Page Ten U.S. bombers support S. Vietnamese retreat THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, Marc' t., 9 1 Friday, Marc' 1 9. 197! Black Panther trial opens with testimony of surprise witness i [ Married couples interested in a non-agricultural j collective in Israel Call 668-8869 TAKE ADVANTA GE OF HI-FI BUYS (Continued from Page 1) their base under "intense" attack. "They hit us at night time, day time, all the time," he said. "My men have taken about 30 to 40 wounded since we arrived. But I have enough men to fight the North Vietnamese Army. We are still do- ing our job." Asked why his howitzers were not returning the enemy mortar fire, I he replied: "Because they have no targets. The enemy moves his guns 15 arrested at Det. H.S. (Continued from Page 1) side. Greeted with a volley of bricks, bottles the police told the people that they had to leave or face arrest. In the ensuing battle three police were injurei and 15 people, mostly students, were ar- rested. One officer required three stitches in his lip resulting from a thrown brick. Brownell stated that during the1 battle "the ROTC cadets wouldn't1 let me out of my office, they were afraid for my life". It was also reported that 50 blacks jumped off the westbound bus coming from Osborn and ran through the hall of Pershing High School. The blacks attacked two lone whites who were in the hails. Osborn was also the scene )f ra- cial trouble last year. About 300 white students from nearby Den- by High School marched over two miles down the middle of Seven- mile road to Osborn to "beat the hell out of all the blacks!" Police were notified in time and a con- frontation was avoided. Ao<:>o<:X o=>c4 ocX every day to a new place. I rely onj American gunships." The useh ofB52's contrastedto the U.S. helicopter gunships used until now in support of the Lao- tian campaign. And, while South Vietnamese spokesmen insisted their retreat was part of a "new plan' for "tactical mobility," one correspondent observing the re- treat into northern South V i e t- nam described it as "confused." One spokesman said some South Vietnamese troops still are operat- ing 151/2 miles west of the Laotian border, and other units are 12.4 miles southea'st of Sepone. T h e abandoned town of Sepone was the westernmost point reached by South Vietnamese forces in the drive that began Feb. 8. Earlier this week, South Viet- namese forces operating south of the key Laotian Route 9 both suf- fered and inflicted heavy casual- ties in withdrawing from artillery base Lolo. While main interest still center- ed on the operation in Laos, the South Vietnamese claimed a ma- jor victory in Cambodia, wh e r e another 20,000 Saigon government troops are carrying out an opera- tion aimed at enemy supply lines and troop buildups. Military headquarters said 409 North Vietnamese troops were killed in heavy fighting near the Chup rubber plantation, about 110 1 miles northwest of Saigon. The South Vietnamese forces were supported by air strikes and ar- tillery barrages, headquarters said, and government losses were listed at one killed and 12 wounded. Meanwhile, the chief Commun- ist delegates boycotted the week- ly session of the Vietnam peace talks Thursday for the third week in succession, protesting w h a t they say are U.S. plans for an invasion of North Vietnam. c>comoc:>o a=>o (Continued from Page 1) was in the apartment which serv- ed as the party headquarters in New Haven and heard "shouting and arguments" coming from the basement while Rackley allegedly was being tortured. As she entered the apartment, Hudgins testified, she saw another person arguing with Rackley and then begin beating him with a stick. Hudgins said she was with Me- Lucas, who was asked to "give that brother some discipline." Sh e said she left then and did not think McLucas had done anything to Rackley. After she heard the arguing, another Panther came up from the basement and began boiling water, then carried it downstairs, the witness said. She testified that she heard more "hollering" a n d later went to the second floor of the house, where Rackley was in a bathroom. CERT IF IED ABORTION REFERRAL ABORTION patient handled with greatest care and personal warmth af- forded by medical professionals (212) TR 7-8562 MRS. SAUL ALL INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL U -- "He had a burn on his right shoulder and a wound on his head," Mrs. Hudgins said. T h e next time she saw Rackley he was on a bed with a bandaged should- er, she said. Seale's attorney, Charles Gar- ry, objected to much of Hudgins testimony, charging Markle w a s asking the witness leading ques- tions and that the testimony was irrelevant because none of it men- tioned Seale. Judge Mulver overruled Garry's objections however and continued to do so as Garry raised new ones, Throughout the proceedings Seale looked confident and he re- frained from the courtroom o u t- bursts which occurred during the jury selection. Huggins, however, looked emac- iated and afraid, often wringing her hands at the defense table. As the trial adjourned yesterday, Seale raised a clenched fist and kissed Ericka. She then smiled for the first time all day and they left the courtroom together. There were no demonstrators present either at the trial or on Yale University commons across the street. Yale is on its spring vacation presently but as one stu- dent said, "Nobody here gives a damn about the trial anymore af- ter sitting through four months of jury selection." CANDIDA TES NEEDED FOR RACKHAM DEAN SEARCH COMMITTEEr 4 AREAS SHOULD BE REPRESENTED: NATURAL SCIENCES, SOCIAL SCIENCES, PHYSICAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES If interested, call JOHN BERG at 764-7358 and come to the GRAD ASSEMBLY MEETING ON 1 MARCH 24, 4th floor Rockhom, 7:30 P.M. DONT LET SELL You ANY THING But, if you buy the idea of a vocation-a life of service & prayer for others- we may be able to help you. We are the Passionists. Following the inspiration of Paul of the Cross we pledge ourselves to become in a particular manner disciples of Jesus Crucified. By this discipleship we try to serve others. - pp yI WHY? Because Hi Fi Buys, after much thought and consid- eration, has put together a component system for the person who has nothing or the person who is upgrading their old system. The system includes the Sherwood S 7100 AM/FM stereo receiver, the Garrard SL 55 B automatic changer and KLH model 17 speakers. All name brand components. So we at Hi Fi Buys want yo.u to take advantage of us by coming in and considering this exciting system for only SHERWOOD 1 TIME TO O Summer and Fall Leases now available at U CIRCLE BOOIKS u Zen, Yoga, Tarot Alchemy,-Astrology, Theosophy v0 Tarot, Magic, Parapsychology Macrobiotics and Health Food Books ^ 215 S. STATE ...2nd Floorv 10 A.M.-8:30 P.M. 769-1583 UNIVERSIT TOWERS AR F I -, I CONDITIONING IIMMING POOL yodel open 161-1680 $399.00 HII-Fl BAYS Ann Arbor-East Lansing 618 S. Main Phone 769-4700 "Quality Sound Through Quality Equipment" 4 Contact: Rev. David Kohne, c.P. Passionist Community, Dept. A 23300 Davison Ave., West Detroit, Michigan 48223 A- Join The Daily Sports Staff IL L, 3~E ._.