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March 24, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-24

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Clear, turning
to snow flurries

Vol. LXXXI, No. 140 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 24, 1971 Ten Cents
Students to vote on war research,
By ART LERNER The remaining three questions dum asking for a end to classified sixteen faculty members cf the search proposal in the three years referendum would be a powerful T
Daily News Analysis on the referenda include: research on campus. Senate Assembly Research Policy of its existence. blow to students seeking to build a with
Students will be faced with four' -A proposal asking if the Uni- When the question of whether Committee urged students to reject However, faculty members of movement against it on campus. tat
Student Government Council refer- versity should refuse research the University should cease all the classified research referendum the committee claim that a number The proposed student govern- and
enda issues next week, including whose "primary or initial use will classified research was voted on and support instead the review of proposals which would have ment funding plan, which would Eng
one asking students if the Univer- be in a military or war-supportive by students in March 1968, over committee mechanism which their been submitted under the old sys- assess each student $1.85 per term, tion
sity should refuse to contract for capacity." 300 students and faculty had al- committee was proposing. tem have not been submitted to would give 85 cents to SGC and thei
any further classified research. -The People's Peace Treaty pro- ready held a sit-in in the LSA The proposed review committee the committee due to 1,ae new the other dollar to the school and enoi
Earlier this week, the faculty posal which calls for immediate Bldg. - then the Administration which would reject research pro- guidelines. college governments to which each not
representative body in effect re- American withdrawal from Viet- Bldg. - demanding an end to posals with "the specific purpose In their letter to The Daily in student belongs..T
jected a proposal urging the Re- nam. classified research. of which is to destroy life or to in- 1968, Research Policy Committee Backers of the funding p 1 a n Pea
gents to ban classified research Backers of the classified re- By a vote of 3,043 to 4,787 the capacitate human beings" was ap- members noted, that, "If we argue that school and college gov- den
from the University by sending the , search referendum argue that the referendum was defeated, as was proved by the Senate Assembly a thought that this review committee ernments within the University of t
proposal back to a committee for University should be a place for the a referendum asking for a Germia- week later. would routinely approve all pro- either have no source of funds wou
study. A yes vote by the Univer- "free and open exchange of ideas" tion of the University's involve- The review committee plan, posals for classified researcn, we presently or else receive money at ing
! sity's student body on the research and claim that secret research is ment with the Institute of Defense which includes student representa- too would urge the students to the discretion of the deans of pus
question could give new life to contrary to this concept of a Uni- Analyses. tives, has now been challenged as vote yes on the referendum. their colleges. T]
the issue. versity. At that time, those involved in ineffectual in stopping research The vote on the current classi- Proponents add that increased stud
The remaining two questions on Next week will be the second the 'end classified research' cam- used "to kill or injure people," by fied research referendum will al- funding will allow SGC to de- sho
the referendum include: time the question of classified re- paign were taken by surprise by a student member of the commit- lw those who have led in the velop student-interest projects in Tre
-A student government funding search at the University is brought the defeat of the referendum. tee, Michael Knox. protesting of classified research to food cooperatives, 24 hour day- dra
proposal asking for a $1.85 assess- to the student body. In March, Prior to the SGC referendum in He pointed out that the commit- gauge their campus support. A se- care centers, or increased low cost of t
" ment per student per. term; and 1968, students defeated a referen- 1968 a letter to The Daily from the tee has accepted all but one re- cond defeat of a classified research housing, the

Ten Pages
'he funding plan, developed
the cooperation of represen-
ves from many of the school
college governments, including
ineering Council, faces opposi-
from students who say that
r college governments h a v e
ugh funds and that SGC does
need or will misuse the money.
Lhe referendum on the People's
ce Treaty is supported by stu-
ts who believe that ratification
he treaty by the student body
ld serve as a means of "rais-
the consciousness" of the cam-
to the Vietnam war.
'he referendum, asks if "t h e
ent body of the University
uld ratify the People's Peace
aty, and commit itself to with-
wing the services and facilities
he University from support of
war in Indochina."


