See Editorial Page
j[j:,l rr
S ir rigau
Windy, colder,
chance of flurries
Vol. LXXXI, No. 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 20, 1971 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
invasion near
- I n The Regents approved a
=.. $101 hike in residence hall
rates for the coming year yes-
terday, $25 below that recom-
mended by the Office of Stu-
dent Services Housing Rates
The decrease from the original
$126 increase came unexpectedly
as representatives of the student-
comprised board argued a $126
hike was needed to sustain -lcrmi-
tories at a "minimum" level.
The Regents, however, were anx-
ious to keep the rate hike at a
minimum, expectant of a substan-
tial increase in tuition for the com-
ing year.
They felt the $25 included in the
request for long-range '.-habilita-
tion" of dormitories could be cut
without immediate damage to dor-
mitory functions. Gerald Lindeirer
(R-Stockbridge) was the only Re-
gent to. oppose the action.
In contrast to the past, inuch of
the reluctance to approve the
higher figure came from adminis-
trators, while students on the rate
committee were niost adamantr
that a $126 increase was necessary.
However, after being given two
minutes to state the rate commit-
tee's position before the Regent's
final vote, committee member
m Wallace Steve Rosswurm said a $101 hike
Pierpont was "not realistic at all.
n to a President Fleming summed up
the Regents reticence to raiSe dorm
's open fees substantially when a large tui-
tion hike is also expected.
1 "I'm extremely reluctant from
a parent's standpoint to support
)S t this. A raise in tuition and dorm
rates represents a :>izeable jolt
for parents, but I know there is a
great need here." Fleming said.
The increase brings the average
7 n rate for a residence hall "double"
up to $1236 from $1135 this year.
In addition, students will be charg
ising for ed extra if they choose two '"op-
posal to tional" services included in last
rosached year's rates: linen Service andI
proached regular breakfasts.
on their In addition, the Regents consid-
ered a proposal introduced by Vice-
nt Hous- President for Student Servwces
Robert Knauss asking parental per-
for low- mission requirements for certain.
in to the types of housing be lessened.
ng units The proposal would have lifted:
d Urban the current parental permission
requirements for sophomore, junior
and theirand senior women desiring- non-
d for resi- University housing and .nst-ad
sident for simply sent notification to parents
t Knauss of the student's decision. In addi-
as mainly tion, requirements for living on
ment-style dormitory co-ed corridors wouldl
have been reduced.
niversity's The Regents deferred action on
he Ad Hoc the proposal until next month, cal.-
ll be able ing it "too confusing."
Incursion stopping1
week early; losses high
From Wire Service Reports
The six-week old invasion of Laos was reported to be
near an end yesterday, as South Vietnamese officials confirm
ed that between 2,000 and 3,000 troops have already been
pulled out of the beleaguered country.
Intense attacks from communist troops over the past five
days appear to have forced the South Vietnamese to end the
invasion a week earlier than they had predicted last Satur-
As the South Vietnamese troops continued their with-
drawal, communist gunners intensified their shelling attacks
on U.S. positions at Khe Sanh, which has served as the base
of operations during the invasion.
VICE PRESIDENT and Chief Financial Officer WilburF
(left) and Regents Gerald Dunn and Paul Brown liste
comment by President Robben Fleming during yesterday
Regents meeting.
*Discuss low-c(
'U' housingpli
The group of students seeking low-cost hou
.students and University workers presented their pr
the Regents yesterday, six months after they first apl
them. And, though no action was taken yesterday
proposal, regental support is apparently growing.
The Ad Hoc Committee on Additional Apartmer
ing, a group started last year to find federal funds
cost housing through the University, presented a pla
3Regents yesterday for the creation of 1000 housii
totally financed by the Department of Housing an
Development (HUD).
C TU1E5"l1University workersib
families would be eligibl
dence, though Vice Pre:
Student ServicesRober
approved described the projecta
"s i n g 1 e student aparti
By JONATHAN MILLER Supported by the U
The Regents unanimously ap- Housing Policy Board, t.
proved a plan yesterday for an group is confident it wi
educational radio station under to get enough funds fr
the operational control of stu- College Housing to fir
dents, to begin broadcasting to the "self liquidating" projec
Ann Arbor area. The main opposition
The action came alter a two ministrators and Regen
month delay while Regents ex- day centered on whethe:
amined the chain of authority of:iject would be a financi
the station in case, as one Regent on the University, eve
SOUTH VIETNAMESE SOLDIERS carry wounded members of their Laos invasion force t
helicopter near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam. Khe Sanh is the destination of the 18.000 Saigo
who have begun a withdrawal from Laos under h eavy pressure from North Vietnamese for
Testimony continuaes
Seale, Huggins trial
The Associated Press reported
that American helicopters w e r e
forced to abandon the combat base
during certain periods of the at-
The early, forced withdrawal
portrayed the apparent inability
of the South Vietnamese troops
to accomplish their objectives in
When the troops invaded the
country in early February, with
full U.S. air and artillery support,
officials said the invasion was in-
tended to seal off the Ho Chi
Minh trail, the route used by
North Vietnamese to transport
troops- and supplies into Laos and
o a U.S. Cambodia.
n troops While the invasion force ad-
ces. vanced as far west as Sepone, a
major transhipment point on the
trail, heavy resistance from com-
munist troops forced them to stop,j
and ultimately, to pull back.
