Sunday, March 14, 197.
THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 14, 197-4.
Assembly to consider research
-Associated Press
Anti-war performers
Actress Jane-Fonda and actors Peter Boyle and Donald Sutherland await a press conference to dis-
cuss. the anti-war shows they will present this weekend in Fayetteville, N.C. near the Ft. Bragg mili-
tary base. Ft. Bragg authorities refused to allow the shows to take place on the base.
On the scene or a drug raid
(Continued from page 1)
a p p r o v i n g research projects.
Critics charge that not only has
the committee approved projects
used by the military to "wage
better wars," but it has kept pri-
vate information on research pro-
posals which would have shown
that the projects were inappro-
priate, and violated the commit-
tee's guidelines.
Under the classified research
committee's guidelines, the com-
mittee must "make public suffi-
cient information regarding the
intent and sphere of the proposed
research in order that its appro-
priateness may be perceived by
the entire University."
Recently, at Prof. Weinberg's
prodding, the committee asked
Vice President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman to begin releas-
ing summaries of secret research
projects, but Norman has not acted
on the request.
W Whetherthe guidelines are
sufficient to ensure that research
done at the University is appro,
priate for an academic community.
The members of the classified
research committee take the posi-
tion that they have carefully fol-
lowed the guidelines - in other
words they have not approved
projects whose "specific purpose
is to destroy human life or in-
capacitate human beings."
And in its majority report, the
committee lists under each clas-
sified research category a sum-
mary of the primary purpose of
the projects, which is invariably
described as being non-military.
For example, in their descrip-
tion of research on "seismic and
acoustic sensing," used by the mil-
itary to measure sounds and vi-
brations of enemy troop move-
ments, the committee reports that
this research will be applicable to
"monitoring busy airports, high-
ways, sealanes, and improved de-
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Opponents of war research argue
that under the present guidelines,
University researchers will be al-
lowed to continue aiding the mili-
tary as long as their projects have
peaceful applications.
Knox, in his minority report,
proposes that Assembly urge the
Regents to change the criteria to
prohibit "any classified research
contract funded by a Department
of Defense agency or any other
sponsor which kills or injures
other human beings."
However, suggestions such as
this, which would effectively eli-
minate military and most classi-
fied research, face stiff opposition
from many faculty members who
consider the idea an infringement
on their freedom to accept a re-
search grant from any legitimate
organization or corporation.
Nevertheless, p r o f e s s o r s whc
have been attempting to convince
Assembly members to support an
end to war research, report that
the reaction has not been as nega-
tive as they had expected.
"It's sort of an unpleasant busi-
ness which they thought that
they'd taken care of in 1968," says
history Prof. Sam Warner, one of
the organizers of a week-long fast
by about 90 faculty members op-
posed to military research.
Medical Prof. Donald Rucknagel,
one of the participants in the fast,
says that the faculty would be
more prone to support a resolu-
tion against classified research, in-
stead of all Defense Department
"There are a substantial num-
ber of people not against military
research, not against war research,
but would would find classified
research anathema," Rucknagel
By keeping their research secret,
critics argue, researchers violate
the premises of an academic com-
munity, which should foster the
free and open exchange of ideas
and information, including the re-
sults of research.
0 Whether it is appropriate for
University researchers to wor~c on
projects which are used by the
U.S. government to carry out
policies that an increasing num-
ber of students and faculty mem-
bers find abhorrent.
"There's a My Lai out in Willow
Run," says Warner.
And other critics cite the ex-
pansion of the Indochina war un-
der the Nixon administration'-
particularly the recent invasion of
Laos-as making it mandatory for
the University to end scientific
endeavors which bolster such U.S.
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(Continued from page 1)
"Lots of these pads get ripped:
off by guys that flash a piece of
tin," Benner had said earlier. "We
like to have a uniform with us to
let them see that we are for real."i
The house to be raided t h a t
night is on Alexandrine, just a
few blocks behind The Woodward1
station. It is a huge, dilapidated
house with broken glass and emp-1
'ty cans scattered about the frontj
yard and the wrecked body of a
Thunderbird in the back.
Three of the four cars pulled
around to the front of the house,
while we entered the alley behind
the house. A garage separates the
house from the alley. The c a r4
lights were turned off and all four
cars were moving slowly.
Suddenly Benner slammed the,
car to a halt, and the three offic-
ers leapt out of the car while I
waited for the house to be secured.
The uniformed officer ran around
to the side door while Benner and
Bradley knelt by the garage, wea-
pons raised and ready. I heard the
banging of a four-pound sledge as
an officer broke down the front
door. Rifle butts broke the win-
dows while Benner and Bradley
ran inside. F i v e minutes later,
Benner signalled me to come in-
side. The house was secure.
Inside, Sgt. George Edwards -
leader of the Boosters - was
questioning a young girl. She had
been presented w i t h the search
warrant and was reading it care-
fully. Other officers were search-
ring the littered living r o o m. A
large amount of money was found
under the pillow on a bed. They
moved into the kitchen and began
to search it. Benner had gone up-
stairs and called me to help search.
There were several rooms, all
unlighted, on t h e second floor.
Filth was piled in the corners of
the rooms and trash was scattered
across the floors of most of the
rooms. Only one room appeared
to have been in use.
I went into an unused kitchen
and opened the door of a broken
refrigerator. Astream of roaches
scurried out and ran into a hole
in the wall. The refrigerator was
empty but for a jar of pickles. In
a drawer I found two spoons -
cooking spoons used for heroin.
There was nothing else to be
S. Viets
forsee exit
(Continued rro page 1)
South Vietnamese headquarters
in Saigon said there still are 2,000-
2,500 government troops in the vi-
cinity of Sepone, but added there
had been some tactical movement
of troops.
The command declined to give
details on grounds of security. Se-
pone was a main enemy transship-
mnent point on the Ho Chi Minh
Only light action was reported s
in the South Vietnamese drive in z
eastern Cambodia.
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Dr. Jerry Walden'
talking about
In a bedroom, Benner had found
an envelope under the mattress of
one of the beds. It contained the
last notice on a light bill for $118.
He overturned t h e wastebaskets
and found many bloody tissues,
probably used when someone "shot
up." The rest of the rooms con-
tained nothing.
Back downstairs the o t h e r
Boosters had discovered a large
foil-wrapped packet of white pow-
der, three smaller packets, a
junkie's needle - an eyedropper
with a hypodermic needle attach-'
ed - and seven yellow capsules.
The evidence was gathexed and an
inventory was made. The girl, the
only inhabitant of the house, was
presented with a copy of the in-
ventory and the search warrant.
She was arrested for possession
and taken to the station for ques-
It had been a small raid, the
smallest the Boosters had e v e r
had. Benner said that he knew it
w o u 1d happen sooner or later.1
They had just picked a bad time
to hit the house. The next night
they raided another house and ar-
rested nine people.
When a raid is staged and the
evidence is collected, the person
who runs the house is arrested for
possession and any others a r e
ticketed for loitering in a place of
illegal occupation. The girl in this
raid was arrested for possession
when the seven capsules were
found on her person. ,
Back at the station, a field test
was run on the suspected narcot-
ics. The large packet contained
$110 worth of "P" - pure heroin.
The smaller packets were "nickel
packs" selling for five dollars a
piece - of cut"streetdsmack."
The capsules w e r e found to be
pentobarbital sodium, pep pills.
The narcotics were labeled and
saved for evidence.
The girl was subsequently re-
leased after questioning.
"It's a good way to cultivate in-
formants," Benner said.
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