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April 09, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-04-09

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See Editorial Page


, ii1taut


High-near 70
mild, windy

Vol. LXXXI, No. 154 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 9, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


settlement: One year


CSJ dec


A year ago, the Black Action Move-
ment (BAM) strike ended, leaving be-
hind it a series of commitments on the
part of University. The University's
promises centered around a goal of at
least 10 per cent black student enroll-
ment by the year 1973-74.
The University is currently striving
to meet these commitments, according
to University officials. Thus far, en-
rollment goals, which call for the ad-
mission of 450 black freshmen, 150 black
transfer students, and 300 black grad-
uate students per year until the 10
per cent goal is reached, are on sched-
Of 32,940 students who answered a
racial survey this fall, 1,546 identified
themselves as blacks, 165 as chicanos,
and 71 as American Indians. This re-

presents an increase of about 300 blacks
on campus.
To aid the newly enrolled minority
students, the University has increased
funding for financial aid and supportive
services such as tutoring and special
However, spokesmen have indicated
the University's precarious financial sit-
uation might prove an obstacle to ach-
ieving the 10 per cent commitment on
time. Despite this obstacle, President
Robben Fleming has said "we will ful-
fill our commitment."
Evaluating progress since the strike,
Ed Fabre, one of the BAM leaders, in-
dicates he thinks the University is cur-
rently moving to fulfill the enrollment
Gilbert Maddox, director of the un-
dergraduate Opportunity Awards Pro-
gram which is aiding minority students,

says that enough qualified black stu-
dents are available to meet the 10
per cent figure, but that "We're going to
have to do a better job of identifying
them and take a higher-risk student."
He adds the University has thus far
done a "fine job" regarding the 10 per
cent drive, but that he has "concerns
about the sort of supportive services"
which will be offered these students.
University administrators are opti-
mistic about the University's chances of
reaching the goal. President R o b b e n
Fleming says, "The admissions peo-
ple tell me that we are on schedule for
next fall" with regard to black en-
Robert Knauss, vice president for
student services, says, "My impression
is that the University has moved v e r y
actively in the areas of recruiting a n d
financial aids."
See 'U', Page 10

-es G A



BAM strike, 1970

War research




Regent agenda
President Robben Fleming has declined a request by the'
Coalition to End Classified and Military Research to place
the research issue on the April 16 Regents' meeting agenda.
The Coalition made the request Wednesday in a letter
to Fleming urging the Regents to consider the issue before
many of the University's students leave at the end of the
Fleming defended his refusal on the ground that Senate
Assembly, the faculty representative body, would not con-
clude its studies of the research issue until mid-June. "It's
just not the proper time to discuss the matter," he said.
At its March 22 meeting, the

respond t


N 1xo plan
By The Associated Press
Two top Senate leaders, Repub-
lican Hugh Scott and Democrat
Robert Byrd said yesterday they
believe President Nixon plans to
remove all U.S. troops from Indo-
china by the end of his term in
January 1973 - provided North
Vietnam frees U.S. war prisoners.
i Scott, the Senate GOP leader,
and Byrd, the Democratic whip,
said in separate news conferences
they drew this interpretation from
Nixon's comments in briefing con-
gressional leaders before Wednes-
day night's announcement of fur-
ther U.S. troop withdrawals.
"He did not state a definite
date," Byrd said, "but I had the
very definite impression from what
was said the President has a date
in mind." Asked if the date was
before the end of Nixon's term,
the West Virginia Democrat re-
plied, "I think that is substantially
correct as I understood the Presi-
Scott said the date is flexible-
depending on what happens with
the prisoners.
Senate anti-war critics, how-
ever, had negative responses to
Nixon's speech. Sen. Edward Mus-
kie (D-Maine) was one of many
who indicated Nixon's didn't go
far enough. Muskie said he was
"very disappointed."
The White House, meanwhile,
said it is standing by Nixon's re-
See SENATORS, Page 10

Assembly referred the issue to its
research policy and classified re-
search committees for further
"The Coalition does not feel it
should be up to Senate Assembly
to end research because the As-
sembly doesn't represent the en-
tire University community," said
Coalition Steering Committee
Member David Sparr.
In last week's Student Govern-
ment Council election, University
students overwhelmingly approved
separate referenda calling for an
end to classified and military re-
The Coalition's letter to Flem-
ing warned that failure to take!
the results of the referenda i n t o
serious consideration would lead
to "an increasingly dangerous and
rebellious situation."
The Coalition also requested an
open forum with the Regents be-
fore the April meeting to discuss
the issue. Fleming replied that it
is not his responsibility to ar-
range forums, and he directed the
Coalition to the Committee on
Coalition members have c o n-
tacted the committee and are try-
ing to arrange their own forum
for next week. However, the pos-
sibility of the Coalition's participa-
tion in the forum on corporate re-
sponsibility next week is also be-
ing discussed.
According to Sparr, the Coali-!
tion was considering what ac-
tions they should take in response
to Fleming's refusal. A m a s s
rally at the April Regent's meet-
ing is among the possibilities, he
In a related development,. As-
sembly's research policy commit-
tee has announced it will con-
duct hearings in order to obtain
the views of various members of
the University community on the
research issue.

