gra ds
Rackha I:?
What started as a move by one
graduate s t u d e n t to "legitimize"
graduate student government has
mushroomed into a sizable group of
Rackham students organizing an at-
tack on what they see as the admin-
istration's neglect of their needs.
This new group of graduate stu-
dents supports a proposed Rackham
Student Government and the candi-
dates who are seeking election to its
executive board.
In this week's Student Government
Council elections, Rackham students
will be voting on the ratification of
the proposed government and choos-
ing the unit's members.
Many of the issues cited by sup-
porters of the Rackham Government
focus around the economic status of
graduate students. Some of their de-
mands include:
-The continuance of current in-
state tuition privileges and insurance
-Steps to prevent implementation
of University-wide restrictions on the
length of graduate employment;
-A demand that the University
take steps to raise graduate assistant
stipends to t h e i r pre-inflationary
level; and
--The formation of a recruiting
policy to increase the enrollment of
\women and blacks in the graduate
Although both of the presidential
candidates back these demands, they
disagree on minor aspects of their
If elected president, Alexander
Galvin, a graduate student in psy-
chology, hopes to broaden the per-
spective of the graduate council by
formulating ties with other graduate
bodies throughout the country.
On the other hand, Dan Fox, a
statistics graduate student, would fo-
cus his attention on immediate prob-
lems facing graduates, keeping inside
the sphere of the graduate school for
the present. ,
While the majority of the candi-
dates for the proposed government
assess graduate students as moderate,
each says he feels free to act in a
forceful manner to achieve the de-
"A conservative perspective can't
be acted on, the issues we are work-
ing with must be treated radically,"
says Penni Hudis, a vice presidential
This new group of students
charges that the existing graduate
government, G r a d u a t e Assembly
(GA), is not truly representative of
graduate student opinions.
"I haven't seen that GA has done
anything for graduate students," says
Ed Brady, a graduate student in
zoology. Agreeing with Brady, Mar-
tha Arnolda social psychology grad-
uate, adds, "All I've seen GA do is
organize coffee hours."
At this time GA is the subject of
a suit seeking to dissolve that body.
The suit charges GA with being un-
democratically constituted and un-
representative of graduate students.
Spearheading the attack on GA is
Michael D a v i s, Grad., who wrote
most of the proposed Rackham con-
stitution and is an ardent critic
of GA.
The suit, which was brought by the
Law School Student Senate, the Ex-
ecutive Committee of Philosophy
Graduate Students, and various other
backers of the new government, will
be ruled on by CSJ this Tuesday.
P r e s i d e n t Jana Bommersbach
counters charges against GA, saying
that the body does not "claim to be
a government." She explains that GA
is a federation of graduate govern-
ments and departments and is the
only "University - wide b o d y repre-
senting the special interests of the
graduate/professional community."
Bommersbach also says that GA is.
providing services and support to an
See GRADS, Page 12
Alexander Galvin Dan Fox
See Editorial Page
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Chance of
Vol. LXXXI, No. 144 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 28, 1971 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Planes hit
Laos trail
SAIGON (P) - U.S. B-52 Stratofortresses
pounded sections of the Ho Chi Minh trail
yesterday following reports which indicated a
late season run by. North Vietnam to get
supplies to its forces in the South.
Because of damage to the trail and supply
dumps by U.S. air power during the recent
incursion into Laos, the North Vietnamese
appeared to be making an unusual effort to
get supplies to their forces in South Vietnam
and Cambodia before the spring rains.
"The big thing," said one U.S. military
source, "is that North 'Vietnam is continuing
to put materials in at the top of the trail
when normally at this time of year they would
be shutting down their operation because of
the forthcoming monsoon season."
The U.S. Command reported air strikes
during the operation in Laos destroyed or
damaged more than 2,300 vehicles, including
69 tanks, and triggered more than 9,400 sec-
ondary explosions and 2,150 fires. The ex-
plosions and fires indicated hits on ammuni-
tion and fuel stores.
"Other results," a communique said, "in-
clude the destruction of more than 14,000
tons of ammunition, 520 bunkers, 160 anti-
aircraft gun sites, 480 structures and 35 sam-
Skirmishes and shellings flared near the
Laotian border in the northwest corner of
South Vietnam. But military sources said they
believed the allied pullback there would go
ahead without major interference by the
North Vietnamese.
There were no reports of fresh fighting
farther east along the demilitarized zone,
where it also had been thought that North
Vietnamese forces might be preparing an of-
Field reports said the Kh.e Sanh combat
base near the border was hit by about 12
rounds of rocket or artillery fire yesterday.
