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April 10, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-04-10

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Daily News Analysis
Despite the recent election of four
conservative Student Caucus candi-
dates to Student Government Council
(SGC), right-wing political activity at
' the University continues to be plagued
by a lack of student support, and divi-
sive ideological factionalism.
In general, conservatives them-
selves disavow the view that their
recent electoral victories indicate a
resurgence of campus conservatism.
"The proposals we were elected on
were moderate," explains M a r y
Schnelker, one of the new, more con-
servative SGC members. "Our pro-
posals were economically sound and
feasible. People just get tired of hear-
ing elaborate claims that cannot be

Jim Kent, unsuccessful conserva-
tive candidate for SGC vice president,
expresses similar views. "It's even
hard to tell who's from the left and
who's from the right when the issues
are things like student grocery stores
and counseling services," he says.
Others have interpreted the elec-
tion of the four conservatives "a back-
door coup," contending that radical
candidates would have swept the elec-
tion had the radical vote not been
spread out between a large number
of leftist candidates.
Regardless, membership in campus
right-wing groups numbers only about
200-250, which most observers inter-
pret as indicative of the uphill battle
for survival these groups are fight-
ing in the predominantly liberal-radi-
cal University community.

The problems of campus rightist
groups go far beyond the ones of re-
cruiting members, though.
A major problem of these groups has
been ideological in fighting which has
hampered the effectiveness of the ex-
isting structures, leaving many groups
searching for a distinctive political
direction in which to channel their ac-
Theigrowing sentiment among many
conservatives for a "laissez-faire"
libertarian philosophy is seen by
many as a large part of this search.
Basically, the libertarian philosophy
teaches that the only purpose of gov-
ernment is to protect the citizens'
rights to life, liberty and property.
Thus, the only acceptable govern-
mental functions are, maintaining an
internal criminal defense system, de-
fending the country against foreign


lit 'U
powers, and providing a court system
to settle disputes.
As a result, the libertarians oppose
military conscription, welfare, taxes
and other forms of governmental con-
trol which they label as "collectivist
They also consider racism to be
"collectivist" because racists, they
say, judge people as a race and not
as individuals.
The libertarians furthermore reject
the attempts of the traditional con-
servatives to "legislate" morality,
whether it be in the form of laws pro-
hibiting drugs, abortions, pornog-
raphy, or anything else they see as
being a restriction on individual
Meanwhile, "traditional" cinserva-
tives have stuck to the familiar


philosophy where drugs, communists,
violations of the law, and deviations
from the spirit of Protestant moral
teachings are viewed as threats to the
Just as important, however, is that
the traditional conservatives still as-
cribe to the viewpoint that man must
be subservient to his government. Un-
derstandably, this has made it diffi-
cult for them to work effectively with
the libertarians, who stress the im-
portance of personal freedom.
In the early 60's, when libertarian-
ism was regaining popularity in con-
servative circles, a libertarian-conser-
vative alliance was possible as long as
both sides felt they were fighting a
common enemy-the liberal estab-
But the 60's also brought widespread

use of drugs, the war, and other issues
that emphasized the differences be-
tween the groups and created hostility
between them.
Perhaps the final showdown be-
tween the two groups at the national
level came in August 1969, when liber-
tarians were "purged" from the
Y o u n g Americans f o r Freedom
(YAF) , a traditional conservative
group that has been endorsed by such
members of the conservative estab-
lishment as Sen. Barry Goldwater
(R-Ariz.) and William Buckley Jr.,
publisher of the conservative National
At the University, however, liber-
tarians and conservatives continue to
be members of the same political or-
This is partially due to the fact that

Mary Schnelker

See Editorial Page


5k4 i tan


Increasing cloudiness,
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXI, No. 155

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 10, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


new hou









University President Robben
Fleming yesterday s a i d he
would recommend to the Re-
gents that they a p p r o v e a
proposal for the construction
of 250 low - cost apartment
The proposal must be approved
by the Regents at their April 16
meeting in order to meet a May
1 Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) dead-
line for fund applications.
Theoriginal proposal was for-
mulated by an ad hoc committee
of the Office of Student Services
Housing Policy Board, and re-
ceived the board's approval last
Funds for apartment units are
available through the HUD Col-
lege Housing Program (CHP).
The CHP is a loan subsidy pro-
gram under which the govern-
ment pays for all but three per
cent of the interest on commercial
loans obtainedby universities for
housing projects.
Fleming's comments, which will
be broadcast next Tuesday by
WCBN, represent the first time
Fleming has publicly endorsed the
construction plan.
Fleming said he would recom-
mend approval of the original
plan with the addition of two
changes suggested by the Univer-
sity executive officers.

undergraduate enrollment

-Associated Press
Animal Farm
Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) appears enjoying feeding a
0 wild giraffe a bottle of milk on an animal reserve in Florida.

