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March 19, 1971 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-19

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Page Six


Friday, March 19, T971

PaeSx.H__HIA ALYFiay ac_1,17

,.n , : ,: ; ^.i.?.':.: ..:... . ::::.:,":-rmr.::.::.:: : singer Mike Franklin, Rive Gauche.
BULLETINGeneral Notices4
Application for Grad Student Dis- III
..s sertation Grants: may be made through
citye of Michign. Notics shouldbe latei appliesna cama
The Daily Official Bulletin is an not be accepted;rtwo other applic. op-
official publication of the Univer- portunities during yr., Oct. and Jan.
s an esoubr '72; have clear statement of researchTl
P ajsnni YERITNfioantiI TeD pr nnto lvi'Lnuae n3 offer
P arsentomin28TYPEWRITTEN, fore o problem with estimated cost of each
Rom 322... lgbfr major expenditure' connected; project intensivte first-y ear lRissian; during the suntlnu
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- should have beenreviewed by memberz
(Continued from Page 3) rdcation and by 2 p.m. Friday for of doctoral comm.; guideline and for- haf-term (Jue 30 to A gust 19th) if there s
Satudayand undy. Iemsap- mat for submission can be obtained..in
Several of the neutralist repre- pear once oaren Stden cceptg a- Fellowship Ofc., Rackham, Rm 1014; sufficient interest. Classes will meet 10-12 1-3
sentatives indicated t h a t the teinfo at 4-2218.
"third forces" were losing ground publication. For more information, 1971 Business Leadership Award A. five ays a week. Eig/t hours credit. Material cov-
"thid foces"werelosig grund phone 764-9270. Splauldlng, former Pres., N.C. Mutual fv as4 GeK ih or rdt aeilc U
as the war continues with "eachFRIDA CH19 Life Ins. Co., "Opening of Pandora's ered iS equivalemt to Ru2ssia 101 aid 102. Call the
bomb dropped driving more peopleFIAMRh1 Box: A Management Dilemma," Mar. 19,!
into the PRG camp," she stated. Rackham Amph., 8:15 p.m. depar'tgnnt (764-53 55) and provide name and
Fuller felt that m a n y of the a alen darp3
conference members, most ofyPlacementh3
whom had not be e n associated Black Liberation Week: "The Black
with the.peace movement, would Movement: Ideologies and Issues," R. 3 S.A.B
become actively involved in the Williams, Rep. of New Africa; J. Turner, T e3folowing AimeitB. b_
aniwrsrgl sarsl fCornell; P. Onwuachi, Howard U., Univ. Te olwn r meit
antiEwarletugglemeasnesultof ementary Sch., Aud. 1405, 10-noon; openings in Ann Arbor area, others na-
the trip. 1017 Angell Hall, 1-6 p.m. tionwide:
She plans to work with the Peo- Regents Meeting: Admin. Bldg., 11 Ayerst Labs, Detroit, Monroe counties
a rn, professional sales In pharmaceuticals,
plc's Peace Treaty, a peace settle- Commission on Women: 3540 SAB, 3 degree with min. 12 hrs. biol, and chema
ment between the Vietnamese and p.m. some bus. exper nec., sales pref.
American peoples negotiated by Astronomy Colloquium: E. Upton, MSU Cyclotron Labs, electrical engr..
the U.S. national Student Asso- "Problems in Star Formation," P&A dev. computer. interface and nuclear
Colloq. Rm, 4 p.m. instrumentation, ZSEE, new grad.
ciation, and to support other ac- Professional Theatre Prog.: Siamese Client of Executeam, steel sales trai-
tivities in t h e Spring Connections," Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 nee in Detroit area, 2-4 year training, ANN ARBOR
against the war, including demon- p.m. degree not specific, mech. aptitude and
strations scheduled to take place University Players: "The Refusal,,, interest in industry a must.CH WGAN
in Prestolite Co., Toledo, chief product
Washington in April andMay.Trueblo.School of Music: DMA Piano Series, engr., BSEE, and min. 3 yrs electr-6985
She recalled that one of the A. Kindt, piano, School of Music Re- mech. and electromagnetic p r o d u e t
lighter and perhaps more reveal- cital Hall, 8 p.m. expe rnce; in dustrialtechnial serviaces
ing moments of the trip came in I Black Liberation Week: Contempor- sci. degree with chen or che, and 3-5
the U.S. embassy as the group ary zz Quintet, Mi. Union Ballroom, yrs. with copper-nickel-chrome plating
ended its discussion with members International Folk Dance: Barbour nonferrous metals
of the U.S. delegation by singing Gym, 8-11 p.m. Interviews, details at SPS, register for
"Give Peace a Chance." An em- Grad School of Business Admin: A. appt. by phone or in person. 764-
SSpaulding, former Pres. N.C. Mutual 7460,P~i4',o I)'A
bassy official remarked to Fuller, Life Ins. Co., "Opening of Pandora Ebx: Friday, March 19 /iL1 L1 Su1..VZL o r M en.
"That's a n Ice song, Td never A Management Dilemma," Rackham Camp Conestoga, boys, Ohio. 10 - 5,
Amph., 8:15 p.m. openings include gen. counselors (must o
heard it before." International Students Assoc.: Folk (Continued on Page 7) 2'/o are tired
or quality and bad fit.
.. rTOMORROW: - -- -- ---____




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Let's hear it for the drunks.

It's not the drink that kills, it's the drunk, the problem drinker, the abusive
drinker, the drunk driver. This year he'll be involved in the killing
of at least 25,000 people. He'll be involved in at least 800,000 highway
crashes. After all the drunk driver has done for us, what can we do for
him2 If l's sie.let 's help him. But first we've Pot to Let him off the road.

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