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April 06, 1971 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-04-06

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Tuesday, April 6, 1971

e Eight


City election results
*Robert Harris, Dem ocrat ........................................ 15,789
Jack Garris, Republican .............................................11,158
**Doug Cornell, Radical Independent Party.............53
City Council
Norris Thomas, Democrat..................3,433
Edward Rutka, Republican.................1,789
*Robert Faber, Democrat ...................1,690
Donald Robinson, Republican ..............................1,350
**Jerry De Grieck, Radical Independent Party ...... 161
Nelson Meade, Democrat..................3,754
Peter W right, Republican ......................................3,179
Gilbert Lee, Democrat .....................2,520
Richard Hadler, Republican................3,094
Donald Warren, Democrat.................2,424
John McCormick, Republican...............3,155
*Write-in candidate
Students charge bias

Faber gets.
ard post
(Continued from page 1)
Victorious Second Ward Demo-
cratic Councilman Faber said last
night, "I'm hopeful a little of the
reason that I was re-elected was
because I did some things positive
in the last two years."
F aber previously expressed fear
that De Grieck might capture
some of the student vote that
normally would go to him, thus
throwing the election to his Re-
publican opponent.
However, this fear proved large-
ly unfounded as Faber beat Re-
publican Robinson by a margin of
340 votes, a larger margin than
any Democrat in that ward has
ever captured.
Councilman elect Thomas, Dem-
ocrat from the First Ward, com-
mented on the Democratic reten-
tion of three of four Democratic
seats up for election. "I'm very
happy we got as many wards as
we did," said Thomas. "The Dem-
ocrats were worried about a Re-
publican veto power and now that
worry is over. Now Ann Arbor can
continue to be a progressive city."
"The People of Ann Arbor
showed that they are not ready for
riah uint nlitin I anpinfp

victor in
large vote
(Continued from page 1)
the effect of Radical Independent
Party (RIP) candidate Douglas
Cornell. Some Democrats feared
that Cornell would draw votes
away from Harris, and thereby
throw the election to Garris in a
close race. Cornell, however, drew
only 53 votes, mostly from the
Second Ward.
At the Republican party head-
quarters, there was generally a
feeling of disbelief at the extent
of the defeat. Peter Wright, un-
successful candidate for the Third
Ward seat, said the Republicans
did "the minimum they had ex-
pected, which was winning t w o
council seats."
A Republican party official who
asked to remain anonymous, at-
tributed much of the defeat to
Garris. "Jack Garris if elected,
would have killed the city, his loss
just killed the party," said the
In yesterday's election, voters
also approved a $3.5 million bond
issue for parks 11,378 to 5,675.

Faculty Senate hears
review of Assembly


Faculty Senate, the all-faculty
body, held its once-a-term meet-
ing yesterday to review actions
taken this year by Senate Assem-
bly, its representative body, and
once again, faculty attention fo-
cused on the classified research
The group of about 150 faculty
members listened quietly to vari-
ous reports ondactivities of the
Senate Assembly during the term,
and to speeches by President Rob-'
ben Fleming and Fedele Fauri,
vice president for state relations
and planning.
However, when history Prof.
Gerhard Weinberg, chairman of
Senate Assembly, mentioned that
the report of Senate Assembly's
Classified R e s e a r c h Committee
had been distributed, a number
of comments were made, indicat-
ing the variety of faculty feeling
on the issue.
opponents of classified research
at the University last month fail-
ed to get Senate Assembly to sup-
port a motion calling for a ban of
such research.
Instead, the issue has been re-
ferred to two committees for fur-
ther investigation.

At yesterday's ;meeting, anthro-
pology Prof. Marshall Sahlins said
that "it seems inconceivable that
the Senate should pass over this
report in silence," and called such
action "complicity" with the Clas-
sified Research Committee, who
have been at the center of the
debate on such research.
Sahlins' comments sparked a
heated discussion of the issue.
Earlier, Fleming had spoken of
a need to specify University pri-
orities, especially in light of the
financial crisis facing the Univer-
sity in coming years.
Fauri, commenting in a similar
vein, spoke primarily of the
hardships he foresees for the Uni-
versity because of budget cuts
scheduled for the upcoming year.

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rgt wng Poitcs. apprecae 11 l
y e n t greatly the student vote," Thomas
in is Barinciden Republican Fourth Ward Coun- STRATEGIES FOR LABOR:
cilman James Stevenson was bitter
(Continued from page 1) laws on a regular basis. In fact, at the results. "It's just terrible," A Discussion of Radical Perspectives
in violation of the civil rights law in this instance there is a real he said last night at Webers' Inn,
by arbitrarily deciding who can question as to whether this is Republican Victory Headquarters. BONNIE McFADDEN-Women's orgaeizer; mem lst tWO Weeks O pubi cation of t
drink there. Staudenmeir then actually discrimination. They gave assistedIn the coverage o last ber News and Letters
threatened to padlock the bar if me no indication as to whether night's election returns: Jim Mc-
it did not abide by the ruling. the incident was based on race, Ferson, John Mitchell, Cris Parks, STAN WEIR-Labor organizer, instructor at U of
Since that time, Chester has color, creed, sex or national Jonathan Miller, and Janet Frey. Illinois Institute for Labor Relations; member, This is necessary because most students vac
been served at the bar up until origin." International Socialists Ann Arbor addresses in April - before
last Friday night. "If these people want to lodge DICK WILSON-Education Dept., UAW; member,
"After the waitress walked a complaint," he added, "they Union for Radical Political Economics ma.
away," the students continued, should file it with some other
"Beth walked up to the bar and board such as the Human Rights NEED HELPd
ordered a pitcher of beer. The Commission or the licensing Tuesday,
waitress asked her where she was authority."AprildObviouly the waitress knew I
back table, the waitress said, 'As was over 21 if she remembered the -
long as you are with Chester I incident from three years ago,"
won't serve you."' Chester pointed out. "She refused YOUR QUESTIONS ON
"Realizing then that we weren't to serve me for political reasons." A O RN23 SS T
going to be served, we called the The owner of the bar refused to
police," said one student. "Two comment on the incident. "I
officers came and spoke to the wasn't there at the time," he said. CAN ONLY BE FULLY U. OA.Payroll
waitress, came back to us and He added, however, "Males must ANSWERED BY
said we would be served if Eric generally show both a driver's PROFESSIONALS cashed here
would produce his draft card." license, a student ID, and a draft
Chester then told the police card to get served here because CALL (215) 878-5800
that what the bar was doing was students often switch identifica- 24 hours 7 days
illegal under the civil rights laws tion." FOR TOTALLY
and explained how the issue had Nissen said that the waitress CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION
come up three years before. had passed his ID without seeing Legal Abortions Without Delay
"The police," the five added, his draft card.
"refused to act any further on the --------------- nm-- --m-.r .mOPEN 9-9 Mon., P.m7
complaint and refused to call1. -6 Tes.-Sat.
Staudenmeir to find out about j
the former complaint." r
"We then went over to the po- ANOTHER INO GAME S
lice department to try and get i
the law enforced, but Sgt. Donald N O GIMMICKS
Johnson would not do anything 1 P
about it," they said. "So, we are famous____ ____ __
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ance office against the three po- SPECIAL COUPON COUPON COUPON
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aid during the
his term.
ate or change their
classified bills are
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Hair Spray
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