Tuesday, March 16,' 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TuesayMarh 16 19'~ HE MCHIAN AIL i ~~ .Gal umpire continues i Learn R ussian in , 111-B ~NEW YORK (AP) =-"I'll keep try- gi (D.-N.Y.) to announce the ac- contract to umpire in the N.Y. Penn "I think I'm ing until I'm 80," Bernice Gera, tion. League only to have the contract replied. " and the Long Island housewife who is "This woman has suffered hu- invalidated by Piton, who said she for 10 years in The Department of Slavic Languages ntay offer determined to become a profes- biliation, heartache and frustrt- couldn't meet the requirements. and the Police -esional umpire, vowed yesterday tion," said Biaggi, who is serving trs Gera took her case to the would be a lot intensive first-year Russian during the summer 4 after slapping Organized Baseball as her attorney. New York Commission on Human professional b hialf-term (June 30 to Angust 19th) if there is with a $25 million damage suit. The suit was filed in New York Rights, which ruled that she was eject and susp i nterest. Classes will meet 1 0-12, 1-3 "I understand the age limit is State Supreme Court. Named as being un justly discriminated rambunctious." sufficientin rt55," she said. "I'm only 39. I'll defendants are Baseball Commis- against because of her sex. Base- What aboutt five days a week. Eight hours credit. Material cov- keep trying until I'm 55-or until sioner Bowie Kuhn, the New York ball has appealed the ruling. tobacco, spitj ered isen to 101 d 102 Call the I'm 80. Baseball is my life." Pennsylvania Professional 'aseball At yesterday's press conference profanities? e isequivant tussian an Bernice, elegantly coiffeured, League; Vincent McNamara, the in the Green Room of the New York "When I was department (764-5355) and provide name and perfumed and demure in a blue league president; the National As- Hilton Hotel, Mrs. Gera was asked in Florida. a. phone before March 30 if interested. ( dress that fell just above the knees, sociation of Professional Baseball why she hadn't taken her case to mouthful of tob ) was the central attraction of a League, and its president, Philip, the women's liberation movement. Bernice said. 'Hollywood style press. conference, Piton. "I don't agree with them on a , called by Congressman Mario Biag-1 In July, 1969, Bernice received a lot of things," she said, "I don't!I've heard ev ---