Voting to begin today in campus-wide elec
See Editorial Page
A& A6P
'1o1. LXXXI, No. 145 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 30, 1971 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Student Government Council presidential candidate Bill
Thee was found guilty Sunday of falsly testifying before the
SGC Credentials and Rules Board last week.
Thee was brought before the board last Thursday and
Friday on charges of overspending during his campaign.
H was found guilty, but half of his $80 fine was suspended.
Yesterday the board met to hear a complaint charging
that they had hot been harsh enough in imposing the fine
on Thee. No action was taken.
Thee's contested testimony concerned the number of silk-
screen posters Thee and Jim 3
made for their campaign. At
to vote in
-The long-debated issue of class-
ified and military research at the
tiiversity will be voted on by the
student body in the campus-wide
elections today and tomorrow.
One week following the decision
by Senate Assembly, the faculty
representative body, not to support
the abolition of such research, stu-
dets will indicate their views on
the question by answering two re-
ferenda, one on classified research,
and one on \military research.
In addition, students will elect
the president and executive vice
president of SGC, seven at-large
seats on Council.
.Wterary college students will
also elect the president and vice
president of the LSA Student Gov-
ernment, and seven seats on the
government's executive council.
Graduate students, meanwhile, will
be asked to ratify a proposal for
the creation of a new Rackham
Student Government to replace
daduate Assembly. Unlike GA.
the new student government would
consist of elected representatives
of the student body in the grad-
uate school, along with a president
and a vice president.
Polling stations will be open from
1,00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. today
and tomorrow at various campus
Observers say intense interest
will be focused on the results of
the referenda on classified and war
One referendum asks whether the
Ugversity should refuse to con-
tract any further classified re-
search while a second questions
whether the University should re-
fuse to contract any research
"whose primary or initial use will
be in a military or war-supportive
c a p a c i t y by the contracting
a 'ncy."
tudents and faculty who have
been actively working for the re-
moval of classified and military
research on campus say the ie-
See STUDENTS, Page 7
Kent, his running mate, had
last Thursday's hearing Thee
testified 200 posters were made
for him and only 30 of them
had been placed around cam-
pus. Thee claimed the other
170 were in his apartment.
Thursday night Vic Gutman,
board chairman, went to Thee's
apartment and found two sealed
boxes and one opened box, contain-
ing over 400 posters.
During Friday's board hearing
Thee changed his testimony and
admitted 500 posters were made.
The board voted to impound all
of Thee's campaign materials in
his possession and to prevent any
further distribution of campaign
The board then found him guil-
ty of overspending and fined him'
$80.64, $40.64 of which was sus-
On Saturday, board members
counted Thee's remaining posters
and found only 440 and not the
470 Thee, had claimed.
Thee then said his running mate
had 20 of the missing posters, that
he had six, andl the rest were giv-
en to volunteers in dorms, but
had not been displayed.
The board was summoned again
on Sunday to discuss a thirteen
point list, compiled by SGC mem-
ber Marnie Heyn, of times Thee al-
legedly committed false testimony
during the proceedings.
The board found Thee guilty of
false testimony on two counts re-
lating to the silkscreen posters
and postponed action on the other
11 points until the Thursday af-
ter the elections.
Also at the hearing Sunday the
See BOARD, Page 7
-Associated Press
THE CALLEY TRIAL ends with a guilty verdict yesterday, as members of the court-martial panel
which found Lt. William Calley guilty of pre-meditated murder leave the courtroom (above, left).
George Latimer, the chief defense attorney, speaks to newsmen (above, right) while Calley (below,
third front right) leaves the courtroom after hearing his verdict.
New Repubican group
denies Garris support
Ft. BENNING, Ga. (Ay) - Lt.
William Calley Jr., was con-
victed of premeditated murder
yesterday, the first American
veteran of Vietnam to be held
responsible in the 1968
slaughter of unarmed men,
women and children at the
village of My Lai.
The penalty of life imprison-
ment or death will be decided in
separate delibeartions by the same
six-man court-martial jury which
convicted him.
The charges against Calley were
unprecedented in American legal
history : that he murdered 102
men, women and children rounded
up before a ditch by his platoon.
Two other charges accused Cal-
ley of slaying a man who came
to him with hands folded in a
prayerful gesture, and of killing a
child about. 2 years ago.
