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January 14, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-14

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S irriax

Vo. LXXXI, No. 88 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 14, 1971 Ten Cents
Union negotiations: ressure fromther
By SARA FITZGERALD ficial bargaining agent for Uni- if conditions at the bargaining members posted on the =state of from Bursley, a Markley food whether they w'ould strike more
Daily NewsAnajgsis versity service and maintenance table seem satisfactory regardless negotiations. "I don't believe it service worker, a hospital main- areas than the union has desig-
For the leadership of American employes. of the situation at the bargaining is a good idea to publish all the tenance mechanic, and a mover. nated. Massey says, "Everything's
Federation of State, County and And recently there have been table. demands," he explains, "because McCracken is classified as a wall possible."
Municipal Employes (AFSCME) J many rank-and-file complaints McCracken first became a union a lot of people would think that's washer at University Hospital, Another bargaining team mem-
Local 1583, the University labor that the union leadership is not steward in October 1968, and what they're going to get." though he devotes all of his work- ber thought of as an activist by
dispute'which appears to be near- keeping its membership informed moved up to the executive vice "A goal can be set, but in a ing hours to the union. both students and workers is Wil-
ing its climax today is more than about the status of the negotia- presidency later that year. He bargaining session, there must be "I wouldn't describe the union lie Collins, second vice president
just a battle between workers and tions. briefly took over the union presi- give-and-take from both sides, as militant," continues Mullins, of the union and chief steward
management. For local 1583 President Charles dency in 1969 with the death of and you won't always reach your "because we have always tried to for Central Campus.
Having received minimal wage McCracken, and the rest of the President Al Taylor. goal," he adds. be humane. This can be seen in A grandmother with °grown
hikes when AFSCME won recog- union bargaining committee the In the niext election, however, Several members of the nego- our decision not to shut down the children, Collins spoke out at the
nition-in a strike three years ago, mood of the union membership McCracken ran for vice president tiating team agree that the union hospital." Regents' open session in October,
the union's 2,500 members appear could prove an important intan- again. "I didn't want to be presi- is run democratically. "An indica- However, Clarence Massey, an- expressing AFSCME support for
to be upset with the union, leader- gible in the uncertain days of pos- dent at that time, because I pre- tion of this," explains Dave Mul- other bargaining team member, is Tenants' Union demands. She
ship--an element of the labor sit- sible strikes, wildcats, injunctions 'erred working on grievances," lins, a plant department mover, is considered by some union mem- sometimes attends the meetings of
uation whose importance is in- and ratification votes ahead. McCracken says. But when the that the bargaining team has been bers as an example of militancy Student Government Council and
calculable. McCracken himself attempts to newly-elected president quit, Mc- chosen by the membership." in the AFSCME local. PROBE, a women's group which
In recent months, this discon- minimize the nature of the union's Cracken found himself at the The union has attempted to He was laid off for three months has spearheaded investigations of
tent with the union manifested internal problems, acknowledging ?elm of the local again. choose representatives from dif- because of his involvement in University hiring policies.
Itself in a wildcat walkout last the existence of complaints about Walter McCloskey, the union's ferent job areas such as the plant leading the wildcat walk-out, at Because the AFSCME local at
April at University Hospital, and informing the union membership recording secretary, and one of department, housing, and the hos- the hospital last April. the University is only a few years
a strong but unsuccessfUl drive on the status of negotiations, but the negotiators claims the bar- pital. Thus its bargaining- team Regarding whether hospital em- old, some members of the team
by the Teamsters Union to sub- saying that he will not feel pres- gaining committee has done an is made up of a lab machinist, an ployes would stage a walk-out including McCracken have had
vert AFSCME and become the of- sured by the membership to strike adequate job of keeping union operating room nurse's aid, a maid again independent of the union, or See AFSCME, Page 8

