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March 19, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-19

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily reporter Jonathan
Miller received special permission from the
Ann Arbor Police Department to ride in Two-
Adam, an active duty patrol car, for three
and a half hours last week. The following is
his account of a day in the life of a police
"A lot of times I've felt like nothing
more than a' social garbage collector,"
said patrolman Robert LaVack as he
steered his big gold and white Ford pa-
trol car up Huron past Main.
"You pick up the drunks off t h e
streets so that nobody sees 'em, you
go into bars where you'll get a knife
pulled on you, you do all the things
that no one else wants to do, you're a
collecting agent for all the so-called un-
desirables in the community."
Two-Adam was enroute for a 371
4-the police radio code for a parking
violation on private property. LaVeck

beat: A

day with


said we were assigned to it because of
our "single unit" status as a car with
only one officer.
Arriving at State and Huron, a blue
Plymouth jumped a red light, but La-
Vack decided not to turn around and go
after him.
"If I turn on my toplight and siren
there's a good chance that under pre-
sent driving conditions someone will
panic and plow into somebody else. For
a ten dollar ticket it's not worth some-
body getting hurt to stop the guy."
Two weeks ago, LaVeck and his part-
ner chased a driver who yan a red light
in the early morning. The driver, in a
high-powered sports car, began to pull
away from the patrol car at 120 miles
an hour when he hit a bump in the
road just past the Maple-Miller inter-
section and "went airborne."

"He. ended up with a cut knee and the
girl he was with will never walk again.
When we got to the car her leg was ly-
ing over her shoulder. We had to cut her
out of there. We charged the driver with
felonious driving but they reduced it to
reckless driving and he lost six points
out of it.
"It's not too wise to chase after
someone because you can kill yourself or
somebody innocent. You think about
your children, too, when you're going
down the street at 105 miles an hour."
I fastened the buckle of my seat
LaVack believes the Ann Arbor Police
Department has among its assets a
high proportion of young, college-edu-
cated officers. Presently over 50 per
cent of the officers on the force have
attended college- and many of the re-

maining officers are presently taking
college courses.
"I went to college at Michigan
State for four years, and I receive more
flak for that than I do from this uni-
form. I majored in psychology and so-
ciology and received a degree in cor-
rectional police administration. I felt
strongly about the way things were and
that's why I put on a blue uniform -
because I cared about people.
"One time there was a fella out on
Miller who had a heart attack and fell
into the cement where he was work-
ing - he was, building a porch. We
jumped knee deep in cement and I gave
the guy mouth to mouth resusitation.
We got his heart beating and when we
left, he was alive and that's important
to me.
"It's basic for a police officer to help
people and if you care about that, which

ity co
I think most police officers do, then you
can use many outlets.
"Even just stopping a guy and giving
him a ticket, though he might think
you're a bastard, he'll think again be-
fore he runs a redlight or goes 15-20
miles over the speed limit."
LaVack pulled the patrol car into
the parking lot of the small grocery
store on Geddes at Observatory. "Re-
member to lock the door," he said as
we left the car. We needed a store own-
er's written request for the issuance of a
violation notice.
It was paperwork - the owner signed
the "consent form" and we left the
store. LaVack wrote out a violation on
a computer card, half of which he plac-
ed on the windscreen of the illegally
parked vehicle and half of which he
See RIDING, Page 7

-Daily-David Wender

See Editral Page


:4E aiM

snow flurries

Vol. LXXXI, No. 1 36 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 9, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages




b ombers




Panther trial








Special To The Daily
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The
trial of Black Panther leaders
Bobby Seale and Ericka Hug-
gins opened here yesterday
under tight security with the
testimony of a surprise pro-
secution witness - B 1 a c k
Panther Margaret Hudgins.
Seale, party chairman, a n d
Huggins, a local party leader, face
charges of murder, kidnaping and i
conspiracy in connection with the
May 17, 1969 slaying of alleged
police informer and Black Pan-
ther Alex Rackley.
The pair, along with Hudgins;
were among a group of 14 Pan-
thers.originally indicted last year,
by a New Haven grand jury on the
charges. Hudgins was given a sus-
pended sentence on a charge of
aggravated assault, after she
agreed to plead guilty to the les-
ser charge.
Hudgins was served with a sub-
poena by state attorney's officers
outside the courtroom of S t a t e
Sunperior Court Judge H a r o 1 d
Mulvey while awaiting entrance to
the trial.
Prosecuting Attorney Arnold
Markle's motion to grant Hudgins
immunity from further prosecu-
tion on the basis of her testimony
brought a sharp acusation from
defense attorney Catherine Rora-
back that Markle was engaging in
a "grandstand play."
Far from serving the "public
interest," as Markle claimed, Rora-
back said the granting of such a
motion would deprive Hudgins of
her constitutional rights to invoke
the fifth amendment.
Roraback also pointed out that
fat the trial of Panther Lonnie Mc-
Lucas a similar motion to grant
immunity to Hudgins had been

