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March 31, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-31

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life sparked

by spiritual

A revival of religious consciousness
appears to be thriving in Ann Arbor,
marked by an increase in the number of
students involved with religious groups.
Ranging from Christian crusades and
communities to Eastern meditation so-
cieties, many of these groups have only
recently appeared on campus during
the past three years.
Since then, many have expanded to
include up to 500 members, a growth
rate which reflects what seems to be
a national trend toward spiritual aware-
ness among students.
"We are experiencing a student cul-
ture climate change," explains Ted
Kachel, program director of the Uni-
versity's Office of Religious Affairs.
"Students are implicitly reflecting on
God with an emphasis on spiritual, as
opposed to material reality.

"In the sixties, students were in
search of social salvation and had
strong social and political commit-
ments," Kachel adds. "Today, there is
more cynicsm and the accent is to-
ward self, not so much the world."
One of the most visible demonstra-
tions of this trend toward the spiritual
is seen in the Word of God Community
in the Charismatic Renewal of the
Church. ,
The Word of God Community is lo-
cally= referred to as the Pentecostals.
Begun in an apartment three years ago
by two students from Notre Dame and
Michigan State University, the group
has grown to include over 500 followers
who once a week fill the basement of
the Newman Center.
Prayer takes many forms during this
weekly meeting of the community. Peo-

ple simultaneously praise God-some
chanting, some proclaiming words of
praise, some quietly neditating, and
some "speaking in tongues."
Considered a gift from the Holy Spirit,
the ability to "speak in tongues" is a
power received by many community
members. As member Brian Bowne ex-
plains, "it comes from the need to pray,
but at the same time being unable to
put deep emotions into words."
The Holy Spirit moves community
members to "speak in tongues," to
pray in what members believe to be a
foreign language.
Interspersed throughout the commun-
ity meetings are moments when indi-
viduals share with the community de-
scriptions of what they believe are their
personal communications with God, as
well as moments of emotional expres-

Another Christian alternative is found
at the Episcopal Student Foundation's
Canterbury House, where each Sunday
between 100 and 300 people gather in
an informal coffeehouse atmosphere for
a Communion service.
"We began our services over four
years ago," says Rev. Daniel Burke, of
Canterbury House, because "the com-
munications potential in the contem-
porary arts and media were not being
explored by the church."
The gatherings offer a creative di-
versity that ranges from dramatic
sketches, to rock bands, to quiet folk
music, to the sensitivity awareness ex-
ercises which are now being incorporat-
ed into Lenten services.
Other campus groups are focusing
their attention on proselytizing the
teachings of Christ to others.

The Campus Crusade for Christ, first
instituted in California 20 years ago,
has been in the city for three years.
f The Crusade, which now includes 125
members, sponsors "living-unit" meet-
ings which are informative panel dis-
cussions held in dorms, fraternities and
Leadership training is also offered
for those interested in joining the Cru-
sade. Occasionally, members go door-
to-door to explain their beliefs to those
interested in listening.
Similar groups on campus are Cam-
pus Action and the Intervarsity Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship, both of which
report increased membership.
Bible-study groups as well are gain-
ing increased student response.
See RELIGION, Page 7

-Daily-David Wender
MEMBERS of the Pentecostals attend a prayer meeting. The
growth of groups like this one seems to indicate a trend toward
a spiritual revival on campus.




43 A&
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Vol. LXXXI, No. 146

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 31, 1971

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Calley delivers
closing speech




Lt. Calley
US. jets.
hit ,troops
in DMZ
SAIGON WP) - South Vietna-
mese commandos raided a
North Vietnamese base area
yesterday on the Ho Chi Minh
trail in Laos, President Nguyen
Van Thieu announced late last
Allied officers said the force
of 200-300 men was flown into
Laos by helicopters of the U.S.
101st Airborne Division.
Announcing the raid while
visiting troops on the northern
front, Thieu said: "South Viet-
namese troops landed five mm-

