Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, March 23, 19t 1 I Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tusa,.Marc 23,1__ Assembly rejects bar to 'U' research 4TH, 5T H WARDS: Candidates vie for seats in city council 77A A fH ffA (Continued from Page 1) 4 fled materials and no restrictions are imposed on prompt and open publication of the results." Since participation in virtually all military resea'rch requires se- curity classification by the federal government, the effect of the Rucknagel-Lind proposal w o u 1 d have been a ban on military re- search at the University. The Rucknagel - Lind m o t i o n was presented as a substitute for the motion to send the issue into committee, which was proposed by engineering Prof. Elmer Gil- bert. Af.ter some discussion, Assem- bly voted 31-24 against substitut- ing the motion to ban classified research. Subsequently, the Gil- bert proposal was passed with some amendments. The approved resolution states that "significant changes in either the policies (concerning classified research) or their interpretation could have major effects on the research capabilities of the Uni- versity and on many members of the University, community who are engaged in research." AT N.Vie ts hit Khe Sanh (Continued from Page 1) when the South Vietnamese forces moved back from Sepone, 25 miles west of the border and the point of deepest penetration into Laos. The Western most Saigon units are now said to be eight miles from the Vietnamese border. The withdrawal, which could be completed within the next few days, seemed to observers in Sai- gon to come earlier than expected due to relentless North Vietnam- ese opposition. Although official spokesmen have insisted that the operation would be limited in time and space, many sources had suggested that the South Vietnamese would re- main until the rainy season in May. In further action, a headquart- ers spokesman, Lt. Col. Tran Van An, said Saigon forces retained only three fire support bases in Laos. Associated Press correspond- ent Helger Jensen reported from the northern front, however, that' the South Vietnamese had aban- doned still another base in Laos, leaving them only two bases across the border and one of these was reported inder intense pressure. Meanwhile, the U.S. jet bomber, raids over North Vietnamese Sun- day and yesterday ranged from; the 17th Parallel, or demilitarized zone (DMZ), to the 19th Parallel Therefore, the motion continues, "a careful and complete review of classified and proprietary re- search" at the UJniversity "should be made before the Assembly con- siders further action." The resolution specifically asks the Classified Research Commit- tee to review its procedures "for implementing the present policies on classified research and to ex- amine possible changes in both policies and means for their im- plementation." The resolution adds that the Classified Research Committee's report should "include procedures for publication and distribution of summaries of existing and pro-' posed projects so that the Univer- sity community may be able to form an accurate assessment of their intent." While the Classified Research Committee presently publishes summaries of research proposals in its annual report, critics have replied that these summaries are too brief and vague to sufficiently inform the University community. Under the resolution, the primary investigation into the appropriate- ness of classified and military re- search at the University will be undertaken by Assembly's Re-1 search Policy Committee. Both committees are composed predominately of faculty members with some students. In a final clause, the resolution states that "though we do not wish to prejudge specific policies, the Assembly instructs the com- mittees to work out means of bar- ring classified and military re- search whose clearly forseeable purpose is to destroy human life or to incapacitate human beings." "By this instruction," the; amendment continues, "we show our desire to extend the criterion well beyond the 'specific purpose' wording adopted in 1968." Critics of the amendment have said that rather than extend the criterion "far beyond" the-present status, the amendment virtually repeats the "specific purpose" cri- terion in different words. U.S. soldiers refuse order' (Continued from Page 1) armored unit, sent out Suiday morning secured the chopper and carrier. Bravo troops remained in the field yesterday, but Hill re- placed Poveda with one of his own officers. Bravo Troop was later pulled back and attached to a unit of the 5th Mechanized Division. (Continued from Page 1) but heroin and all other drugs as well, on the grounds that taking the drug itself is punishment enough." Although Lee says the current extent of drug use is "a fantastic disgrace to our society," he adds that the recent