Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The real story behind the D.C. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY JACOBS Police controversy re-opened FROM the viewpoint of the student com- munity, the most glaring failure of the Harris administration has been its inability to effectively control the often over-zealous actions of the Ann Arbor Police Department. This failure has been brought to the community's attention again this week. Reacting to complaints received by Mayor Harris, the city decided 1 a s t week to make public showing of a television newsfilm which shows Ann Arbor Pa- trolman John Pear swinging a riot baton at a University student who had already been subdued by another officer. The incident occurred during last year's Black Action Movement (BAM) class strike. The showing of the film sparked a con- troversy in City Hall. City Administrator Guy Larcom Jr. ad- mitted that viewing the film frame-by- frame showed the incident to be more serious than he had reported last Oc- tober to Mayor Harris. It was on the basis of this report that Harris decided not to press charges against Pear last fall. Detective Jerry Wright, head of the Ann Arbor Police Officers Association (AAPOA) blasted Harris for showing the film, charging that the mayor had re- opened the case in an attempt to "buy" the support of the black and student communities for the upcoming election. "It is no coincidence that one month before the mayoral election, Mayor Har- ris has resurrected an incident that oc- Whose side is God on? VATICAN theologians are examining a pro-Marxist document that was adopted in principle Monday by a Ro- man Catholic Church assembly in Italy's northernmost province. Its publication has attracted nationwide attention. Tuesday, many Italians were surpris- ed to read a report by the synod's labor commission asserting that, at least in theory, Marxism was more pleasing to God than capitalism. "The society in which we live commits a grave sin against the plan of God by placing capital at the center of every- thing and subjecting man to the law of profit," the document said. Marxist phil- osophy - as distinct from "deviations" in Marxist political systems - but built a model of society "in which exploitation of man by man is impossible or at least very difficult" the report went on, call- ing it a model "that appears more at- tuned to God's plan than capitalist so- ciety." --THE NEW YORK TIMES March 10 Editorial Staff ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Editor JIM BEATTIE DAVE CHUDWIN Executive Editor Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAN .... Editorial.Page Editor RICK PERLOFF .. Associate Editorial Page Editor PAT MAHONEY. .. Assistant Editorial Page Editor LYNN WEINER Associate Managing Editor LARRY LEMPERT ... Associate Managing Editr ANITA CRONE ......................... Arts Editor ROBERT CONROW .. . .. . Books Editor JIM JUDKIS ................Photography Editor curred almost a year ago," Wright said. "This is politics at its worst. It is de- signed to open old wounds and polarize the community for his benefit. It is a sad day when Ann Arbor politics is conducted on such a vicious plane." Wright, however, has over-reacted to a situation which poses no real danger to the city police department or Patrolman Pear. The case against Pear has not been re-opened. City Council has viewed the film and each councilman's opinion of it has been duly recorded in the Ann Arbor News, but the council plans to take no action on the matter. Larcom says that re-opening the case is impossible as it would constitute "dou- ble jeopardy" since the city had already decided not to press charges against Pear. This statement is rather tenuous when one considers the fact that Pear was never brought before a tribunal of any sort. But it is simply too late to make Pear stand trial for his actions. REGARDLESS of one's views about the case, Pear should have the right to a fair and speedy trial, and this right would surely be violated by a proceeding one year after the incident when the basis of the prosecution's case has already been publicly displayed. At this point, then, the responsibility for his judicial farce clearly lies with Har- ris and Larcom, and a closer look at the procedure used by these men in deciding not to prosecute Pear makes this clear. Larcom headed the committee that was assigned to investigate charges against Pear last fall. The group considered the evidence it had, which included the tele- vision newsfilm, and concluded that Pear should not have legal action taken against him, citing the tension of the situation and the hostility of the crowd toward the