The shells landed outside the defense peri-
meter and no casualties or damage were re-
ported. Khe Sanh, reopened Jan. 30 to sup-
port the South Vietnamese thrust into Lacs,
is now being dismantled.
While moves were being made along the
DMZ to guard against any surprise attacks
from the North, informants in that area re-
ported they had seen no indications of a siz-
able buildup in the once neutral buffer strip.
Sources at Camp Carroll, a U.S. brigade
headquarters near the DMZ, and at Quang
Tri said a North Vietnamese artillery bat-
talion had moved into the DMZ.
They said it appeared to be a defense mea-
sure because of speculation in recent weeks
about possible South Vietnamese moves
against the North. The sources also said North
Vietnam had two combat divisions and sup-
port groups in the area just north of the DMZ.
-Daily-Terry McCarthy
Fire and rain
As lights shine on the wet pavement, Ann Arbor firemen assess the damage caused
by a fire at the Main Street Grocery last night.
Talking to a
j unkie;
After nearly a year of development, pro-
posals to involve students in the governance
of the literary college will be aired at an
open hearing tomorrow and at next week's
LSA faculty meeting.
The proposals, the work of the student-
faculty Committee on Governance of LSA,
include plans for the establishment of a
joint student-faculty legislative council or a
student-faculty policy committee.
The hearing, open to both students and
faculty, is scheduled for 4 p.m. in Aud. A.
The committee will meet again Wednesday
to prepare a final draft of their proposals to
present at next week's LSA faculty meeting,
where approval of either plan must be
"I am not sure that either proposal will
be approved," said Assistant Dean James
Shaw, "because I don't know if the faculty
would be willing to make any change in its
present system of governance."
Organized last April, the committee was
charged with developing "a structure .
in the form of a representative demo-
cratic council of faculty members and stu-
dents" to act as a standing committee of the
LSA faculty, which meets monthly.
Working from this mandate, the commit-
tee presented a preliminary report last
August, which included a proposal for a
student-faculty legislative council, w h o s e
actions would be subject to review by the
governing faculty.
However, following open hearings and
meetings with faculty members, the com-
mittee was forced to make revisions in the
proposal as it became apparent the faculty
would not approve such a measure.
Faculty members on the committee were
also pressured into withdrawing their sup-
port of the proposal, says Andy Weissman,
'71, an LSA Student Government member.
At the time, some faculty members also
charged the committee had exceeded its
bounds by creating a legislative council and
not "a council to exist as a standing com-
mittee of thegoverning faculty" as it was
specified to do.
Subsequently, the committee divided as
student members supported a slight modifi-
cation of the original proposal, while fa-
culty members wanted a student-faculty
advisory committee established.
In making its report, the committee has
thus proposed both plans, though stating
that it feels the legislative council is "the
best option."
The proposal for the legislative council
calls for a body made up of 40 student and
40 faculty representatives. The council would
assume the legislative functions exercised by
the LSA faculty, with any Council actions
subject to review by the faculty.
See LSA, Page 7
-Daily-Terry McCarthy
Conservation Forum
spe ding ti
EDITOR'S NOTE: Detroit police agreed to
arrest Daily reporter Ric Bohy on a phony
charge so he could talk to men in jail. The
following story is his account.
The door clanged shut on Cell No. 2 in
the jail of the Woodward Station of the
Detroit Police Department. I sat down on
the hard wooden bench, feeling its iron
rivets and readingjits assorted obscene
scrawlings. I had just been "busted" on a
marijuana possession charge as part of
a set-up to allow me to talk to Roy, the
junkie in Cell No. 9.
After the "arresting officer" left the cell
black, Roy started chuckling, and said,
"What you in for, man?"
I told him that I had been caught with
two "nickel bags" of marijuana and was
arrested after being pulled over for reckless
"Man," he said laughing. "If you was rid-
ing that hot, you should have been driving
like you was going to church!"
The prisoner in the cell next to mine
was moaning and saying that he'd sell his
ime in
heroin. He was feeling the first stages of
I asked Roy what he was jailed for, and
he told me that he had been arrested for
possession of heroin and "works."
"I was staying at this dude's house, and
the dude left in the middle of the night," he
said. "He left his works laying in the middle
of the floor. When the 'mod squad' busted in
the next morning, I was brought here for
possession. But I don't do no dope."