-Associated Press
Kremlin shakeup
Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin (center) has been downgraded to the third position in the Soviet hier-
archy as the Communist party congress in Moscow ended. President Nikolai Podgorny (right) took
over Kosygin's second place spot as Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev (left) remained the Soviet Union's
top leader. (See story, Page 3).

Milliken seeks. state
tax reform package
A tax reform package to be unveiled by Governor William
Milliken next week will effectively remove control of schools
rom local school boards and give it to the state.
According to the governor's proposal, property taxes
which now pay for school operating costs would be abolished.
Instead, school costs would be paid by an increased personal
income tax and a value added tax (VAT).
Regional school districts would also be created to super-
4vise local school boards and handle most financial matters.
Each regional district would supervise 12 to 18 local districts.
Each school district would in turn receive the same per-
pupil allocation from the state. This provision is expected to
provoke opposition from districts which claim they have a
superior education program
costing m o r e m on ey than
most districts are willing to
Milliken's proposal was met,
with speculation that he may IS5 ii
suggest some way for local dis- D ispst rieadtonlrvne
tricts to raise additional revenues
beyond the state allocation. By MIKE GRUPE
Nonetheless, the state would
still be in the dominant position Within the month City Council
with regard to control the local whether a planned mammoth sh
school programs, since it would ter near the outskirts of town
be paying the bulk of educational the city's approval. At stake in
costs. debate on this question is not on
To fund the new education pro- Arbor develops economically, bu
gram, the state income tax would wl
Abe raised by 2.3 per cent to a total ecogically as ell.
of 5.9 per cent. In addition, a The issue to be decided by cou
VAT would be established. ther or not to approve a request
ds mercial zoning change for th
S eve as site, thus clearing the way for

The changes-transfer of the
project site from land north ofj
Huron high school to the present
Northwood Apartments site on
North Campus and the inclusion
in the Office of University Hous-
ing budget of any costs for bus
service to the apartments-were
accepted by the Housing Policy
Board last Thursday.
The inclusion of transportation
costs in the housing budget repre-
sents a change from present Uni-
versity policy of including such
costs in the University's general
Fleming cited the University's
financial problems as the reason
for including the costs in the
housing budget which is support-
ed only with student housing pay-
If the proposal is approved by
the Regents, the 250 units could
be ready for occupancy by the fall
of 1972, according to construction

Eight term lt set
on normal program
The literary college has adopted a policy of not allow-
ing students to enroll during the regular academic year If
they have not completed their degree requirements by the
end of their eighth term in the college.
The new policy was instituted by the LSA Administra-
tive Board last November but was not publicized until very
recently, when the board notified about 100 fourth-year
students that they could not register for the fall term.
Under the policy, LSA students will be allowed up to four
full academic years (eight fall and winter terms) to meet the
requirements for graduation.
If they are unable to do so, they will be barred from
registering during subsequent f
fall and winter terms unless
they are able to demonstrate
"extenuating circumstances"C5 0 0
- such as illness - as being
responsible for their not hav-
ing received the necessary cho ppers'
Failure of students to complete 1."
degree requirements in four years itL aos
in the literary college.
Pressured by heavy committ- CBS News last night claimed
ments to extracurricular activities, 500 U.S. helicopters were shot
many students reduce their course down over Laos during the recent
load per term substantially below incursion there as opposed to 103
15 hours, with the understanding losses admitted by the Pentagon.
that they will be able to remain A CBS spokesman told The Daily
at the University long enough to that "reliable sources" said the
receive the 120 hours required for Pentagon figure represented only
,an undergraduate degree. those helicopters which had been
In addition, many male students shot down and could not be sal-
with low draft lottery numbers de-
liberately attempt to stay for more vaged.
than four years, so that they can The sources told CBS an addi-
retain their draft deferment until tional 400 helicopters had been shot
the hoped-for plan for a volun- down but were subsequently re-
teer army takes effect. trieved. Of these 400, some had
According to Eugene Nissen, sec- been repaired, but at least 200
retary of the Administrative Board, were damaged to such an extent
the policy will be initially applied they cannot be flown again.
somewhat flexibly, to accommo- Instead of the $25 million dollar
date students who reduced their loss admitted by the Pentagon, the
course load with the assumption actual lossmwas $75 million, said
that they would be allowed to re- the spokesman.
main a ninth or tenth term.
However, Nissen adds that the Meanwhile, CBS continues to he
board will apply the new policy fembrol government over ithdoc
more rigorously each succeeding
year until virtually all students in mentary, "The Selling of the Pen-
the literary college will be requir- tagon." A House subcommittee has
ed to complete their degree in four subpoenaed all materials used in
years or less, preparation of the program. CBS
See 'U', Page 8 says it will turn over only material
Sactually aired.
N. et forces driven
froin firebase attarc

