,page 'Six. THE MICHIGAN DAILYFrdyApi9,17 Friday, Apr.' 1.9, 1971 PERSONAL PERSONAL Daily Clsfid TURN ON TO YOUR MIND. Biofeed- INTROACT: Weekly and weekend back (alpha wave) equipment avail- groups. Explore interpersonal rela- able. Explore meditation states and tions, confront yourself, express feel- other altered states of consciousness. ings. Call 663-7616. cF04 Call John Evans, 769-0868, for more :-. PERSONAL ti"IVERSlTY ACTIVITIES CENTER presents EUROPE $159.00 I z ..t .. ,.. . x ,, . .. :, cm tY' ?.. , ..' e (Continued from Page 5) PERSONAL Red is a rose,-- green is the grass, you'll feel much better, with a' waterbed under your mass. Love, Tom and Harry cFtc WATER BEDS = don't consider this a, fad. Proven to aid the back and aid the couple. 50 yr. guarantee. All sizes. Lowest price anywhere, Willing to make deals on 5 or more. Four Rivers Co. 769-8235. cFtc WATERBEDROOMS have lots of poten- tial. Consider the possibilities at Wave of the Future Waterbeds. Tom and Harry discount everything. 214 E. Washington. 769-9020. cFtc HYPNO-THERAPY:, to help you lose weight and stop smoking, Douglas Beltz, 761-9440. 8-10:30 a.mn. cFtc ADVENTURESS Send .$12.95 in cash silver or gold buillion to the Wagon Werke along with your VW and get a spring tune- up, for "cheep." 1245 "Rosewood, Ann Arbor. 662-2576. 61F78 CAN'T GET IT UP? Maybe you need a Wave of the Future/ Waterbed. Re- sults not guaranteed but lots of fun -trying. See Tom, Harry, and Cathy at 214 E. Washington for further con- sultation. 769-9020. cFtc EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires work in her home. Thesis, technical typing, stuffing etc. IBM selectric Call Jeanette, 971-2463., 123tc 'SALES CONSULTANT "PLACING SALESMEN IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS' 2155 Jackson Rd., Suite 101. 769-8270 Ftc LIVING- on or near, campus? Tired of your old furniture or jiust can't find ..a furnished' apt.? Let GLOBE IN- TERIOR RENTALS help you. Rent one room of furniture or a houseful !! Coordinate your own ensembles or - rent an entire suite. All rentals with option 'to buy, or rent for two years and it's yours! We also rent office furniture. Contact Claudia Schaper, our Ann Arbor representative, anytime at 769-7667 or call collect 313-682-0078, from 10-6 p.m., Monday-Saturday.- cCtc OAN YOU BELIEVE IT? PTom and Harry have sold enough waterbeds so that they can offer Kingliize waterbeds for $29. Special finals sale to brighten those bleak days. Wave of the Future.' 214 E. Washington, 769-9020. cFtc REALLY" FINE WEDDING PHOTOG- RAPHY done by a Daily photographer. Call Jim Judkis,, 769-5814, dF70 Richard Lee, Inc. For simple passports-go to ANY studio. For. photography that requires a Photographer, call 761-9452. CFtc IF YOU ARE considering an abortion, take some time to communicate with your heavenly father through fasting and' prayer for inspiration to make the right decision. Phone 764-2004 if you want to talk things over or need' assistance in prayer. 36F76l BLOW UP YOUR GRANDPA, boyfriend or pet canary. Giant 2 ft. posters - a nyone or anything. Send any photo returned) any size, 2.85 'plus .25 postage to Personal Posters, P.O. Box 42972, L.A, Calif. 90050. 16F74 'ATTENTION -- Pinball freaks, the Wiz- ard has come to Mark's Coffee House (605 E. William) bringing a room full of pinballs.. DF70 k 1' a i 1 . 3 E 1 t i t :I PERSONAL BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh neg- ative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.. 9-4.1 Wed., 1-7: 18-21 years old need par.- ent's permission.' Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-194 Ftc HUNGRY,? 312 minute walk from 1 the Bagel Factory CARRIAGE HOUSE FLYING TO NEW YORK AFTER EXAMS?