POLICE CONTROVERSY See Editorial Page Y lflir~t ~DaitM NASTY High--37 Low--28 Cloudy, chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 130 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 12, 1971 Ten Cents Ten Pages STUDENT CHARGED: Group sets Controversial rules invoked ' 'U research protest plan By TAMMY JACOBS Charges have been filed against a University student for allegedly violating the Re- gents' interim disciplinary rules during a demonstration outside the Administration Bldg. Feb. 19. The action marks the first use of the controversial rules since their inception in April, 1970. A key provision of the rules provides for adjudication by a hearing of- ficer appointed by the University President. The charge was filed by Russell Downing, a University security of- ficer, against John Eustis '73. The case will be investigated by Uni- versity attorney Craig Christen- sen, who will issue a formal com- plaint if he finds Eustis in vio- lation of any of the rules. Eustis is also facing charges in civil court of assaulting an of- ficer during the demonstration, which began when a crowd of stu- dentshwere prevented from enter- ing the Regents meeting in the Administration Bldg. Both students and faculty mem- bers have voiced strong criticisms of the rules, which were formulat- ed by the Regents without input from either group. Controversy has.also focused on what opponents charge is a denial of basic rights that defendants should have in judicial proceed- ings. These include trial by one's +peers and the guaranteed right of the defendant to be present at his f trial. The rulese allow for the hearing officer to bar the defend- ant from the trial if he becomes "disruptive" and to hold the trial without him if he fails to appear.j The February meeting was the Regent's regular open session, but the Administration Bldg. was lock- ed and guarded and students were told that to enter they had to have received a pass the day before the meeting. Two other persons were arrest- ed as a result of the demonstra- tion, where city policemen, Uni-I versity security officers, and de- monstrators skirmished. Stephen Winter, '71, arrested during the action, is being tried in civil court on charges of obstruct- ing and resisting a police officer, and Peter Denton, Grad., who was arrested two weeks after the de- See STUDENTS, Page 10 By ALAN LENHOFF Some 90 students and faculty members last night ap- proved a march on next week's Senate Assembly meeting, to protest classified and military research at the University. The ad hoc group stressed non-violence as the tone of the tactics, which will include leafletting and information ses- sions. Meanwhile, the faculty fast protesting war research on campus entered its second day yesterday. Spokesmen said -Daily-Sara Krulwich PARTICIPANTS at a mass meeting last night discuss strategies and possible actions for their cam- paign to end classified and war research on campus. -Daily-Andy Sacks RUSSELL DOWNING, a University security officer who has filed charges against a student, is shown at the Administration Bldg. where the demonstration from which the charge stems took place. *.Abotionreform bll1 barely wn sIn State Senate LANSING (A) - Abortion Reform advocates won a five- year battle in the Michigan Senate yesterday with narrow . passage of a bill allowing women residents to obtain abor- tions for any reason during the first three months of preg- nancy. The 20-17 vote, exactly the number needed for passage, brought cheers from some women in the Senate gallery and capped nearly three hours of wrangling over pro- MUSIC, ARTS: last night that some 62 prsons that 515 have signed a petition against classified research at the University. Over 80 demonstrated support for the fast yesterday at a rally in the Fishbowl. The resolution for the march passed last night, stressing the statement that "Our presence should be vigorous but non-disrup- tive." After the march, another mass meeting is planned to dis- cuss further strategies. Jerry De Grieck, Student Gov-I ernment Council .executive vice president and Jim Brugh of Brain Mistrust, a radical research group, were elected to address Senate Assembly on b e h a l f of the marchers. A number of strategies were adopted to aid in recruiting student support for Tuesday night's action. Dorm rap sessions, guerrilla theater, and a publicity campaign are planned. A multi-page educational leaflet which will include a map of the Willow Run research labs, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of members of the Clas- sified Research Committee and University personnel engaged in war research will be written. Also, non-disruptive classroom rap sessions are planned. The group asked that students request that their classes discuss the issue, and that sympathetic faculty invite speakers into the classrooms. An 11-person steering committee was selected at the session to help coordinate the chosen tactics and prepare the leaflets. The members were selected on a "political ba- sis," listing their political affilia- tions, but they presumably will represent the group as a whole. A