FT. BENNING, Ga. UP~) - Lt.
William Calley Jr. delivered a
closing statement to his mili-
tary jury yesterday before it
retired toconsider his punish-
ment for the premeditated
murder of at least 22 Vietna-
mese civilians.
Calley was found guilty Monday
after the jury in the four-month
old court-martial finally delivered
a verdict. Calley was charged with
murdering 102 Vietnamese men,
women and children.
The only sentencing alternatives
open to the jury are life imprison-
ment or death.
If the jurors cannot agree on
either sentence they have the op-
tion to lower the verdict to sec-
ond-degree murder or voluntary
. manslaughter.. In either case, a
lesser sentence would be imposed.
Another alternative could be the
empaneling of a new jury to de-
cide on a sentence.
During his statement which
lasted slightly more than two
minutes Calley said, "When my
troops were getting massacred
and mauled by an enemy I
couldn't see, I couldn't feel and I
couldn't touch; that nobody in
the military system ever described
as other than' Communism - they
didn't give it a race, they didn't
give it a sex, they didn't give it
an age.
"They never let me believe it
was just a philosophy in a man's
mind. That was my enemy out
there," Calley continued. "And
when it became between me andi
that enemy I had to value the'
lives of my troops. And I feel that
is the only crime I have com-
The jurors deliberated only
about an hour and arhalf before
returning to their sequestered
quarters for the night. Delibera-
tion will continue this morning.

In a unanimous decision late
last night, Central Student
J ud ic ia ry (CSJ) declared
Graduate Assembly (GA) vio-
lated nine points of Student
Government Council's criteria
f o r representative govern-
ments and voted to disband
the Assembly unless "good in-
tent" is shown by its members
on April 8.
According to the student judi-
ciary, GA can show good intent
by promising to draw up a demo-
cratic constitution by Oct. 1, and
by having it ratified by the grad-
uate student body by Dec. 1.
CSJ also ruled that the money
currently in GA's possession can
not be spent without the approval..
of Larry Klein, chairman of CSJ.
GA will also be prohibited from
making any committee appoint-
ments without Klein's approval.
Jana Bommersbach, president of .
GA, has maintained that CSJ has
no jurisdiction over the Assembly.
According to Bommersbach, Grad- _-Dai.y-.
uateCS Asemb's "main challen CENTRAL Student Judiciary members discuss the si
claim to be a government. Graduate Assembly at last night's meeting.
In arriving at their final decision,
CSJ chaiged GA with being in vio-
lation of its own constitution and 'CONCERNED DEMOCRATS':
acting in a fashion counter to Uni-
versity established democratic
principles.dn d y y is su rte
liberated for nearly three hours be-
fore arriving at its conclusions, fol-
lowing an open hearing last week. oositionrou
that time.
Points raised at last week's hear-By W. E. SCHROCK
ing by Michael Davis, a graduat-e B .E CU
student who spearheaded the suit A new Democratic group, calling themselves C
against GA, included charges of no Democrats, yesterday announced their opposition
provisions for recall of representa- candidacy of Democratic Mayor Robert Harris an
tives, inequitable apportionment of
GA representatives and constitu- aligned themselves with Republican mayoral candid
tional breaches. Garris.
In taking the unprecedented ac- A new GOP group calling itself Republicans for
tion against GA, Bob Black, CSJ
member, declared, "GA has shown sible Government denounced Republican candidal
no willingness to cooperate or to Monday, but fell short of endorsing Harris.
pay any heed to our decision here However, Mary Fox, a member of the new C
tonight." He added, "these people Democrats group, said that Monday's anti-Garris ar
don't accept our jurisdictiongsr
they have undermined our willing- ment by Republicans for Responsible Government
ness to cooperate." p r o m p t the Concerned Democrats statement y

Jim Judks
batus, of

-Daily-Jim Judkis

Students stop to vote

Campus election


big turnout on first day

Over 10 per cent of the student'

utes ago and attacked a North Formal pleas for clemency, body turned out yesterday in the
Vietnamese base. mm first two days of campus elections
country-wide petition campaigns to choose members to three stu-
and angry speeches in Congress dent governments and to vote on!
SAIGONUP)-Amarked the reaction of some .
SAIGON (MP-American fighter makdteratofsm five referenda issues including a
bombers struck atNorthViea-Americans yesterday to Calley's proposal to end classified research
mese artillery positions in the conviction. on campus.
northern half of the demilitarized In Georgia, all five members of The turnout of 3,500 students yes-
zone yesterday in what the U.S. the Selective Service System's lo- terdaytsurpassed the total number
Wommand called "protective reac- cal board 30 in Atlanta resigned, voting in all three days of last No-
tion" exercising "the inherent "Our conscience will not allow vember's campus election.
right of self-defense to save us to continue when our men are Candidates are running for Stu-!
American lives." treated like that," the board's dent Government Council, LSA Stu-
See U.S., Page 7 chairman said. dent Executive Council and the pro-