War research critics
organize new tactics
In the wake of S e n a t e
Assembly's decision not to call
for an end to military ald
classified research at the Uni-
ersity, about 60 students last
night voted to work for a show
of student opposition to such
research in an upcoming ref-
aid erendum on the issue.
At Monday's Assembly meeting,
disgruntled student opponents of
military and classified research
walked out after the faculty rep-
resentative body voted to submit
P the research question to further
_ study.
T hose present at last night's
fry .'mass meeting favored focusing
their attention on the Student
Government Council's (SGC) ref-'
erendum to be held Tuesday and
. <Wednesday of next week.
The two questions that will ap-
pear on the referendum are:
G N-"Should the University of
Michigan refuse to contract for
4 any further classified research?"!
an-"Should the University of
Michigan refuse to contract for
any further research whose pri-
mary or initial use will be in a
military or war supportive capacity
by the contracting agency?"
-Daily-Jim Judkis Students at last night's mass
STUDENTS DISCUSS ways to mobilize student support for the meeting rejected a proposal to
abolution of classified and military research last night primarily support a general class strike,
through passage of the SGC referenda on the issue. favoring an emphasis on:
An end to all war and classi-
fied research;j
INJUNCTION SO UGHT-The "illegitimacy" of Senate
Assembly and other representa-
tive groups of its type; and
-The responsibility and right
esof the students of the University_
to legitimatize their own claim to
power in the issue of classified
SThe hgroup cited the lack of time
before the end of the term as a
primary reason for rejecting the
idea of calling for a general class
By JOHN MITCHELL The sentiment of the group was
Testimony in the case of Robert Hunter, the fired assist- "that something must be done to
ant director of the Ann Arbor Human Rights Department classf edkeerthe oppositiono
who is seeking an injunction to have the city restore him to student said. Another prevailing!
his former post, ended yesterday in Detroit with U.S. Dis- feeling that was voiced was that,
trict Court Judge John Feikens expected to reach a decision "We should get more students out
within the week. (to vote) because that's what is
gigt i t" 1
Hunter was fired last month by Human Relations Depart- going to wingtr y
4 In discussing strategy for the
ment head James Slaughter for allegedly "no longer per- remaining time before the referen-'
forming the required duties of his position in an efficient dum, the group voted to leaflet,.
and responsible manner." conduct classroom raps, and can-
Many leaders of the black community enraged at Hunter's vass students door-to-door and by1
.eHarsIphone in order to gain student
dismissal, charge the administration of Mayor Robert Harris support.
with racist practices. Harris,
however, denies any involve-PERSONAL1
ment in the firing.
Frederick McDonald, Hunter's!
attorney, attempted to prove dur-"
ing the hearing that Hunter's fir-
ing was discriminatory and the, Free clinic g v
action was taken because city of-
ficials "did not approve of the
'*aggressive manner" in which
Hunter was pursuing the respon-
sibilities of his position.
The city, however, in present-
ing its case, stressed that Hunter's
firing "was in no way based upon
his race, but was rather based R
uponahis insubordination, misuse
#'f sick leave, failure to fulfill the
duties of his position, and acts r. A
inconsistent with the policies of
his Department."
In a surprise' move last Friday.A m










Communists maintain
storm of ire in Laos
SAIGON (R-Confronted with continuing assaults from
the North Vietnamese forces who have been driving Saigon
troops out of Laos for the past week, American forces yes-
terday began withdrawing from Khe Sanh, the base of U.S.
operations in support of the Laos invasion.
As the six-week-old Laos operation drew to a close, North
Vietnamese gunners zeroed in on Khe Sanh. Meanwhile,
front line reports said U.S. helicopter units had begun leaving
the strategic base near the Laotian border for their head-
quarters at Chu Lai and Phu Bai to the east. It was under-
stood the Khe Sanh base .would be closed within three weeks.
North Vietnamese forces yesterday continued to pursue
Saigon troops still in Laos,, driving the South Vietnamese
armored units across the bor-


-Associated Press
BOTH AMERICAN AND SOUTH VIETNAMESE forces sought respite from heavy Communist attacks
yesterday by retreating further into South Vietnam. Some American soldiers (left) rest at Ithe Sanh
prior to their evacuation from that support base. South Vietnamese armored units (right) race over
the Laotian border as part of the South Vietnamese retreat from that country now underway. Both
South Vietnamese units in Laos and American forces at Khe Sanh suffered heavy attacks by North
Vietnamese forces yesterday.

der in a storm of fire.
Saigon headquarters said gov-
ernment forces still were in two
bases in Laos, Hotel 1 about two
and a half miles from the border,
and Delta, about seven miles in-
side Laos. Field reports said, how-
ever, those positions had come
under heavy attack and that Delta
had been abandoned.
In Saigon, the U.S. Command
said yesterday American fighter
bombers flying 200 sorties destroy-
ed three anti-aircraft missile sites,
4 touching off 100 explosions, in the
raids on North Vietnam Sunday
and Monday. A sortie is one mis-
sion by one plane.
At least five SAM missiles, 371
feet long and radar controlled,
were fired at the attackers and
one of them downed an F4 Phan-
tom jet, according to government
s o u r c e s. A North Vietnamese
broadcast claimed six planes were,
shot down.


