Peace By RUSS GARLAND "The war ends in May." This has become the slogan of peace groups around the country who are attempting to organize a massive spring offensive aimed at ending the Indo- china war and focusing attention on racism and attempts to suppress poli- tical dissent in this country. Organizers of the many groups invol- ved in the spring offensive say they expect far more support than any pre- vious anti-war movement. The cam- paign is a multi-faceted, multi-level pro- gram aimed at reaching people at all stages of political awareness and mili- tancy. The scenario calls for demonstrations both locally and nationally, throughout the months of April and May. Some of the highlights will be local (ro ups demonstrations around the c o u n t r y April 1-4 in memory of Rev. Martin Luther King, marches on Washington and San Francisco on April 24, massive civil disobedience in Washington on May 3 and 4, and a "moratorium on business as usual" on May 5. The spring peace offensive is seen as an attempt to revive the organized anti- war movement, which has been prac- tically dormant since the March on Washington of Nov. 15, 1969. One of the focuses of the new move- ment is the People's Peace Treaty. The peace treaty was negotiated last fall with groups claiming to represent the people of North and South Vietnam by a delegation from the National Stud- ent Association which visited N o r t h Vietnam. The treaty calls for immediate Amer- plan spring offensive ican withdrawal from Vietnam and self- determination for the peoples of Viet- nam. A national student-youth conference on the treaty was held at the Univer- sity Feb. 5-7 to discuss means of having the American people ratify the treaty. The conference voted to support the May anti-war demonstrations. Locally there is little organizing for the spring demonstrations. The Student Mobilization Committee (SMC) is sell- ing bus tickets for the April 24 March on Washington and a referendumn concern- ing the People's Peace Treaty has been placed on the ballot for the Student Government Council elections March 30-31.' Most local groups are either disorgan- ized or waiting for more information on the planned actions. National organizers emphasize that the spring demonstrations have a much broader base of support than earlier anti-war protests. "This does mark a real change in the movement," says Ray Moser, a mem- ber of the May Day Tribe, one of the groups organizing the Washington de- monstrations. Representatives from the May Day Tribe in Washington arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday to help local groups begin organizing for the May demon- strations. They met with members of Students for the Peace Treaty last night. "Before, there has been no kind of solidarity in the sense of people work- ing together," says a spokesman for the People's Coalition for Peace and Jus- tice, another sponsor of the spring actions. "This is the first time in the history of the movement of people real- ly getting together." The People's Coalition for Peace and Justice represents this new found unity. The Coalition's supporters include most major national and regional peace groups, from Clergy and Laymen Con- cerned to the War Resisters League, with the recent additions of National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), Southern Christian Leadership C o n- ference (SCLC) and the United Farm Workers. The Washington demonstrations plan- ned by the coalition are oriented to- wards massive civil disobedience. Plans call for "lobbying" to begin at the Cap- itol and other government buildings fol- lowing the April 24 march (which the coalition is co-sponsoring) and contin- uing until May 1. See PEACE, Page 6 -Daily-Jim Wallace REPRESENTATIVES of the May Day Tribe, a militant peace group, discuss plans for theupcoming spring peace offensive. SGC: SEARCHING FOR DIRECTION See 'Editorial Page Y L S ic igau ~EaitM INSCRUTABLE High-35 Low-25 Cloudy, chance of snow Vol. LXXXI, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 26, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Cs' to rule on GA case By MIKE GRUPE A final decision on the legi- timacy of Graduate Assembly is expected to come next Tues- day as Central Student Judi- ciary continued deliberations on the case. At 1 a.m. this morning CSJ de- cided to adjourn until 7:30 p.m. Tuesday after rejecting an argu- ment by GA's attorney that CSJ had no authority to rule whether GA should be dissolved. Michael Davis, Grad, represent- ing the several groups bringing, the suit against GA, said early this morning he is optimistic that CSJ would vote to dissolve GA. However, Davis said the case had "slowed down significantly after midnight", CSJ members voted to proceed with the hearing despite the lack S. of Viets lose half force invasion Michael Davis Students to receive honors By KENNETH COHN The 48th annual Honors Convo- of a scheduled appearance by GA cation