-Associated Press
Bombs away
Dr. Sidney Peck, national coordinator for the Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice, presents
a chart yesterday saying Defense Department figures show that about 43 per cent of the bombing
done since 1965 in Southeast Asia has occurred during the two years of the Nixon Administration.
Coalition leaders yesterday said Nixon's speech Wednesday on Vietnam withdrawal was a "hoax on
the American people." See News briefs, Page 3.
Court rules wiretaps

Central Student Judiciary
(CSJ) unanimously voted last
night to dissolve Graduate As-
spmbly (GA).
The decision came after GA
failed to send a representative to
CSJ's meeting last night in ac-
cordance with its March 30 rul-
ing that GA appear to show "good
Last week CSJ declared GA in
violation of nine points of Stu-
dent Government Council's criter-
ia for representative government
after a graduate student brought
a suit against the body.
GA could have shown good in-
tent by attending last night's
hearing and promising to draw
up a new constitution by October
1 and by having it ratified by
December 1.
CSJ further voted last night to
permanently freeze GA's account
and impound all official papers
and files. The student judiciary
body also ordered GA representa-
tives and officers to cease using all
office space previously apportion-
ed to them by April 26.
GA was also enjoined from "any
privilege or activity of student
government," and orderedto.
"cease all activities on the Uni-
versity of Michigan campus."
Officers of GA deny that CSJ has
jurisdiction over them. GA Vice
President John Berg said last
night CSJ "has no power over us.
GA represents the graduate stu-
dents of the University to the Uni-
versity itself, in matters that af-
fect the entire University."
IBerg added even if the Rack-
ham.eExecutive Board, which gov-
erns Rackham affairs, recognizes
the newly elected Rackham Stu-
dent Government, (RSG) GA will
go on representing all graduate
students to the University adminis-t
In elections last week, Rackham
students voted to ratify a Rack-
ham constitution and elected a stu-
dent government executive bodyt
headed by President Dan Fox.
The constitution provides for1
RSG to take over GA's funding
and office facilities.
The new RSG Executive Aoardt
met last night and approved a mo-
tion to send a delegation to auditor
of student organizations Maurice
Rinkel to determine the number of1
GA's account. A delegation will
also be sent to the officers of GAi
to obtain the keys to their office
in Rackham.
The RSG Executive Board fur-
ther moved to "consider sharing
office space in the Rackham School
of Graduate Studies if GA givesI
evidence it is working toward its3
reconstitution as a federation of
graduate and professional studentj
The Executive Board generally
agreed that it wanted to avoid any
kind of battle with GA over funds,;
assets or representation. Fox said
that, "We don't want to have a
split, but we're not going to spend
two or three months arguing."''
A spokesman for the Rackham;
Administration said yesterday that;
there will be no decision until the
Rackham Executive Board meets
on April 14 as to which government
will be officially recognized. Whe-4
ther the board will comply with
last night's CSJ ruling is "in lim-
bo," the spokesman said.

-Daily-David Wender
EQBAL AHMAD, one of the Harrisburg Six accused of conspiring
to kidnap Presidential Advisor Henry Kissinger speaks out last
night against the Indochina War and repression at home.
Defendant discusses
0 S *e
rrisburg x tria
Dr. Eqbal Ahmad, one of six anti-war activists charged
with conspiring both to blow up the heating system of Wash-
ington D.C. and to kidnap Presidential Adviser Henry Kis-
singer, spoke to an audience of 400 here last night.
Ahmad, a professor at the University of Chicago, dis-
cussed the war in Indochina and the conspiracy charges
against himself and the five others people who are termed
the Harrisburg Six.
Describing the trial of the Harrisburg Six as "the
domestic equivalent of the

must have


By BILL DINNER Lately, however, J.S. Attorney,
General John Mitchell had decided
The U.S. Sixth Court of Appealsththersdnthshepwr
yesterday ruled in favor of White that the president has the power
Panther Party member Pun Pla- to permit wiretapping, without
mondon who is seeking the >elease court orders on any subversives
of ovenmet wretp lgswhich' who were endangering national
of government wiretap gs wh security.
he claims were obtained without a
judicially valid warrant. Keith had ruled that the U.S.
The appeals court 2-1 decision !Attorney General had no authority
affirmed United State Dis rict to disregard the Fourth Amend-
Judge Damon Keith's ruling of ment of the Constitution in such a
February this year. case of national security.


