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March 14, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-14

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With S e n a t e Assembly scheduled to
consider the classified research dispute to-
morrow and Tuesday, the University faculty
finds itself confronted with a thorny issue
it thought it resolved three years ago.
In early 1968, after it was disclosed that
University researchers were working on
$21.5 million worth of projects for the De-
fense Department, Assembly, the faculty
representative body, adopted a set of guide-
lines which prohibited research whose "spe-
cific purpose is . . . to destroy human life
or to incapacitate human beings."
The Regents subsequently approved the
guidelines and a committee was established
to review all proposals for classified re-
search to make sure they complied with
the new criteria.
Satisfied that the Classified Research
Committee would keep an eye on things,




Assembly and the rest of the University
community turned to other matters, and
the agitation over war research quickly
That was the situation up until the past
several months, when the Pentagon began
to publicize its new "electronic battlefield"
being used by U.S. forces in Indochina.
Describing their complex devices as be-
ing essential to modern military activities,
Defense Department officials lauded the
University for its "important- contribu-
tions to the development" of the weapon
And within a very short time, the Classi-
fied Research Committee and its activities
have become the focus of a revived debate
among students and faculty members, some
of whom have organized a series of pro-
tests against the continuation of "war

In February, committee member Michael
Knox stepped outside of the traditionally-
closed activities of the group and wrote a
controversial letter to history Prof. Ger-
hard Weinberg, chairman of Senate As-
The letter charged that despite the clas-
sified research guidelines, "our University
is conducting millions of dollars of re-
search to perfect weapons systems and
subsytems which are being used by the
military to kill and incapacitate other
human beings."
Knox's letter and other criticism by stu-
dents and faculty members have brought
the war research issue back to' Senate
Assembly, with the suggestion that the
faculty body consider:
e Whether the Classified Research Com-
mittee has followed the 1968 guidelines in
See ASSEMBLY, Page 10

Research sit-in in 1967

-Daily-Denny Gainer
Research fast in 1971

See Editorial Page




Windy and warmer
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXI, No. 132 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 14, 1971 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


1,500 march


abortion repeal

Special To The Daily
LANSING-Nearly 1,500 persons, mostly
women, yesterday marched from Durant
Park to the State Capitol for a noon rally here
in support of demands to repeal existing state
abortion statutes.
No major incidents occurred during the
march which police described as peaceful.
The demonstration, organized by a state-
wide March 13 Action Coalition of women's
groups, specifically demanded:
-Free and legal abortion on demand;
-No forced sterilization; and
-The repeal of all existing state abortion
The protesters, including about 65 from Ann
Arbor, assembled in Durant Park shortly be-
fore noon where they watched a guerilla thea-
ter presentation depicting the history of
women's oppression.

AN AMERICAN crewman from a medical evacuation helicopter rests at Khe Sanh,
South Vietnam, before another mission over Laos.
S. Viets say- Laos i nvasion
near end, new raids likely
SAIGON (AP) - South Vietnamese field officers said yesterday that the main portion of
the Laos invasion will end in about two weeks, although troops will be kept in border areas
for quick invasions into Laotian territory to strike communist supply movements or force
The South Vietnamese forces began yesterday what they called their third and final phase
of their Laos invasion campaign, a push along a major branch of the Ho Chi Minh trail
southeast of Sepone.
They are taking no chances on getting cut off deep in Laos away from their own supply
lines without U.S. air support in the approaching rainy season.
Field officers, explaining the new phase of the Laos operation, said the first objective of
the invasion was Muong Nong, 15 miles inside Laos and 25 miles southeast of Sepone.
The second was Sepone. Sepone was taken a week ago by South Vietnamese forces, but
they retreated from the town Friday, claiming they wished "to keep mobile."
Field officers at the forward command post of Ham Nghi told correspondents that pres-

They then marched several blocks to
Capitol, singing and chanting "Free
bodies, free ourselves," and "Power to
sisters, take it from the misters."


Black culture
festival begins
Black Liberation Week begins tonight with
a performance by the Harambee Singers from
The week, sponsored by the University's
Center for Afro-American and African Stu-
dies, will feature prominent black artists and
writers, and a sampling of their works.
The rest of the week's activities will include
an appearance- Tuesday night by Amiri Ima-
mu Baraka (Leroi Jones), a leading black
poet and playwright, and a performance of the
National Black Theater of Harlem on Satur-
The purpose of the week, according to the
Center, is to "highlight the directions being
charted by Black people and their future."

ent plans call for South Vietnamese forces to
pull back near the border by the end of this
month. They said rain and fog that will move
in after that period will make air support
difficult if not impossible.
One high officer said the operation in Laos
will evolve along lines similar to earlier
South Vietnamese thrusts into Cambodia.
"We will move back and forth into Laos
like we have been doing in Cambodia," he
said, "but we'll stay close to the border."
Officers in the north said one regiment of
South Vietnamese's 1st Infantry Division had
pulled back from Fire Base Sophia, 24 miles
inside Laos and three miles southeast of
Communist gunners were said to have had
Sophia zeroed in, and a 300 round rocket and
mortar attack Thursday knocked out several
of the South Vietnamese unit's heavy wea-
See S. VIETS, Page 10

