SUPPORTING AFSCME $ee editorial page I41ktf &t itjj MUCH OF SAME Ilighi--27 Low-10 Cloudy, cold, chance of snow VoL LXXXI, No. 87 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 13, 1971 Ten Cents AFSCME strike: Will 'U' shut dowi By SARA FITZGERALD couldn't guarantee compliance by ford, and married housing can run sity Hospital will be given first imburse students who missed or elevators made unfunctional, pick Daily News Analysis the rank and file union rnembei- without AFSCME employes. How- priority, animal clinics involved meals because of the strike. one source said. strik It appears that if Local 1583 of ship. ever, the other buildings are pret- in medical research second prior- A reliable source said that re- Officials are also concerned that ploy the American Federation of State, If the University was denied an ty dependent upon a full labor ity, and students in dormitories bates would be about $2.80 a stu- electrical failures may occur due work County, and Municipal Employes injunction, it is also possible that force." will be third. dent per days for meals missed be- to the increased use of hot plates buil (AFSCME) decides to strike the two sides could be ordered into Feldkamp doubts that the "It appears that the University cause of the strike. He estimated and other appliances by students with tomorrow night, dormitory food further mediation by a judge. dorms will be able to provide more is resigned to the fact that food that room-and-board rebates, if to fix their food. Ev lines would remain open for only When Eastern Michigan Univer- than breakfast for students with a will run out immediately," one the dorms closed completely, It thus seems that while of- ings one day, dormitories may be sity filed a similar injunction staff limited to non-unionized source said yesterday. would cost the University $42,000 ficials will attempt to keep dorms the forced to close after the weekend, against striking AFSCME em- workers such as dieticians and However another source re. a day. open, without AFSCME workers dorn and the entire University might ployes this Sept. Circuit Court student help. There apparently oe at e o re the buildings will be forced to subsequently be forced to close Judge William Ager ordered this have been no attempts to stock- ported ta tde.ntifoo workers The niersitybhow d r, i- close. stud dw.cusofato.plfodadomfrwtot would be told to continue working more concerned about dorm main- ce down. course of action. pile food at dorms, for without by their supervisors in the event tenance and security, indicated Other University buildings, such However the University has in- The impact of a strike would the unionized labor there are as classrooms and offices would of a strike. The supervisory staffs one source. Seemingly after a few aesimclaroomsand officesToulditM dicated that they will seek an in- probably be first felt in University logistical problems inherent in in various dorms have scheduled days of a strike, the dormitories be similarly affected. Though it M junction against the union if it dormitories where several hun- food preparation, dish-washing, would take longer for garbage to twee strikes as state law forbids public dred AFSCME workers are em- and maintenance of the kitchens. meetings to i n f o r m student would be forced to close because accumulate, eventually these viso employes to strike. ployed as food service workers, It is likely that no food deliver- workers of their duties. of the amount of garbage that buildings would face a mainte- fair If the University secures an in- maids, janitors, and maintenance ies will be made during a strike Arrangements are being made would accumulate, and the lack of nance problem. dent junction, it is possible that union men. since Teamster truck drivers by the AFSCME Support Coali- a janitorial staff to clean bath- The problem would be further Smi leadership could be jailed unless John Feldkamp Director of would probably not cross AFSCME tion to provide food for dormitory rooms and other areas. complicated if the 35 workers at strik the strike is called off. University Housing, has said that picket lines. students at various co-ops. Officials also fear that van- the University heating facility, SAC However, union officials have in case of a strike, "We will make A source said however that According to Feldkamp, dormi- dalizing might occur with the on- who are members of the Interna- form said that even if they told their an attempt to keep the dorms priorities had been set by the Uni- tory leases include clauses that set of a strike. Apparently there tional Union of Operating Engi- way employes to return to work, they operating. We feel that Baits, Ox- versity for food deliveries. Univer- the University would have to re- are fears that wires might be cut, neers (IUOE) also refused to cross Ten Pages et lines or staged a sympathy :e with the AFSCME em- es. If these employes did not k, it is possible that University dings would not be provided heat. ven if other University build- are not seriously affected by strike, the closing down of the nitories, leaving about 8,000 ents without housing, could e the University to cancel ses. eetings have been held be- n members of the Senate Ad- ry Council on University Af- s (SACUA) and Vice presi- s Wilbur Pierpont and Allan th to discuss the effect of the e on classes. Reportedly UA met again yesterday