Fleming to

odebate city
Frequent ideological clashes be-
tween representatives of the tra-
ditional Democratic and Repub-
lican Parties and members of the
Radical Independent Party (RIP)
characterized a debate on environ-
mental issues in Ann Arbor yes-
Present at the debate, sponsor-
ed by Environmental Action for
Survival (ENACT), a campus-
community environment group,
were Democratic Mayor Robert
Harris, Republican mayoral can-
didate Jack Garris, and D o u g
Cornell, Radical write-in candi-
date for mayor.
Also present were second ward
council candidates Jerry Ds Griek
of RIP and incumbent councilman
Robert Faber, a Democrat,
A major split between the Dem-
ocrats and Republicans and mem-
bers of RIP over whether or not
effective action to save the en-
See DEMS, Page 10

name no



By ROBERT SCHREINER associate vice president for aca- for academic affairs, under Vice
President Robben Fleming has demic affairs. President Allan Smich. Hays is
indicated the University will not In a letter sent to Spurr last presently ending a one year sabat-
name a new vice president to suc- week, Fleming said the University, tical in California and will assine

ceed Vice President and Dean of'
the Graduate School Stephen Spurr
when he leaves to become the
President of the University of
Texas July 1.
Instead, Spurr's many duties will
be distributed among several ad-
ministrators - including a newl
graduate school dean and a new


asy medic
A free medical clinic has re-
cently been established in Ann
Arbor, providing care to people
in the community who cannot
afford the usual costs of treat-
Since it opened two months
ago on the second floor of Ozone
House; the clinic h a s served
close to 400 people, whose prob-
lems have ranged from mono-
nucleosis, malnutrition, hepa-

would eliminate the post of viceI
president to which Spurr was ap-
pointed in 1969.
Although Fleming says Spurr's,
duties have not yet been divided{
up, he said that psychology Prof.
William Hays, dean of the literary
college from 1968-1970, will become
the first associate vice presidentI
equipment and volunteers for a
clinic which would cater to
those who could not afford ev-
en minimal payments.
Medical student Peter Roan,
a volunteer who talks to wait-
ing patients, emphasizes, "We
want to avoid students, all of
whom have access to health ser-
vice. Instead, we need to help
the street people."
The clinic stresses a person-
al approach to treatment. Nan-

the new post July 1.
In his present capacity at the
University, Spurr is responsible for
academic services such as finan-
cial aids and admissions, and sup-1
ervision of the graduate school, as
well as overseeing the expansion
of the University's Flint and Dear-
born campuses.
Spurr's appointment was ap-
proved unanimously by the Texas
Regents at the end of February,
and officially confirmed Ma:. 12. 1
Since his appointment, the Uni-
versity has named the first chan-
cellors to run the Flint and Dear-
born campuses - for Flint, Wil-
liam Moran, assistant executive
vice president at the State Univer-
sity of New York at Stony Brook
and for Dearborn, Robert Maier,
vice chancellor of the University of
"A year and a half ago, when
we made Spurr vice president, one
of the primary reasons was to pro-
vide a better liaison to the Flint,
and Dearborn campuses. Since we
have now named chancellors, we
will discontinue that post," Flem-

From an abandoned fire base
near the Laotian border, one news
correspondent reported that about
85 tanks and armored personnel
carriers raced across the border
with paratroopers clinging precar-
iously to the overloaded vehicles.
Officers said the remnants of
two airborne battalions fought
their way out of Laos on foot and
were flown out of the combat zone
by helicopters.

Judge deni es motion
in1 Black Panther trial
Special To The Daily
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Judge Harold Mulvey rejected a key
defense motion yesterday as Black Panther Margaret Hudgins con-
cluded her testimony in the Bobby Seale-Ericka Huggins murder
Mulvey ruled against a motion filed by defense lawyers Cather-
ine Roraback and Charles Garry that would have required pro-
secution witness George Sams to undergo a psychiatric examination
at this time.
Sams, one of 14 Black Panthers indicted in connection with
the murder of alleged police agent Alex Rackley, is expected
to be a key prosecution witness.
In denying the motion, Mulvey said he has no power to

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