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March 21, 1971 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-21

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Page Ten


Sunday, March 21, 197

. r:


Thee: Charging inactivity

Schenk: Ensuring rights Scott: Experience counts

(Continued from page 1)
One of Thee's proposals -
to find out what students are
really thinking - is that every
other SGC meeting be held out-
side of the SAB. Also, he says,
council members should spend
two nights a week speaking at
dorms and sororities to get is-
sues to SGC.
Thee further advocates that
there should be liaisons f r o m
SGC to all the school and col-
lege governments and to all
committees on which students
hold positions.
Responding to charges that he
and Kent are the "right-wing-
ers" in the campaign, Thee says
"I have no preconceived politi-
cal philosophy, rather I decide
on the relative merits of each
Thee is against the Office of
Student Services Recruiting pol-
icy or any other one which
would exclude recruiters from
the campus.
"They show no confidence in
the students at the University,,
he says. "It violates the right
of free choice."
Although opposed to classified
research on the grounds that,
"the University should be a
place for the free and open ex-
change of ideas," Thee believes
that military research under
present policies should be per-
"The issues on military re-
search are not just black and
white," Thee remarks, "there
are shades of grey."
In order to succeed in get-
ting a particular issue passed,
Thee says one must "accumulate
information, gain support, and
work to get people involved."

"You must pick effective ac-
tion," Thee notes explaining
that "tactics should be chosen
on a scale. Then you keep on
moving up and up."
"People seem to think I'm
against disruption, but I'm not,"
Thee comments. "The reason
I've been against it so far is that
people have often not exhaust-
ed less costly forms of dissent."
Thee says he is opposed to the
funding proposal referendum
which proposes that the level of
funding for student governments
be set at a level of $1.85 per
term per student.
"SGC doesn't need the money,"
he says. "I have already worked
out a budget for next year which
falls below this year's expendi-
tures, without the additional
funds from the referendum."
Thee did not indicate where
the cuts had been made.
C h a r g ing "irresponsibility"
Thee objected to many of the al-
locations council made to stu-
dent organizations this year.
"Allocations should be made
on the basis of a valid need for
the money and how many stu-
dents will benefit from the
money. I will never allocate
more than $100 to any organiza-
tion," he added.
Strongly opposed to granting
funds to the Radical Independent
Party, Thee says "I wouldn't
have voted them ten cents," add-
ing he is a Democrat.
Thee also voted against alloca-
tions to the Ann Arbor Women's
Coalition, Radical Lesbians, New
Republican Coalition and Stu-
dents to Support the Auto

(Continued from Page 1)
The first step in gaining more
student and community rights,
Schenk explains, is uniting the
numerous constituencies at the
University. Once united, she ex-
plains, students will be able to
have more influence in decision-
To further increase the lobby-
ing power of SGC, Schenk and
Rosenblatt suggest reconstitut-
ing the body.
"First of all, SGC should have
more members on it. Further it
should be changed to be more
representative of the different
schools and colleges as it is now
predominately drawn from
LSA, Schenk says.
More representation, Rosen-
blatt adds will demonstrate that
SGC positions do reflect the
sentiments of the majority of
While acknowledging that
SGC has done good work in the
past, Schenk asserts "it is time
we started taking the initiative."
To achieve changes within the
University, Schenk advocates
"setting up joint committees on
"I would like to see the idea
of a policy board extended to all
the other vice presidents," s h e
says. Currently Vice President
for Students Services R o b e r t
Knauss is the only vice presi-
dent with a policy board domin-
ated by students.
Schenk and Rosenblatt strong-
ly back the SGC funding pro-
posal, which allocates student
governments $1.85 per student
per term. "With increased
funds," Schenk suggests, "S G C
could offer such things as child

care for the community and
food co-ops."
Also from increased funding,
Schenk hopes to expand and
professionalize the SGC news-
letter. This way, she says, more
students will be able to know
exactly what SGC is doing and
what individual council mem-
bers are thinking of different
Both Schenk and Rosenblatt
are opposed to classified re-
searchabut neither are willing to
make a blanket statement con-
demning all Department of De-
fense (DOD) sponsored research.
"Not all DOD research is bad,"
Schenk comments. What is ne-
cessary, though, she says, is a
more powerful committee com-
posed of students, faculty a n d
administration to examine all
research proposals and try to
determine their ends.
Schenk also supports the Peo-
ple's Peace Treaty and believes
that the treaty, classified re-
search and military research are
all tied in together. "By ratify-
ing the treaty and the other re-
ferenda the student body would
be demonstrating the solidar-
ity of a large group of people op-
posed to the war," she says.
When questioned whether she
felt the fact that she is a woman
would have any influence in
her campaign, Schenk said, "I
think a lot of women are going
to vote for me becauseI am
a' woman, but I don't think it
will significantly affect the out-
come of the election. Further,
anyone that wouldn't vote for
me because I am a woman,
wouldn't vote for my politics
either," she commented.

