Tuesday, March 30, 1 7 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, March 30, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven For the student body: FLARES by Levi c Farah SWright Tads Sebring FCHE-K MATFJ State Street at Liberty e ...e CLIP AND AVE.. .. MY LAI CASE: Court martial pan IS NLOTTERYII llI tlT el Funding proposal gets support of student units, governments Call the people whove taken the chance; 1 JjjUI 5M 4(1JJl out of abortion. _[212149-360 0t, -. -- U v-vWvW " OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK " PROFESSIONAL SCHEULING SERVICE, INC. "* 545 Fifth Ave., New York City 10017 "e There is a fee for our service 00 " s f 0 0 I re-elect SCOTT-P res. e 'ect VASOUE-V. P endorsed by BSU and CHICANOS (Continued from Page 1) ' 1st Platoon, a unit of Ch ar lie company within the Americal Di- vison. It failed to flush the Viet Cong and the operation disinte- grated into an execution of civil- ian villagers, their screams stifled by the staccato crack of American M16 automatic rifles. The jury announced at 3:28 p.m. EST that it had reached a verdict, sanding a note to the trial judge. Col. Reid Kennedy. He scheduled disclosure of the verdict for 4:30 p.m. "My Lai has happened in every war. It's not an isolated incident, even in Vietnam," Calley told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview to be released after the verdict. Once, when Calley's GIs testi- fied he descended the ditch and told the court martial jury re- garding the Vietnamese inside: "Some appeared to be dead, others followed me with their eyes as I walked across." And again, when a rifleman de- U, V rn hill lV (continued from Page S) dent Senate treasurer, a "com- dicated that "the hassles of last / government says people shouldn't munication gap" with Dean Fran- year will be avoided this year." field Calley's order to join in the complain about government inac- cis Allen caused difficulty in pay- Holt explained that the law shooting of the civilians. He told tivity. The reason for this, he ing bills on time and in allocating school is somewhat different from3 the jury: "I couldn't go through claims, is that without money, they money to the 20-25 sub-organiza- the other schools in that ttudents' with it - these little defenseless haven't been able to get involved. tions in time for them to meet their pay a $10 fee each semester. The men, women and kids." "We've been operating about a payments. Senate receives around $6,000 froin News of the My Lai atrocities year now, and it wasn't until "We never seemed to quite reach these fees with the other $15,000 was kept secret within the Ameri- February, 10 months after we an agreement on the payment going toward scholarships andl cal Division for more than a year. formed, that we received any schedule," Holt maintains, "bay classroom expenses. But on Sept. 6, 1969, Calley was money," he says. "By the time the depended on $500 a month from the Dean Allen could not be reached indicted - one day before he was money came, most of the impetus pinball in a c h i n e s to sgee us for comment, but Holt said thatj scheduled to be discharged from and enthusiasm of the LSA govern- through." apparently the reason he had not the Army after two tours of duty ment was drained." Still, Holt does not advocate the given advance money this year on in Vietnam. Experiences last year with fund- funding plan but would keep law the quarterly basis was b' cause Details of My Lai piled one ing in the law school indicate a school funding at the Dean's dcs- money was tight and he wanted to upon the other and the nation and similar problem. According to I cretion because newly appointed keep that which wasn't specifically the world experienced horror and Chuck Holt, former law school stu- Dean Theodore St. Antoine has in- requested in the scholarship fund. shock. On Dec. 8, 1969, Presi- Several of the law school's pro- dent Nixon said, "What appears grams were affected by these pro- was certainly a massacre and un- dtu en ts Vfle 10 R on cedures, according to Ken Siegel,I der no circumstances was it justi- former law school Student Senate fied." member and chairman of its Calley went to trial last Nov. 12 speaker committee. "Since I never on the same infantry post where((eseareh , b oard s knew if there would be money to he won his gold second lieutenant'sw a cover, I felt restrained in bringing bars at Officer Candidate's School in speakers," Siegel said. Manson gets death senitene LOS ANGELES, Calif. - After thirteen days of deliberation, a jury has decreed the death sent- ence for Charles Manson and three female followers for the murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others. Marie Mesmer, one of the jur- ors. spoke about the decision to invoke the death penalty. "We made our decision quite early, but we had to argue so everyone could be heard There were hardly any disagreements." Mesmer added that the disagree- ments that did occur came be- cause "we had different b a ck- grounds and emotional' problems, due to confinement." Jurors were locked up nightly in a hotel for most, of the trial. Speaking about Manson, Mes- mer said, "He was the leader- the worst ... .I think he's a dan- gerous influence on society, high- ly dangerous. In my verdict I wanted to protect society." Of the three women she said, "I think they