By the third week of the inva-
sion, U.S. officials said the objec-
tives of the invasion were no long-
eto seal off the Ho Chi Minh
trail, but merely to destroy sup-
plies placed by North Vietnamese
along the trail.
The success of this effort re-
mains unclear, however, since the
South Vietnamese t r o o p s began
thers War- i their early pullout two days ago.
e Sams es- U.S. B52's have attempted to
mant Rack- provide cover for the withdraw-
quarters in ing forces, an unusual step used
t, in May, only when the troops are par-
ticularly in danger.
Huggins' At Han Nghi, a forward com-
of Hudgins' mand post of the South Vietna-
from the mese 1st Corps and 1st Infantry
be excused Division near the Laotian border,
Brig. Gen. Pham Van Phu, divi-
sion commander, said the entire'
that dur- 1st Regiment of his outfit had
she plead- been pulled out of the operation
arge of ag- and returned to Vietnam.
re was an The regiment had suffered more
would not than 300 casualties in a week's
against the heavy fighting with North Viet-
luent trials. namese forces. Another 200 troops
motion and in the regiment were unaccounted
itinued his for.
;. Phu also said his men had called
Special To The Daily
NEW HAVEN, Conn.- The trialI
of Black Panther party leaders
Bobby Seale and Ericka Huggins
drew into its second day yesterday
as prosecution witness Margaret
Hudgins continued her testimony
concerning Panther activities dur-
ing the week of the murder of Pan-
ther Alex Rackley.
Seale, party chairman, and Hug-
gins, a local party leader, are
charged with murder, kidnaping,
I and conspiracy in connection with
the May 17, 1969 slaying of Rack-
Hudgins, one of 14 Panthers in-I
dicted in connection with Rackley's
death, was ordered Thursday by
Judge Harold Mulvey to testify or
face possible contempt of court
charges. He further offered Hud-
gins immunity from further pro-
secution on the basis of her testi-
Under examination by State At-
torney Arnold Markle, Hudgins tes-
om HUD's
nance the
from ad-
ts yester-
r the pro-
al burden
n if the
'Fleming describes hike in tuition
as inevitable'; amount unclear '
E ,
tified that she saw Pan
ren Kimbro and Georg
cort alleged police infori
ley out of Panther Head
New Haven at gunpoin
Catharine Roraback,
attorney asked that allc
testimoney be stricken
record and that she t
from further testimony.
Roraback maintained
ing Hudgins' trial, when
ed guilty to a lesser chf
gravated assault, "then
understanding" that she
be required to testify
other Panthers in subseq
Mulvey denied the n
the state attorney con
examination of Hudgins
During the testimon
lawyer, Charles Garry
ly objected that Markle
ing the witness" and th
timony was largely he
therefore inadmissible.
The jury was excuse
attorneys argued whethE
testimony should be ad
evidence on the major
murder and kidnaping<
Mulvey ruled that m
testimoney was hear
made it admissible only
See TRIAL, Pag
Model Cities Policy Board Chair-
man Ezra Rowry yesterday called
accusations against him of fraudu-
lently receiving extra wages an
"attempt to throw stop gaps in the
path of progress of the Model Cities
In the statement to fellow Policy
Board members, Rowry said that,
he was offering only a "partial ex-
planation" to accusations made in
a March 8 story of the Ann Arbor
News, a full report to be issued at
the termination of his own invest
The story to which Rowry re-
ferred indicated that since becom-
ing chairman of the local pro-
gram, Rowry has been paid $922 in
"lost wages". He apparently never
lost his pay from his employer, the
University, while being reimbursed
by the program, the story. con-
"I have not knowingly committed
any offense," Rowry explained in
the statement, adding that his "per-
sistent efforts to make the pro-
gram a success" will not be dis-
continued because of the alleged
"malicious and libelous nature of
the article."
Rowry explained that in the time
period in question, he had been
seeing many doctors in an effort
to rid himself of a physical dis-
ability, and, when his time card
was completed several months
later, it was difficult to specifically
designate times he was sick.
The Ann Arbor News article also
said records show that on seven
days Rowry called in sick at the
University while attending Model
Cities conferences for which he was
reimbursed "lost wages". Rowry
said that the money was made dur-
ing his vacation time, against
which the University has no policy.