(Continued from Page 1)
Secondly, Scott says he was
the initiator of the intra-school
and college government sympos-
ium last Febuary. "Cooperation
between the various campus
governments is extremely im-
portant," Scott s a y s, "if we
want to ge anything done."
Before the symposium, Scott
explained, most of the other
governments thought all t h e
power was located in SGC and
that in order to gain any power
for themselves they would have
to compete with SGC. Since the
symposium, he says, there has
been a lot more cooperation.
"We're in a real flux point in
both these areas," Scott says,
explaining his candidacy.
"Next year will have a big in-
fluence how cooperative schools
are and how effective policy
boards could be," he says. "I
think my year of experience will
be helpful in implementing
these proposals," he adds.
Though opposed to ROTC,
classified and military research
and a proponent of the OSS re-
cruiting policy, Scott was en-
dorsed by Engineering Council.
Scott explains the endorse-
ment: "I told them I did not
think that politics was the only
thing they should consider. I do
not think our political differ-
ences will make a lot of differ-
ence functionally. I was opposed
to ROTC last year and it is
still on campus. I'm still opposed
to it, but it will probably be here
next year,. too."
dents to "think SGC" in mat-
"SGC will have power," he

said, "in direct proportion to
student awareness of it. SGC
is going to have to find things
relating to wider student ap-
To fund proposals that will
have wider student appeal,
Scott maintains that the pas-
sage of the funding proposal,
which would provide student
governments $1.85 per student
per term, is one of his major
"SGC could get into many
more things if we had the mon-
ey, such as food co-ops, hous-
ing co-ops, and increased dupli-
cating services," he says.
Speaking about the political
role of Council, Scott asserts
that SGC is not well structured
to be a tactical political organ-
ization. "People are not on
Council because they have the
same set of political ideals," he

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Summer Half Term
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Four vie for seats on council

(Room and Board)


Regarding the perennial issue of
taxes, Wright accuses the Demo-
crats of duplicity. "They inherited
a surplus, revenues rose 50 per
cent and they admit they have a
crisis," says Wright. "But the Har-
ris platform lists eight new ways,
of spending money!"
"My impression is that there
are no superfluous areas in the
budget," counters Meade. "They've
all been cut."
Proposing a thorough re-exami-
nation of city services, Wright
promises that any service requir-
ing a disproportionate amount of
revenue would be pared.
A city income tax appears in-
evitable in Meade's view. "When
people see what happens when their
services are cut, they'll be ready
to vote for an income tax on a
Wright would endorse a city in-
come tax only if needed after an
examination of the budget.

such an area of unanimity how-
ever. "I'd get rid of the politicians
and make the director of the
(Model Cities Policy) Board re-
sponsible to the city administra-
tion," says Wright.
"Model Cities does have prob-
lems," admits Meade, "but what
they are accomplishing is great.
They are developing the capacity
to govern their own neighborhood
and they've got the money to
tr a n sl a t e plans into reality,"
Meade argues.
Another area in which Wright
criticizes the Harris administra-
tion is low-cost housing. "There
has to be a comprehensive study
of housing, with projected needs,"
says Wright, "not the intuitive ap-
proach of the Democrats."
Meade, however, sees many peo-
ple priced out of housing by high
land prices, labor costs and fi-
nance charges and recommends
"the kind of low-income housing
being D u r s u e d under various I

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(Continued from page 1)
"Since 50 per cent of crime inI





the rea s dug rlate," ays vieaehnpes to make tne pouc
the area is drg related," iyse department "more professionaliceby phases of the federal housing AC/DC PORTABLE
is solealize so dregs e payingithem decently,d providing program. iCASSETTE-CORDER
manpoer souldbe drectd atn-service training, and hiring aI
mapr shouldbe rected at higher caliber of recruit," while C FPT OPTN (
drug traffickers, he adds. epaiigte"ii iete s CERTIFIED PERFECT FOR TAPING DICTATION (like
"Model Cities hasn't even had a pec of law enforcemnt." ABORTION REFERRAL lectures). Even includes back-space review so
chance to prove it could work," Wright feels the police have you can hear it again.
says Rutka. "Accountability is the been harrassed by H a r r i s and A BORTION
key-the present policy board does hopes to raise the morale of the
not represent the community; coun- force by showing them "they can patient handled with greatest
cil should see to it that the board trust their bosses." care and personal warmth of- 111F 1 I JY S
is reconstructed. If funds are cut Police should concentrate more forded by medical professionals
for the program the people will be heavily on hard drug pushers, says Ann Arbor-East Lansing
the ultimate losers." Wright, and thereby eliminate (212) TR 7-8562 618 S.MAIN 769-4700
Admitting that the Model Cities much of the crime caused by users MRS. SAUL
Program has not been a complete of hard drugs. "Quality Sound Through Qualty Equipment"
success, Thomas still wants the Meade concurs on increased ALL INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL iYQual-t_..._ps ba t ei n -c k s gn u rs_
present board to remain in con- crackdowns against pushers of ___________
trol. "They've got to determine hard drugs, but also supports de-----
what's right and they'll come out creased penalties for use of mari- ---.__________--____________-_
with something," he says. juana.
Facing off in the Third Ward in In what seems to be a universal
a very tight race are Nelson Meade, area of agreement, both candidates Tom and Harry say: Roll your own on
a Democrat employed by the Uni- favor a careful control of the
versity as an administrator in the growth of Ann Arbor. The two
School of Public Health and Peter also agree on the desirability of
Wright, a Republican who is em- integrating the three bus systems
ployed by the Ford Motor Comn- The Model Cities program is not
The candidates' different views
of the Harris Administration pro- KING SIZE still
vide a telling comparison.. Meade Married couples $39.00
is in solid support of the present
mayor's policies and programs, interested in a Famous Aquarian Sleeper Brand
while Wright blasts Harris with a non-agricultural
near vehemence.
The big issues, both candidates collective in Israel u year actory guarantee
agree, are city finance, the inter- Call 668-$869
related problem of crime and DEARFRIENDS
drugs and Ann Arbor's growth DEAR
and environmentI
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