police as excuses for Pear's behavior. Larcom now views the same film and comes up with a substantially different appraisal of the situation. He explains that the film had never been shown frame-by-frame before, and claims that this gives a totally different picture of what happened. This is rather difficult to believe. Show- ing this film frame-by-frame does not re- veal anything that cannot be seen when viewed at normal speed. There were no mysterious phantom blows that would only show up in individual frames. Rather, the film clearly demonstrates that Pear made two concerted efforts to strike the student while another officer had the student firmly pinned to t h e ground. This is apparent regardless of the manner in which the film is viewed. On the basis of Larcom's report, Har- ris decided to drop the charges against Pear he had previously requested. Cur- iously enough, Harris took this action without seeing the film - a rather cal- lous move considering the importance of the case. SEVERAL TIMES a year, Harris shrugs his shoulders and claims that he cannot control the police department. In view of the Pear case it appears that perhaps Harris has not tried hard enough. The mayor must realize that he has been empowered and has an obligation to pro- tect the community from all threats, in- cluding those from the police. -ALAN LENHOFF By STEVE ANZALONE ANYONE WHO bothers to read Roscoe Drummond's column in the newspapers would discover a comparison he recently drew be- tween the recent bombing of the U.S. Capitol and t h e Reichstag fire of 1933. Roscoe is sure that the Capitol bombing was the work of leftists. These leftists, he claims, are following the Nazi example so as to invite more repression upon themselves and become martyrs. Roscoe's history is a little slop- py. At the time the Reichstag went -up in flames, Hitler was already Chancellor of the Reich. The Nazi party was included in the govern- ment; its position f a r different from that of the American left to- day. The Nazi role in the fire was not a means to invite repression on itself, but a tactic (and a suc- cessful one) to grab more power within the government. Besides, Roscoe should know that the left would be more likely to go after the White House or the Pentagon where the real power is. But before we scold poor Roscoe for his Spiro Agnew historicism, it must be admitted that he is un- wittingly on the right track. The analogy between the Capitol blast and the Reischstag blaze is more apt than we would suspect. As we examine the fantastic story of the bombing conspiracy a n d all its startling ramifications, we will find Roscoe's mistake very instruc- tive. THE INCREDIBLE chain of events that led to the Capitol ex- plosion began last year. It start- ed in Canada with the kidnapings of James Cross and Pierre Laporte. The kidnapings triggered a swift response in Washington. Theoriz- ing that similiar actions would take place here, the Nixon admin- istration put into effect an elab- orate counterinsurgency strategy using sophisticated infrared sur- veillance techniques. The move- ment of hundreds of government officials and foreign diplomats was monitored in an attempt to catch a left-wing kidnaper in the act. The project was headed by the CIA and was called Operation CHE (Commie Hunting Expedi- tion). Alas, there were no kidnapings. This left the Nixon Administra- tion sourly disappointed, and there were private denunciations of the "impotence a n d timidity" of American left-wing extremists. How premature the pessimism proved to be. For Trudeau was to assume tough powers under the War Measures Act, setting a pre- cedent for governments every- where. Civil liberties suspended, t h e FLQ outlawed, leftist sym- pathizers rounded-up . . . T h e possibilities of those powers being exercised in Washington were said to be so exciting that Atty. Gen. J. Edgar Hoover recommended. going on the offensive and not waiting for the Commies to get it together. He would arrange a kid- naping and his choice of victim was Henry Kissinger. The strategy had an aura of Woody Hayes to it, and Nixon liked that. When Nixon broke the news to Kissinger, the loyal adviser report- edly snapped to attention and in his unmistakable Dr. Strangelove manner replied, "Mein fuehrer, I am always ready to serve." unexplainable accidents that have changed the whole course of events. It was probably one of these fateful coincidences that a reporter from a prominent East- ern newspaper got wind of the plot. The news of the plot posed a dilemma for the liberal publish- er of the paper - should he print the news and risk national chaos? In the end he followed the exam- ple of the