proposal which called for a See RESEARCH, Page 10 l . . I feature By GENE ROBINSON Black Liberation Week, spon- sored by the University's Center for Afro-America and African Stu- dies, from March 14 through March 21, will be highlighted by Amiri Imamu Baraka (Leroi Jones) on Tuesday night. According to a press release issued by the Center, the purpose of the 'week is to "highlight the directions being charted by Black people and their future. The aim of Black Liberation week is to celebrate contemporary move- ments in Black art and to deliber- ate on contemporary movements in Black social thought." have now joined the fast, and Low-costi unit plans endorsed By MARCIA ZOSLAW ong program to 0,black culture Baraka, a prominent poet, play- wright, and novelist, is the fea- tured speaker of the week. Ap- pearing with Baraka will be Ola- tunji, his musical group and his African Dance Troupe. Olatunji is the founder of the Center for African Culture in Harlem. Another major event of the week will be the appearance of the National Black Theatre of Har- lem, founded and directed by Bar- bara Teer. The troupe will per- form in the Michigan Union Ball- room on Saturday evening, March 20. Anthro Prof. Gloria Marshall, chief organizer of the week's ac- Protest set in La nsing A march to the State Capitol to demand repeal of the state's abortion laws is scheduled by a coalition of women's groups for to- morrow. posed amendments. The bill now goes to the house, where proponents fear Speaker W i 11 i a m Ryan, (D-Detroit), a staunch Roman Catholic, will shuttle it off to a hostile com- mittee and certain death. Sen. James Fleming, (R-Jack- son), most vocal opponent of re- form, charged the bill would "al- low back-street abortionists to operate with impunity." Senate Democratic Leaderl Paris talks deteriorate tivities, said she was "very excit- ed" about the prospects for the week. She said that it was the "first time ever than we here in Ann Arbor have pulled together" such an outstanding group of black artists. She added that it was "very important for the University com- munity in general, both black and white, to support the week's ac- tivities." A concert on Sunday will begin the week's activities. The concert will be given by the Harambee singers of Atlanta, Georgia. On Monday, Black poets Don L e e, Novella Hill, and Greg Hardin will read from their works. In addition to the appearance of Baraka, a symposium will be held on the "Technological Needs of the Black World." Wednesday's activities will fea- ture South African poet Keora- petse Kgositsile, and readings from Dave Wesley and Cowboy Walker '73. Wesley is president of the Black Student Union. That night symposium "B 1 a c k Education" will be moderated by Harry Miasl, principal of North- side elementary school. Featured in the symposium will be Howard Fuller from Malcolm X Liberation University in Greensboro, N.C., and James Garnett from the Cen- ter for Black Education in Wash- ington, D.C. Thursday morning there will be a symposium on 'Black Art', fea- turing painters Jon Lockard, Charles McGee, James Lee, Al See AA, Page 7 The Housing Policy Board yes- terday endorsed a proposal that the University build 1,000 units of low- cost apartments north of Huron High School by 1975. The Regents now must approve the new proposal before it is sub- mitted to the Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The proposal provides that these apartments be funded by HUD's College Housing Program. No building cost for the University is expected. Accordingly, the University would get a commercial loan to build the housing, and the government would pay all but three per cent interest on the loan. Apartment rents would then be scaled to reimburse the loan and the three per cent in- terest. The Housing Policy Board would then decide on such things as: washing machines, vending ma- chines, a daycare center, and a playground for the units and the site itself. The proposal was criticized for not being democratic by audience members at the board's open meet- ing. Apartment rates of $230 a month for a three-bedroom apart- ment were called practically in- affordable for many University staff members. Dr. Peter Ostafin, assistant di- rector of student-community re- lations, argued that the plan was to be evaluated step-by-step. The first stage calls for 250 low- cost apartments to be completed by 1972. Expressing confidence on the apartment plan, Ostafin com- mented that private housing has doubled in the last decade "be- cause it provided what the stu- dents wanted, namely, apartment accommodations." Members of TU and RIP opted to include community people in the apartments, saying that the purpose of the proposed apart- ments should be partly to change the image of the University as an upper middle class-oriented insti- tution, The HUD rule, however, classi- fies the proposal as college hous- ing for college students and col- lege employes exclusively. Many of the thirty persons who attended the meeting expressed fears that the proposal, which has gone smoothly so far, would meet snags at the Regents' meet- ing. Coalition