*ednesday, March 24, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *edriesday, March 24, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . Warhol:A surface John Coplans, ANDY WAR- HOL, New York Graphic So- ciety, $12.50. By LAURIE HARRIS j ANDY WARHOL . .. you've heard of him and unfortunately for this book you've probably read something about him or his art. "The book sets out to pro- vide the reader through the ac- companying illustrations a view- ing of: a broad 'spectrum of War- 4 lol's painting and sculpture, es- pecially from 1960 to 1964, by which time the artist had al- ready begun to shift his interest to movies." The book itself is divided into three parts, "the man, the art, and the movies," which, by definition excludes 'verlapping, and, by the nature of art and its relation to its crea- tor cannot be avoided. A monograph on any artist supposedly delves deeply into the reasons behind his art as estab- lished by the time and life of the ,- rtist. It is supposed to bring all is works together in a natural and well blended synthesis show- a depth and understanding of the artist that could not be attained easily from any other source. Unfortunately, this book is superficial and naive in its ex- lanation of Warhol as a person and the depth of his art. Every- thing John Coplans says about Warhol's art I have read before in the simplest of pop art digests. He goes through the development -from an almost abstract ex- pressionist period of sketchy 4cans and cartoons, on to news- paper images and 9o-it-yourself techniques and finally to the silk screen processed images of Coca-' Cola and C mpbell's soup. But Coplans never really gets be- neath the surface, there is al- ways the feeling of mere expla- nation of a painted ,anvas sur- face and little mental depth. Warhol is known to revel i- our machine age and the sepai tion between workers and product. His techniques in the Factory exudes this ideal. Coolai.s pre- sents it . . . he goes no further. The section on his life, entitled "Raggedy Andy", is perhaps cne of the most distant histoi ies I have ever read. Interspersed with Warhol Quotes, the piece is supposed to show the Warhol drive . . from ignominy to fame Hollywood style. In an attempt to show the elusiveness of the Warhol figure, Calvin Tomikins quotes interesting sequences: hol sixties and beyon couldn't they show jast these shoe drawings . sound intriguing and in basic to Warhol's later c commercial art exploitat early work of this artist totally past the general c ity and this would be; time, to show the full ment of the artist. There is one interest tion of the book: "Not Reseeing ,the Movies portrait id; why iug criticism, but in this case it one of is simply put together too poor- . . they ly. What Mekas does expose acredibiy through past quotes from his own eat'eer t, film criticism is that ne used to ion. The be a better more acute critic, has gone and, if it weren't for 'the other commun- critics whose quotes run through- an ideal out, the piece would also be hard- develop- ly worth reading. The final section of the book is ing see- a filmography of Andy Warhol es after with stills and short explanations. of Andy It is revealing to note the faces Chrysallis '71 Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Do you think pop art is-? No. What? No. Do you think pop art i.+--? No. No, I don't. Maybe this is supposed to show that he just doesn't ant to be interviewed, that, as he has stated, he wants to become re- moved from his art . . . My ques- tion is, 'Why?' and this book simply never answers it. Great detail is given uertaining to the beginnings of Warhol's ca- reer as a commercial artist drawing shoe cartoons for I Mil- ler, in New York. Nobody had ever drawn shoes the way Andy did. He somehow gave each shoe a temperament of its own, Rsort of sly, Toulouse-Lautrec kind of sophistication, but the shape and style came through accurately and the buckle was always in the right place. Now I wonder, for a book that is "concentrating" on the War- An Ancestral Alicia Bay Laurel, LIVING ON THE EARTH, Random House, $3,95, paper. By ROBERT W. CONROW Many books are made of other men's books, but only a handful grow directly from experience. Alicia Bay Laurel's Living on the Earth is a rare example of the latter variety and, as such, pro- vides a statement which is at once as richly poetic as it is prag- matic. In Miss Laurel's words: this book is for people who would rather chop wood than work behind a desk so they can ,pay P.G. & E. It has no chap- ters; it just grew as I learned .. When we depend less on in- dustrially produced consumer goods, we can live i quiet daces. Our bodies hecome vigorous; we discover the serenity of living with the #rhythnms of the earth. We cease oppressing one another. It is tempting; of course, to dismiss this type of writing as just another product of the cur- rent back-to-nature-and-let's-get- published fad. But this is too easy, for. Miss Laurel offers a *great deal more. She is well aware that even the maost will- ing of bodies who have spent their vigor on the nomforrs of the "industrially produced consum er goods," will find life in the woods a difficult chore without adequate preparation. And, i supplying this necessary infor- mation, her book may just be the most remarkable handbook for the young since Robert Baden - Powell's ' Scoqting for Boys was first issued in 1916. Take, for example, tne sever- *1 pages devoted - to making shelters for housing. Designs vary from a hogun-like dwelling, to a tree-house, to a concrete structure based on a plan by Paolo Soleri. Or else, in a sim- pler vein, the suggestion for a tooth brush. "Cut a piece of al- falfa root six inches long. Strip off the outer skin, allow it to sun-dry thoroughly, and strike one end with a hammer to fan out the fibers." Granted, this may not meet Dr. West's hygiene standards but it will, in any case, suffice in the wilderness. 