Wednesday, January 13, _1971 THE MICHIGAN DAIL Wedn~sdoy, January 13, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAIL~ Expanded Cinema: New hope for Gene Youngblood, EXPAND- ED CINEMA, Dutton, $9.95. By JOHN C. CARLISLE There are several prerequisites to the understanding of Ex- panded Cinema, which should include a course in Bucky Full- er-type terminology ("Space Vehicle Earth's w o m b-l I k e sheath"), and the viewing of the "Stargate Corridor" se- quence from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Perhaps the author should have called his book Enlarged Perception, for the cinema he speaks of is very little hke that which is usually called cinema. Rather, expanded cinema is a vehicle for subliminal, subcon- scious communication of the "filmmaker's consciousness, his perception a n d its process" which frees the viewer to exert "conscious control over the con- version of sight impressions into thought images." There are apparently two bas- ic reasons for this book. First, the author defines what is art ("synaesthetic cinema") a n d what is not-art ("narrative cin- ema"). Then he argues that the only salvation - whether eco- logical, philosophical, or politi- cal - for the 312 billion pq.ssen- gers on Spaceship Earth is through synaesthetic cinema. Some 75 or so "authorities" are quoted or otherwise referenced in various ways to verify, sup- plement or justify his reason- ing. These sources of expertise should satisfy everyone as they range from, among others, art philosophers (Rudloph Arnheim, Herbert Reid, Andre Bazin) to artists (Piet Mondrian, John Cage, Paul Klee) to film critics/ filmmakers (Susan Sontag, An- dy Warhol, Stan Barkhage) to psychologists and social - psy- chologists (Sigmund F r e u d, Abraham Maslow) to R. Buck- minster Fuller, who perhaps combines all these categories and who, incidentally, wrote the Introduction. To know the meaning a n d purpose of art, one must first agree that those objects of the past which were given the stat- us of art were sufficient only unto the past. This is a new age which requires a new art. We are in not only the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius but also, and m o r e importantly, the dawning of the Paleocybernetic Age in which we see "an image of a hairy, buck-skinned, bare- footed atomic physicist with a brain full of mescaline and log- arithms, working out the heu- ristics of computer-generated holograms or krypton laser in- terferometry. It's the dawn of man: for the first time in his- tory we'll soon be free enough to discover who we are." The only art appropriate to and sufficient unto this "aesthetically impov- erished culture" which is about to pass through the Stargate in- to freedom is synaesthetic cin- ema "which does not mean com- puter films, video phosphors, atomic light, or spherical pro- jections." Although it usually seems to turn out that way, it isn't a movie at all, but "like life it's a process of becoming, man's' ongoing historical drive to man- ifest his consciousness outside of his mind, in front of h i s eyes." In the past, film was an ac- ceptable form of entertainment, but it was not art. The narra- tive film, whether of the Busby Berkeley or the Costa-Gavras genres, is exploitative because it is based on memory and objects (reality) which are "conditional on a present that is conditioned by the past." But, in the future, the subjective and the objective must become one so that art is not objects but a language "through which we perceive new relationships at work in the en- vironment, both physical a n d metaphysical. Indeed, art is the essential instrument in the very development of that conscious- ness," The narrative film and all other forms of entertainment are based on at least a minimal amount of probability. That is, no matter how well concealed the clue in the murder mystery or how fanciful the plot of the musical comedy, we know, or can quess before it starts, the probable outcome and several alternatives along1 known, it is based it cannot be art. suspense, and dran dundant probable thus are noninfori Art, then, is thel will free the mind self and to know become: Art is Cinema. Synaesthetic Ci most mundane te imposition. a kind posure of anywher an infinite numb Spaceship the way. It is inarticulate conscious of the on memory, vi wer recognition of an over- "Expectation, all pattern-event t h a t is in na are all