New York Times, which suppressed advance news of the Bay of Pigs invasion "in the na- tional interest." However, two concessions were made: the re- porter was reassigned to Vietnam and Nixon called off the plot. NIXON'S DREAM, like Gatsby's. still eluded him. As he began his third year in office, Richard Mil- hous Nixon, the grocer's son from Whittier, Calif., recalled his prom- ise of two years ago - to bring the nation together. To fulfill this earnest committment he made, Richard Nixon did. as he usually does in a time of crisis - turn to the lessons of the past. A compe- tent student of history, Nixon realized that he was making the same mistake that we ,now find Roscoe Drummond guilty of. A man in power who wants more power must use different tactics from those u s e d to topple the power structure. He must follow the example of someone like Hit- ler and not the FLQ. The first hint of all this came in Nixon's state of the union ad- dress when he called for a new American revolution. Liberals and radicals alike scoffed at his co- optation of the language. Nixon? Revolution? He was serious. He was not talking about a revolu- tion from below, the kind on most people's minds these d a y s. No, Nixon was talking about a revolu- tion from above. And who waged a revolution from above like Nix- on envisioned? That's r i g h t, Adolph Hitler. He called upon the Joint Chiefs of Staff to aid him in his plan to, yes, bomb Congress. At a meeting Nixon told them soberly, "Congress m u s t be de- stroyed." In their standard knee-jerk re- action, the Chiefs leaped to their feet, eager with anticipation, and pleaded in unison, "Tactical nukes." "You fools," Nixon shot back. "You can't use nuclear weapons against Congress." Similarly, anti-personnel bombs were ruled out. The Chiefs chafed at the restriction. Always there were restrictions - the 37th par- allel, the Yalu River, the DMZ, the Laos border, and now homemade bombs. They didn't seem to un- derstand that if they hit the Cap- itol with an Atlas-Titan missile, someone like I. F. Stone might start putting two and two togeth- er. But, in what can only be seen as a wonderful testament to our constitutionally - prescribed doc- trine of civilian control of t h e military, they relented to Nixon's requests. !ombing IN THE MEANTIME, talk be- gan spreading among t h e press corps about a plot to kidnap Kis- singer. After a call f r o m the White House. Hoover soon had a witness to say that the Berrigans were involved. Maybe he couldn't prove anything, but it would work as a smokescreen. Also, while the bombing plans were bing discussed, Nixon order- ed Laos invaded. Why wait. Both- ered by the press more than ever before, he refused to let newsmen cover the Laos invasion. The press howled, but Nixon s t o o d firm. Then things took a strange twist. The Pentagon refused to let news- __ men ride on helicopter flights in- to Laos. This was the only way they could see what was happen- ing. It proved to be a blessing to the Vietnam correspondents as the helicopters were shot down in flocks. But Mel Laird is no fool He figured that if we are going to lose helicopters and pilots, why not get rid of a few newsmen with them. So the policy was changed, and Nixon smiled. Back in Washington, it was suggested that the .bombing take place on a Saturday for maximum press coverage in Sunday editions. The Saturday would have been February 27. Nixon shrewdly re- called that this was the anniver- sary of the Reichstag fire, didn't want to take any chances with nosy liberal historians, and moved the date up two days to March 1. According to plan, the Capitol was supposed to crumble. But the bomber, an ex-Green Beret whose name is still not known, messed it up and only one bomb detonat- ed. Security men who accompan- ied him quickly removed the oth- er bombs and kept people and the press at b a y while the injured soldier was hustled out of t h e building and the otherbombs re- moved. The damage done was pitifully small. The whole fiasco lasted in the papers for scarcely more than a day. For Nixon to ask for emer- gency powers after a fire-cracker blast like that would be ludicrous.,- CAN NIXON still salvage some- thing from the remains of t h e blast? The aborted Kissinger plot produced a case against the Ber- rigan brothers. Will he be able to manufacture some evidence to im- plicate other left-wing nuisances? I It's hard to say. B u t already people are beginning to suspect the r e a culprit. The suspicion runs the ideological gamut from the Daily World to t h e Detroit News. It is apparent that someone at the News has the whole story because that paper offered a $10,- 4 000 reward for