4 Other health suggestions run the gamut from organic recipes for shampoos and dandruff cures to curing a common cold, Throughout, one is struck by the author's unyielding veneration not only for the man who lives on the earth, but also for the earth Atself. In the instances of the tree house; Miss Laurel warns not to put nails in living trees: "many times it kills them." Her answer: use only the stumps of trees in an area that has already been log- ged. And then, the little pipe which is the sink drain "can go' Wight into the garden if you use biodegradable soap." Points on man's harmony with nature are then counterbalanced by Miss Laurel's unembellished ers. "How will you educate your children? How will you deal with the government, with transient people, runaways, etc? HoW will each person have time for him- self ias well as time to help the commune? "and, "How will you divide the expenditures?" Perhaps, however, if Miss aurel is obviously acute in her questions about communal living, she may seem most short-sighted when approaching the vital ques- tions of life and death. Although there are four pages devoted to canning, and three pages given over to making soap, there are only two pages describing "child- birth at home" or, in other Warhol", by. Jonas Mekas. Per- haps it is not so marvelous in its insights into Warhol's develop- ment in film, but it is, at the least, the most concocted blena- ing of writing styles I have yet read. The piece is laced together with a touch of Fielding, and a bit of Mailer and I suppose, somewhere, a touch of the famil- iar. It is refreshing when read- Path, to make Jessica Mitford, by com- parison, appear pitifully out- dated. to die in the forest cremate on a hot fire so the smoke goes straight to heaven & the ashes to the four winds then a wake the joy of liberation. For some, such oversimplifi- cation may seem to indicate a flagrant violation of all civil and, no doubt even, divine ordinance. But ultimately, we must see ;Miss Laurel as more poet than car- penter. Her poetic vision, in fact, and close-ups Warhol' use. to make common events more than just the event . . . but it can only be fully realized is an ac- tual Warhol movie. Physically, the book is lovely if all you want to do is took at pictures of Warhol's mnast re-re- produced art. I think you could do better, if this is what you want, for a little less than $12.50. b 0 0 k S b 0 k S The Residential College, CHRYSALLIS, Spring, 1971, 50c By HERB EAGLE A dynamic collection of poetry, prose, graphics and photography! The present-day sons and daugh- ters of Middle America confront the sons and daughters1 of the American, Revolution at a How- ard Johnson's Restaurant in Kan- sas and find: "The Great Rather Torpid Nothingbeast." This, of course, should surprise no one. But the artistry, nder- standing and pathos, with which this oollision is rendered may. Words intermingle with intro- spective pen and ink drawings, and whimsical portraits of chil- dren black and white contrast with the scowls of hardhats and freckle-faced brats at a Victory in Vietnam 'parade. The young authors in this vol- ume laugh at the tragic absurdi- ties of their heritage, but Lt the same time they search that heri- tage and themselves for more meaningful keys: keys that will break them out of the constrain- ing circles of egotism and false- ness forged by their collective p a s t s. Visions of absurdity abound, metaphors tor their ani- logic of our times: the hermit renounces asceticism by eating the flesh of an ascetic bird, rub- bing himself in dung an pto: nouncing himself clean; a lonely librarian undresses, caresses her- self before an unshaded window, while an equally lonely janitor watches from a room above: their moment of self-recognition seals their separateness; at the Home .. ./ a hoary octogenarian sits/ on a concrete bench in/ a garden. He pulls the! plastic strip and hole! from the red plas- tic bottle,/ blows a stream aif bubbles, and/ for an encore blows another stream;/ eight bottles a day. Familiar issues are here: the war, violence, racism, alienation, automation-but there ire no polemics. The surrounding ab- surdity is viewed more often with humor than with bitterness: call me any time/ or not at all but without telephones/ that a g bell has made/ to laugh at us with tuesday nights in mind -. - don't wait for spring do it now/ why 'put off til tomorrow what you can blow today/ whether did mark twain or samuel clemens say