s4e AIfr4in & Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Senator Huber: The Right on Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-C552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. UESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWINI .-.r..r.. _ ...,. . The fallacies of Nixon's economic policies AFTER TWO years in office, President Nixon and his advisers have begun to understand that the economy is the prin- cipal threat to the President s reelection In 1972. Rising unemployment and infla- tion rates, Nixon now realizes, have un- dermined the confidence in the economy of consumers and his friends in corpora- tions and on Wall Street. To help them revitalize sagging profits while increasing production, the admin- istration has announced changes in busi- ness taxes. Allowances for depreciation of equipment will be increased. Previously businesses could claim a half-year's write off (a deduction of the cost before cal- culating taxes) for machinery used dur- ing any fraction 'of a year. Now they will be able to get a half-year's depreciation for any use and a full year's depreciation for more than six months of use. Also, the period during which businesses may write off the cost of machinery will be reduced by 20 per cent. This decision, which does not require Congressional approval, shows the Presi- dent's strong desire to help business while ignoring the public. From the tax reduc- tions, businessmen are expected to save $2.6 billion in taxes this year and just over $4 billion by 1976. Administration spokesmen explain the current action is not a tax cut, but a deferral of tax pay- ments to later years. However, by the time businessmen get around to paying their delayed taxes in- flation will probably have substantially reduced the value of the dollars they give the government. Despite its efforts, the administration has failed to signifi- cantly stem inflation. Monthly rises in the consumer price index have varied from a .3 per cent, to .6 per cent wi'thout a clear trend. MEANWHILE THE public will be forced to suffer. No reduction in personal income taxes has been proposed. Infla- Editorial Staff MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN, Editor, STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Editorial Director Managing Editor NADINE COHODAS Feature Editor JIM NEUBACHERA ..Editoria Page Editor ARB BER............Associate Managing Editor LGAU7RIE HARRIS ...... . Arts Editor JUDY KAHN Personnel Director DANIEL ZWERDLING......... Magazine Editor ROBERT CONROW........ .. Books Editor JIM JUDKIS ........... Photography Editor EDITORIAL NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Lindsay Chaney, Steve Koppman Pat Mahoney. Rick Peroff. NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Dave Chudwin, Steve Koppman, Robert Kraftowitz, Larry Lempert, Lynn Weiner. DAY EDITORS: Rose Berstein, Mark Dillen, S a r a Fitzgerald, Art Lerner, Jim MFerson, Jonathan Miler. Hannah Morrison. Bob Schreiner, W. E. Schrock. EDITORIAL NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Lindsay Cwey, Steve Koppman, Pat Mahoney, Rick Perloff.- COPY EDITORS: Tammy Jacobs, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Juanita Anderson AnitaCrone, Linda Dreeben, Alan Lenhoff, Mike McCarthy, Zack Schiller, John Shamraj, Geri Sprung, Kristin Ringstrom Gene Robinson, Chuck Wilbur, Edward Zimmerman. Sports Staff ERIC SIEGEL, Sports Editor PAT ATKINS. Executive Sports Editor PHIL HERTZ Associate Sports Editor LEE KIRK....... ...,.Associate Sports Editor }TILL DINNER .. Contributing Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: William Aterman Jared E. Clark, Richard Cornfeld. Terri Fouchey James Kevra, Elliot Legow, Morton Noveck. Alan Shack- elford. tion is likely to continue. Even worse, consumers will be forced to live with the pollution of corporations that the' gov- ernment is reluctant to control. Last Friday, John M. Burns III, a Jus- tice-Department attorney who prosecuted General Motors for water pollution last year, was fired without any explanation. Apparently, the company's pressure had, persuaded the government to give it a break. When thsey first heard about the federal suit, GM officials protested to the Justice Department that they had been negotiating with local authorities for two years about discharges from the company's Tarrytown, New York plant on the Hudson River. After prosecution began, a Justice De- partment lawyer was sent to New York to work with the U.S. attorney's office in negotiations with GM counsel. On Satur- day, the day after Burns was dismissed, the government announced an agreement had been reached out of court. Burns, who participated in the negotiations, said that the settlement made some advances but "crucial steps remain" to make sure it is carried out. Besides helping big business, Nix- on's current tax cut, combined with re- ductions in interest rates, may have some unexpected consequences. As business- men take advantage of the, incentives by increasing investment, they are likely to set off a new wage of inflation. In re- sponse, the Federal Reserve Board might respond by suddenly clamping down on interest rates while' the administration once again tried to limit the budget, with the exception of the Defense Department of course. Added to the 'current shaky economic situation, these new restrictions might prove disastrous. In all his rhetoric about increasing employment, Nixon has not even admitted there is a danger of a new inflation spiral. THE BUSINESS tax cut is just another