were highly influenced by Manson. You just can't go into a person's house and butcher them up. We want to protect society. We were all very strong and force- ful in our conviction. The trial, costing an estimated one million dollars was only the opening round. The defense plans appeals on a variety of points, and the disposition is expected to take years. PETER GREENE "END OF THE GAME" w/o Fleetwood Mac Reg. 3.25 SALE O I I BORDERS v BOOK SHOP 211 S. STATE 668-6474 Tired of that gooey candy- colored plastic glint in your library? Try a 20-volume hard-bound Sset of Thackerav or Carlyle for redecoration. Or Kipling, Sir Walter Scott in leather, Web-o ster, etc. 0 This ad worth 10% off on any set (This week only) f <=t <=>O-=><-=0( ON REPRISE 6436 UNIVERSITY CELLAR SUPE.R NON PROFIT GENERAL STORE IN UNION on March 16, 1967 - one year the day before My Lai. The case went to the jury of o colonel, four majors and one ca tai at 9:25 p.m. EST March 16 the third anniversary of My L The panel began their deliber tions at 10:00 a.m. EST the n2 day in a drab room across the h from the red carpeted, white wa ed and blue draped courtro where the trial was held. Earlier Monday ,the defense h urged Kennedy to prod the ju in an effort to induce a verdi The judge had agreed to render decision on the request on Tu day. "This is not a war in the cc ventional sense," said a Hou Armed Services sub-Committ that investigated My-Lai. Boardru (Continued from Page 1)' board acted on the complaint f ed by SGC candidates Brad Tay against The Daily for "beguili and misleading" stating that S( member Jay Hack is "seekingz election." Hack was appointed to SGC fill a vacancy and vas never elei ed to a seat. to (Continued from Page 1) In the SGC election, incumbent sults will significantly affect their President Marty Scott, '72 is run- ne efforts. The vote on these referenda ning for re-election against two P- may play an important role when challengers, Rebecca Schenk, '73 - the issues comes before the facuty and Bill Thee, '72. ai. again in May. A wave of controversy has de- a- veloped around Thee's candidacy xt A third referendum concerns theince the SGC Credentials and all proposed student government fund- Rine tBeaSGdeCred ridyn ll- ing plan, which would assess stu-;tRu e B adetermied the aGC omdents $1.85 per term. SGC would! that Thee had violated the SGC om ent $185 er erm SG woldElection Code for campaign ex- receive 85 cents of the assessment;Een Coeedorhc$mpaignmex- ad and the individual's school or col- penses exceeding the $100 fair mar- ary lege would receive the other dol- ket value limit. ct. lar, if the plan is approved. Then, on Sunday the board ruled Another r uhethat Thee had perjured himself by es- Anodr oreferendum asks h giving false testimony on at least student body to ratify the Peopie s two occasions during hearings held n-Peace Treaty, and commit them- Thursday and Friday.I selves to withdrawing the services sse University To avoid a second balloting in tee from support for the war in Indo-'case no candidate receives a ma- china. jority on the first ballot, students can vote for a first and a second choice. BS On 60 Nineteen students are vying for le oiIthe five full-year and two half- year open SGC seats. Some ob- Yesterday the board met to hear servers have noted a proncunced fil- a complaint filed against the board challenge in this SGC election to lor by SGC members Marnie Heyn, the recent left-wing orientation of ng and Louis Lessem, and SGC can- SGC. Siegel related that the check he wrote to Judge Henry Friendly of the Second Court of Appeals bounced because it came out of his own bank account and not the law school funds. Terry Adams, president of the Legal Aid Society, says that his group has requested the $550 due them five or six times since he took office in January but still hasn't received any. He says that they are currently about $225 in the hole and had to change banks because of these financial prob- lems. GC didates Bill Ja r'- and Shirley Ni plaint chargest ct- lating the SGC their decisions cobs, Bill Kandl ckovitch. The con the board with vi C Election Code s concerning B er m- UL0 o- in 3ill GOP members rej iect Garris ' I (Continued from Page 1) I, t t, i . the that set all it calle treat Th by t tion war Vietr Fu nam couli with( calle trati nam E The board ruled that The Daily Thee. was not in violation of the section The election code specifies the of the election code under which criteria for judging overspending the complaint was filed and re-crtiafrjdngoesnig commended that The Daily at- by candidates and the amount of tempt to avoid a reoccurrence. fines to be imposed. 