The first specifications charged
30 deaths at the ditch to Calley
but the jury reduced the number
to just one death since there was
considerable variance in testimony
as to where the trail incident oc-
On the second mass murder,
charge - the killing of 70 at the
ditch - the jury convicted Call-
ey of premeditated murder b u t
fixed the number of dead attribut-
able to him at 20.
It found him guilty of killing
the man but reduced the charge
on the child to assault with intent
to kill - a lesser offense punish-
able by up to 20 years in prison.
Whatever Calley's sentence; an
appeal is automatic within t h e
military court system, and could
consume months.
To convict Calley, the j u r y
needed only the concurrence of
four of the six members of the
panel. In civilian cases, the verdict
must be unanimous. '
However, in the sentencing
phase, it will require the vote of
all six members for the death sen-
tence. And the agreement of five
members is needed for a life sent-
"I think it is a horrendous de-
cision for the United States of
America and the United States,
Army," said the chief defense at-
torney, George Latimer, after the
verdict was announced.
Calley, 27, took the verdict and
then snapped a salute to the jury
foreman, Col. Clifford Ford, 53,
the only officer on the jury who
is not a veteran of Vietnam.
The conviction on the maximum
charge came on the 13th day of
jury deliberations following a re-
cord four months trial.
Two enlisted men had been ac-
quitted of lesser offenses at My
Lai. But Calley was the first of-
ficer to be court martialed in the
delayed aftermath of the March
16, 1968 search and destroy mis-
sion against the little South Viet-
nam village.
The infantry assault against My
Lai was spearheaded by Calley's
See COURT, Page 7
-Associated rress
AN AMERICAN tank crew fires back at suspected N o r t h
Vietnamese positions after an ambush yesterday between Laos
and Khe Sanh.
Viets shell,
U.S. base
By W. E. SCHROCK can victory but to oppose the po-I
Several well-known city Repub- litical opportunism, emotionalism
licans yesterday declared their and deception as represented by
clear opposition to the mayoral the candidacy of Jack Garris."
candidacy of Republican Jack Gar- This move marked the first con-
ris but fell short of endorsing his crete evidence of dissension among
opponent, Democratic Mayor Rob- regular members of the Repub-
ert Harris. lican Party over the candidacy of
Instead, they announced the for- Garris. Noted for his "right wing"
mation of Republicans for Respon- stance on issues, Garris is often
sible Government to gather "re- characterized as a political maver-
sponsible and fair-minded Repub- ick for switching from the Demo-
licans . . . to work for a Republi- cratic to the Republican party just
Group discusses proposals for
student input in governing LSA
prior to declaring his candidacy for
mayor in the February city pri-
mary election.-
The new group declared thatf
Garris is not truly a Republican.
that his election would cause great
harm to the city and thus to the
Republican Party, that many Re-
publicans are being told unfairly
that they must support the mayor
candidate out of party loyalty even
though he is known to be, unquali-
fied and deceptive, (and) that re-
sponsible Republicans must place
the welfare, safety and dignity of
the City above mere partisan tags
of convenience."
The group listed their member-
ship as "former Mayor Pro Tem
John Hathaway, former Second
Ward Councilman Douglas Crary,
City Republican Committee Mem-
ber Steve Selander, and Terrence
Dwyer, former member of Presi-.
dent Nixon's White House Staff
and Lenore Romney's advisor on
drug problems."
However, dissension among Re-
publican city council candidates
has not as yet clearly manifested
Harris saia last week that he
was told by Second Ward Repub-
lican council candidate Donald
Robinson that he was not endors-
ing Garris. However, the Rtepub-
lican party quickly issued a state-
ment that since the February pri-
Proposals to involve students in
the governnance of the literary col-
lege were discussed yesterday at
an open hearing of students and
faculty members.
The proposals, drafted by a stu-
dent-faculty committee, would cre-
ate a student-faculty legislative
council or alternatively a student-
faculty policy committee, if either
is approved at the April 12 meet-
ing of the LSA faculty.
SAIGON (M - North Vietnamese and Viet Cong gunners,
leveled a barrage yesterday at a U.S. artillery base still reel-
ing from an attack that killed at least 33 Americans and
wounded 76 in what may have been the heaviest death toll on
a U.S. base in the war.
Casualties were expected to go still higher from Sundays
attack on Fire Base Mary Ann, 50 miles south of Da Nang, on
the basis of still incomplete reports.
