man's existence. He is the Promised One of all religions. His coming ushers in the Age of Fulfillment mentioned in all the prophecies of the past. Baha'u'llah brings God's Plan for world peace, world justice and world unity. FOR INFORMATION: FIRESIDES WED., 7:30 P.M. BOX 598 CALL 665-4676 e se cubu exbgusin gne ire ana Tgnng wafer ana eam pollution has been about $210,000 a day, a Shell spokesman said. ** * THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, said today that Japan has begun to occupy a group of small islands near Taiwan. Peking's official news agency said U.S. and Japanese "reaction- aries" intend to include some of the uninhabited Senkaku or Tiao Yu Tai islands, along with Okinawa, in an area to be returned to Japanese jurisdiction by the U.S. G M BOARD MEMBER China welcomes 1st Americas since '49 LO WU BORDER STATION, Hong Kong (AP) - Fifteen members of the United States table-tennis team and three American newsmen crossed into the People's Republic of China yesterday, becoming the first delegation of Americans to visit that country since the Communists took over in 1949. Graham Steenhoven, team president, said the Chinese have invited the Americans to go on several short sightseeing tours and to visit factories and possibly a farm commune. - They were scheduled to take a train from the border to Canton about noon and to leave for Peking last night. The team expects to re- turn to Hong Kong between April 16-18. -- -- -- ---- From Peking, where they are to play a series of exhibition games, team members said they thought they probably would go to either shu t Shanghior Nanking for several p lan s I or e matches. The American correspondents, come before them at the annual which included two National Broad- meeting. casting Company newsmen and a A company spokesman said correspondent from the Associated the Rev. Mr. Sullivan's vote in Press, were told by the Foreign favor of an Episcopal Church ministry in Peking yesterday that resolution calling on GM to close they could enter China for the pur- its plants in South Africa mark- pose of covering the team's exhi- ed the first opposition ever re- bition tour. corded on the proxy list. The players, accompanied by The resolution says the apar- five team officials and the wives theid policy of racial separation of two officials, walked over the in South Africa offends "many covered bridge linking Hong Kong potential General Motors cus- with China. At the other end of tomers, employes and dealers, the bridge they were greeted by here and abroad" and is con- Chinese officials, who shook hands trary to the American system. with them. C t k 1 I E E t Rebels, govt. fight in Ceylon KEGALLA, Ceylon UN)-Government forces battled youth- ful revolutionaries yesterday on this once-peaceful island na- tion of tea plantations and Buddhist temples. There were reports that about 20 rebels were killed yes- terday near this town, 40 miles northeast of Colombo, the capital, as government planes and helicopters shot up rebel positions. About 1,000 persons have been killed since the insurrec- tion began Monday at a ratio of about 10 insurgents to one government soldier. Leftists leading the rebellion occupy a line of hills in the Kegalla district. Government- intelligence sources estimate - g there are 80,000 insurgents, known as Che Guevari§ts af--P kita is ter the dead Latin-American revolutionary. el r Informed sources here said re - bels in the Kegalla district have armed themselves by raids on po-In i1 lice posts and seizing the weap- ons of licensed gun holdeis .They also have home made bombs. "If we don't die here, we'll die NEW DELHI, India (M - The- in Colombo next month," an of- Pakistani government claimed ficer said as he supervised the yesterday night that its armed construction of a thin barbed wire forces have taken two Indians as barrier. He meant that if the re- bels are not stopped now they will prisoners in the civil war in East bring their fight to Colombo, the Pakistan. capital. Radio Pakistan said two armed Villagers reported the rebels Indian infiltrators, belonging to were well fed and either were be- the paramilitary border security ing given food by sympathizers or force, were captured "in action" taking it at gunpoint. near the Indian border town of The man believed to be t h e Benapole, 40 miles northeast of leader of the uprising, Rohana Calcutta. Wijeneera, was under heavy guard Pakistan has repeatedly blamed in prison in Jaffna, at the north- India for the continuing turmoil ern t i p of the island. Slogans in its secessionist Eastern pro- painted on walls around the coun- vince, where the supporters of in- try demanded his -freedom. dependence leader Sheik Mujibur A late afternoon to early morn- Rahman have been battling the ing curfew which was imposed by West Pakistan-dominated a r m y the government Friday is contin- since March 25. uing indefinitely. Radio Pakistan said last week- Ceylonese intelligence sources end that a convoy of nine Ind- said the rebels were being en- ian vehicles laden with arms and couraged by the U.S.S.R., although ammunition had