-For schedules, reservations, youth cards or reduced rate informa- tion, call Peter Graham, 761-4014.l 22F8C "Waterbeds can get you through times of no money better than money can get you throught times of no waterbeds." Love, Tom and Harry information. CF8O WATERBEDS, some people call them America's most exciting sports arena. Four Rivers Company, 769-8235. cFtc DISCOUNT BOOKSTORE? We've been discounting diamonds in Ann Arbor for years. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. 41F GOING WEST? NEED MONEY? I will pay $50 for anyone who will deliver a canoe to Pocatello, Idaho. Will provide racks to carry on car roofl top. Call 761-5652. DF76 SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES CAOO7 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/8 $159.00 CP049 Wind-Ams-Lon- Wind 5/6-6/17 $179.00 CAOO8 Det-Lon-p~et 5/6-6%21 $159.00 CA94 Det-Lon-Det 5/6-6/21 $159.00 CPO7I D-Ams-Lon-Det 5/15 - 6/'6 $189.00 CAOO9 Det-Lon-Det 5/15 - 8/15 $199.00 'CAOO1 Det-Lon-Det 6/28 - 8/28 $219.00 CAOO2 Det-Lon-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00 'CA010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2 - 8/19 $219.00 CAO5l Det-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/I $219.00 SUMMER: N.Y. DEPARTURES -iA014 N.Y.-1 on-N.Y. 5/31-8/13 $199 00 CAOI3 N.Y.-Lon-N..Y. 6/29 - 7/30 $209.00 Administrative and Travel Services by Students International UAC Travel, 2nd floor Michigan Union 763-2147 or 769-5790, 2Fta Friedrich Durrenmatt's Die Pysikeir t Trueblood Auditorium April 8& 9 TRAVELLING THIS SUMMER?- Try A double-knit flare slax from Marty's. One rinse and they're ready to wear. Marty's Men's Fashion, Clothing, 3101 S. State. CFtc 1224 Wash tenaw 665-8825 INTERESTED IN ABROAD? CALL F' WEDDING INVITATIONS you can dig. WORK OR STUDY Custom designs. Do your thing and EVE, '769-4925. 41F74 call 761-0942 anytime. 96F$6 C U M'~ SANDIA LS BOARD EXAMS - Kaplan tutoring Cuziiv~ P\LZ classes now being formed for June and July. ATGSB EXAMS and July We Make and Guarantee for 2 Yrs. LSAT EXAM. For information, call Fine Handmade Sandals in 20 Style~s 851-6077. 55F80 CALL 662-68451 YOUR DRUGSTORE away from home. HIDE-OUT, 343 Maynard St; Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. Come On In cFtc 86F9C ' - -_ - _ --- ._.... THINK YOU'RE pregnant? Call 76-1 MAGIC IS FUN! GUIDE for Problem Pregnancy Coun- You should have a magician at your seling Referral. cFD next party. Call Bill 764-0731. CFtc ____ ' --DEAR MILDRED HAPPINESS FOR $12.95 Go to the Wagon Werke at once. I just! If you love your VW give it plugs and traded 75 lb. of brown rice for aI points and a complete tune up on spring tune-up worth $12.95, It's just our spring sale, Wagon Werke, 1245 off Industrial Hwy. In Ann Arbor, Rosewood, Ann Arbor. 662-2576. 60F78 1245 Rosewood, phone 662-2576: 59F78- _____TOM couldn't get his motor to start. FREE Computer Dating information, It was causing his girlfriend to part. Send name, address to Data-Mate, He bought a waterbed, completely 1324 CD Commerce Center, Lansing. lost his head, and now he's afeared QF for his heart. 3BORTION Referral Services, for which some agencies charge fees, are also performed without charge by the following University connected agen- cies: Counseling Division, Bureau of Psychological Services: 764-9466 Mental Health Clinic: 764-8314 Office of Religious Affairs: 764-7442 Student Services Counseling Office: 7644-430. DFtc EUROPE $159.00 SUMMER: Detroit Departures 3. 5/2 -6/6 Det/Ams/Det. $159 4. 5/~5 -6/25 Det/Ams/Det $169 5. 5/16-8/16 Det/Ams/Det $189 6. 6/25-8/29 Det/Ams/Det $209 6A. 6/26-8/27' Det/Lon/Det $209 7. 7/1 -8/15 Det/Ams/Det $209 8. 8/1 -9/2 Det/Ams/Det $219 SUMMER: New York Departures 9. 5/28-6/27 NY/Lon/NY $199 10. 