Shoplifting: Mercha nt as policeman
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following arti-. ters: "Observation Mirror: Shoplift- shoplifter; when he is behind the mir- business no matter how effective the of shoplifters is a difficult problem.
splifting in Ann Arbwor foes on ers will be prosecuted." ror he misses relatively few, deterrents.A udbyTeDicrreot
the reaction of storeowners to the phe- I watch a huskily built male wander Local merchants are by no means Tom Kay, the owner of Stanger's, is behind one-way mirrors during crowd-
noenyo. Tomorw' eartice will explore into the store. He begins walking up blessed with immunity from the shop- one of the few willing to venture an ed shopping hours, showed that cus-
Inhis cramped quarters on the .
seodfloor of a small food store, Bill
Tice is momentarily diverted by a
delivery boy requiring is attention.
While he Is engaged, I take the op-
portunity to look out through a large
one-way mirror. It gives the observer
an expansive and undetected view of
the store and of any customers who ex-
periment with the art of shopping
without paying. ,
On the other side of thel mirror and
~,In full view of the store's customers, a
message is printed in stark black let-
and down the aisles, glimpsing occas-
sionally at the cashier, utterly con-
spicuous in his attempt to be relaxed.
I watch the young man as he finally
sneaks a hand out and pockets a bag
of unobtrusive Hershey's chocolates.
The cashier is preoccupied with a line
of customers and he exits unnoticed.
After regaining Tics's attention, I
describe the incident. A grimace, un-
conscious and reflexive, crosses his face
and he dims the office's adjustable light,
affording us a clearer view of the store
through the mirror.
He appears dismayed, perhaps a
bit angry, but certainly niot surprised.
He is annoyed that he missed the
ifiing craze wnicn piagues merchants
in all major cities.
"Sure we're being hit" explains one
owner, echoing the sentiments of what
appears to be the majority. "But I
try not to think about how much I'm
losing. It simply hurts too much."
In general, storeowners claim it is
impossible to estimate the amount they
lose to itchy-fingered customers and
to dishonest employees. They point out
that total losses include a number of
variables, including unsold merchan-
dise, the sales a store holds and miscal-
culation during inventory.
Nevertheless, most storeowners seem
to be resigned to the fact that shop-
lifting will have some effect on their
estimate on his yearly losses. He be-
lieves that he loses as much as $45,000
a year between his three stores, one of
which is in Ann Arbor.
He adds that this year has been par-
ticularly bad. Kay suspects he loses
anywhere between five and ten per
cent of his gross intake in a given
Ernie Bundy, an owner of Ulrich's
bookstore, voices the common lament.
"It is simply impossible to keep track
of what we are losing."
The theft problem is amplified at
times when the store is most busy. In
miid-winter as customers mill around
in large coats, protected by the Sa-
turday afternoon crowds, the detection
tomers often shield each other inadiver-
tantly, that suspicious shoppers a r e
very difficult to condemn conclusively
and that many of the suspicious
"types" are keenly aware of mirrors
and of other protective devices.
The increased consciousness of em-
ployers during crowded hours pro-
vides an inherent dr'awback to poten-
tial shoplifters. Owners often m a k e
special efforts to decrease their sus-
ceptibility by increasing the number of
employes on the floor, focusing great-
er attention on customers and man-
ning whatever protective devices they
A CLOSED CIRCUIT television camera in a local store keeps
electric eye on potential shoplifters.
See Editorial Page
Sir i~au
Rainy, windy, chance
of .snow flurries
Vol. LXXXI, No. 148
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 2, 1971
Ten Cents
Twelve Page
Profs to reintroduce
Faculty asks
ban on
war research
- By P. E. BAUER
* -Associated Press
AN ARMORED personne carrierar) rubes upi a roa near
N. Vits strie posts
near Laotian border
SAIGON UP) - North Vietnamese troops yesterday led
devastating attacks on South Vietnamese outposts In central
apd northern sectors of the South Vietnamese highlands near
the Laotian border.
H owever, South Vietnamese troops were reported last
night to have recaptured an artillery post in an eastern sec-
tor near the border.