He rolled up his sleeve and showed me his
left arm. There were one or two "tricks"
- scars left from shooting drugs into the
veins - but it wasn't the arm of a junkie.
I asked him if he had ever used heroin.
"Oh, man," he said. "I only done it once
or twice, but I ain't no junkie. But with that
dude's works laying all over the floor of his
pad, the police busted me for one."
Roy claimed to have been checked out by
the police from Detroit to Chicago, his birth-
place. He said that his record had been
found to be clean and that he would be
released that afternoon.
See INSIDE, Page 12
Doug Fulton, panel moderator, and Dr. David Bingham of the Planned Parenthood
League listen to speakers at yesterday's Conservation Forum at the University Botanical
Gardens. The forum, sponsored by Congressman Marvin Esch (R-Mich.), called for re-
organization of governmental priorities in solving environmental problems. (See story,
Page 7.)
Added evidence on posters
causes Thee case to reopen
The Student Government Council Cre-
dentials and Rules Board will reopen con-
sideration of the complaint .against SGC
presidential candidate Bill Thee for cam-
paign expenditures exceeding the $100 market
value limit, because of new evidence dis-
covered yesterday..
The board considered at a hearing Friday
night a complaint against Thee filed by
SGC member Marnie Heyn. Finding Thee
in violation of the SGC Election Code for
overspending, the board fined him $80.64,
$40.64 of which was suspended.
s ster if he could get some "P"
vote: conservatives
The board also voted Friday to prevent
Thee's slate and its supporters from acquir-
ing any additional campaign materials.
Thee said at the hearing Friday that 470
unused silkscreen posters out of an ori-
ginal number of 500 were still in his apart-
However, board chairman Vic Gutman
found only 430 posters in Thee's apartment
Friday night, after the board voted to im-
pound all campaign materials remaining
in Thee's possession.
Gutman said last night the new evidence
"may shed new light on the case."
"Because the assumption (that 470 un-
used posters remained in Thee's apartment)
may have influenced the results of the
hearing Friday night, I have. called a meet-
ing of the board at 3:00 p.m. today in the
SAB to discuss the new evidence," Gutman
It was only yesterday when Gutman
counted the confiscated silk screen posters
and 5600 undistributed leaflets, that he
discovered 40 posters were missing.
Thee, notified of the discovery by Gut-
man yesterday, said that his running mate,
Jim Kent, had 20 of the missing posters,
that he himself had six, and that the rest
had been distributed to volunteers in dorms,
but had not been displayed.
Thee had originally said at an earlier
hearing on Thursday that he only pur-
chased 200 posters. At the hearing on Fri-
day, he admitted that the 200 figure was
a mistake and said that a total of 470 un-
used posters remained in his apartment.
T nnrc o -hno 'hpnn, v5 tni yh
Daily News Analysis
When students go to the polls Tuesday and
Wednesday to vote for the Student Government
Council candidates of their choice, they will find one
major difference from past elections-they actually
are faced with a clear choice.
The emergence of organized right-wing campaigns
by presidential and vice presidential candidates Bill
Thee, '73, and Jim Kent, '72, and the four Student
Caucus candidates running for SGC seats is a depart-
ture from recent SGC election patterns.
Through extremely ardent and highly organized
campaigning, the right wing appears to have acquired
the support necessary to make a strong challenge to
isolated, unorganized and did not really offer a sub-
stantive alternative. Instead, they hoped to succeed
by picking up the votes of students who were dis-
satisfied with the politics of the leftists.
This year, however, as former SGC Executive Vice
President Robert Neff points out, the right is "more
organized and has somebody reasonably prominent-
Bill Thee-to lead them."
Organizing for the election by the right began
several months ago. Thee has been publicizing his
viewpoints for months in his present capacity as an
SGC member.
Furthermore, engineering students, who generally
have more conservative leanings than the majority of
students on campus, have been attending Council
meetings regularly.
trying to encourage a backlash in response to the
radical stands taken by this year's Council.
Charging SGC with "irresponsibility" while banter-
ing slogans such as "turn the rascals out," right wing-
ers are seeking to reverse the image of SGC and the
role they claim it has played in the past.
In addition, the right has attempted to organize
a task-force to oversee the elections. Student Caucus
campaign workers are presently seeking supporters
to watch the polls, the Computing Center and the
SGC office, where the ballots are stored throughout
the night, over and above usual campaign work such
as poster-making and leafleting.
A leaflet which was circulated to attract such
volunteers charges those seeking to get radical can-
didates elected perpetrated irregularities in past elec-
. .