spokeswomen estimate George Fitzgerald of G r o sse hatetwenp5k0swman2st0willj Pointe condemned the bill as one that between 500 and 2,000 w allowing the state to "mess with assemble to support the demands, moral problems." which include : free and legal "If ever we had a lawthat abortion on demand; no forced legislates morality, it's the present sterilization; and the repeal of all law from 1846," retorted Sen. Gil- existing abortion laws. bert Bursley, (R-Ann Arbor), The march is not affected by sponsor of the reform measure. yesterday's passage of an abortion After long, emotional debate last reform bill by the State Senate, a year, the Senate voted 19-17 coalition spokeswoman said. against a similar proposal to re- Buses to Lansing will leave from vise the Michigan law allowing campus tomorrow morning. Tick- abortions only to save the life of ets are on sale in the fishbowl. the mother. as allI By The Associated Press The Paris peace talks reached their most tenuous point to date yesterday as all.delegates but U.S. Ambassador David Bruce avoided the regular weekly session. North Vietnam and the Provis- ional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam (PRG) appar- ently boycotted in response to the recent invasion of Laos and the threat of a South Vietnamese in- vasion of North Vietnam. It was unclear why the South Vietnamese delegate, Pham Dang Lam, failed to attend the talks, as officials would say only that "he was indisposed." but North Vietnamese Chief nego- tiator Xuan Thuy and Provisional Revolutionary government nego- tiator Nguyen Thi Binh were both absent for the second week in suc- cession. Thuy's deputy, Nguyen Minh Vy, said Thuy's boycott was meant as a protest against President Nix- on's plans to "carry the war to North Vietnam." Madame Binh was absent on a visit to Romania, but her deputy commented that "I am convinced that the Chinese . . . government will give all the aid and all the support nescesary for the strug- gle of the Vietnamese and Indo- SGC BALLOT PROPOSAL U.S. boycott chinese peoples against their ag- gressors." Bruce denounced the boycott, saying, "Apparently you prefer propaganda maneuvers to serious discussion. I therefore have noth- ing further to say at this time." American officials said a con- tinuing boycott of the talks by Hanoi's chief negotiator was seen as signal that North Vietnam has no interest in any serious discus- sions at this time. Observers believer, on the other hand, that a U.S. de-emphasis on the talks and its emphasis on the military aspects of the w a r had discouraged activity at the talks and caused the boycott. North Vietnamese and PRG speakers said repeatedly that Pre- sident Nixon and South Viet- namese President Nguyen Val Thieu were planning "adventurous acts of war" against North Viet- nam and said that this was a threat to world peace. Last week Vy also said Thuy's absence was a protest against "threats and acts of war" by the Nixon administration. North Viet- namese officials declined to s a y whether Thuy would return to the talks next week. In a brief speech, in what turn- ed out to be the shortest session of the talks on record, B r u c e also said the United States is pre- pared at any time to negotiate on a cease-fire, troop withdrawals, release of prisoners, a political settlement and the convening of a Grads to vote on new gov't- New head of Flint named William Moran, assistant execu- tive vice-president at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, has been named to the newly-created position of chancellor of the University's Flint College. The appointment, made public yesterday by University President Robben Fleming, will take effect July 1. Moran was among the nominees of a committee set up to fill the post. Fleming praised Moran's experi- ence as planner and budget direc- tor at the Stony Brook campus as "excellent qualifications" for his new post. Moran, an alumnus of the Uni- versity's business school, has also had experience advising large cor- porations in management ap- praisal, corporate policy and plan- ning studies. By JANET FREY A proposal for a new Rackham Student Government will be presented for ratifica- tion by students enrolled in the school in the upcoming Student Government Coun- cil elections. The proposal, formulated by a group of graduate students who are dissatisfied with their representation in the G r a d u a t e Assembly (GA), specifies that "the Rack- ham Student Government shall, within Rackham, be the legal successor of Grad- uate Assembly," if approved by a majority of those eligible students who vote on the and a group of students enrolled in var- ious graduate programs, will be heard by CSJ on March 25th. Michael Davis, a philosophy graduate student and a principal figure in the de- velopment of the proposal for the Rack- ham Student Government, says that the new organization would "take up functions which GA should have performed and didn't." Davis says that the new government will be superior to the existing structure in being specifically responsible to students in Rackham college, who presently have ::. .., is .