reckless step of a President franti- cally trying to prevent economic disaster. In coming months, tax incentives f o r companies cutting pollution and doing anything else socially acceptable may be proposed. All these haphazard attempts to stimulate investment will do almost noth- ing for consumers, while allowing busi- nessmen to increase profits and delay taxes until inflation has sharply eroded the value of the dollars they give t h e government. Meanwhile, European bank- ers are losing confidencein this country's ability to control its economy. Whether Secretary of the Treasury designate John Connolly or any other economic adviser can deal effectively with imminent economic probleis is doubtful.. As a result, the current mistakes are like- ly to continue indefinitely. An alternative to this coudse would be to follow the ad- vice of a growing number of economists, including Nobel laureate Prof. Paul Sam- uelson, and initiate wage and price con- trols. Until these and other new ideas are implemented, there can be no permanent escape from rising unemployment a n d inflation rates while the value of the GNP declines. -PAT MAHONEY By MARK DILLENt T HE WEATHER outside was be- low freezing, and the recep- tion I received as I walked through the doors of Michigan Chrome and Chemical Co. was not much warm- er. Inside, beneath t h e holiday decorations and behind the flash- ing neon "Merry Christmas" sat the receptionist. She seemed start- led. Apparently students were not frequently guests of the then sen- ator Robert Huber (R-Troy). MC & C was his company. "Who are you here to see?", she recovered. "Mr. Huber." I have an appoint- ment with him for ten o,clock (the clock overhead read 9:48). "The Senator will be in soon. I'll show you to his office." I thought of the first time I had he a r d of the Conservative senator. It was s o o n after he started making headlines by at- tacking student demonstrators. "liberal" politicians I had always thought rather conservative, and just about everyone except Wil- liam Buckley and Spiro Agnew. Later, he made news with his near upset over Lenore Romney in last year's Republican primary and his futile attempts at forming a Con- servative Party inhthe state. Though Huber had only a few days left in his term, apparently everyone still called him "T h e Senator" and though we had agreed to a ten o,clock meeting ("are you sure you can get up that early," he had sarcastically quer- ied), it was clear that the senator, and not I, would be the late one. "Now that I've apoligized," Hu- ber would be saying twenty min- utes later. "what do you want to know?" WHERE DOES one start? Hu- ber likes cigars, Richard Nixon and generally anyone to the right. He hates "liberals" and criticizes the Detroit News for having "left" editorials. The Free Press said he had "one of the finest 18th cen- tury minds" in the 20th century. But you don't really have to ask him questions; he just starts talk- ing. "It was just before the conven- tion," the fat,'bespectaled busi- nessman began. "We met at City Airport, just Milliken and I and I told him I'm just gonna ask you two questions - just answer me this - What are you going to do for conservatives and are you go- ing to let conservatives be repre- sented in the party?' Puffing heavily on a cigar, fill- ing the room with smoke, getting into his favorite topic - how con- servatives are always being per- secuted. The fat man continues: "He (Milliken) tried to give me some line about the Party encom- passing everybody but I said, don't give me that bullshit. You're not making some speech now." The story went on and on, punc- tuated by his leaning over the desk in my direction when an im- portant point was made. It was an effective tale of woe, and, as he spoke of his t a x troubles, a plaque above his head gave a re- vealing testimony to his business philosophy - "is it tax deducti- ble?" Now , the ex-mayor of Troy, Michigan claims he is $50,000 in debt because of that venture (in which he says he spent over $100.- 000.). But for all physical appear- ances, Huber would seem to be do- ing quite well. Huber's business is a non-fiction reminder of the advice given Ben- jamin Braddock in The Graduate - one of his specialties is plastics. Other products of MC & C include materials for aircraft, General Motors and radar equipment. Pic- tures of various jet fighters line the hall down to his office in the east side Detroit plant t h a t is headquarters for the firm. Y e t down the hall. Huber is on the phone bemoaning the fact he can make no future investments until some $200,000 is repaid the bank. Another cigar from the several humidors lining the desk. A gold- ringed cigar holder is carefully af- fixed. Shaking the old ashes into a small mechanical ashtray in front of him, ther lighting up, we are ready to continue. "Back in Troy, for example, our executive council voted 25-11 in favor of me before the convention and then t h e county chairman sent only those to the convention who'd voted for Lenore. And, even in the primary, I probably could have won if Democrats had been able to vote for me that had to vote for conservatives in their own party." And then, a pause for the man who seems to have been stymied in his attempt to s t a r t a right wing party under his direction. "Sure, when conservatives were in control there w e r e mistakes but look at these Rockefeller Re- publicans - they just argue with the Democrats over who can spend the most; they never talk about living within our means." Finally, he's off to clean out