to nulate recommendations for s to make up class time if the See DORMS, Page 10 ASKS SOME CHANGES: Negotiators make LSA backs judicial plan By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ The literary college faculty yesterday urged the Regents to adopt the major elements of the proposed University judi- cial system, but outlined objections to several lesser aspects of the plan. In a lengthy and sometimes heated meeting, the faculty of the University's largest academic unit expressed general agreement with the most sensitive element of the plan-the provision that an all-student jury determine guilt and punish- men when students are tried before the new judiciary. However, the faculty urged the Regents to alter a few of the procedures which the court system would follow. Meanwhile, the faculties pharmacy college also voted1 LSA- hits political course By BOB SCHREINER The literary college curriculum committee yesterday criticized the organizers of a Course Mart course in political action, charging "sensationalist and misleading ad-_ vertising" in the course descrip-I tion, and voted to "reconsider" the earlier granting of college credit to the course. Despite the committee's deci- sion, a mass organizational meet-c ing of College Course 327 was held as scheduled last night, with about 250 persons attending. Psy- chology Prof. Robert Hefner, co-I ordinator of the course, notified those present of the possible re- scinding of the three hours credit, but said he felt the possibility of such action was remote. Hefner said he would urge the Curriculum committee to hasten its decision so that students would have ample time to drop the course and add another before the drop-add deadline on Jan. 19 at 5 p.m. The curriculum committee is presently scheduled to meet Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. to resolve the issue. 4 Based on the wording of the course description appearing ina The Daily, and in handouts dis- tributed around Campus, the cur- See LIT, Page 10 in the music school and the' to endorse the judicial plan, bringing to six the number of schools and c o 11 e g e s which have thus far backed the pro- posal. Drafted by a committee of stu- dents, faculty members and ad- ministrators, the judicial plan would set up a mechanism for rying students and faculty mem- bers who violate University-wide regulations, such as prohibitions' against disruption, The Regents, who have indi- cated they are dissatisfied with certain aspects of the proposal, will discuss it at their monthly meeting next Thursday and Fri- day. The committee has proposed that the Regents adopt the pro- posal on an experimental basis for one year. The objections ranseci by the LSA faculty to the plan were drafted by members of the Faculty Reform1 Coalition, a recently formed or- ganization which seeks to increase. faculty involvement in University affairs. The coalition, whose member- ship includes a large number of prominent faculty members, met last night and endorsed the basic elements of the judicial plan, of- fering objections identical to those of the LSA faculty. Two of the four criticisms were directed at the makeup and powers of a panel which would ' preside over all trials in the pro- posed court system. Since the ' panel would have the power to; rule on motions by either the' plaintiff or the defendant, it would have to decide such sensi- tive questions as whether to pro-' hibit testimony which seeks to establish a political basis for the defendant's alleged actions, or whether to bar people from the See LSA, Page 10 some strike By LARRY LEMPERT Although they described the day of talks as "productive," union officials were pessimis- tic yesterday that negotiations w i t h the University would avert a strike by Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) tomor- row night. As University and union nego- tiating teams left the table at 6:30 last night. union spokesmen said a significant number of issues had not been settled, in- cluding major wage issues. Members of the union negotiat- ing team said they will probably submit their wage proposals today. Union members were told Satur- day night the negotiating team would aim for an average wage increase of $2.80 an hour over a three year period, or $2 an hour over two years. Earlier in the day, the TJniver- sity indicated that, ifhnecessary. it "could ask the court to prevent union officials from encouraging an illegal strike." The statement was released by the University in an unsigned leaflet entitled "Report to the University Community." The Uni- versity would direct the union, the leaflet said, "to take the further steps toward peaceful settlement provided for in the Michigan Pub- lic Employment Relations Act." At Eastern Michigan University, a five-day AFSCME strike last September was settled after Cir- cuit Court Judge William Ager denied EMU an injunction to end the walk-out and instead ordered the two groups into further media- tion. progress date ne as ars -Daily-Jim Judkis Switch parki ng switched City Councilmen Jack Kirscht and Nicholas Kazarinoff and a local traffic engineer modify t h e switch parking signs around the central campus area. The switch was made, Kazarinoff s a y s' "for a two-fold increase in parking space and more rational regulation," of the system. 