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March 27, 1971 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-27
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rackham at large





president and vice-presi


ken sterling

martha arnold harry power
Graduate Action Party

ed brady

lois verbrugge

ate program. 2. To assure decent hou-
sing and reasonable rents for on- and
off-campus housing. No student should
be compelled, by low income or unfair
rent, to live in gloomy or cramped
quarters. 3. To make available good
medical and dental services. Students
who seek care are blocked by long wait-
ing periods and inadequate knowledge of
service sources. Students desiring
psychotherapy confront crowded univer-
sity sources and expensive private ones.
Expanded services and subsidization for
therapy are needed. 4. To build a
strong graduate lobby via the Rackham
Student Government. The government
must make full use of powers already
acquired. It must work to increase
them where a representative graduate
voice is needed. 5. To provide women,
blacks, and other minority groups with
real access to education and adequate
support. Special attention must be
given to employment of student wives
and to continuing education for women.
6. To increase and improve opportuni-
ties for graduate students to meet one
another. Channels for singletons to
meet are few and often depressing.
Couples need access to day care and in-
expensive child-sitting services. $7.
To guarantee rights of free speech arid
protest, in academic departments as
well as for campus-wide issues.

Rackham Executive

tiburcio vasquez
ing future policies and appointments.
-SGC should work with school and dorm
student governments to increase their
influence on both the local and Uni-
versity wide levels.
-The Student Consumer Union started
this year should be expanded for
the purpose of preparing and dis-
tributing frequent reports on local
-SGC should provide the initiative for
the creation of a food co-op.
-The University should provide one
term leases and separate room and
board contracts for students in Uni-
versity housing.
-Two students and two faculty members
should be seated with the Board of
Regents. This would provide the
Regents with a more accurate and
complete knowledge of the University.
-Regents meetings should be open and
held in large enough rooms to ac-
comodate all those who wish to .
-Significant student membership must
be instituted on all bodies which
make academic decisions.
-Tenure decisions should reflect
teaching quality and all bodies
acting on tenure must include
voting student members.
-All requirements and courses must
be continually reevaluated. Exten-
sive use of student course evalua-
tions should be made in this process.
-Communication between students and
the immediate conmunity must be en-
couraged by SGC.
-Minutes, meeting times, and names
and phlone numbers of all SGC mem-
bers sliould be distributed regularly
to governments in schools, colleges,
and dorms and to all student organ-
-The Daily, the SGC Newsletter, and the
University Record must be used for
communication between SGC and Uni-
versity students.
-We support approval of the Funding
Plan to give $1.85 to campus stu-
dent governments. The various
school and college and campus wide
student governments need the steady
and sufficient funding which the
plan will provide if they are to
become and remain viable and positive
forces in the University community.
-We also strongly support the Peace
Treaty and -both referenda on re-

What has Student Government Council ever done for you? A
with it?. If your answer to the first question is NOTHING
to the second question is NO, then our campaign is direct
feel it would be nice if SGC would serve students rather t
philosophies for a change. We aren't going to tell you w
but our goal is to benefit as many students in as many spe
we can. This involves listening to you. SGC has forgotte
* For example, the money SGC spends comes directly from e
tuition. But it spends this student money carelessly. T
gave $250 for the personal election campaign of an SGC men
$100 to SDS for a pamphlet which was never delivered. It
group of students to disrupt a Regents' meeting. There ha
after case of irresponsible spending as well as wasteful i
phone and mimeograph machine. Now it has proposed that SG
per student per term instead of the current $.25, so that
more student money. We are the only presidential slate wh
this referendum. Without raising student tuition we will
more efficiently and will save $7,500 to $10,000 next year
divided proportionately among school governments for their
fit. We feel that money spent this way will benefit stude
immediate level without a raise in tuition.
We have divided our platform into four areas in which we
specific, progressive programs. These areas are Student W
Rights, Self-Determination, and Community Welfare.
We have divided our platform into four areas in which -w
oped specific, progressive programs. These areas are Stud
Student Rights, Self-Determination, and Community Welfare.
* For example, one program of Student Welfare is a pay as
loan plan. The U will borrow money from financial institu
large transaction and make it available for students to bc
$5,000 a year. Students then will repay this loan at the
their gross income multiplied by the amount of the loan ov
30 year period.
* One of our programs to increase student rights is to en
licy Board recruitment policy in favor of allowing such po
by the individual schools. This we feel will have a stron
banning racism and sexism in recruiting while safeguarding
students to see a recruiter.
* In the area of Self-Determination we will re-vamp the C
put it under student control, and make a workable situatio
present mess.
* And in Community Welfare we will increase student servi
munity like OutReach so that more students can be particip
worthwhile community projects. We will coordinate these s
one office.
These are just a few of our programs within these areas, bu
representative of what we have to offer.
We make no pretense of taking stands on national and inter
political issues. SGC is a student government and our pro
student based. The purpose of SGC is to benefit students
ity. SGC has copped out on this purpose too long.

bill thee Jim

Name: Lois Verbrugge, M.P. i. 1969, M.A.
1970, Doctoral student in Sociology.
Independent candidate.
Graduate students deserve an envi-
ronment that facilitates, rather than
frustrates, their academic ends. I
support efforts: 1. To improve the
declining economic status of graduate
students. Stipends must increment to
keep pace with inflation. Access to
low-interest loans must be improved
(loans are currently small and short-
term or must be found outside Ann
Arbor-). Teaching fellowships must be
available for the duration of a gradu-

ruth senter



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