posed Rackham Student Govern- choice. The second choice will not
ment. count unless no candidate receives
The presence of important ballot a majority.
questions, including referenda on In that case, the third place
classified and military research, a candidate is dropped, and the sec-
controversial funding proposal and ond choice candidates on only those
the establishment of a Rackham ballots will be counted.
Student Government, helped bring Voting for second choice candi-
out the students, one candidate date can not harm the chances of
said, a voter's first choice for president.
Other candidates mentioned the dStudents are electing seven can-
therwacandeidementionaedashe- didates to SGC, out of a field of
three-way presidential race as be- 19 ofill five full-year and two
ing a cause of the relatively large half-year terms.a
turnout. hl-ya trs
Rackham students are voting on
Voters in the presidential race a proposed constitution for a new
can vote for a first and .,econd Rackham Student Government. If
'the constitution is ratified, the
government will form around a
president, vice-president and exec-
utive council currently on the bal-,

n to the
d instead
date Jack
te Garris
did not

Spy versus spy: Vote
watchers check polls

Housing troubles co ront city

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the
first of a series exploring prominent issues in
the April 5 city elections.
With the rapid growth of both the
University and the city communities in
recent years, problems of the quality
and the quantity of city housing have
markedly increased.
In the current city elections, housing is
a significant issue in the candidates' cam-
paigns - and Republicans and Demo-
crats differ sharply on how to answer hous-
ing needs.

At this time, the Housing Commission
rents out approximately 190 dwellings,
and has a waiting list of 185 families and
65 individuals.
In addition, a 105-unit complex for the
elderly and 53 separate family dwellings
are currently being built with federal
Some of the dwellings are intended for a
new program which gives the tenant an
option to buy his home. If the tenant
performs maintenance functions that the
Housing Commission usually provides,

justified or necessary in the Ann Ar-
bor area. Instead, he feels the free market
system of American capitalism can ade-
quately provide Ann Arbor's housing needs
in high income groups as well as student
and low income groups.
Garris says the University should provide
more student housing, and strongly op-
poses city government involvement in low
cost housing.
However, many student groups on cam-
pus contend that Ann Arbor is in urgent
need of more housing.

SGC Elections Director Bob Nel-
son commented last night that "the
second day is generally heavier
than the first, but it varies."
Nelson added that the fair wea-
ther yesterday helped bring out
the large turnout, for a University
campus election.
IVoting was not as heavy at the
Frieze Bldg.andRackham astelse-
where, Nelson said, noting that, as
expected, voting was strongest on
central campus.
Past campus election results
have been challenged for ballot
box stuffing and other improprie-
ties. This year's campaign has al-
ready seen one presidential can-
didte fined for violatin the SGC

"The only reason we're here is
to watch them and the only
reason they're here is to watch
us," said one disgruntled and
rather cold pollwatcher yester-
day morning as he stood by the
voting station at the Under-
graduate Library.
In an unprecedented effort
by both right and left wing stu-
dents to prevent ballot stuffing,
literally hundreds of volunteers
have been recruited to watch
poll workers.
A list from the Young Amer-
ican for Freedom, a right wing
campus group, was obtained
lace wppir Tha lint nntannai+sA

SGC presidential candidate
Bill Thee and his runningmate
Jim Kent toured the campus
throughout the day, paying
special attention to polling plac-
es staffed by known left-wing-
ers, one observer said.
Presidential candidates Mar-
ty Scott and Rebecca Schenck,
were also watching the polls, al-
though they appeared to pay
more attention to balloting sta-
tions manned by right-winger.s
Aside from the candidates,
SGC election officials also tour-
ed campus checking on poll
workers. Elections director Vic-
tor Gutman carried a mutilated
imnv asifi I - nn - tr ltvhn

claiming that her group was
formed a month ago to sup-
port Garris.
Garris yesterday dismissed the
Republicans for Responsible Gov-
ernment as not containing legiti-
mate active GOP members.
However the new Republican
group received the support of Re-
publican Second Ward Council-
man Robert Weaver, the only
elected Republican city official to
declare his opposition to Garris
thus far.
Fox said that many Democrats
were opposed to Harris philoso-
phically." She also cited several
developments in the city during
the past two years, including an
increase in the number of what
she called "drying out houses" for
drug users, that have prompted
her to oppose Harris.
She also charged that Ann Ar-
bor is becoming a "hippie town"
under the current administration.
The Concerned Democrats state-
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