6 CONSPIRATORS NAMED: Jury indicts IBerrigan, others, ;charges issinger kidnap plot -Daily-Jim Judkis CIGARETTE BUTTS and empty coffee cups litter the room where negotiations between the University and the union continued for more than nine hours yesterday. Student workers may honor AFSCME str ik e By GERI SPRUNG The Office of Student Services housing policy board yesterday WASHINGTON W)--The Rev. Philip Berrigan, a radical Roman Catholic priest, was indicted yes- terday with five others on charges of plotting to kidnap presidential adviser Henry Kissinger, Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said yes- terday. Berrigan, 47, is now serving a, prison sentence for his participa- tion in the destruction of Selec-j tive Service records in Catons- ville, Md. in 1968. Berrigan and his brother Daniel, also a Roman Catholic priest im- prisoned on similar charges, were} accused of the plot by FBI Direc- tor J. Edgar Hoover in testimony before a Senate subcommittee late last year. The seven-count indictment,ire- turned by a federal grand jury in Harrisburg, Pa. also named a Catholic nun, two other priests, a former priest and a 40-year-old fellow of the Adlai Stevenson In- stitute of Public Affairs in Chi- cago. Daniel Berrigan was not named as a defendant in the indictment' but was named along with seven other persons a co-conspirator. The indictment said the six conspired to "maliciously damage and destroy by means of explo- sives" the heating systems of fed- Although the indictment did not tion to Philip Berrigan were Sis- mention the specific demands, ter Elizabeth McAlister, 31, of Hoover said in his testimony the Marymount College in Tarrytown, alleged conspirators would de- N.Y.; the Rev. Joseph Reese Wen- mand the immediate end of U.S. deroth, 35, of Baltimore; the Rev. participation in the Vietnam War Neil Raymond McLaughlin, 30, of and release of all so-called po- Baltimore; Anthony Scoblick, 30, litical prisoners held by the gov- of Baltimore, a former priest, and ernment. Eabal ahmad, 40, of Chicago. ,f Hoover said the plan to kidnapj Kissinger and blow up the heating' systems was the work of a group calling itself the East Coast Con- spiracy to Save Lives. Named as de!enaants in addi- Warrants were served on the five by FBI agents yesterday after sealed indictments were returned by the grand jury. All the defen- dants are in jail on previous con- victions involving antiwar activi- ties. CIA BOMBING Groups organize Yesterday was the third day - - of talks with state mediator unanimously passed a resolution which would permit part-time stu- Richard Terapin present. Regional dent employes at the University to support a possible strike by Local AFSCME representative Joe King 1583 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal said last night, "Progress has been Employes Union (AFSCME>. made with the assistance of the "In the event of a strike by the University's AFSCME employes, mediator. It was one of our most ths jobs of no part-time student employes of the Office of University successful days." Housing who decide to support the strike and honor the picket lines He added, however, "If an agree- by not working at their jobs, will be jeopardized either in terms of Thursday, it's going to result from continued employment during the semester, in re-hiring thereafter, or marathon around-the-clock bar- otherwise disciplined including the keeping of records," the resolution See AFSCME, Page 10 stated. - - The board also declared t h a t 0 11 P1 A "during the strike, no part-time CONSPiRACY student employes of the Office of University Housing will be expect- ed to work more hours than norm- ally assigned, nor to take on jobs teach-i n on trialnormally performed by AFSCME Jerry De Grieck, a member of anel discussions, and can take people and put them away when the board, introduced the motion they see that these individuals might be because "it was necessary to make , organizers said, with vulnerable and isolated." known to the student employes White Panther com- Wednesday's events will center around that if they took a position con- WhitPan erkcon- Wd d s end trary to the University line, they oon and a rock con- an evening panel discussion of "The War, will in no way be in jeopardy of unday night. Monday the CIA in the Third World, and the War disciplinary actions." to workshops on Ann Crimes Tribunal." Participants will include "This is especially true," he con- oblems. Chicago conspiracy trial defendent Tom tinued, "since it is clear that the rkshop will deal with Hayden, author Murray Bookchin, and University is blatantly propagand- the trial and the na- Political Science Prof. Archie Singham. izing a distorted view of the con- y charges. tract negotiations." st and Sinclair are On Thursday, roving rock and roll - According to Edward Salowitz, By ANDY ZACK The upcoming conspiracy trial against White Panthers Pun Plamondon, Jack For- rest, and John Sinclair represents "charg- es brought against the entire life culture," says White Panther Leni Sinclair. Local groups have organized "Life Cul- ture Week" for Jan. 17 to Jan. 24 in order to emphasize this connection between the trial and the counterculture, and to raise funds for the defense. series of concerts, pa workshops. The week will start, an open house at the mune Sunday aftern cert at the Union Su night will be devoted1 Arbor's ecological pr On Tuesday, a wor the legal aspects of t ture of the conspiracy Plamondon, Forres .. ..::, .