Schenk: 'Student rights'
SGC presidentialscandidate Rebecca
Schenk, '73, believes that the role of
Council is "to protect student rights and
interests and to gain rights where there
are only interests."
Schenk and her running mate, Jerry
Rosenblatt, '73, say they want to involve
more students in SGC and make the or-
ganization more representative.
° ;. "By offering a woman undergrad and a
male graduate student for the two top
SGC posts, Jerry's and my candidacy of-
fers better representation of the student
body," Schenk comments.
Schenk says that the primary focus of
her campaign will be "student and com-
munity rights.
"I firmly believe in community con-
trol over community life," Schenk says.
See SCHENK, Page 10
Scott: 'I can do better'
SOC President Marty Scott says he is
running for re-election because "I took a
look at the candidates that are running
and I think I can do a better job than any
of them in carrying out the programs that
were started this year."
Scott, campaigning on a slate with Ti-
burcio Vasquez, '73, says the two major
achievements of his administration were
the creation of "policy kinds of structures"
and increased co-operation between stu-
dent governments.
Scott cites the example of the Office of
Student Services Policy Board as a posi-
tive move in the direction toward more
student input in decision making.
"It is important, however, that the con-
cept of the policy boards be worked in fur-
ther areas," he says, adding that the "way
the boards function still have to be solv-
See SCOTT, Page 10
Thee: 'Unrepresentative'
Charging that SGC, as it is presently
constituted is unrepresentative of the stu-
dent body, Bill Thee, '73, incumbent SGC
member-at-large and his running m a t e
Jim Kent '72, also claim many of coun-
cil's actions have been "irresponsible."
Thee says he is running for president
to combat the "personal gain, empty
rhetoric, and inactivity that has been
characteristic of SGC over the past year."
"The biggest problem with SOC now
' is their easy willingness to stand clearly
? against the wishes of the majority of stu-
dents without going first to find out stu-
dent views."
By actively going out and seeking stu-
dent opinion, Thee claims he can "rede-
velop the respect of SGC." Once this re-
spect is gained, he says, "SGC will be
able to put some weight behind what it
See THEE, Page 10
See Editorial Page
5kr iAa
:4Ia itii
Fair in the morning,
Cloudy and cold later.
Vol. LXXXI, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 21, 1971 Ten Cents
Faculty to vote on classified research tom
Ten Pages
Assembly slates
special session
The classified research controversy will
reach a climax tomorrow afternoon, as
Senate Assembly meets to consider revisions
of the University's policy on classified and
military research.
Having heard arguments of proponents
and opponents of classified research at its
regular meeting last week, Assembly - the
faculty representative body - will vote to-
morrow whether to maintain or revise the
current policy.
The present guidelines, adopted by the
Regents in 1968, prohibit research whose
"specific purpose' is . . . to destroy human
life or to incapacitate human beings." How-
ever, the guidelines permit classified re-
search, once it is reviewed by Assembly's
Classified Research Committee.
The University currently engages in $5.6
million worth of classified research and $10.4
million worth of research for the Depart-
ment of Defense. The recent controversy has
focused on the University's contributions to
the Pentagon's "electronic battlefield," be-
ing used by U.S. forces in Indochina.
Any changes in the University's research
policies that Assembly recommends will be
subject to approval by the Regents.
Prior to the 3:15 meeting, opponents of
classified and military research plan to
hold a rally -on the Diag beginning at 2
p.m. Participants in the rally will then
march around campus before going to the
At the meeting, Assembly will consider
several proposals which range from suggest-
ing maintenance of the present policy to
calling for the abolition of both classified re-
search and research funded by military
History Prof. Gerhard Weinberg, chairmn
of. Assembly, said last night that additional
proposals might be made at the meeting.
The proposals include a resolution backed
by medical Prof. Donald Rucknagel which
would bar . from the University research
which requires security classification of a
project or security clearance for faculty or
Rucknagel's proposal is backed by faculty
members who took part in a week-long fast
last week agaisnt classified research.
A similar proposal, which calls for the
University to refuse "monies in support of
research, the findings of which cannot be
fully and publicly disseminated," has b e e n
put forth by Prof. William Porter, chair-
man of the journalism department.
Student Government Council has pro-
posed "an end to all classified research" and
"an end to all research funded by the De-
partment of Defense or any other mili-
tary agency."
Assembly will also consider the recom-
mendation of Michael Knox, Grad, a stu-
dent member of the Classified Research
Committee, which calls for a halt to classi-
fied research for the Department of Defense
"or any- other sponsor which kills or injures
human beings."
Assembly could also maintain the present
policy of accepting the annual report of the
Classified Research Committee, delivered at
last week's meeting.
The faculty members could also decide to
accept the report with the addition of a
rensoltion offered byengineering Prof. El-
s .
-Associated Press
A GIANT C-130 CARGO aircraft of the United States Air Force comes into beleagured
Khe Sanh during a lull in the shelling of the base by North Vietnamese yesterday. Khe
Sanh was the recipient of over 500 rounds of rocket fire and artillery over the past
'eve days as Communist forces stepped up pressures against a South Vietnamese invad-
ing force, presently being driven out of Laos, and it's rear echelon support bases, such
as Khe Sanh.
Four seek seasi
From Wire Service Reports
Furious attacks by North Vietnamese and
Pathet Lao troops and tanks drove South
Vietnamese from yet another base in Laos
yesterday-the eighth base they have lost
since their invasion of Laos February 8.