1245 Rosewood in Ann Arbor Why pay for dry cleaning AND STORAGE? Store Your Clothes with Us a FREE and pay for your dry cleaning when you come back Special fer: 10%of for all students on all dry cleaning So, store your clothes free and in addition get 10% off the regular dry cleaning cost. 740 Packard mary all five Republican ward candidates "have given Jack Gar- ris our support." Furthermore, Robinson said he did talk with Harris, but claimed Harris misrepresented what he said and that he stands by the state- ment of endorsement for Garris. Nevertheless, Robinson has pre- viously said, "Garris has run in- dependently" and that if elected Robinson would consider him mere- ly "one of eleven councilmen." He said further that he views Harris also as just "one of eleven councilmen" and that he looksa "more to council member affirnia- tion of leadership than mayoral domination." DA Th( offi sity sen Roc 2 , lica Sat pea tioi put phc4 l PIV ACY Privacy is very important to people these days. Privacy is necessary for the free- dom to be yourself and do what you like. Charter Realty recognizes this need and has done something about it. The noise problem Sound conditioning is difficult to do. About the only way it can be done well Speakers back treaty (Continued from Page 1) Young praised the treaty, and peace talks were convinced spoke of the difficulty of gaining a the U.S. government should proper perspective on the situation a date for the withdrawal of in Indochina due to government is forces from Indochina, as is and media distortion. She cited a d for in the People's peace recent statement by Secretary of ty. Defense Melvin Laird in which e peace treaty was negotiated Laird attributed the defeat of South he National Student Associa- Vietnamese forces in Laos to "vio- and representatives of anti- lent and vicious attacks of the ene- forces from North and South my" as an example of the govern- nam. ment's "corruption of language". iller said that. the North Viet- "In this, as in the so-called Kis- ese didn't understand how they singer kidnap case, I see my worst d participate in a "mutual fears confirmed: an administration drawal of forces" as has. been d for by the Nixon adminis- that is not afraid to appear ludi- on, since there were no Viet- crous is capable of anything," she ese troops in the United States. said. AILY OFFICIAL Computing Center: S. Gerstenberger, BULLETIN "Libeled Tape Processing in MTS," 1011 N. University Bldg., 3 p.m. :>:.:.r":,;:: ::::.:.::,..,":::,. PhylsisSeminar: P. Federbusli. MENE"C onstusiveQun tum Field Fery,"h e Daily official Bulletin is an P&A Colloquium Rm, 4:15 p.m. icial publication of the Univer- U-M Sierra Club: Films on wilder- y of Michigan. Notices should be ness and environment subjects, Aud. C, t in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to Angell Hall, 7 p.m. om 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before English and Extension Service: G. .m., of the day preceding pub- Snyder, poetry reading, Rackham Lect. ation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Hall, 8 p.m. urday and Sunday. Items ap- r once only. Student organiza- n notices are not accepted for Ga N otces cation or more information, 1970 University of Michigan Bliblio- graphy: Forms for bibliography info for TUESDAY, MARCH 30 the 1970 Univ. of Mich. Bibliography have been mailed to faculty and staff members at home addresses; any Uni- versity emnpioyee who has publications to report for calendar yr. 1970 and who has not received form should call the t M ichigan ORA Editorial Office, 764-4277. Placement 3200 S.A.B. Frmore info0. about foliowing, please . ~~contact Career Panning, r7-6338. Exam: preliminary exams for actuar- ial profession given twice each year; deadline for May 13 exam is April 1; ndingl appl. available at Career Pianning. i STUDY PROGRAMS Sor Radcliffe Coilege, Mass., Publishing Procedures Course, intensive 6-week U * o ilprog. for recent grads who are seriously enr CO Uncl considering book or mag. career; dead- line for appi. is April 15. -largeMiami Univ., program in master of arts in teaching; also have details on many other colleges offering M.A.T. Chicanos at Michigan programs. Washington Journalism Center, fel- lowships avail.for journalists with ex- perience and for young blacks inter- ested in journ; deadline for fall, May Univ. of Calif., at Santa Cruz, sum- mer institute on minority group educ. Deadline May 15. New School for Social Research, N.Y., grad. dept. o furban affairs and policy analysis. Brandeis Univ. 6-week inst. for col- lege grads and selected srs.; offers in- tensive training argprorofm tensive training program for student teachers; deadline Apr. 16. Katharine Gibbs School, intensive 8- week course in basic office skills. I ,, The Chicanos al endorse Louis Le as an outsta candidate Student Governm member-at sponsored by{ 662-4241 662-4251 i o,. \/1 {y 4 &, is in a bi-level - which has about a foot and a half of concrete between the upstairs and downstairs. Charter has more campus located bi-levels than anyone else in town - 134 of them - all are air conditioned, all have dish. t 1. 4' }# washers, some have balconies and fireplaces. Why see us? The business of Charter Realty is pro- viding students with housing which suits the particular needs of student life. Charter offers well-designed modern apartments, convenient yet luxurious, at excellent on-campus locations. And the additional benefit of full time management and maintenance staff. There are many other advantages we feel you would like to know about. Stop by and ask for Cathy. Perhaps we can help > f ~ Miss J make open toes irm crinkle patent x - ( combination c Open-heel shl Closed hee1 s a spring showing in sported from Italy in shiny leather. . .a fascinating f straps and open space. oe in black or white. double-strapped in white. $15. to&T Delta Sigma Delta Dental Fraternity T.G. FRI., APRIL 2 7-10 p.m. LIVE BAND 1502 Hill St. Ill A professional ABORTION that is safe, legal & 4io.i I MNWM