re- the film itself as well as the qualities and 'subject' of the experience. native." Recognition of this pattern- process which event results in a state of oce- to become it- anic consciousness. A mytho- what it has poeic reality is generated Synaesthetic through post-stylization of unstylized reality. nema. in the Once we have learned h o w rim is super- and why to produce synaesthe- of double-ex- tic cinema, whether film or vid- e from two to cotape, it can be broadcast or er of images. experienced through television, E ar t Eaht? come the videosphere, which in its "many simultaneous fields of sense-extension . . . transcends telepathy." Along with the mind-freedom of synaesthetic cinema will come political-freedom as world rul- ers will no longer be able to pre- dict reactions of citizens and hence will not be able to con- trol. Since ecology deals with environmental relationships and since synaesthetic cinema - art - deals with physical and met- aphysical relationships, all eco- logical problems will be solved. for "ecology is art in the most fundamental a n d pragmatic sense, expanding our apprehen- sion of reality." It's really a shame t h a t Youngblood's predilection for impressive terminology conceals his basic argument just as his name-dropping tendencies make one wonder if the book is an anthology-in-disguise. In many respects, Expanded Cinema is an interesting book, especially in such things as the technical discussions of the filming of the 2001 Stargate sequence or the reports of the experiments now being done with holographic cinema, a true 3-D process, or the explanation of the various electronic processes needed for superimposition in videotape production. There are exciting things be- ing done in cinema and in vid- eotape today, and some of them are discussed in this volume. With the demise of the studio- and star-systems, new film- makers are beginning to make valuable statements, but wheth- er the communication of a film- maker's perception and, con- sciousness is superior to t h i s "exploitive, narrative cinema" is open to doubt. As to where television will go with the com- ing boom in cable-TV is also open to conjecture, but wherev- er it is, it probably still will be concerned with rather tradition- al ideas of art and aesthetics for communication, rather t h a n with "neuro-aesthetics" or syn- aesthesia." Read Expanded Cinema for what is there - and there is a lot, not f o r the terminology- riddled call to "radical-evolu- tion." 0 k 01 Today's Writers. John Carlisle is a 9r student in American and an avid follower o temporary cinema. Ron Brashii r centlI pleted hi, M.B.A. anI works In sales promotiG advertising in Detroit. An adman s view of Mad. Ave. Jerry Della Femina, FROM THOSE WONDERFUL FOLKS WHO GAVE Y O U PEARL HARBOR, Simon & Schuster, $6.50. By RON BRASCH All of us, e'v e n the aristo- eraey, have a favorite commer- cial. Mine-Alka Seltzer, where an immigrant in very obvious pain 19 trying to say, "Mamma Mia, 'ats a spicy meatball." This particular testimony to man- kind's progress was created by Jerry Della Femina, who is threatening to become a f o 1k hero. Della Femina is a strange man who has written a strange book with a title rivaling the Alcan Highway in length: From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor. In parts this book is brilliant, while at all times it is fascinatingly nutty. The subtitle - Front-Line Dis- patches from the Advertising War - foreshadows the analogy that is secondary to the book's expose aspect. War, we all k n o w, has its good and its bad guys. Number- . ed among the white-hatted are Doyle, Dane, Bernbach (VW, Avis, Alka Seltzer), Wells, Rich Greene (Benson and Hedges, TWA), and Della Famina's own agency. First-string for the bad guys features J. Walter Thomp- son, Ted Bates, and a batallion of others. If someone were to say that Madison Avenue's Old Guard hates this book, it w o u 1 d be comparable to saying that at Little Big Horn Custer g o t a military crewcut. The powers that claim to be are ready to lynch DF. What we have in this book is the open-air undressing of an institution, kind of what Jim Bouton did to baseball, Dave Meggysey to football, and Mrs. O'Leary's cow to Chicago. There are many illnesses from which both advertising and the old-line dinosaur agencies suf- fer. Clearly Della Femina fan- cies himself as spokesman for the revolution currently taking