' Communications with the b a s e,'
-Radical candidates
control of Berkeley
Those attending, while not gen. ly suggested by the Committee on!
erally objecting to either proposal. Governance of LSA last August.{
questioned the specific aspects cf Under the plan, the council would,
the two governance proposals. assume the legislative functions
Because of the poor attendance exercised by the LSA faculty, with
at yesterday's 'meeting, another any actions subject to review by
open hearing has been scheduled the faculty.
next Tuesday to allow more time Following meetings with facuity
for discussion of the proposals be- members, however, it became 2p-
fore consideration by the faculty. parent that such a measure would
The proposed legislative council, not be approved.,
which would seat 40 faculty mem-
bers and 40 students, was original-S drafted the second proposal which
would set up a student-faculty poli-
* cy committee with the power to in-
troduce legislation to the faculty
ay~ tuu for its approval.
The students on the policy com-
mittee would be given the privi-
c g o t. eges of faculty members at lacu-
ty meetings, except for the right
to vote.
could build on this and end 6p Faculty members attending yes-
with a six vote majority on the terday's hearing seemed to favor
nine member body. This is be- the second proposal over +he plan
cause two incumbent councilmen for the legislative council.
are among the nine contenders "I am more inclined to te sec-
for mayor and if one of them ond proposal," psychology Prof.
wins, his council seat will be- Ronald Tikofsky said, "because I
come vacant after the election. like the idea of its advisory tunc-
The radicals, joining with tion."
Councilman Warren Widener- Tikofsky also questioned whether
who is regarded as their ally- selection of students by depart-
could then muster the votes to ments would exclude participants
fill the post-election vacancy, in the Bachelor of General Studies
achieving the six-vote bloc. program and those students pur-
were spotty more than 24 hours
after the Communist attack ap-
parently because of damage to the
command bunker.
The artillery base manned by
a battalion from the Americal Di-
vision, has reportedly been re-
inforced, however, and no addi-
tional casualties were reported
from the mortar attack yesterday.
Communists also shelled a Viet-
namese resettlement village about
25 miles north of Fire Base Mary
Ann and followed up with attacks
by infiltrators yesterday, killing
13 civilians and wounding 21. One
hundred houses were destroyed.
North Vietnamese gunners also
shelled Chu Lai, a coastal head-
quarters of the Americal Division.
The upsurge in Communist ac-
tivity in the southern 1st military
region was attributed by U. S.
Command officers to a period of
moonless nights which makes
night attacks easier.
Anti-war talk
backs treaty
The Indochina war and the Peo-
ple's Peace Treaty were discussed
by two anti-war speakers in a pro-
gram held by students of the School
of Public Health yesterday.
Residential College lecturer
Marilyn Young and Interfaith
Council for Peace director Barbara
Fuller gave perspectives on the
war to an audience of over 80.
Fuller, recently returned from
the Paris peace talks as a member
of the Citizens conference on End-
ing the War in Indochina, related
some of her experiences of talk-
ing with the Paris negotiators.
She said a vast majority of the
171 tpeople who made the trip to
See SPEAKERS, Page 7
BERKELEY, Calif. (/P) - The
Czy of Berkeley, famous for con-
frontation politics, is nearing an
election which observers say
could lead to a takeover of city
government by left-wing radicals.
Four of the nine council seats
are up for grabs in the April 6
e ction, and a coalition of blacks
and radical whites is making a
determined bid to win.
Among the goals of the radical
coalition are neighborhood con-
nessman who has seen council
meetings disrupted on occasion
by radical opponents, is not run-
ning for re-election but says of
the race:
"The more effervescent revolu-
tionaries think this is the start
of the movement and that Berke-
ley is the seed. We're in the new
stage of a more subtle or poten-
tially powerful technique to get
at control of local government."
The nonpartisan election is also
generating interest because of a
Fundi~ng plan gathers* support
By SUE STARK LSA Dean Alfred Sussman says the pro-
"Without money it's very difficult to get posed plan would provide "continuity of
anything done around here." funding." He thinks that the plan looks like
:Ii. E This attitude is expressed by representa- a way to more directly involve students in
tives of several campus student govern- their government. "If they pay." he says,
ments as the main reason for the presence "theoretically they should participate."
of a funding plan for student governments
on the ballot in the student election today
and tomorrow.
Lottie Piltz, college government advocate
in the Office of Student Organizations,
agrees. "Money is crucial," she claims, "to
, ,