been destroyed a Communist member of the gov- inside the Eastern province. erment has denounced the up- rising saying it was led by facists. The Indian government had no immediate comment onthe latest - The insurgents took up arms, allegation, but it has denied it was saying the government's program permitting any arms or infiltrat- of socialism was not progressing ors to cross the border into East fast enough. They also complained Pakistan. of unemployment. Upward of 6 00,- 000 are out of work in this nation The Pakistan government also of 13 million persons. accused India yesterday of oper- ating an unauthorized radio trans- Prime Minister Sirimavo Band- mitter in its Deputy High Corn- aranaike, and many of her min- mission in Dacca, the provincial isters moved in to Temple Trees--- capital. her official residence in Colombo normally used as a state guest An Indian Foreign Ministry house. It was guarded by troops. spokesman said the charge w a s Operations were directed from a "baseless and mischievous." room inside. Indian press reports said that Ceylonese troops nervously p- beleaguered army units, which had trolled the deserted streets of Co. retreated last week to their can- lombo, demanding that even those tonments following stiff resist- with curfew passes pass with arms ance fromn the East Pakistanis, over their heads at a slow walk. were attempting to regain con- trol of several towns in the rural The Michigan Daily, edited and man- areas. aged by students at the University of The Indian government radio Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- said fighting was particularly igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, heavy on the India-Pakistan bord- Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- er, and near Jessore and Rang- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier, $10 by mail. half of the province where local Summer Session published Tuesday residents had been virtually ruling through Saturday morning. Subscrip- themselves following initial a r m y tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by mail. defeats. Black want, PHILADELPHIA (k') - The first black man to sit on the General Motors board of direc- tors has become its first mem- ber to publicly disagree with its stand in a proxy statement mailed to company stockholders. He favored closing GM plants in South Africa because of that nation's apartheid policies, tak- ing issue with the other 22 mem- bers of the board. The Rev. Leon Sullivan said Friday he is trying to use his seat to help General Motors, black people and America. He lists no order of preference. "I'm not t h e r e to dissolve S. A frican General Motors." said the 48- year-old pastor of the Zion Bap- tist church. Rather, the Rev. Mr. Sullivan explained, he cast his historic vote against his fel- low directors because he believes it would be in the best interest of the corporation and the country for GM to pull out of South Africa. "It was the first time anyone voted against tile board, and it won't be the last time," Sul- livan said. The proxy statement is a list of board recommendations to stockholders on proposals to -________________ J F: 11. WHY CART ALL THOSE CLOTHES HOME? Greene's way makes going home a cinch!. JUST CALL GREENE'S for one of our fabulous Handi-Hampers storage boxes. Pack all the clothes you won't wear until fall-Clothes you would ordi- narily pack up, take home, have cleaned, pack up again and bring back in the fall. NOW, ALL YOU NEED TO DO is turn the Hamper over to Greene's. They c I e a n the lot at regular cleaning prices and store it in a refrigerated moth- proof vault. When you r e t u r n in the fall, call Greene's again, your clothes will be taken out of the vault, returned to you freshly pressed on hangers and packed in neat polyethylene bags, ready for your clothes closet. PRICE? $4.95 plus regular cleaning and pressing prices-includes $250.00 insurance. Call NOrmandy 23-23-1 or Stop at any Greene's Plant for Information - r "Go see 'Putney Swope'. A pacesetter with outrageous wit, cou- rageous creativity, guts and intelligence. Tells it like its never been told before." -Judith Crist, N.B.C. "'Putney Swope' is attracting crowds day and night in New York that are exceeded only by the fans of 'I Am Curious (Yellow)'. But Downey's trump card isn't sex, it's his refusal to honor the taboos that Hollywood fastidiously obeys." -Newsweek "It's all, as 'Mad Comics' would have it, 'humor in the jugular vein.' It has the raucous truth of a cry from the balcony or the bleachers. There's vigor in this vulgarity. 'Putney Swope' is a kind of 'Laugh-In' for adults." -Richard Schickel, Life Magazine "When I'm Mayor, kids won't be able to see these trashy, R-rated, movies that corrupt them so!"-Jack Garris M-PIN BOWLING 1 P.M.-Mid. SUNDAY UNION P.S. BY THE WAY, we notice that some of the other shops around town are offering the Greene's Handi-Hamper idea. But they can't offer the on- the-premise refrigerated storage vault of Greene's exclusive Microclean process. It's a plus to you at the same price. Easter Sunday Special! I .77 I