Eight Pog
harles McCracken

U.S. says
Interior Department held yes-
terday that Alaskan oil is so
important to the nation that
a pipeline for its delivery
must be built even at the in-
evitable cost of some damage
to the environment.
In an environmental impact
statement requred by law, depart-
ment staff members conceded that
some, unavoidable environmental
costs would be incurred through
construction and operation of an
800-mile pipeline from the frozen
North Slope of Alaska to a south-
ern port at Valdez.
It also acknowledged that oi
spills, either from, the pipeline or
from the port facilities and 120,000
ton tankers that would carry away
the p oil, may endanger valuable
wildlife and fishing resources,
'But the report concluded that
development of the North Slope
oil reserves discovered in 1968 is
"essential to the strength, growth
and security of the United States."
Environmental Protection Ad-
ministrator William D. Ruckel-
shaus said his agency will prepare
comments for the President's
Council on Environmental Quality
and make them public upon com-
pletion. At full capacity the pipe-
line woul move some two million
gallons of crude oil daily.
The report stated its construc-
tion would aid the economy of
Alaska but local residents might
face temporary hardships in com-
peting with outside workers for
goods and jobs.
The pipeline, the report said,
kwould unavoidably cause some in-
crease in pollution, reduction of
*wilderness areas and wildlife hab-
itat, and degradation of scenic
values along its route.
"There is a probability that
some oil spills will occur even
under the most stringent enforce-
ment," the report conceded, add-
ing that spills could cause serious
harm if the oil reaches major
The construction, it said, might
inflict scars on the landscape that
could take years or even 'decades
#to heal.
And, by opening a permanent
road to the North, it would en-
courage further human intrusion,
for mineral prospecting and tim-
ber cutting. But the report said
"There is a strong need for mak-
ing the vast petroleum resources
,Kof the North Slope available to
United States markets."
Student in
LAM case
A student conviced of hitting an
Ann Arbor police officer in the
back withra brick during a'Black
*ction Movement (BAM demon-
stration last spring, has been sent-
enced to 15 days in jail on week-
ends and fined $325.




-Daily-Torn Gottlieb
China Week program
Guerrilla theater, performances mark yesterday's activities in the China Week program which is sponsored by American Revolutionary
Media (ARM) and the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars. The week's programs aim to explain current conditions in the People's
Republic of China.

Despite substantial m o v e -
ment in yesterday's negotiat-
ing session between the Uni-
versity and Local 1583 of the
American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Em-
ployes (AFSCME), it still ap-
pears that the union will
walk out when its contract
expires at midnight tonight.
Union President Charles Mc -
Cracken said that settlement ap-
peared "impossible" since there
was "too much left to do." Yes-
terday's session reduced the num-
ber of remaining non-economil
issues to five, though McCracken
described these as "hard core is-
Also unresolved are economic
proposals, which the union pre-
sented for the first time last night.
Union members have been told
that "unless you are notified of-
ficially by the union all service,
maintenance, and food employes
will leave their duties and report
immediately" to several campus.
locations as of midnight tonight.
McCracken declined to say what
steps would be taken if settlement
is not'reached today. So. far the
University has not stated that it
would extend benefits of the new
contract retroactively to Jan. 1,
one of the stipulations McCracken
has said would be, required for a
contract extension. McCracken has
also said he would consider a con-
tract extension only if a few is-
sues remained unsettled which
could be resolved "with a few more
days or hours at the table."
Other members of the union's
negotiating team said that settle-
ment would depend on "how fast
we move in the next few hours."
"There is pressure on all sides
to settle," said one member of the
team. "We are just beginning to
realize the enormity of the situa-
Members of the team expressed
fear that if the contract were ex-
tended, employes would hold a
See UNION, Page 8


expands ecology



to finance

as interest in environment grows

In response to growing student
interest inecology, the University,
is offering a number of courses
this term dealing with environ-
mental problems.
Many of the courses are new
and experimental. Others, though'
previously offered, have been re-
organized to stress ecological is-
Student response has been great-'
er than expected, filling many of
the courses beyond the originally
projected capacities, while others
still have a few vacancies.
Although many of the ecological
courses require .prerequisites, this
is generally not strictly enforced,
especially in the newer ones. A
number of these courses, h o w-
ever, are aimed at graduate stu-
dents in specialized fields.
The only courses on the 100
level are Engineering 195 and Na-
tural Resources (NR) 101. De-
signed for freshmen in the En-
gineering Program, Engineering
195 - "Man and his Environment"!
- will concern the physical and
biological systems which comprise
the natural environment.
NR 101 is a one credit film and
discussion course on the environ-
ment.The Pilot Program has in-I
stituted an expanded version of
this course that also includes a
directed reading list for two cre-