his Lansing office of the momentos of his six years there and his oppo- sition to Parochiaid. (nevertheless he rattles on and on about how he fills Catholic coffers). But then, as if suddenly real- izingsI remain unconvinced, he turns around.. "Say, what are you, a liberal? (no response). He continues. "All I'd like is to ask young people to take a look at what's happened since the thirties. Is the nation m o r e secure? -Is pornography good? Is immorality good?" Robert J. Luber Letters to The Daily Pilot courses To the Daily: IN SUNDAY'S Daily, the article on the early closing of courses, calls attention to the fact that Pilot Program courses are exempt from this fate, although they are open to all students. Please allow me to correct you in that the 18 seminars and 12 direct- ed reading courses in the Pilot Program, taught by resident grad- uates for credit as part of Pilot's living-learning experiment, are de- signed primarily for Pilot stu- dents. Since the number of problem- oriented, small, challenging courses has steadily grown, however, it sometimes happens at the begin- ning of the second trimester t h a t there are still some openings left. At that point, Pilot Program in- vites non-Pilot students to make use of these vacancies. THE PRESENT trimester is a good example: There are still a few openings in several exciting seminars, from action-oriented studies in ecology and contempor- ary history to examinations of ur- ban problems, war literature, and the social responsibility of modern science. Any freshman or sopho- more interested in, finding o u t more about these experimental courses is welcome to call me at 764-1177. -Helga Goldberg, Pilot Program, Academic Resident Director. Jan. 10 Electoral college To the Daily: GIVEN THE reputation of The Daily for continued and stalwart defense of members of minorities and oppressed groups, it was with surprise that I read Mr. Chud- win's editorial in favor of direct popular election of the President. Mr. Chudwin's premises are super- ficially admirable, but when con- trasted against a background of present political reality, their ef- fect might be contrary even to Mr. Chudwin's own wishes. Although the Electoral College has not been without its short- comings and inaccuracies, never- theless any change to direct elec- tion could result in greatly lessen- ing the effect which the various ethnic minority groups wield in our truly national election. The mechanics of the College have made the large, urban states the focal points of any Presiden- tial election; and it is in these same states that the ethnic minorities are best organized politically. In direct election, a State could no longer swing a large bloc of votes, and its ethnic minor- ities would lose their primary poli- tical level through which they are able to command the attention of the national parties and the Pres- idency. This lessening of influence would be even greater under the "district" or "proportional" reform plans. NO MATTER what evils the mind can conjure about the Col- lege, the fact still remains that 10 million Black votes in a direct national electionsmight not have as much effect as swinging Ne w York State's 43 electoral v o t e s does today. The "automatic" reform plan is much more preferable. This plan would require all Electors to vote as the popular vote of their con- stituency dictates. And it would avoid emasculating the political power of minorities at a time when their needs are urgent and critical. -John W. Allen Law Jan. 8 Traveling nostalgia To the Daily: WHEN IS this newspaper going to stop devoting its Editorial Page, or at least part of it to 'Post Vaca- tion Traveling Nostalgia'? Last year it was Nadine Cohodos on the 'Plasticity of Vegas'; and this year is offers Hannah Morrison's views of the 'Pot-Bellies of Palm Springs'! The lifestyles of both these plac- es are cliches as common as the Longhorns of Texas. With so many problems which need answering at this University, it seems strange that this staff should print the equivalent of "What I Did On My Christmas Vacation". -Phillip G. Alber,'71 Special privilege To the Daily: MY DESK overlooks the small staff paid parking lot between the west side of North University Building'and the back of N o r t h Hall, so I am in a position to ob- serve a continuous abuse of their privileges by members of our mili- tary establishment. Several spaces in that lot are reserved for "U.S. Government licensed vehicles", meaning ROTC vehicles. If any- one else parks there he gets a ticket, even if he has a staff paid sticker on his car. I'm not complaining about this special treatment if the military groups pay the university for those spaces abut I'll bet they don't). What burns me up is that the military people seem to re- gard that' whole lot as their pre- serve. They park their U.S. cars anywhere they like, not just in their reserved spaces, and t h e y never get tickets, even though those cars do not bear staff paid stickers. It is not at all rare for a civil- ian car with a staff paid sticker to drive into that lot and find no empty spaces except those reserv- ed for the U.S. cars, while o t h e r spaces that should be left to ci- vilian cars are filled by U.S. cars. This is unfair to people who have paid to be able to park there. The University should instruct the Ann Arbor Police to ticket any car parked in staff paid parking without the proper sticker, un- less it is parked in a space reserv- ed for it. If the people in ROTC find that this leaves them with too few spaces, let them either