information lead- ing to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the bomb- ing. It's an obvious grandstand play: the News knows very welt that the President is immune from criminal prosecution. THESE ARE indeed troubled days for the young Republic: Steve Anzalone is a former Daily Editorial Page Editor. This bombing is a dastardly attempt to limit the democratic process! John Mitchell sustained an erec- tion at a Cabinet meeting. Now if only those "chicken shit" radicals would cooperate. BUT THIS WAS the middle of October - already too late to be kept waiting. Nixon realized that a kidnaping before the upcoming elections would spark a stampede to law-and-order Republican can- didates. After the election, a frightened Congress would gladly grant broad "emergency" powers. It was a perfect plot. Some of Hoover's men would abduct Kiss- inger, issue some standard left- wing demands, and keep him out of sight during a massive FBI search while Nixon and Agnew accused -the Democrats -of com- plicity. Nixon would use the emer- gency powers to wipe out every trace of opposition in the country. He would then be free to pursue victory in Indochina. But history, as we all know, is riddled with fateful quirks a n d Letters to The Daily Imposing standards To the Daily: AS A MEMBER of the student body of this University I feel my intellectual capabilities were be- littled by Rose Sue Berstein's edi- torial (Daily, Feb. 17). By seeking to set strict guidelines as to who can use University facilities to pre- sent his point of view Berstein is presuming to impose her -"noral standards upon me. I am no de- fendant of racist and sexist poli- cies; on the contrary, I deplore them. But, it is my right to hear what these people have to say, It is my privilege to agree or disagree with them, but not to force my de- cision upon anyone else. In the article Berstein said "it is true that by allowing corporations devoid of social responsibility to recruit on campus, the University lends its tacit approval .o their im- morality." This is not so-if it were, the University could be said to "lend it tacit approval" to every group that appears on campus. It is not the place of the University to say who is right and who is wrong; it exists to provide an at- mosphere for open debate and dis- cussion. How can any thinking per- son attempt to decide an issue unless he has heard the arguments for all sides. It is our job to make sure the University remains an open set- ting for debate, not close it to all but those holding one viewpoint. Only by allowing everyone to voice his opinion freely can we keep from becoming the very thing we condemn in others-repressive. -Leslie S. Grommet, '74 Feb. 18 New oppression To the Daily: AS MEMBERS OF the Women's Liberation Movement and the Gay Liberation Movement we didn't know whether to scream in rage or laugh in mockery at the in- credibly sexist letter (Daily, Feb. 24) by Dave Wesley. If the revo- lultion proceeds as you would ap- parently have it proceed it will be a black straight man's "revolu- tion" that will oppress (and ob- viously is now oppressing) women and gays. Women and gay people would never refer to anything as a "nigger issue" because we know what a racist oppressive term that is. Yet you who profess to be so re- volutionary can use the term "fag- got issue". We would not tell black people how to relate to their own oppression and struggles yet you so condescendingly "give" us "re- cognition" of "the importance of some of the issuesbeing raised by Women's Liberation and the Gay Liberation Front" and "en- courage them (us) to intensify their (our) struggles." If we, as white gay women and men said that we recognized the important of some of the issues being raised by the Black Liberation Movement and encouraged you to intensify your struggles, you might see (might be slapped across the face with) how unbelievably patroniz- ing and oppressive that attitude is. Any group that attempts to fur- ther its own cause at the expense of other oppressed groups is coun- ter-revolutionary. Women have for too long been told to wait until af- ter the revolution to be heard and that then the Man (white or black or any color) will take his foot off our necks. Gays are now being told the same thing. "Revolutions" that ride on the backs of other op- pressed peoples are not revolu- tions, they are coup d'etats. Perhaps the reason that you can so patronizingly "recognize the im- portance" of some of our issues is that you have never really con- fronted any of our issues - that, in fact, you are a blatant sexist - so blatant that if anyone were so blatant a racist you would un- doubtedly (we infer from