be used by the prosecution in the
case was obtained through the tapes
and would therefore be illegal at
an evidentiary hearing at the trial's
A ruling similar to that of Keith
and the appeals court was made by
Federal District Judge Warren
Ferguson last December in a case
involving Black Panthers on the
West Coast. Judge Julius Hoff-
man, however; came to the oppo-
site conclusion when the question
had come up in the Chicago Con-
spiracy trial.
Government spokesmen were un-
available for comment. '
If convicted for conspiracy Pia-
mondon, Sinclair and Forest face
$5,000 fines and 10 years in prison.
In addition Plamondon faces an ad-
ditional $5,000 and 10 years if con-
victed of carrying out the actual

Gulf of Tonkin incident," Ah-
mad contended that the trial
was an attempt to "test out
the margins of repression in
America," as the Tonkin in-
cident was a means of deter-
mining the limits of American
intervention in Indochina.
Despite the significance of the
trial, Ahmal warned against the
dangers of "playing the govern-
ments game" by spending time and
money on the defense of the Six
instead of concentrating. their ef-
forts on ending the war.
The strategy of the trial would
not only be to establish the in-
nocence of the defendents but al-
so to "prove the guilt of men de-
serving trial as criminals of war",
Ahmad said.
Ahmad declined to comment on
any of the specifics of his trials
scheduled to begin this fall in
Harrisburg, Pa., because he and
the other defendants, including
Father Phillip Berrigan, felt it
necessary to "observe the norms
of civility and judicial practice
that are being ignored by the
leaders of our nation." He cited
See DEFENDANT, Page 10

House serves
subpoena for
CBS program'
NEW YORK (P) - The Colum-
bia Broadcasting System was
served yesterday with a subpoena
by a House !committee for various
materials in connection wih the
program "The Selling of the Pen-
CBS President Frank Stanton
replied with a statement that CBS
would furnish to the committee only
"the material actually broadcast."
He said he would not turn over ma-
terial not broadcast.
The subpoena was served by the
special subcommittee on investi-
gation of the House Interstate and
Foreign Commerce Committee,
headed by Rep. Harley O. Staggers,
The committees asked for the
film and written transcript of the
See HOUSE, Page 10

Keith had ordered the logs re-
leased to Plamondon, who is
charged with John Sinclair and
Jack Forest with conspiracy to
bomb the Ann Arbor office of the
CIA in September of 1968.I
The case has revolved around the
question of who can be wiretapped
without a court approved order.
Unitl recently only foreign subver-
sives, who are not protected by the
federal constitution, fell into this

LSA committee approves new
grading plan for history course

The courts majority opinion,
written by Judge George Edwards,
of Detroit, said that unrestricted
presidential power to wiretap
"suggests that constitutional gov-
ernment is too weak to survive in1
a difficult world and urges worried
judges and worried citizens to re-
turn to the security of the sove-
reign power."
Judge Paul Weick, who dissented,
noted he believed release of the
logs was a threat to internal secur-
ity, "I see no reason why the power
of the President should be any dif-
ferent dealing with foreign or do-
mestic subversives, both are equal-
ly harmful and both could result
in the destruction of our govertn-
White Panther defense attorneys
Buck Davis and Alfred Kinoy both
said they were "exuberant" over
the decision.
Davis added, however, that the
decision would almost certainly be
appealed by the government. "If
the decision stands it would com-
pel a new trial in the Chicago 7
conspiracy case as well as create
havoc in many political trials in
the United States," he said.
The government's appeal may
take either of two forms. They may
,.-nltiAinn the Anneals Court for


Dorms plan security measures

The LSA Curriculum Commit-
tee yesterday approved a pro-
posal which will allow students
who fail or do not complete His-
tory 573 - History of the Amer-
ican City - to automatically
drop the course.
In presenting the proposal, to
be implemented next fall, his-
tory Prof. Sam Warner, the in-
structor of the course, agreed
to conduct the grading system

create a better class atmos-
phere as well as remove the
punitive nature of failing grad-
Members of the Administrative
Board and the Curriculum Com-
mittee expressed reservations
that a large number of o t h e r
instructors would request per-
mission to use such a system for
their classes.
However, Curriculum Commit-

An increase in dorm security problems
has prompted t h e Office of University
Housing to improve present security sys-
tems for next year
Various dorm secarity innovations, in-
cluding a paging system for security
guards, observation holes and chain locks
for resident room doors, magnetic keys,
and locked shower doors, are presently
being discussed by housing administrators
and staff.
"We have a commitment to make some

receive messages from the Security Cen-
ter about incidents occurring within the
The system would be triggered w h e n
dorm residents telephone the Security
Center, which would in turn immediately
contact the guard through the paging de-
Chief Security Officer David Foulke,
sees many advantages -in this system.
"This year, it has taken up to 40 min-
utes to locate a security guard when an
incident occured. Under the pager system,
no guard will be further than six or seven

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