During the march one arrest occurred in a
minor incident, allegedly because the accused
made an obscene gesture toward a police-
man. He was held for a short time and subse-
quently released on $1,000 bail.
An expected counter-protest by members
of the "Right to Life" group, which opposes
abortion law reform, was cancelled.
The rally speakers echoed the demands of
the group at large.
Debby Deegan, of Wayne State University's
Women's Liberation group, discussed the
theory that women are used as sexual ob-
She then spoke specifically about the bill
sponsored by Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor),erecently passed in the State Senate,
which would permit abortions through the
third month of pregnancy.
"The Bursley bill," she said, "is a victory
for us. But we can't be *satisfied with a bill
that goes halfway."
Also speaking about the Bursley bill, ex-
State Senator Lorraine Beebe told the demon-
strators that they should write to their rep-
resentatives to indicate support for the bill,
soon to be considered in the State House.
The existing abortion law, Beebe said, was
"slapped down by male-dominated legisla-
tures and church heirarchies" in 1846.
The next speaker, Janet Wingo, of West-
side Mothers, a Detroit welfare rights organi-
zation, charged that while abortions have al-
ways been available to wealthy women,
black women and poor women have tradition-
ally been denied the opportunity to have

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
WOMEN march in Lansing yesterday to emphasize their demands for the repeal of abortion laws in the state. About 1,500 demonstrators
walked from Durant Park to the Capitol building, where they, listened to speeches.


places research,

trea ty,


funding referenda ons

Student Government Council voted yester-
day to include five referenda in the SGC
election to be held March 30 and 31, including
questions on classified and military research,
ratification of the People's Peace Treaty, and
a proposal for funding of student governments
within the University.
The two referenda on research ask if the
University "should refuse to contract further
classified research" or "further research
whose primary or initial use will be a mili-
tary or war supportive capacity by the con-
tracting agency."


inside story of

a Detroit drug raid

The SGC decision on the research referenda
came as over 85 University faculty and stu-
dents continued a fast protesting military and
classified research at the University.
A referendum run by SGC in Spring, 1968
asking students if the University should cease
all classified research was rejected.
The failure of that referendum signalled
the end of a campaign centered around both
the classified research issue and the Univer-
sity's involvement with the Institute for De-
fense Analysis.
The referendum on student government
funding asks students if they should be as-
sessed $1.85 per term for increased student
government funding.
One dollar, per student would be distributed
among the student governments of the vari-
ous schools and colleges with the other 85
cents going to the all-campus student govern-
ment, SGC.
If no college- government exists, the dollar
will go to the next higher level of student
government of which the student is a constitu-
In a case where a student is a constituent
of more than one student government below
the all-campus level, each succeeding higher
level of government would receive 30 per
cent of the amount which otherwise would
have been received by the more local govern-
If the referendum passes and is approved
by the Regents, the money will be turned over
to SGC who will distribute the money accord-
ing to student enrollment figures in the vari-

Revolutionary Government of South Viet-
nam, the North Vietnamese government, and
numerous anti-war groups from all over Viet-
The nine point treaty calls for immediate
American withdrawal from Vietnam, the
initiation of discussions to secure the release
of all American prisoners, and the formation
of a provisional coalition government in South
Vietnam to organize democratic elections.
A fifth referendum, designed to assist the
University Activities Center's events com-
mittee plan this fall's activities, asks if the
University should continue to hold a Home-
coming parade.
Filing to end
for SGC races
Student Government Council elections will
be held March 30 and 31 to choose a president
and vice-president and seven at-large mem-
Five of the contested Council seats are full-
year terms and the other two are half-year
Also to be elected are undergraduate and
graduate students to positions on the Board
of Student Publications, the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics, and the Advisory
Committee on Recreation, Intramurals, and
Club Sports.
All University students are eligible to vote

EDITOR'S NOTE: A member of the Daily staff was giv-
en permission by the 13th precinct Narcotics Division of
the Detroit Police Department to accompany officers on a
drug raid. The following story is his report.
"I don't care what people shoot into their veins.
But messing with drugs like heroin eventually leads
to a street crime; then I start to worry."
Patrolman Bruce Benner told methis as he pre-
pared to raid a dope house in Detroit's crime-ridden
13thPrecinct. Benner is a member of the Boosters,
a narcotics squad working out of the Woodward
Station, and I was to accompany him on the raid
to see how a narcotics bust is handled.
Benner - a young officer who wears Levis and
sports sideburns and a mustache - was sitting in

makes a buy and brings the suspected narcotic out-
side to the officers. He is then searched again for
any "extra" money or narcotics.
The "buy" is sent to the police scientific lab and
analyzed. It is then labeled and saved for evidence.
This process is repeated twice more, the evidence
is collected and then presented to the city prose-
cuter's office. The prosecutor then issues a war-
rant, it is signed by both the prosecutor and a
judge. and the Boosters are ready to raid.
"The informant is never produced in court,"
Benner said. "If he were, someone might just as
well have signed his death certificate."
At 9:15 in the evening the Boosters were ready
to go. They strapped on bulletproof vests, .38 Police
Specials, and other weapons. Some of the other

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