pay for stickers or pay to reserve more spaces. William R. Anderson Palestine To the Daily: I EXPECTANTLY read t h e article entitled "No comprom- ise: Reviewing the tragedy of Palestine" Daily, Dec. 4. What a disappointment at the e n d when Mr. Koppman concludes that "some compromise involv- ing the division of Palestine" is the only viable solution to this intractible problem. The r e a 1 tragedy is t h a t anyone could seriously suggest such a contin. uation of the status quo. All too often the passion of rabid anti-Arab prejudice moti- yates the vicious diatribes level- ed against the Palestinian peo- ple. They are slandered, their history is twisted, their suffer- ings are ignored and their ach- ievements are dismissed. Sooner or later the combatants will have to realize that this is far more than a political problem: it is essentially a human prob- Thin e frustrations of Communicating, By ALAN LENHOFF CALL IT A generation gap, a credibility gap, a breakdown in com- munication, or anything else you like, but it still remains that very few people under the age of twenty-five can make any sense out of what happens daily in Washington D.C. The problem is even more puzzling when you consider the extra- ordinary amount of television time that President Nixon has used in his attempts to communicate with the American people. Soriehow, no matter how often you see him, all the rhetoric sounds like he's been rummaging through LBJ's old wastebasket. And even if you could bear to watch him on the tube, why should you even believe him? A man who lies once is likely to lie again, and who can deny that Nixon's 1962 promise that "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more" was anything but an outright lie? Listening to him on the radio hardly seems to be the answer. Sure, you won't have to watch him pick his nose like he did on television in Nov. 1969, but then you miss all the excitement of seeing him point out on the map where he's sending the next batch of April graduates. The students of this country must find a suitable method of com- munciating with this extraordinary man. It's not easy. For exariple, moratoriums don't work, they only seem to stimulate his appetite for football. For six cents you can send the President a first class letter that not even J. Edgar Hoover and his merry pranksters can open before it reaches its destination. The problem with this is that no matter what you write to him all you get in return is a form letter thanking you for being a "con- cerned citizen" and voicing your opinion, and assuring you that Mr. Nixon regularly reads a summary of his mail which is Vrepared for him. Of course if you really don't like form letters, and you've got a good imagination and a love of adventure, you could probably write a letter good' enough to get you put under surveillance by the FBI, or at least get your phone bugged. Although this is a much more personal way of communicating with your government, past example has shown that it is not a truly satisfying method over the long run. DON'T GIVE UP yet. Western Union will send your telegram of up to fifteen words to any public figure for $1. They don't guarantee that you'll get 'a response, or even that you can express yourself meaning- fully in less than 15 words, but give it a try sometime. Just keep in mind that Western Union won't let you use some of the most mean- ingful, and precise words and phrases in the English language. Using the above methods, I've failed miserably in all my attempts to comprehend the actions of the government. I was still trying to decipher the "secret" peace plan that Nixon spoke of in 1968, when he sprung a new one on me las week-"an expansionary economy", which somehow is better than an inflationary one. I'll readily admit that I was discouraged, almost to the point of giving up entirely. After all, I am 19 which makes me old enough to vote (or does it?), and a voter should be well informed. I gritted my teeth, and decided to give it one last try. WHY OF COURSE! The solution had been sitting right next to me and I had been ignoring it.I grabbed the telephone, and feverishly dialed Information. "Why," I reasoned, "if I call him collect its even cheaper than sending him a letter". "Information." "I'd like the number of the White House please." "White Horse? Is it a bar?" "Not a horse, house. It's where the President lives." "Oh! Just a minute . . . Sir? The number is 456-1414, area code 202." I hung up without even thanking her - I had no time to waste on etiquette. I grabbed my coat and ran all the way to the Daily office, figuring if they decided to trace the call, I'd rather not phone from my apartment. I called the operator, gave her the number and my name, and waited as the phone rang, five, six, seven times ... "Good morning, White House." "Is that who you wanted sir?", asked the startled operator. I answered affirmatively, and she proceeded to inform the White House that a Mr. Alan Lenhoff of Ann Arbor, Michigan was on the line with a collect call. "We don't accept collect calls at the White House sir." "Please don't call me sir. Say, could I leave my phone number, and maybe ...!" "I'm sorry sir, we don't accept collect calls at the White House." The operator asked me if I wanted to pay for the call. I shook my head. "Sir?" "Oh, I'm sorry. Cancel the call please." Click. I SLUMPED back into my chair. "Maybe I can save some 4 4': At 4 t 40' Fob MY PaNC f? D~ lq~T- OF (970- <2 Ilq - wf CM 71 [- 10 APPJL 1%7'. 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