place. More and more accounts are divorcing their traditional agencies. T h i s, the author claims, is partially attributable to their inability to innovate in creativity, Somewhat paradoxi- cally, f e a r of losing the big clients make them play it safe. 99 and 44/100 per cent of the names and situations described are real, an author's note states. Believe it. DF is candid even af- ter the pain. Agencies, writers, art and account men get blitzed for 240 pages. This includes ev- eryone from the acid head art director to the exec so anxious he can barely pull the cork out first. In Chapter One 'NazisDon't take Away Accounts"), Della Femina gives h i s purpose: to dispell the public's false image of advertising. In t h e 180's there was Adolphe Menjou as the prototype ad man; the '40's, Melvyn Douglas (DF: "Menjou was superficial; he knew noth- ing about advertising. Douglas knew nothing about it, and didn't care either."): next came Clark Gable of The Hucksters' fame, whose "main concern was getting laid every hour on the Super Chief between Chicago and the Coast;" and finally, suave, shell-like Tony Randall. True, there are plenty of shlack stereotype movies on TV. And in their quarter-ass style they'll m a k e you believe the moon is blue. But if someone were to only read Those Won- derful Folks, he might t h i n k this same moon was purple with polka dot bell-bottoms and Jim- my Hendrix hair. There are funtions. "Fear, Son of Fear, and Fear Meets Abbot and Cos- tello" describes how fear per- meates advertising. Fear of los- ing an over-salaried job, of being employed, of the "creativity" leaving, all kinds of fears. Ac- cording to Della Femina, at night many people in advertis- ing-cry. By day they visit head- shrinkers. Hell, DF says, so many ad people go to the shrinks that the shrinks are sneaking off to their shrinks because they're worried about losing their advertising clientele. able Miss Cheng, censor for the National Association of Broad- casters, is a charming woman. One that you could grow to love like a mother-in-law (unmar- rieds, pick your own). To be acceptable for tele- vision a commercial for a toy machine gun was forced to run this visual r on the screen throughout the commercial: "The mound of dirt does n o t come with the gun." This was for the protection of the two- year old viewer, who might be- lieve the dirt ifrom which a kid actor was firing the gun) was part of the game. How many two-year old kids that you know can read? "Profiles in Warm and Hu- mane Courage" is by far the funniest chapter. It deals with presentations; and the stories of the hotel and perfume pitches and Singer Sewing Machines in Peru are classical. yet probably representative of the industry. For Singer, the ad agency was selling sewing machines to In- dians who couldn't run them because they had no place to plug them in. There is also a chapter, "The Jolly G r e e n Giant and Other Stories," eval- uating campaigns in several in- dustries. The comments are in- formative, if superficial. Those Wonderful Folks tends to generalize and oversimplify ("Media are the great equaliz- ers."), could use further editing, and is one man's story of adver- tising, though not necessarily the story. Despite these critic- isms, Della Femina has penned an excellent book that is almost certain to become a best seller. All things considered, the book's major shortcoming is that it will probably never be made into a Classics Illustrated comic book. agency presidents who chase fire engines and guys who never attend a presentation unless their fly is at half 'mast. And yes, too, the Age of Aquarius has seen an increased emphasis on "freaks" in advertising. (Da- vid Ogilvy refers to t h i s as, "The. lunatics taking over the asylum.") But there are still some industry people who should not be committed for their own or society's good. The beauty of the book's title is that Della Femina suggested it as a campaign headline for Panasonic, a Japanese electron- ics account. W h e n offered in jest during a brainstorming ses- sion at Ted Bates, those pres- ent were, shall we say, shocked. Showmanship may be the jug- ular vein of advertising. Sleight of hand, white magic, and slickness are perhaps its blood. In this atmosphere, the author may be P. T. Barnum on his second time around. The fasci- nation with pranks and irrev-. erent s'ogans like the book's ti- tle and "Certs Cures Cancer" (which he claims almost caus- ed a brawl at Bates) indicate he's pure showman. When Della Femina's n e w agency (established 1967) had already been two times under the water for lack of business, DF rolled for the bank throwing a gargantuan Xmas bash. Just like in a paperback, the next day an insurance company rang up and the client drought was over. The illusion that the agency was doing well, contrary to all rumor and fact, was enough to turn the corner. Today, Della Femina, Travi- sano & Partners, Inc. - sounds like a high class Sicilian pizzeria that maybe doesn't deliver past one a.m.