Av 14e Sfrf4igau DaiiiI Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan deep greens and blues 'lam not responsible' Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. HURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1971 N IGHT EDITOR: CARLA RAPOPORT Mlilary research and t THE SURGE OF interest in military research following the Laos invas- ion indicates that significant numbers of students and faculty are prepared ,to challenge once again the co-opera- tion of the University with the mili- tary. That invasion spotlighted the con- tinuing w a r in Indochina, in which American technology plays such a cru- cial part - and for which American universities, by developing m u c h of that technology, bear a heavy respon- sibility.' To what end should students a n d faculty demand an end to military re- search on this campus? To prevent an institution of which we are a part from continuing to aid in the execution of what American foreign policy - a pol- icy clearly opposed by the majority of students and faculty - has become. The United States has become the center of a virtual empire struggling against revolutionary .change. Throughout, the world, our allies are the wealthy and powerful classes and our enemies those who articulate the aspirations of the lower classes for a better life. The continuing opposition of our government to movements for social change was most recently symbolized by its refusal to allow an American mil-, itary ship to dock in a Chilean port. The extreme reserve of t h e govern-r ment's relations with Chile comes de-; spite the Chilean radical government's accession to power by election and its continuing adherence to parliamen- tary process. TrHEU.S. MILITARY is the enforcing arm of this foreign policy - and. this military depends on the Univer- sity to do more than $10 million worth of its research a year. In view of this, can we, as parts of this University, per- mit it to continue aiding the execution of policies which today suppress revo- lution in Indochina and which have long opposed revolution in other parts o' the world? The argument is frequently m a d e that military policy in this country is formulated by d u 1 y elected officials, reflecting the will of the people, and that it is therefore wrong to obstruct it. Certainly it is true that all modern governments must somehow convince the bulk of their populations to at least temporarily acquiesce to their policies. But the fact that successive American governments have been able to per- suade the American people to acquiesce to their national policies, does snot ab- solve us of responsibility f o r acting against these policies, both in the na- tional arena and through the institu- tions of which we are a part. It may be recalled that before their acquisition of dictatorial power in Germany, the Nazi party was by far the most popular party, finally garnering over forty per cent of the vote. Does this in any way render immoral at- tempts by conscientious Germans to prevent their institutions from co-op- erating with the foreign policies of the Nazi government? The argument is also made that the United States needs a military, a n d that the University - created and sup- ported by that nation - must aid it. We do not argue that the nation needs no military - we argue that what the military has become today is uncon- scionable, and that we will attempt to end the "co-operation of our University with it. Senate Assembly, the faculty repre- sentative body, will meet Monday and Tuesday to consider i t s position on classified and military research. Stu- dent Government Council has called .a mass meeting for tonight on the issue, and has tentatively set a referendum on the question. While those students who have been active in radical activities on campus in the past have been able to raise is- sues, they by themselves can have lit- tle impact .-- as was m o s t recently demonstrated in the sit-ins of the week before break. . The mass meeting tonight provides an opportunity f o r previously unin- volved students to discuss the issues in- volved in military research and to de- cide what efforts can and should be made toward ending it. THE CRUCIAL QUESTION is thus whether that great number of stu- dents, and faculty members who strong- ly oppose t h e direction of American foreign policy and sympathize with the campaign to end military research on this campus will involve themselves in efforts to that end. -STEVE KOPPMAN Editorial Page Editor -JIM BEATTIE Executive Editor PERHAPS IT WAS the harshness, the brutality of war that first jarred the lieutenant from his position in time. And perhaps it was the shock of that event that dis- lodged the prosecutor, the judge and the rest of the people there. At any rate, like Billy Pilgrim, traveller to the planet Tralfamadore, a courtroom in Georgia has "come unstuck in time" and is now sliding restlessly through present, past and future. We are informed by Kurt Vonnegut in Slaughterhouse- Five that Billy "is spastic in time . . . he is in a constant state of stage fright, he says, because he never knows what part of his life he is going to have to act in next." We too are disoriented, and confused, and frightened. The date was Feb. 23, 1971. The lieutenant was testifying in a