N. Vietnamese attack
bases in S. Vietnam
By The Associated Press
Using massive raids by U.S. B52's to cover their retreat,
South Vietnamese troops last night abandoned one of their
few remaining posts in Laos, suffering heavy losses.
Reeling under intense attacks from communist troops in
the past five days, new U.S. raids were called for by South
Vietnamese troops in an effort to consolidate their remaining
positions inside Laos.
Reports from the front said three battered South Viet-
namese infantry battalions were evacuated from Laos by an
airlift of 60 American helicopters as Landing Zone Brown, a
government position 14 miles west of the border, was aband-

-Associated Press
Protesters greet Agnew
A mounted policeman with a billy club moves demonstrators
away from the front of the Sheraton Boston Hotel, where between
2,000 and 3 000 protesters gathered last night. Vice President Spiro
Agnew was to address a dinner of the Middlesex Club, which calls
itself the oldest Republican club in the nation. A few minor rock-
throwing incidents were reported.
Regents discuss plan
on proposed judiciary

-Associated Press
U.S. NAVY ARMORERS on the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk wheel out 500-pound bombs for jets being
used in support of South Vietnamese troops in Laos. The Kitty Hawk is stationed off Vietnam in the
Gulf of Tonkin.


Board rules

The heavy casualties sustained
by both sides - South Vietnamese
have lost at least 100 dead' and.
270 wounded in the past four days
- were not lifnited to the Laos
fighting. North Vietnamese infil-
trators made overnight attacks
against four allied positions on the
Vietnamese side of the Laotian
border, including the forward
headquarters at Ham Nghi.
The U.S. Command said four
American soldiers were killed and
several wounded in the attacks on
positions between the Khe S a n h
supply base and the border about
eight miles to the west.
American sources said the mass-
ing of North Vietnamese troops for
further attacks on positions in Laos
posed a grave enough threat to the
withdrawing South Vietnamese that
B52 bombers were called in for
close support.
"We are still in Laos, but con-
centrated near the border now,"
said a South Vietnamese head-
quarters spokesman, Lt. Col. Do
Viet. "We are south of Route 9.
We are moving out to let the U.S.
bombers attack North Vietnamese
troops massing in the ao'ea."
Though South Vietnamese state-
ments suggested their withdrawal
has been orderly, the high casual-
ties on both sides and statements
of returning airmen indicate the
One South Vietnamese captain at
Fire Base Bravo in Laos who de-
clined to be identified described
See U.S., Page 10