-is hot. They have bill- ings of around $20 million and are derrogatorily referred to by the ancien regime as a'boutique.' Chapter titles are some indi- cation of the way DF's mind Della Femina has a number of other questionable comments. Like: Advertising is the greatest welfare state going in the world. Like: Advertising is the only business in the world that takes on the lamed, the drunks, the potheads, and the weirdos. Etc. Even if there are accurate, may- be the question we should ask is: Should the pantsmaker take off his pants in public? The author claims he loves his in- dustry and says its the most fun you can have with your clothes on. The second part may be true, but the first is question- able given this context. While we're on the subject of censorship, there's a chapter by that name. If anyone ever need- ed proof of the idiocy that rises to the top wherever censorship reigns, it's here. The inscrut- This superimposition is done by a mechanical process in the lab o.,. in the cast of synaesthetic t deotapfs, by electronic man- ipulations. such as feedback, mixing, de-beaming, keying and chroma-keying. The purpose of the superimposition is to show the filmmaker's consciousness. not to create what some would call confusion of the visual im- ages. Confusion - a noninfor- mative state - must not be mis- taken for chaos, for "chaos is order on another level" as "the new artist and the new scien- tist" already know. But, this is the mundane, simplified way to explain superimposition and its purpose. The author defines synaesthetic cinema: An alloy achieved through multiple superimpositions that produce syncretism. Syncret- ism is a total field of harmonic opposites in continual meta- morphosis; this metamorpho- sis produces a sense of kinaes- thesia that evokes in the either via videotape players or a chain of underground TV sta- tions. Thus, television becomes the savior of humaniy for "glo- bal television is directly respon- sible for the political turmoil that is increasing around the w o rld today , . . Television makes it impossible for govern- ments to maintain the illusion of sovereignty and separatism which is essential for their ex- istence." This freedom through TV will even replace, or at least supplement, t h e noosphere, Chardin's "film of organized in- telligence that encircles the planet, superimposed on the liv- ing layer of the biosphere and the lifeless layer of inorganic material, the lithosphere" to be- THE PROJECT COMMUNITY is Interested in Proposals for INNOVATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS Involving Students in the Community Deadline-Thursday, January 14 FOR INFORMATION CALL 763-3548 OR COME TO 2547 SAB ABORTIONS r oy IMMEDIATE ADMISSION LEGAL ABORTIONS CONFIDENTIALLY ARRANGED AT MEDICAL CLINICS Staffed by Licensed Gynecologists A.I.D. Referral Service ' riAft of New York H Call: 212-592-8335 k. DAY OR NIGHT 7 DAYS A WEEK WANT to draw, paint, dance, make your own jeery, play violin, viola, cello bass, winds-for fun and to meet interesting pol? THEN consider participating in H.A.P.* Crafts and Performance workshops in- . DANCE * STRING and WIND ENSEMBLE . DRAWING-PAINTING SORORITY RUSH REGISTRATION We'll be at: your favorite dorm fishbowl Just as a progression of shape transforms itself from the common to the different so does the MICHIGANENSIAN. Buy the 1971 Yearbook and discover how it has surpassed the ordinary to be completely unique. -- --------m mmmm m-Wm -mm mm. mWm mm.mmnmm-m 1 1 1 1 NOW is the time to buy your- I MICHIGANENSIAN i The University of Michigan Yearbook 1 T Just return this coupon with $7.00 (check or money order payable to the * N 'MICHIGANENSIAN) to the Student Publications Building, 420 May- : nard,. Areceipt will be sent within 3 wecks after your order is received. : N A * NAME__ --1-- 1~