passage of a mari- juana ordinance by City Council is a "step in the right direction." In contrast, Hadler says the passage of the city ordinance al- lowing for reduced penalties for the use of marijuana was an un- necessary move, and the issue should be covered at a na- tional level, rather than by the city. While both candidates agreel that the city's problems are re- lated to its rapid growth, Hadler supports Garris's view that it would be desirable to "slow down the city's rate of change." Lee believes, however, that the Harris administration has made a meaningful attempt to deal with many difficult issues, and that these attempts should be con- tinued. Concerning the black commu- nity, Lee says that some of the steps taken recently to improve communications with the black community have created problems, but states thatthis is "not enough reason to torpedo the step itself." In contrast to these views, Had- ler is more cautious in his assess- ment of Harris' accomplishments. He questions the value of subsi- dized housing asking "Why should Republican candidate John Mc- Cormick, an attorney who works w i t h workmen's compensation cases, sees Ann Arbor's problems in more specific terms. He views public housing, taxes, ecological issues and the growing problems of drugs and crime as the issues of most concern to Ann Arbor resi- dents. While both candidates are con- cerned about the drug problem, McCormick is "in favor of any- thing we must do to combat the drug problem-whatever it be and whatever the cost would be," cit- I ing statistical evidence showing the inter-relatedness of drugs and crime. In reference to the mari- juana ordinance he says that "I feel that probably the lowering of the penalty to a misdemeanor for the use of marijuana is a wise thing because these people need help and rehabilitation medically, rather than being branded as felons." McCormick also says he sup- ports the idea of giving the police a "free hand" in pursuing drug pushers, within the limits of the law. Warren, in his concern with the drug issue, emphasizes that there is not one drug problem but many problems, each of which should be handled in a different way, as it may relate to anti-social be- havior, and psychiatric problems. He stresses the need for education not only to the effects of drug use, but also to provide better com- Tr uckers,. threshers, trencher men, loggers, epicures, omnivores, gladiators, gluttons, and gourmands 0 some have it and others not?" munication between parents and However, he does admit that in their children. some cases "some subsidy is ne- Speaking of the police, Warren cessary to provide individuals a says that they "aren't going to be decent and livable abode." the solution to any major prob- Hadler says that at present he lems in society, nor are they the cannot accept a proposal for a city cause." In his view, the' police are income tax, although there may be being asked to perform functions no other way to maintain the for which they are necessarily in- present level of city services. adequate, because the source of Speaking on the problems of the the problems they are asked to black community, Hadler charges deal with lie with other institu- that the Human Rights Commis- tions. sion is simply not effective, but McCormick is critical of the that a non-partisan sounding; way in which some of the present board for the problems of black programs in the black community citizens should exist. . are being handled, and specificall The Democratic and Republican is "in favor of the Model Cities candidates for the fifth ward seat program being restructured with onditd councl hare less sharply more control of it by the city divided than the two candidates council of Ann Arbor." Defending from the fourth ward. Democratic his view, he says, "At this point, candidate Donald Warren, an as- very little of the available funds sistant professor in the social work have ever reached the people they school, says that as councilman were intended to reach." he would attempt to answer; whether Ann Arbor "has the me- chanisms to recognize the interests The University has been given of the sub-parts of the community a $650,000 Ford Foundation grant and yet also be moving ahead on for support of several internation- planning for the goals of the al studies programs for the next community as a whole." j three academic years. i *4 welcome. At the Village Bell, we've got a brand new bill of fare. It features tantalizing delicacies like Flaming Dagger, broiled Spanish shrimp, Danish lobster tails, and tender planked veal cutlets braised, with mushroom sauce. Our eminent chef has also introduced some delectable new after-dinner treats. Subtle, suave, imported desserts like cherries jubilee, brandied Napoleon, and strawberry Schaum torte. There's also a new list of sweet, sipable