4,?i 0N ~_

In a lengthy meeting yestrday, the Regents and members "The central issue is what is the ,
of the Committee on a Permanent University Judiciary dis- public interest?" Roraback said..
Judge Mulvey recessed t h e
cussed the proposed judiciary plan, including the controver- trial for three hours and then By TAMMY JACOBS "political," while Harold Shapiro,
sial question of. the make-up and powers of the panel of granted Hudgins immunity from director of the economics depart-
judges who would preside at disciplinary trials. prosecution. She took the stand The Executive Board of the ment graduate program, contends
Although several Regents said there would be no final in the afternoon. "hagraduate school has dismissed that Chester was not allowed to
Hudgins was a defense witness charges of discrimination against teach this semester because of
action taken on the judiciary plan at tomorrow's open meet- last summer at the trial of Mc- the University in the case of a "failure to meet academic require-
ing, they said a statement would probably be released in the Lucas, the first defendant to stand teaching fellow who claims he was ments."
afternoon. It was not clear yesterday what form the state- trial in the slaying of Rackley. suspended from his job for "poli- Academic records of other eco-
ment would take, but one Regent said it would have to do McLucas was convicted of con- tical" reasons. n amic rec os ereco-
with "where the Regents now stand on the judiciary question." spiracy to murder Rackley and However, the question of whe- pared with Chester's, and a brief
was sentenced to 12 to 15 years ther the teacher, Eric Chester, will was submitted involving the legal-
We are getting down to the final stages," said Regent in prison. be reinstated and given back pay itiv i the lgal-
James Waters (P-Muskegon), after yesterday's six-hour Under questioning oy Markle was not decided at the board's used in Chester's hiring l
closed session. "We discussed most of the substantive differ- yesterday afternoon, Hudgins re- meeting Wednesday.
cited testimony she had given in Chester, who is active in local The board will continue consid-
ences between the committee's proposal and the Regent's the McLucas trial. She said she radical politics, has claimed the j eration of Chester's case next!
draft." See BLACK, Page 10 reasons for his dismissal w e r e week and may vote on a motion
Waters said there still remaini --_-__ to reinstate him as a teaching fel-k
two points of significant disagree- low and give him back pay. I
ment after yesterday's meeting. SENATE TO ACT Chester contends he was dis-
He said it appears the final judici- criminated against in that other
ary plan will include a three-judge tudents with equivalent academic
judge selected from outside the quaiiain ee alwd t
panel composed of a pa esiding a ~ s Huevt teach the full year; and claims a
soiaes jugonestydnts anSST fails House vote lee edlatJn fo h
University community, and two as- jSTlte eevdls uefo h
sociate judges-one student and economics department confirming
one faculty member-who could WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted yes- The Senate voted 52 to 41 at one point last his appointment to teach fall and
overrule his decisions, terday to halt U.S. supersonic transport develop- year to halt SST funds, but Secretary of Trans- bininng for both term is. egaly
The committee's proposed one ment - possibly for good - by cutting off its portation John Volpe expressed hope yesterday Chester began teaching in Sep-
year trial period-during the first federal funding as of March 30. the House action "will be corrected" when the tember. In the middle of 1 a s t
six months of which the three judge h nwSnt ae pteporm em ercie omlUie-
panel would be used, with an ad- The proposal is scheduled to come before the new Senate takes up the program. term, he received a formal Univer-
ditional associate judge of the same Senate next week, where it was narrowly defeated "If Congress fails to continue this program tens1 sity document appointing him as
constituency as the defendant add- last year. of thousands of workers will feel the effects in the a teaching fellow for only the Fall
ed the last six months-would ef- The House voted 218 to 204 and then 215 to 204 years to come, Volpe said. Our country will semester. Chester claims however,
fectively be rejected. a a a m i ji Pidn 7%jn 2kr fnr lose leadership in the most important field of this the original letter hiring him for

When Chester failed to fulfill
all of the letter's conditions, he
was dismissed from teaching this
At the hearing, economics teach-
ing fellow Paul Gingrich testified
in Chester's behalf, saying he, too,
had received a letter of appoint-
ment last spring and a conditional
letter in the fall, but was given
See TEACHING, Page 7

for second
Rent control, police, drugs and
mass transportation were among
items discussed at a debate last
night between Jerry De Grieck,
Radical Independent Party can-
didate for the second ward coun-
cil seat, and Robert Faber, the
Democratic incumbent.
Speaking to an audience of 25
at the Michigan League, De Grieck
called for rent control that would
"drive the landlords out of Ann
Faber said he doubted that
tenants would be able to build
their own buildings after the
landlords were gone. "You're go-
ing to have a lot of people with
nowhereIto live," he said.
Faber said he favored control of
the landlords, suggesting a strict
housing code with tough penalties
for failure to obey it.
De Grieck said such action still
leaves "landlords in control" of
the housing market. De Grieck
also suggested a community con-
trol of the police.
"If by community control, you
mean the people elect a police
chief," replied Faber, "remember
the last police official elected here
was Doug Harvey."
De Grieck answered that by
"community control" he meant a
civilian board composed of elected
members from each precinct which
would decide police policies.
De Grieck said a major point of
the RIP platform was that "those
affected by services should be in
control of those services." He ex-
plained this should include other
areas besides police control such
as tenants who are affected by
decisions in the area of housing.
Faber doubted that many peo-
ple would attend such community
policy meetings and felt "deci-
sions would be made by 25 or 30
In reply to a charge by Faber
that "the RIP is helping to elect
Garris and Robinson"-the Re-
publican candidates for mayor

Blacks, whites clash
at Detroit high school

A clash between 500 black and
white students yesterday morn-
ing in front of Detroit's Osborn
High School resulted in injury to
three policemen and in the
arrest of 15 people, mostly stu-
By order of school administra-
tors, Osborn was closed for the
remainder of the day and will
remain closed today.
The fighting occurred after 300
white students sat down in front
of the school's auditorium and

ant principal. Brownell and his
three assistants are white.
At 11:30 a.m., 50 white stu-
dents ran out of the meeting
shouting "let's get the niggers."
They ran through the halls at-
tacking black students, destroy-
ing desks and breaking off table
legs to use as clubs.
The whites ran outside calling
for others to join them and threw
a number of rocks through win-
The school administration in
hopes of avoiding a confrontation

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