that/ makes no difference/ what's important is that there is never any/ trouble with a g bell and the fellas/ at the powerplant until tuesday night/ when they all get together and plug into My line/ all the calls without zip- codes . . . call me anytime/ or not at all but without telephones/ .or if you do then screw up a g bell et al/ by dialing numbers and numbers and numbers/ until you find pi or until the dial wears out/ Just don't call me on tues- day jesus christ not tuesday/ that's when I've got my hands full with the avon lady. Issues are subordinated to the artist's p e r s o n a 1 perspective. Whether in poetry, prose or in the haunting graphics, the path leads from outside experience into the inner transformatins of the mind: I am stalking iny;tlf like a shadow/ sniffing intuitive- ly at thought prints/ where is memory in the past; a lot hap- pens to a sailor/ when he leaves port behind;/ home,/ once a bed and steaming soup,/ becomes a dream/ at the night-waten. The search for meaning is not a lone- ly one, however. There is a sense of community here-a wanting to crawl inside one another for un- derstanding and protection, to obliterate differences of origin and race: whether in the lovers' embrace, black and white, jew and non-jew, or in ,the relish of s h a r i n g another's bitterness: filthy farmers!/ dirty, cruel! you have white skin/ very plain are your pulsing veins! lirs.,/all stinking liars ,.' I shall take your daughters to the city/ to the' city without mercy/ to the elecc tric eye/ all your tender fresh (laughters/ like ripe tomtoes/ perfect just right/ and I, stik- ing/ foul creeping son of a har- lot! unclean grease - monkey shall wean them with fuel oil/ slimy slimy fresh from africa/ (chuckle) Sex is not Love or Happiness or Mystical Experience. It is communication without preen- sions or defenses; it is a happy eipathy: when suns/ are up/ and moons/ are in/ (their bathrobes being/ like as more or less the same)/ or less the same/ as clouds/ might have a choice/ in fate/ if & when i need you/ baby then/ threre will be/ like as more or less the same/ new deals/ brand new flowers/ games and happy/ ness/ like as less /or more of much the same. In its forms, the writing in Chrysallis represents an impres- sive range of free verse and prose. Many of the poets create their free verse rhythms by combining intonational and ac- centual principles. Thus, "i& when" uses an iambic tendency in the odd stanzas, trochaic in the even, along with a parallel- ism of syntactic units, many of them rarely foregrounded "fil- ler" words and phrases. .3ome rhythms are created by altenat- ing enjambed lines, with their high continuant intonation, and unenjambed phrase-ending ca- dences of falling pitch. Others are based on the elegant sim- plicity of syntagmatic balance- with an unexpected enjambment charging the concluding line: Woke up this morning my mouth wide like a cistern, eating my pillow- putting on my pants, I felt the night deep in my stomach There is also free verse which is structured so as to emphasize the connotations of individual y words, and images or to exploit the multiple associations of words. The poem "'Bread and Circuses Vision" uses two sets of words and roots-one carrying religious connotations, the other related to the blodshed of the So Good It's' Frid Chicken Lunch 89 3035 Washtenaw across from LieOldsmobile 1 * I III + . words, the same number of pages it takes to tell how to make a Mexican peasant blouse. Many will be astonished to dis- cover that the only supplies need- ed to deliver a child are: " a clean absorbant mat to lie on, lots of cleanhrags, a receiving blanket for the baby, castor oil, antiseptic, and a sterile blade & sterile heavy thread for cutting the cord." And, "When the baby comes out he will be blue until he talpes his first breath. If he has trouble doing so, hold him upside down, clear his mouth, and tap his back." All said and done., As for death, Miss Laurel's sug- gestion is so straightforward as cuts through the complexities of our daily lives in a manner so incisive as to be absolutely dis- maying. With her childish scrawl and her delightfully carefree drawings, she has provided us not only with a prescription for healthy bodies, but more than this, an elixir for regaining a purer society. . . . if you have a feeling for the flow of things, you will discover a path: from traveling the wilds to the first fence, simple housing, furnishing houses, crafts, agriculture, food preparation, medicine - not unlike the development of our ancient ancestors. I your contribution to mankind being swept up on the 7:30 run? Ii A! .' #1#- \, Natural Basic, 8.50 Natural Cluster, 8.50 Natural Frill, 8.50 6 Natural Tangle, 8.50 Double' Petal, 12.50 - Get Clear Creek at a newsstand now. 501 a copy, $5.00 a year. For subscrip- the Clinique lashes. , a kinder way to dramatize sensitive eyes with lasTes, applicator and adhesive allergy-tested to reduce irritation Fives styles are hand-knotted to a comfortable' band. and pre-trimmed nto the loveliest fringe you've ever looked through. In two shades: gentle brown or charcoal. Is your only mark on the world the amount of garbage you put into it? Or are II i