No official government body has
yet pressed charges against Rowry
as a result of the Ann Arbor News
Model Cities director William
Stewart later revealed to the Policy
Board that he had been asked by
several city councilmen to report
See ROWRY, Page 8
warned, "it was taken over" by
Yesterday however, after the
presentation of a "flow of power"
chart to the Regents, they ap-
proved the plan without discus-
The station will be under the
operational control of a student
board of directors elected by the
*staff of WCBN-FM. However ulti-
mate control of the station will
See WCBN-FM, Page 8
complex itself requires no Univer-
sity assistance. Administrators, es-
pecially President Fleming, ex-
pressed fears that transportation
from the proposed North Campus
site to Central Campus would
create strains on the University's
bus system.
"If you build on North Campus
and don't provide for the trans-
portation costs, then, you throw
that cost back on the University,"
Fleming said.
See REGENTS, Page 8
President Robben Fleming said:
yesterday that a tuition like this
I year is "inevitable" because of the
University's current fiscal dilern-
Responding to a proposal for in-
creased low-cost student housing at
yesterday's Regents' meeting,
Fleming said, "We simply cannot
take additional obligations when
we're desperately struggling to bal-
ance our budget."
"Already a tuition hike is inevit-i
able - every time a new project
is brought to us we're going to have
to look at it and say 'can we do
it?' " Fleming added.
Currently state appropriations
for the University for the coming
year are under consideration by the
state legislature. With nearly two
per cent trimmed from the state's
contribution to the University this
year and only $2.8 million increase
proposed for fiscal 1971-72, Tiniver-
3 seek seat from student area
sity administrators are bracing for 1
an austerity budget.i
Although the actual amount oft
tuition increase has not been de-
cided, estimates range between
$50 and $200.a
Vice-president for academic af-t
fairs Allen Smith has already beene
estimating the amount. In a closed I
briefing to the Regents Thursday, ,
Smith briefed Regents on the tui'
tion question.
In announcing his proposed bud-
get for fiscal 1971-72 last month,
Gov. Milliken assumed a seven
per cent increase in tuition, the
fourth hike in five years, would,
raise an additional $2 million to
help the Universityeaccount for
faculty salary increases and other
inflationary rises.
If followed to the letter, this
would amount to about a $4) in-
crease in tuition for undergraduate
in-state students while cut-of-state
undergraduate tuition would rise
about $126 to $1926 per gear.
However, administrators w e r e
quick to point out the net effect
of the governor's proposal was to
reduce the services offered by:
three per cent. With tuition in-
creases one of the few options the
University has for bolstering its
general fund, a higher increase
will be necessary if administrators
hope to avoid drastic cuts in aca-
demic programs.
U' likely to end negotiations for
North Campus Conductron site
iy, Seale's
was "lead-
hat the tes-
earsay and
d while the
er Hudgins'
missible as
charges of
against the
uch of the
say which
y as it per-
ge 8
in B52 bombers strikes within 300
yards of their positions to try to
destroy massive concentrations of
North Vietnamese t r o op s. The
B52's are normally used only for
strategic bombing missions and
not for close tactical air support.
U.S. sources in Saigon - said 300
yards is below the safety margin
for B52 strikes, but acknowledged
that this is sometimes stretched
in tight situations.
In C a mb o d i a, the fighting
moved to the northeastern front
near Kompong Cham, that coun-
try's third largest city where the
high command reported clashes.
EDITOR'S NOTE: With a city-
wide election slated for April 5,
Ann Arbor voters will be electing
five of City Council's ten members.
The following article is the first of
a three-part series examining the
council races.
Democratic City Councilman
Robert Faber faces significant
opposition from both the right
and the left in his effort to re-
4 tain his council seat in the hea-
vily student-populated Sacond
Challenging Faber are Don-
ald Robinson, a moderate Re-
bership of the Democratic City
Councii which passed the C i t y
Housing Code and says he fav-
ors the recent position by the
city Planning Commission stat-
ing that it will now approve only
projects that specify ten per-
cent of their proposed construc-
tion as low and moderate income
Basically, De Grieck believes
the current administration has
not addressed itself to the basic
issues of rent control. In addi-
tion Da Grieck thinks such
things as the appeal board pro-
vided for in the city housing
Vice President and Chief Fi-
nancial Officer Wilbur Pierpont
has revealed that the University
will probably not continue nego-
tiations for acquisition of the
Conductron property site adjoin- .
ing North Campus-the proposed
site for the relocation of Willow
Run Laboratories.
Most of the University's classi-
fied military research is pei-
formed at the present Willow
Run site. VPP
At yesterday's Regent's onen
continuation of the negotiations
at a meeting Jan. 22.
Fleming said debate and action
over ,the question of maintaining
classified research on campus,
which has intensified among stu-
dents and faculty members over
the past few weeks, had nothing
to do with the decision.
"The owners of the property
have never indicated whether
they were willing to accept the
lease on our terms," Fleming,
said. "But despite that," he
De Grieck
Faber Robinson
provide "democratic representa-
tion" for the Second Ward and
plans to hold weekly ward meet-
store, Faber says he also repre-
sents the wealthier elements of
his ward, but is not "part of