will be held today at Hill representatives and their lawyers. Aud., in recognition of academic CSJ Chairman Edward Kussy de- excellence by more than 3,600 Uni- clared, "We have a definite pro- versity students during the past cedure for a default judgment in year. this case and it would be a mistake not to proceed in this manner," William R. Keast, presiden of adding, "they (GA representatives) Wayne State University, will be the certainly could have made an ap- featured speaker. The cerencny pearance, if only to say that their will begin at 10:30 a.m., with doors counsel is out of town." opening to the public 30 minutes In proceeding with his case, earlier. Davis' major contentions were that At the convocation, more than Graduate Assembly is not repre- 4,100 citations will be presented. sentative of the constituency it Later, President Robben Fleming purports to represent and that the and his wife will host a tea for hon- current session has acted illegally or students and their families, from due to its consistent inabiliy to 2-4 p.m. in the Vandenburg room meet quorum requirements. of te Mihiga Leaue.Davis submitted as evidence of the Michigan League. minutes of past GA meetings which Class Honors will be given to never record more than 25 mem- nearly all the 3,600 students-for bers in attendance. compiling grade point averages of The organization's own constitu- 3.5 or better over the last yetr :or tional bylaws call for a minimum term in the case of freshmen). of 30 per cent attendance, said to Ip addition, 257 students with be about 117 by Joel Newman, past perfect 4.0 averages for 6he past executive vice president of GA. year or longer will -be designated Davis also charged that on one as James B. Angell Scholars, while occasion he personally attended an William J. Branstrom prizes will Assembly meeting and was per- S1ra o f r h X 1 f a h .t . tl .,- 1 .- _- .- --' 1 I- ( I L t, t a. .i 1) _ U.S. HELICOPTER crews (above) walk away from their craft at rescuing another helicopter crew that was shot down ferrying some Laos. Later, the South Vietnamese troops (below) run for cover as attack the base. SAIGON (R) - South Vietna- . ' mmese troops suffered nearly 10,000 casualties, or almost 50 -*' per cent of its invasion force, in the 45-day Laotian inva- sion which ended Wednesday, according to Saigon sources x Nwith access to the figures. Meanwhile, Communist gunners , yesterday maintained pressure on the troops retreating from border positions by firing long range ar- tinlery at allied bases. The artil- lery fire might have come from i n s i d e the demilitarized zone, sources report. The Saigon sources said 3,800 South Vietnamese soldiers were I .. killed, 775 were missing and 5;200 were wounded in the drive into southern Laos that began Feb. 8 and ended Wednesday. These casualty figures were far n - higher than the Saigon command had announced for the 22,000 men committed to the operation. 4 rA headquarters communique listed South Vietnamese losses in:> the Laotian campaign as of 6 p.m. Wednesday at 1,146 .killed, 246 missing and 4,236 wounded.- f, Military sources said that re- ports from South Vietnamese headquarters being given to news- men are lagging or are deliberate- -Daily-Jim Judkis ly not reporting the true losses, -Associated Press and some U.S. field officers said Ham Nghi, South Vietnam after that the claimed number of Com- of the last Saigon troops from munist dead was inflated by Sai- North Vietnamese artillery shells gon communiques. The official casualty figures for cstob the Laotian invasion were given by the command spokesman, Lt. Col. Tran Van An, who conceded ures." He said four to six bat-d e te " jtalions with 500 to 600 men each - autionS were being "replaced and reor- By ART LERNER caut ganized." In Washington, Defense Depart- Student Government Council's Credentials and Rules ment officials reported yesterday Board will continue investigating today a complaint against that North Vietnam was moving SGC presidential candidate Bill Thee charging him with troops and artillery into the six mile wide demilitarized zone be- exceedng the $100 limit on the market value of his campaign tween South and North Vietnam. expenditures. They refused to say, however, if At the hearing last night, Thee's testimony indicated that deal with the landlords in this they considered the movement a the fair market value of his campaign materials may exceed area, says a TU member.' violation of the "understanding" The most "dangerous" clause ac- tunderwhich the United States the limit,' although Thee stated that "in my' opinion all the cording to TU, is the "modifica- stopped the bombing of North charges and complaints against me are false." tion" of Public Acts 295 and 296. Vietnam in November 1968 and If the board finds that SGC member Thee has exceeded Public Acts 295 and 296 of the Hanoi allegedly agreed not to mov the campaign limit, it has the, power to