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March 13, 1971 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-13

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Saturday, March 13, 1971


} nnd Ca. 'miri4


rage oevuui


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Satyrn Inc.
Frye, Texas, and Acme BOOTS

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UC conduct rules

face opposition

(Continued from page 1)

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BELLBOTTOMS by Male, Landlubber, and Levi include expulsion among the sanc-
tiarns - an aspect which many
F R I NG E JACKETS 20% OFF members of Senate Assembly ap-
parently will oppose.
Although the UC rules do stipu-
late that a person may be sus-
pended for a specified period of
time for violating certain rules,
215 S. STATE-2nd Floor including the use of physical force
against another member of t h e
Open Noon till 9:00 Mon.-Fri.; Saturday Noon till 7.00 VUniversity community, sentiment
t exists among some faculty mem-
bers that expulsion should be a
~~~-- - -- - - - ---- possible sanction.
In this regard, disruption cases
are especially sensitive to faculty
members, for it is here they see
announcing ELECT IO N S for the Ithe most obvious threat to their
4 academic freedom.
Many students, on t h e other
ew R ckha Stdent Gov't.hand, view disruption as a neces-
New Rack am Student Go t. sary and effective tactic in pub-
licizing issues a n d sensitizing
PRESIDENT and VICE-PRESIDENT (a slate) members of the University com-
munity to them.
7 SEATS ON EXECU TIVE COUNCIL For them, the question ofe
' ! pulsion, and even suspension, re-
sulting from such an act, is de-
DEADLINE FOR FILING: MARCH 15, 1971 plorable.
The sanctions for disruption,
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Any student enrolled in Rackham interference and forbidden occu-
EL E O DAYSMpation of University facilities pro-
ECTION DAYS: MARCH 30 and 31 vided by the UC rules are espec-
ially considered by many students
Get Election Information, Candidacy Forms, proposed Rackham to be entirely out of proportion.
Constitution: Room 1546 S.A.B. A person convicted of disruption
for the first time would be sub-
ject to a "warning, censure, fine
of not less than $25 or more than
Y_$250, work assignment, or a n y
combination of these."
Although a violator, could not
be suspended for the first convic-
tion of disruption, penalties for
subsequent conviction would in-
The penalties f o r interference
and forbidden occupation, while
generally less than those for dis-
an A IR C NTsanctions except for suspension.
for the day SGC V ic e President Jerry de
Grieck - a member of UC - says
he will suggest that SGC not rat-

ify the rules in their present state es serious enough to already have
for a number of reasons. included temporary suspension

He claims the penalty provision and in cases where a violator has
for disruption of University func- been f o u n d guilty in a civil orI
tions should not include suspen- criminal court for an offense
sion, saying "most of the t i m e which clearly violates a UC rule.
disruption does not harm anyone, "Expulsion is not something in-
it does not usually result in de- tended to keep students away fromI
struction of property." campus as some have suggested;
In addition, De Grieck criticizes it is simply a denial of the privi-
UC for deleting a sentence from lege of an education at the Uni-
the original draft which w o u1 d versity," Galler says.
have asked the judiciary to "take "You certainly cannot keep at
account of the principle that a student away, but you can give
person should be excluded (sus- his place to another deserving stu-
pended) only when his continued dent," he continues.
presence on campus endangers But Galler emphasizes that he
other mmbers of the Uversity is not suggesting expulsion be a
coHemadds that the right not to mandatory sanction, saying "it
susendedsfromtheriUnvrtytoiseshould be a possibility."
spendedfrm Unvrst SGC member Bob Nelson aUC
Ricti h tdetBilo member, calls the exclusion sanc-
Rgta part of the SGC consti- "asaetci"ndds"f
tution. The constitution has been tion a scare tactic and adds "if
approved by the student body, but a person wants to come back to
not by the Regents. the community, he will. The ex-
Weinberg agrees that the ' es- elusion rule is simply not going to'
sential question"about the disci- be effective."
plinary rules is "where you strike Nelson believes some give-and-S
a balance between leniency and take is necessary to get the UC
harshness. rules established in place of the
"It could be argued that the;interim rules.
more limited the penalties are. the "I could live with the rules, al-
greater the likelihood most cases though they are not the ones I
will be brought before the civil would have designed by any,
courts," he says. "This is because means," he says.
if a person has a case which he "What critics of the council
considers serious, he may be re- rules must keep in mind is that we
luctant to bring it to a judiciary have had to reach some common
which is empowered to ' do rela- ground among wide - r a n g i n g
tively less than the civil courts." groups of interest," says law Prof.
"On the other hand," Weinberg Theodore St. Antonie, chairman
continues," if you s e t a broad of UC. "We feel that these rules,
range of penalties, t h e n people when properly utilized by the new
who might be effected by those judiciary, really do constitute a
penalties may feel imperiled." fair set of regulations."


versity to proceed with its normal the Administration Bldg. Feb. 19.
operations." he continues. In addition, they were tested one
St. Antoine says the council did other time - at a sit-in on the
not include permanent exclusion second floor of the Administration
in the sanctions because, "in a Bldg. last month when about 100
pragmatic sense, exclusion h a s students heard a representative of
rarely been applied in the past for President Robben Fleming inform
non-academic reasons." them they were in violation of the
He adds that even the interim rules.
rules do not call for any exclusion The rules were not invoked
longer than one year. when students heeded the warning
The interim rules were invoked and left the premises.
Thursday for the first time since "People will have to make the
their inception last April. T h e judgment whether the UC rules
charge was filed by a University are worth a try," says Weinberg.
security officer against a student "The real question, however, is
for allegedly violating the rules where along the range of sanc-