Elements of the U.S. Air Force, including
B-52 bombers, attempted desperately to halt
the North Vietnamese advance as casualties,
often far in excess of the official figures, were
brought in to rear echelon positions and field
Lt. Col. Tran Van An, spokesman for South
Vietnamese military headquarters in Saigon,
said South Vietnamese forces had abandoned
Fire Base A Luoi, which lies on Highway 9
about 12 miles inside Laos.
A Luoi sat on the heart of the Ho Chi Minh
trail and was the headquarters of the South
Vietnamese Airborne Division and an Armor-
ed regiment.
Just before A Luoi was abandoned, three
battles were reported around the fire base.
An claimed 293 North Vietnamese troops
were killed in this series of fights, most of
them by U.S. air strikes.
The demoralized battalion brought back
to Vietnam by U.S. helicopters had been en-
gaged in heavy fighting 21/ miles west of
Fire Base Delta 1.
The base, 12 miles west of the Vietnamese
border and four miles south of Highway "9,
now is the westernmost position of the South
Vietnamese, U.S. pilots said. In the past week
the South Vietnamese have retreated 13 miles.
Associated Press correspondent Holger
Ensen reported from near the border that
the beaten battalion was flown back by 40
to 50 U.S. helicopters, 15 of which were shot
down or damaged.
Some South Vietnamese soldiers impatient
for evacuation, clung to the landing skids of
the helicopters and one pilot reported several
fell to their deaths.
More than 350 soldiers, including 50 wound-
ed and 20 dead, were landed at Ham Nghi, a
forward headquarters just across the border
in Vietnam, Jensen reported.
"Several fell off," said one pilot. "You
just can't control them. There's no doubt
about it, they are being pushed back fast."
Pilots said the North Vietnamese were so
See SOUTH, Page 7
1 st, 3rd v
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is the
second in a three-part series examining the
City Council races in the April 5 election.
Voters in Ann Arbor's First and Third
Wards will be able to pick in April's election
for city council from a slate of candidates
that offers them a definite choice between
the Democratic supporters of Mayor Robert
Harris and the Republican supporters of
mayoral candidate Jack Garris.
In the first ward, Edward Rutka, the Re-
publican, stands sharply contrasted to his
Democratic opponent, Norris Thomas, on
every issue except control of the city's en-
vironment and public transportation.
Both men share concern with Ann Arbor's
growth, especially growth that has harm-
ful repercussions to the local ecology.
On public transportation, there is little dis-
agreement between the men, both support
integration of city, school and University
buses for an expanded and uniform city-wide
Both underscore their backgrounds, Rutka,
a marketing manager, bringing out his ex-
perience in business while Thomas, a lawyer
for the Legal Aid Clinic, thinks of himself as
representing "people traditionally disenfran-
chised-blacks, youth and the University
As such a representative of minorities,
Thomas hopes to effect radical changes aimed
toward "making the city government respon-
sive to the needs of the community," particu-
larly in police-community relations, housing
and Droblems of the black community."
yard races
Another area of sharp disagreement is
police-community relations. The police, says
Thomas, "are ill-mannered, rude, with very
little regard for the civil rights guaranteed
by Supreme Court decisions and the Consti-
Acccrding to Rutka, thougi, "che police
are a tired bunch, very concerned about pro-
tecting the Ann Arbor residents but plagued
by excessive robberies." Most of these rob-
beries which hit students especially hard,
says Rutka, are caused by hard drug users
who are forced to steal to support their habits.
The answer to rising crime, argues Rutka
is to go after drug pushers. Although Rutka
supports decreased penalties for marijuana
users, he opposes legalization of the drug at
the present time.
See FOUR, Page 10
-Associated Press
Wounded South Vietnamese receive medical attention at a mobile army hospital.
Black Panthers split
into feuding factions
Associated Press
The Black Panther Party, which has under-
gone major changes since its birth five years
ago on Oakland's shabby west side, is facing
another crisis-a bitter and important one
revolving around ideology, tactics and what.
directions the party should take.
The crisis surfaced three weeks ago and
has underscored differences between the
party's domestic wing, headed by Huey P.
State ecology bils face hurdles
Daily News Analysis
Over 100 environmental bills have been introduced in the
State Legislature already this year, but party politics and the
legislative system stand in the way of fast action on the
s measures.
om e of the bills will become law, while others will be fated
to slow death in hostile committees or to being watered-down
n < to seriously lessen their impact.
Water pollution, snowmobile regulation, the SST, bill-
board regulation, environmental education and glass bottle
Newton, and the international wing, headed
by Eldridge Cleaver in exile in Algeria.
In 1966, after the party was formed by
Newton and Chairman Bobby Seale, the
Panthers walked tall on their ghetto street
patrols, wearing black leather jackets and
serious expressions and holding shotguns as
an open challenge to police authority.
Today, the guns are seldom seen on the
streets. They are mostly hidden behind sand-
bagged and shuttered Panther office win-
dows. Many Panthers are in jail and shouts
of "Free Bobby" and "Free All Political
Prisoners" are heard as often as the old war
cry: "Off the Pigs!"
As these changes developed, so have dif-
ferences within the party. The Newton wing
stresses freeing political prisoners, and at the
same time emphasizes political education of
blacks. The Cleaver wing, meanwhile, advo-
cates underground attacks on the establish
ment structure.
The dispute became publicly visible when
in a television interview three weeks ago,
Cleaver demanded from his Algerian head-
quarters the dismissal of Chief of Staff David
Hilliard. Then, a week later in another inter-
ia hrn~te+ a i n ok. Cleaver said