after-dinner coffees.. Of course, every dinner atthe Village Bell still includes a snappy tossed salad (with your choice of six dressings), potatoes, Russian rye, and a steaming pot of fresh coffee. Our service is sweet, smiling, sociable, and swift. The atmosphere is warm and open- hearthed, massive oak tables and graceful arches, neo-Nordic, and highly conducive to devouring great kettles of good food and goblets of drink. As for our prices. They begin at two ninety and end at five ninety-five. If there's one thing you can say about our new bill of fare, it's fair. ;I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- pear once only. Student organiza- tion notices are not accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-9270. TUESDAY, MARCH 23 Day Calendar Anatomy Lecture: Photography Short Course, "Microscope Optics," Dow Aud., Towsley Center, 9 a.m. Anatomy Lecture: "Photomicrogra- phy," Dow Aud.; Towsley Ctr., 11:30 a.m. Anatomy: "Photomacrography," D o w Aud., Towsley Ctr., 2 p.m. Computing Center: S. Gerstenberger, "Introduction to Magnetic Tapes," 1011 N. University Bldg., 3 p.m. Urban Planning Lecture: E. Burke, "Participation in the Planning Process," Aud. 1405, SEB, 4 p.m. Enact: Debate between three mayoral candidates and three Second Ward can-I didates, Union Ballroom, 4 p.m. English and Extension Serv.: Radcliff Squire; poetry reading, " UGLI Multi- Purpose Rm, 4:10 p.m. Physics Seminar: G. Kane, "Strong Absorption and Duality," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4:15 p.m. Linguistics Lecture: K. Pike, "Socio- linguistic Evaluation of Alternative Ma- thematical Models in Linguistics - Eng- lish Pronouns in Conversation Struc- tures," E. Lecture Hall, Rackham, 8 p.m. Anatomy Short Course: 'Seeing With ORGANIZATION NOTICES "Comboting Apathy - Enhancing In- volvement" Organization Rap Session, tonight, Tues., March 23, 7:30 p.m., OSO Conf. Rm. 3A, Union, (S. Wing), Student organization funding and fi- nance workshop. Thurs., March 25, 7:30 p.m. OSO Conf. Rm. 3A Union (S. jj:~ -r Your Lens," Dow Aud., Towsley Ctr., 8 Interviews: to make appts. call 764- p.m. 7460, ask for Summer Placement.r School of Music: J. Snyder, clarinet, Camp Missaukee, M., girls, 1:30 - 5, School of Music Recital Hall, 8 p.m. waterfront dir. (21 and a asst.) (18 Professional Theatre Program: "Had- or up), specialists in crafts, archery, al- rian VII," Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. so cooks and assts. International Students Assoc.: Slides Vita Craft Corp., Detroit, 9 - 10 and 1 from "Around the World," Rive Gauche, -5. Excellent summer program. Here 9:30 p.m. is a job with challenge and wide open opportunity. . T Classic Crafts Berrien Springs, Hi. 10- General Notices 5, Appls., being accepted for sumner college prog.; positions avail. as com- Regents' Meeting April 16: Communi- pany rep; challenging opportunity for cations for consideration at this meet- ambitious indiv. who enjoys travel. ing iust be in the President's hands Must have car. no later than Apr. 1. Camp Ma-Hi-Ya, Toledo Jewish Comm. Camp in Mich., 10-3, waterfront dir., cooks and senior couns. 18 or I PlacmentOver. CERTIFIED ABORTION REFERRAL ABORTION patient handled with greatest core and personal warmth af- forded by medical professionals (212) TR 7-8562 MRS. SAUL ALL INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL 4 I i I 3200 S.A.B. Notre Dame,3College of Bus. Ad. in- terviewing Mar. 29. Mich. Civil Serv. Commission, again interviewing interested students, Apr. 8, call for appts. Metropolitan Life Insur. Co., on cam-J pus Apr. 15 to talk with any students interested in personnel policy admin., marketing, field mgmt., and clerical processing; details on mgmt. training prog. in the interview. Fed appts. open on Mar. 24 for Leasco Responses, Inc., Southfield; anyone in- terested in a mgmt. training prog. con- cerning systems engr. and marketing rep. positions, call as soon as possible. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICES 212 S.A.B. QUALITY ICE CREAM PRODUCTS I I NO MORE SUBSTITUTES... FOR DISCRIMINATING GOURMETS! 'e4/eJ 33 FLAVORS ICE CREAM SHOP at "THE CORNER"-PACKARD & STATE ----Bloom mlftommoli MEEMMM" e I PREGNANT ? NEED HELP? YOUR QUESTIONS ON ABORTION CAN ONLY BE FULLY ANSWERED BY PROFESSIONALS CALL (215) 878-5800 24 hours 7 days FOR TOTALLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Legal Abortions Without Delay SGC MEET THE CANDIDATES NIGHT BURSLEY HALL Commons Lounge Tuesday, March 23 7:00 P.M. sponsored by Bursley Hall Council t I A professional ABORTION that is safe, legalI & Applications now being taken to fill: 3 Student Vacancies on the Office of Student r South University at Washtenaw, with convenient parking in the Forest Ave. ramp just around the corner. Services Policy Board i i 1 I III 0 fI A~J ur nl d I It n 21 1 i