Women 's Learn-In



cover health

Today, the Ann Arbor Women's
Health Collective is sponsoring a,
Women's Health Learn-In. The
group, which started two months
ago, has as its aim giving women
health information and improving
local health conditions.
The Learn-In is being held at the'
Gabriel Richard C e n t e r, 331
Thompson St.

Group leaders Stephanie
and Diane Erensaft spoke
day of the problems th
women have been encounter
-A shortage of gyne
and doctors competent to
women about their healt
lems. "It can take a mont
an appointment with a g
gist," they said.
-"The idea of male cha


e Riger in medicine - the doctor being
yester- male, you being female."
ey say -A "10 per cent quota" on ad-
ring, in- mitting women in many medical
cologists -Alleged insensitivity on the part
advise of doctors to the dangers of birth
;h prob- control pills. "Women often aren't
,h to get given enough information to make
ynecolo- a choice between the birth control
pill or other forms of contracep-
uvinism tion," and,
-"Moral condemnation" women
sometimes encounter for using
birth controlmethods or contract-
ing venereal diseases.
The organization wants women
interested in health professions to
work collectively with women's
groups to try to solve these prob-
sion's "Personal changes aren't going
ns in to be enough," Erensaft says.
"We're going to need institutional
g re- changes to meet these needs."
ut in- The Learn-in is scheduled to
unity cover a wide range of medical and
mea- health concerns. At 12:30 p.m. two
of seven workshops will simul-
taneously begin. One, entitled "Our
Taub- Bodies," will deal with common
firm, misconceptions and roles associated
days with female health.
an be "Learning Medical Skills" will

rages over

will decide
hopping cen-
will receive
the recent
ly how Ann
t, some say,
uncil is whe-
for a com-
e proposed

effects on the area's ecology should the cen-
ter be built.
The report challenges the entire Briar-
wood project as being counter to the "con-
trolled growth" philosophy as expressed in
the recent "Guide for Change," prepared
by the city to direct planning of the future
growth of the Ann Arbor community and
outlying areas.
The shopping center would be constructed
on about 147 acres bounded by Interstate-
94, South State Rd. and Waters Rd.
Arnrdin n the Enlogv Center's re-

sary zoning ordinance, the commiss
recommendation calls for modificatio
the developer's requests.
First reading approval of the zonin
quest was given by council Feb. 16, bL
tense opposition from many comm
groups has delayed final action on the
When contacted this week, Richard '
man, president of the developing
stated, "I would hope that within 30
all open points regarding the center ca

SAIGON OP)-North Vietna-
mese commandos defied a hail
of bombs and napalm yesterday
and tried to penetrate besieged
Fire Base 6 in the central high-
lands but were reportedly re-
Associated Press correspond-
ent Michael Putzel reported
from Pleiku that the commando
explosives experts were inter-

Meanwhile, rockets and mor-
tars hit three U.S. air bases, a
South Vietnamese d i v i s i o n
headquarters and two cities.
Another attack broke up a gov-
ernment-sponsored rally of Viet
Cong defectors in the Mekong
In Paris, the head of North
Vietnam's delegation to the
Vietnamese peace talks said yes-

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