your let- ter) want to off him or her. WE MUST ultimately feel sor- ry for you because in all your macho militarist zeal (and with all "your women" oppressedly be- hind you) you may one day find yourself offed. It takes some real consciousness-raising and revolu- tionary self-examination to under- stand that you may not only be oppressed but an oppressor as well. Being black does not give you the right to oppress anyone. -Members of the Elizabeth St. Gay Collective Feb. 24 Carris' victory To the Daily: YOUR EDITORIAL regarding Jack Garris' primary victory is nothing more than wishful think- ing. Your "proof" of the tactic of "switching over" is very uncon- vincing. Some switching doubtless did occur by Democrat voters whose political sensitivities are in accord with those of Mr. Garris and sincerely felt he would be the best Republican candidate. Whether Mr. Garris is victor- ious in April is something the vot- ers of the city of Ann Arbor will have to decide. Mayor Harrisdhas an absolutely appalling record to many citizens of the city. He has made every effort to appeal to the fringe element among the stu- dent body and thus is highly vul- nerable politically. Because of Mayor Harris' political ineptness, the details of which will doubtless be a subject of much discussion during the next six weeks, M r. Garris represents to many citizens of Ann Arbor what liberals like to refer to as a "viable alternative". Mr. Garris' victory in the April election will be a result of t h e overwhelming support of voters from both parties who have had all they intend to take of Mayor Harris' inabilities to maintain a civilized quality of life in t h e city. Incidentally, Mr. Garris' elec- tion will not be only by the "Con- servative Wing" of the Republican party, although you can be sure On guardfrbms Acapitol challenge By. TAMMY JACOBS "HAVE THOSE bags been checked, young ladies?" demanded the uni- formed officer standing at the entrance to the Capitol Rotunda. Was it my imagination, or was he looking more at our faded blue- jeans and Michigan tee-shirts than at the apparently illegitimate shop- ping bags? "No sir, nobody told us they had to be checked." As a matter of fact, I was surprised that we hadn't been stopped before this. There were officers swarming all over the Capitol on this sunny day, a bit too late to protect the awesome white building from the bomb that had exploded the day before. We had already passed several uniformed men. All they had done was eye our typical-college-student outfits knowingly. "Come this way." The officer led us to a small hallway to one side of the Rotunda. There was a starkly empty desk in the hallway. "Now," he said with the air of a detective about to grill a suspect, "let's see what's in the bags." "Why, certainly," I said as cheerily as possible. I held out my shop- ping bag for his inspection. He drew back, refusing to touch the bag. "Open it up," he demanded suspiciously. "That's right, empty it onto the table." I reached in to pull out the dress. "What's that?" he asked. t CAREFULLY restraining myself from verbalizing any one of the dozen answers that came to mind (a second bomb, a giant phallus, 3.5 grams of good hash, Tricia Nixon), I decided that honesty would be the best policy. "It's a dress.I bought it in Georgetown this morning. We went shop- ping there before we came here. I'm going to wear it to my friends' wedding. Isn't it pretty?" He didn't seem to think so. After motioning for me to shake it out- what did he expect to fall from its long skirt?-he continued the interro- gation. "What else is in there?" "Candles. I bought them in Georgetown too. See, this one's green, and this one is blue, and these little ones are floating candles." "Oh." Again, he didn't seem impressed. "What about the other bag?" My friend pulled out two postcards. "These are postcards," she said irrelevantly. "Here's the Washington Monument, and here's the Capi- tol..." "All right, all right. What's in the box?" IM NOT A MAU C&IAU V1?JST PIE.. IM A MM, 4 A LOAJOI)W. / SAME STRUGGL. / 1 E AL- HAV6 THE 4HE 60A S. ITHAVE AN)&UP.. OU NU H1AWLUF BUT WHAT I CAN'T UM9ERS7AAD TO A CHN Ii 7H06 0A S- %/, r Q k6J VI CT(US OF SAR CPFESN~ iJL W 00T1/HAVGTO (0T M TO )A 'Y CCMM WE IT WAS A huge photograph of a cat's face. "It's a cat," she said, displaying it for him to view. "It's for our friend Paul. His birthday's coming up and we got this for him." "We bought it in Georgetown, too." I was having fun. "See how its eyes follow you?" I didn't want the officer to miss the artistic value of our purchase. "It's a really farout photograph." "Is that it?" he asked weakly. We nodded. "Okay, you can go now." A I . .