during a demonstration outside tions people want to start."
omen find advocate
in 'U' administration

(Continued from Page 3)

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Cn.rm.- -------. .ieu i nsurance retroacuve to ti
Rumelhart mentions the increase beginning of her job.
in courses on women, counseling Rumelhart, who has been in the
services offered by women for position since late October, has
women, and work with high school spent most of her time during the
women as examples of the positive Past few months organizing con
orientation of the movement. tacts and researching problems.
One of Rumelhart's major con- "My frustration is a combination
cerns is working with women, par- of wanting to do more than time or
ticularly undergraduates, to in physical ability allows," she says.


Among severai proposals to al- St. Antoine explains the key to
ter the UC rules is one by mathe- the successful formulation of the
matics P r o f. Bernard Galler, a rules lies in "striking a balance"
member of Senate Assembly, con.- among t h e various extremes of
cerning the sensitive question of opinion within the University
suspension and expulsion, community.
Galler proposes that expulsion "We tried hard to find the bal-
from the University community ance that would permit construc-
be made a possible sanction in the tive dissent to be registered but
-rules in cases of repeated offens- at the same time allow the Uni-
Orson Welles Film Society: "T r u e song leader, WSI instructors, arts and
Grit" and "Cool Hand Luke," Nat. Sci. crafts.
Aud., 7 and 9:30 p.m. * * * *

i d avv IvIvING OrUUL
for the evening
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official publication of the Univer-
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tion notices are not accepted for
publication. For more information,
phone 764-9270.

212 S.A.B.
Interviews: for appointments and de-
tails stop in or call 764-7460.
Monday, March 15, Camp Maple-#
hurst, Mi., coed. interviewing from 9
to 5: openings include general couns.,
spec. in scuba, sailing, riding.


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Sports Editor
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uesday, March 16: Camp Dunmore,
SATURDAY, MARCH 13 girls, Vt., 11 - 3:30, spec. in waterfront
(WSI), sailing, tennis, cripping, canoe-
ing. Age 20 or over.
a a endr Wednesday, March 17: Good Humor
Basketball: Mich. vs. Wisconsin, Cris- not only in Detroit but major cities
ler Arena, 2 p.m. throughout country.
Schoo l f M s i c V.Copra cla rinet, Friday, M arch 19, Cam p Conestoga,
ScholofMuicReita Hll 230p~.Eoys,Ohoinevw from 10 - 5;
School of Music: R. Alexander: R. general couns. (must be able to teach
Alexander, soprano, School of Music a sport). registered nurse, spec. In
Recital Hall , 4:30 p.m riflery, archery, baseball. ham radio,
Yearbook Photo Meeting
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Announcements: For further info.
contact SPS, call 764-7460.
Cook County Dept. of Public Aid,
Chicago, summer trainee prog. in Soc.
Wk. announced for sophs., and jrs.
Kenneth Narrod Moving Co., C h i -
cago, well paying job, good advance-
ment for undergrads for future sum-
Human Resources Ctr.. N.Y., social
serv. work for grad, and undergrad
students in nursing, occup. and phys.
ther., psych., public health, educ., rec.,
soc., etc.
Naval Underwater Systems Ctr., New
London, Conn., grads in fields of elec-
trical and mech. engr., math, and phy-
Mobil Research and Dev. Corp., Dallas,
grad students as res. assts. in program-
ming and a research geologist.
Panomega Corp., Franklin, Mi., person
over 21 for captain of 40 ft. vessel, must
be qualified scuba diver.

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crease their understanding and
awareness of the women's libera-
tion movement and its literature.
She and fellow workers are plan-
ning to organize a library or an
annotated bibiliography of books
pertaining to women and the wom-
en's movement.
She is also checking the Under-
graduate Library to make sure
that an adequate and complete
selection of books and articles rele-
vant to the movement are avail-
Rumelhart is cooperating with
PROBE, a coalition of University
women-faculty, staff and student
body-concerned with the problems
of women at the University.
Specifically, she mentioned one
case in which a woman who had
been fired from a University job
with only fifteen minutes notice.
The only reason given was that the
woman was a "swinger".'
Rumelhart referred the woman
to PROBE, which reviewed the
case and sent a representative to
the grievance board. The case was
judged in the woman's favor and
she was reinstated.
Other cases Rumelhart handles
herself, as the incident of a woman
who, when hired by the University,
had not been informed that she
needed job insurance.
A month after she was hired, the
woman found that she was preg-
nant, but did not have the proper
insurance. Rumelhart contacted
several people, and the woman re-

hits spying9
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (,') The
California State Senate leader said
yesterday the State Senate's Un-
American Activities Committee not
only was watching Communists and
alleged subversives but was spying
on the Senate as well.
"They're keeping files on sena-
tors for whom they're working,"
Sen. James Mills, a San Diego
Democrat, told a news conference.
When he found his own name on
the 5-by-8 file cards and the names
of 10 colleagues, he decided to try
to have the 30-year-old Senate fact-
f i n d i n g subcommittee on- un-
American activities abolished.
He'll take his proposal to the five
man rules committee, of which he
is chairman, on Wednesday. The
files, now in a Fresno warehouse,
should be put on a confidential
status in the state archives in Sac-
ramento, open only to the FBI, he
Mills, a former teacher and mu-
seum curator, said he was outraged
to find he was listed for subscrib-
ing in 1961 to The People's World,
a Communist party newspaper, and
for attending a legislative confer-
ence in the International Long-
shoremen's and Warehousemen's
Union the same year.
"I think it's outrageous that
someone should be keeping watch
on me," Mills said. "That really is
some nerve."
Other legislators of both parties
were ;listed for voting against a
loyalty oath bill, for voting against
the un-American committee's ap-
propriations and other such activ-
ity, much of it culled from news-
paper clippings, he said.

Applications will be available Monday,
March 8 and are due by March 15




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