invoke a number of city thousinng'scode , fn n i0troops rzdintoor enliethrough the demili-thcapinlm ,itashepo rtonvkanubrf tcty theutenan's ridghd- tarized zone. penalties, including removal of Thee's name from the ballot - - --- - ---- in next week's election. They enumerate the landlord'sGy 'obligations to maintain his proper- SGC member Marnie Heyn filed andstaethetennt'ightsthe complaint Wednesday, based on ty andsstateitheetenant'sArightsor sue for non-compliance with thiscoteimesfmAn Abr obiain uprinters on some of Thee's But these acts apply only to con- Thee said that "a list of ex- tracts lasting as long as one year. eesa that a lit es- Thus, explainsthe TU spokesman penses that I have made, with es- manyconracs ae se fo a eartimates for everything I've used in ,"and a day, allowing the landlord to my entire campaign," comes to "a " total of about $113." circumvent the Public Acts with "modifications." "The main prob- But Thee added that some of his lem," he says, "is that the tenants" flyers and leaflets, included in the have no choice but to sign. With total he cited, have not beend re- the housing shortage they have to leased, "in order not to exceed the take what they can get." *.:... <$0 ii. One of the major. leaset modifi-However, as the hearing pro- tonse the TU ise moiv- gressed, Thee admitted that the cations cited by the TU is the waiv- e NEW LEGAL CLAUSES: Tenants Union students. on nex I be presented[ to 311 freshmen rank-' mitted to vote on all isus hug ing in the top five per cent of tieir he was not a duly elected repre- By PAUL TRAVIS class. sentative from his department, "Ann Arbor tenants should read Keast announced last fall that adding "nobody even asked for my over their leases very carefully this he will resign as president of credentials, only my name and my year," a Tenants Union (TU ) Wayne State University this June, department." , spokesman says, "because this is due to "presidential fatigue." He, The CSJ hearing has special sig- the worst batch we've seen in a plans to return to his academic nificance since a new organization long time." role as professor of English. He is - Rackham Student Government This year's leases - the majcr- a noted authority on the -work and - is seeking reccgnition as the rep- ity of them going into effect in literary influence of Samuel John- resentative body of graduate stu- September - contain new clauses son. dents in place of GA.I ranging from the waiver of the right to a jury trial in case of law- suit to the prohibition of waterbeds. TU was organized by Univer- sity students in 1969 when they started Ann Arbor's first rent strike. In addition, TU was respon- sible for last fall's "tent-in" on the Diag protesting housing shortages and high rents in the city. "We are a political and service organization trying to help people BUSSING PROBLEM REMAINS Regents I By MARCIA ZOSLAW A plan to build. 250 low-rent apart- ments on Nerth Campus by 1972 for University students and staff must be approved by the Regents at their April 16 meeting if the proposal is to meet a May 1 filing deadline for a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidy. While the project entails no direct cost to the University, President Robben Flem- ing has expressed concern that the Uni- versity would not be able to provide trans- portation for the residents of the pro- o decide oni Rents are planned at $110 for a single- bedroom apartment and $160 for a double- bedroom apartment. If further inflation proves these rents inadequate to maintain apartment serv- ices and keep up payments on the loan, rents would have to be raised, says John Feldkamp, director of University Hous- ing. The proposal, if approved by the Re- gents, would come under HUD's College Housing Program. Under the program, the University could , housing Fleming later acknowledged the figure may be too high, and several other ad- ministrators have agreed it could be signi- ficantly lower. Dave Christeller, general coordinator of AATU, says he heard the additional buss- ing would only cost $10,000. The University administration and the housing policy board will have more ac- curate figures available by the April Re- gents meeting. In addition, Senate As- sembly, the faculty representative b o d y , will discuss the proposal at its April 1 meeting., er of tenant and landlord rights to a jury trial in case of litigation The legality of this waiver is "de- batable" according to the TU. "The real reason for this clause is that the landlords know that they would probably lose if it ever came to a jury trial. It's much easier to con- vince a jury to award a rent re- estimated market value of his cam- paign materials might run at least $10 to $40 higher than the $113 figure. Because Thee's printing was done for free outside Ann Arbor, the board could not make a decision last night on the actual fair mar- ket value of Thee's campaign ex- r .on i. a y4{i?. .::ice":,