iocultural problems concerning
energy and resource consumption.
Anthropology 328, is a three-:
,redit course open to sophomores,
focuses on the nature of man from
a biological and behavioral per-
Despite its technical description,
"Quantitative and Physical An-
alysis of Public Policy Problems,"
LSA College Course 321 is in-
tended for non-science students.
NR 301, a four-credit s u r v e y
course designed to develop a basic
understanding of ecological pro-
cesses underlying environmental

problems, is open to all students. Planning and Conservation 494-
Prof. Robert Williams will teach j "Conservation of Natural Re-
Physics 400, "Energy and Man," j sources" - a three-credit course
which is basically directed at sen- open to all students.
iors, Williams says. The course Discussions on a "wide variety
will emphasize the environmental of environmental issues according
impact of power and energy gen- to the values people hold," will be
eration. ' a part of Resource Planning and
Resource Planning and Conser- Conservation 497-"Environmental
vation 474, an "Environmental Quality and Human Behavior"-
Education Seminar," will involve according to Prof. J. A. Swan.
investigation of environmental ed- Special emphasis will be placed on
ucation as a theme for educational attitude formation and change.
programs. Other environmental course of-
Consideration of major natural ferings are listed in the ENACT
resource problems in the United office in the Natural Resources
States will be stressed in Resource Bldg.

strike ,coalition
Student Government Council voted last night to allocate
$1,500 to the student Support Coalition for the American
Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes,
(AFSCME), local 1583.
The allocation is to be used for various strike,. support
activities if the strike occurs. The unanimous Council vote
granted $500 for general strike support purposes along with a
$1,000 loan specifically for the establishment of an alternative
food service for students living in the University residence
halls affected by the strike.
Member-at-large Dale Oesterle, '73, explained that the
$1,000 will be used to purchase food for ,tomorrow, the first


Where is the women's movement in
Ann Arbor?
What began last term as a flash of
sound and fury seems to have slowed
down to a trickle of small, fragmented
groups. Women's liberation, as a single
cohesive, political organization, no longer
But the women's liberation movement
has not died. Instead, the several groups
that hnssomed forth last semester in a

I b:



other group, concerned about the status
of women employes at the University, was
active in the recent dispute between the
University and the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare. HEW had
charged the University with discrimina-
tion against women and ordered it to
formulate a plan to remedy this.
The one major attempt at coordinating
women's liberation groups in Ann Arbor
now seems doomed to extinction. The
Ann ArborWomen's Liberation Coalition,

Sisters Rising originally started as a
women's group, was also dissatisfied
with the coalition. "We didn't agree with
their politics, and I don't think they liked
us much either," one member says.
Sisters Rising originally started as a
"group of women who have come together
to create a strong revolutionary force in
this community," one member said.
Now, however, Sisters Rising appears
more concerned with "getting itself to-
gether."Instead of one cohesive unit. the

group is currently holding a political edu-
cation class to "educate ourselves as to
political affairs from a feminist point of
view," the spokesman says.
Although the group considers itself a
part of the women's liberation movement,
members are quick to draw a distinction
between Radicalesbians and other radical
women's organizations.
- "We think that the feminists have de-
emphasized racism and capitalism," the
sookesman says. "We don't think women

day of the proposed emergency
food distribution programs.
Money collected tomorrow will
go towards purchasing addi-
tional food for, Saturday.
Thus, the $1,000 will sei've only
as the first day's working capi-
tal, with the project becoming
self-sustaining on the successive
days, if it is necessary to con-
tinue the service.
The Coalition,according to Oes-
terle, plans to prepare the food in
the kitchens of various student co-
operative houses and churches in
the campus area. P e n d i n g
AFSCME consideration of its
plans the Coalition has prepared
two proposals for serving the
meals it prepares.
Although coalition members feel
that serving meals in the dormi-
tories would be the most conven-


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