A Saigon military spokesman said South Vietnamese
Ai resoiution cailing for an
end to classified researcb on
campus will be reintroduced to
Senate Assembly, the faculty
representative body , at the
May or June meeting, accord- -~~-~---
ing to two professors active in,
the opposition to such re-
search. -
at the March 22 Senate Assembly 6
meeting, where the faculty body i
asked two of its committees to
study the research Issue.
About two months of concen-
trated student-faculty opposition
tortheresearch had diminish ed af-
ther investigations. A*4
However, the indication this
week of sron student sentiment
search - as indicated by the N N
te camus-wid election - ap-
ther efforts by faculty members j
toward ending such research. -
One referendum, asking w ho e--*.
ther the University should refuse
to contract for any further mili- E
ther the University should refuse NN
to contract for any further class- Daily Jim wallac
ified research, passed by a vote of AN AD HOC GROUP of students meet last night to discuss their plans for further opposiin to the
4,6 to - 3,069. University's research policies. Plans involve mas s attendance of the Regent's April 16 meeting.
The facult motion to end mili- ~._________________ ____ ______ ___________________
tary and classified research oni-
ginally introduced by medical SGC ELECTIONS:
Prof. Donald Rucknagel and soc -______*_________
ial work Prof. Roger Lind, calls
for an end to classified research, j e
Senate Assembly, the faculty representative body, last
night approved the draft of the proposed ,University-wide
judiciary, as revised by the Regents this month, but sug-
gested a major aspect of the draft be altered.
The Regents' revised draft, released by the administra-
tion Wednesday, modified the role of the two associate judges
who sit on the panel with the presiding judge.
The Regents are expected to approve their revised judi-
ciary plan at their April 16 open meeting.
The regental proposal empowers the presiding judge -
an attorney - to make the final decision on rulings in-
volving '"a question of law," with the student and faculty
associate judges serving in only an advisory capacity.
Assembly instead suggested that
all procedura mattersv bedeter
presiding judge and the two
associate judg ens
dicial plan has only a bare major-
ity support among the Regents.
Five of the eight Regents ap-
prove the plan, with Regents Law-
rence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge),
the source said.
The source voiced fear that any
mao r criticis of te regental pro-
Regent William Cudlip (R-Detroit)
to switch his vote.
Ed Kussy, a student member of
the student-faculty-administration
committee which formulated the
proposed judicial system, prompt-
ed Assembly to propose alterations
in the Regents draft.
Kussy questioned the effective-
ness of the two associate judges
when given only an advisory role
in determnining "legal questions."
"I have presided at disruption
cases and I feel that every decision
I made involved a 'question of
law,' " Kussy told Assembly.
Anthr evsin he Regets
suggsted inrtei judiciary plan was
the requirement in the original
plan for unanimity in jury deci-
sions. h R d f
guilt and punishment wud be de-
cided by five of the six jury mem-
bers. Assembly in is Jauary
determined by majority vote, but
agreed last night to support the
iv-ixth ornoal.
representative body, last night en-
dorsed the Housing Policy Board's
proposal tobuild 250 low-rent, sub-
modified the proposal with three
strong stipulations.
The housing proposal must be ap-
proved by the Regents at their
April 16 meeting in order to meet
a May 1 filing deadline for, a
IHousing and Urban Development
(HUD) subsidy needed for the pro-
The stipulations which were at-
tached to Assembly's endorsement
asked for: a r'eview of alternative
sites, a provision for a North
Capselementary school site, and
for the University to assume part
jf the financial responsibility for
such a school or schools.
Since the presently proposed site
nrhof Huron High School entails
bussing costs, some Assembly
members suggested raising the
projected rents to meet costs, and
alternative sites either on central
campus or closer to present bus
-~ frce too bak th bae lae -but allows security classification
1* ra of North Vietnamese regulars
Poii e P Ilast night from the regiment
which had driven them out
11 * * te day before.
0001110111 i The South Vietnamese efforts
hero n g were aided by heavy American air
By JONATHAN MILLER support, including fresh raids by
B52 bombers against North Viet- I
City police, aided by members namese.
of the Detroit Metro Squad, the In Saigon yesterday, the U.S.