7/12-8/1 NY/Ams/NY $209 Also, a Complete Range of Travel Services: Rail Passes; Car Leases & Purchases; Motorcycles; Intra-Eu- ropean Charters & Many More. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER OF OUR TWO OFFICES: WORLD-WIDE CHARTER 211 South State Street or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Dial. "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 AUTO TUNE-UP & REPAIR. U.S. and import cars. Still ludicrously reason- able. A.A. Motorsports (student own- ed/operated). 662-6746. 28F75 SITUATIONS WANTED: Parttime or full-time babysitting. 769-4170. 98F74 comes in many U shapes w 8:00 P.M. TICKETS: $2.00 (students $1.50) at box of fice presented by U of M Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures '' vv.4{.;:;'. ::.. :w. A t : }"tii'?-Wr v. t-. {"t :h4v' { 44. Y .\' <;. :.. f' ::-. :Yiiliff:: il}i!-ii:::: :-:l:v:.h....."....M:'.:{::'?ii'": .4.... .".v:: k{h v.. 4. .Y .. 4: "::. ..A f. '" \ k L r:\":: ": :::::Y ": vL:: }.;..:: }..Y" Y":1.:1 .:, ,. 4.,a. '4x.h .. .. "h": $kY.: ".a .. +Y r h .., ..Y:.. ^:f:"x " "+ i + !' '" . w: ?ff:C+" x" v;}.G.:{4:.:}.}..l :} C>??Ff6:.}:.y.:v vv.::..:: + 4.., k.:: '4i .x >":;f:".a: ,4 ". 't;. :::::..i"::.":":}:}:::-.U.{v::'....:..+:.;r.: ..x"....::::.v:::. :"F.:vv:xvt"\all....x.+:a\ .'?, " :Y.-+""xxx:: ." . ...SV ".+.vl ".iv}14l"\>i ... \..? $" x"k.::.x .'lix.h?":h1'4C\ ?v v.. \x"..vfx . " .. ... x:n.v'i I. I I . SUMMER, 1969: yyrou RIDE NEEDED to Washington, D.C., anytime after, 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27. Will share driving, expenses. Please call Harry at 764-9833. DF76 PEOPLE NEEDED for five week Alaskan summer backpack expedition with ex-t perienced guides. 'Call John, 663-6036,n or Otis, 663-9283. FD WHY BUY mass-produced wedding bands? Have yours personally design- ed. Order now for summer. Reason- able ,prices. Call Jhan, 769-7550 after 4:00. F79 Love, Tom and Harry cFtci BELLA ABZUG is coming. April 17, 2j Openf only to U of M students, facul- p.m., 331 Thompson. Don. 75F74M try, staff, and immediate families. Couzens Hall presents T OLKIEN. ROTC Building bombed Riots on South University B.McGarry 306 8. State the unusual .M . . . . '..... + a'.7 {C 3* F,~ '7""' /Ai T i CERTIFIED ,ABORTION REFERRAL What's happening inMiddle Earth? ABORTION A LECTURE BY CLYDE S. KILBY. Professor Kilby sent patient handled with greatest a summer working with J.R.R. Tolkien on the Silmarillion, a care and personal warmth af- C trlogy set in the First Age of Middle Earth. frded by medical professionals M N A ,A RL 1 (212) TR 7-8562 MO )Y A RI MRS. SAUL t'2:30 p.m.-Couzens Assenmbly Riooin ALL'INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL *WATERBEDFANZS and future waterbed retailers,'We are the Wave of the Future and at o present are the largest WHOLESALERS of waterbeds in the East and Mid- west Why not open your own Wave of the Future Waterbed Store in your; home town. Nobody beats our prices, our delivery, and most important, the quality of our beds. If we can do it in Ann Arbor, you can do it anywhere- and we'll teach you how, Come on in and talk to us, We're still Tom and (4 Harry, the original waterbed men of Michigan. Wave of the Future Waterbed Co. 214 E. Washington Ann Arbor' G . ~769-9020 QI - - - 44 Man on the Moon SUMMER, 1970: Cambodian Invasion. Kent State Lawrence, Kansas AA Blues Festival 1 '. Woodstock Gay Lib Conference 'NC' SUMMER, 1971: r, 2 0 you 2 2 0 When this $ leavie A2 ummer #i N. Don't leave 1MfrI~ ~i behind! SUBSCRIBE TO:. ONLY $5 (Summer) bmmmmmrrminminminmw CLIP AND MAIL mmmmmmmmummmmmm 1 1 SOrder your SUMMER subscription now!js $3.00 Spring (lIla) OR Summer (lllb) Half Term * $5.00 Spring-Su~mmer (Ill) Term *(Please Print) Last Name First Name Middle Initials~ *Phone - _ !____ lflrb un ' I