Mihn Saeri Poep ande tt heCommand reporteda58 Americans
to have smashed the biggest hero- highest death toll in a month,
in ring in the county with the ar- and 542 Americans wounded, the
rests yesterday of nine persons on -hghest in six months. Figures for
The raiding party, led by Det. and 335 wounded.
Sgt. Calvin Hicks of the city po- The step up in North Vietnam-
lice, began their round-up early ese action in the central high-
yesterday morning. Twelve per- lands marked the third major
sons were taken to the police sta- communist strike this week, with
See HEROIN, Page 8 See N. VIETS, Page 8
for tne soie purpose of providing
access to classified materials.''
According to Lind, "it's our plan
that the resolution wili be rein-
troduced in May." The first of
the two committees will give its
report and recommendations in
May. the second in June.
Meanwhile, at a meeting of
about 30 students last niht, fur
ther actions for changing the Uni
versity'sd research policies were
Thse group plans to present the
issue at the Regent's April 16
mUniversity comn it te
The students also plan to send
a delegation to Pres. Robben Flem-
ing in an attempt to get the sub-
ject of classified and military re-
search on the agenda of the Re-
See PROPOSAL, Page 8
Lonservalives gain nig
foothold in government
Daily News Analysis
A deliberate, highly organized
sity's conservative students coming
at a time of confusion and schism
within the left and radical ranks
has resulted in th e strongesttshow-
Government Council campus-wide
With the landslide election of all
four members of the Student Cau-
cus-who campaigned under the
slogan "turn the rascals out", and
promised to follow a "libertarian"
doctrine that they would leave to
ntre sudch uas war,rclassifie re-
search and recruiting-the conser-
vative element appears to have
gained a significant, if not de-
Although f the conservative-sup-
ported president and vice presi-
dential candidates finshed a wak
sound thrashing delivered to the
leftist candidates for SGC at-lar~ge
seats by the four caucus candi-
dtes seems to be an accurate indi-
cation that the present mood on
campus is more to the right htn
years - at least among those stu-
dents interested enough to vote.
be the first four places amongr the
19 candiates for at-large council
Aend there is some feeling amcng
political activists of both camps
that conservative sentiment on
campus is even higher than Tues-
day's and wednesday's vote indi-
"I think if Bill Thee (the right-
supported presidential candidate)
hadn't gotten into all that trouble
over campaign spending, he would
have won, or come damn close to
P roblems pervade black affairs
Scott was subsequently elimui-
nated after the initial ballot accord-
and his votes were ~distributed be-
tween the other two candidates, in
cases where students had indicated
their second choice. At that point,
the vote was 3,932 to 2,481 in favor
While the election undoubtedly
shows that the conservative ele-
ment is strong at the University,
many radicals disagree that the
seating of four rightists on coun- I
SGC discusses directing C&R
to reconlsider Thee charges
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the third
of a series exploring prominent issues In
Monday's city elections.
Two city programs designed to ease the
problems of the Ana Arbor black com-
munity have, over the past two years,
become the centers of bitter controversy,
evoking questions about the roles of the
city administration in black affairs.
in the Model Cities Policy Board, the pro-
gram's steering committee, as disputes
erupted about the alleged "political game-
playing" and the "cliquish administra-
tion" of some members of the board.
As a result, the Detroit office of Hous-
ing and Urban Development, the pro-
gram's principal funder, was recently re-
quzsted to investigate the local M o d e 1
Cities operation.
inent board members, says that once the
quarreling ends, the program will be ef-
fective in solving black community prob-
lems. He says he will "continue persistent
efforts to make the program a success.".
Jack Garris, the Republican mayoral
candidate, claims that the entire Model
Cities Program has been a fiasco.
City reports published in 1966 and 1968
The Student Government Council
continued discussion early this I
morning on whetherrSGC's Credi
should reconsider its investigation I
and ruling on a complaint against
defeated presidential candidate Bill
Last Friday, the board found
Thee in violation of the SGC elec-
tion code for exceeding the $100
eliminated following the first tally,
which placed him third,
Tehe results onthe raesd fo
Publications, and the Board in
Control for Intercollegiate Ath-
letics, and The Advisory Committee
on Recreation intramurals and
Club Sports had not been tabulated
yesterday. The returns are ex-
pected today.