military courtroom, where he was on trial for the murder of 102 people in a small Vietnamese village. He admitted directing a mass execution of unresisting men, women and children, but said: "It was a group of people who 'were the enemy, sir. I was ordered to go in there and destroythe enemy. That was my job that day. That was my mission. "I felt then and I still do that I acted as I was directed and that I carried out orders I was given. And I do not feel I was wrong in doing so, sir." The lieutenant halted and looked down at the floor. "I realize you're under tremendous strain," said the judge. "Yes," said the defendant, "I have a clear conscience with respect to the indictment. My entire life was spent in the service of my people and my fatherland. To them I have devoted the best of my strength in the loyal ful- fillment of my duty." THERE WAS A murmur of agitation in the courtroom, for the defendant who had just spoken had a different face, a different voice. "I am convinced that no patriotic American or citizen of any other country would have acted differently in my place, if his country had been in the same position. For to have acted any differently would have been a breach of my oath of allegiance and high treason," the defendant continued. Newsmen exchanged worried glances and military per- sonnel shifted uneasily in their seats. Weren't they in Georgia, in 1971? "In fulfilling my legal and moral duties, I believe that I have deserved punishment no more than have the tens of thousands of faithful German civil servants and officials in the public service who have already been detained in camps for over a year merely because they did their duty." Or was it Nuremburg, 1946? The judge hammered for order, then told the prosecuting attorney to go on with the cross-examination. "What were your troops firing at?" "At the enemy, sir?" "At people?" "At the enemy, sir." "Were they men?" "I don't know, sir. I would imagine they were, sir . . . I wasn't discriminating." "Did you see women?" "I don't know, sir." "Did you see children?" "I don't know, sir." Letters: lb by larry lempert - 1 "If I have made mistakes in my work through a false conception of obedience, if I carried out orders, all of which, insofar as they are alleged to be cardinal orders, were issued before my time of office, then they are part of fate which is stronger than myself and which is carrying me along with it." THE COURTROOM was reeling They had jerked be- tween present and past until the two had merged. Then the ultimate merging took place. On a dizzying shock wave, the spectators found themselves barreling both backwards and forwards, they heard words of the past addressed to a courtroom of the future. "May it please Your Honor," said the, chief prosecutor, "the privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devas- tating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated." The prosecutor pointed to a row of defendants. They were not lieutenants - they had stars on their shoulders -and medals on their chests, and there were cabinet members and a president seated in the dock as well. "The common sense of mankind'demands that law shall not stop with the punishment of petty crimes by little people. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberate and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched. It is a cause of that magnitude that the United Nations will lay before Your Honor." The courtroom was in chaos. A defendant cried out, "Un- til the time of this trial, I did not know and did not suspect that among the assets delivered to the Reichsbank there were enormous quantities of pearls, precious stones, jewelry, gold objects, and even spectacle, frames, and - horrible to say - gold teeth. That was never reported to me, and I never noticed it either. "I never saw these things. But until this trial I also knew nothing of the fact that millions of Jews were mur- dered in concentration camps or by the 1Einsatzkommandos in the East. Never did a single ;person say even one word to me about these things." THE PROSECUTOR'S voice grew louder. "We will show them to be living symbols of racial hatreds, of terrorism and violence, and of the arrogance and cruelty of power. They are symbols offierce nationalism and of militarism, of intrigue and war-making . .. But the spectators had suddenly been jolted to a small village in Vietnam. They stood at the edge of an irrigation ditch filled with bodies of men, women and children. And they heard gKurt Vonnegut reading from his book about the fire-bombing of Dresden: "It is so short and Jumbled and jangled, Sam, because there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Every- body is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds. "AND WHAT do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like 'Poo-tee-weet?'" A SENSE OF relief swept over the courtroom, as it be- came clear they were in Georgia after all. The trial pro- ceeded. The lieutenant's attorney began to question him. The lieutenant related that he had ordered one of his men to move the villagers to an irrigation ditch. "I told him if he couldn't move them to waste them." The lieu- tenant then had returned to find four or five of his men firing at the Vietnamese, who had been herded into the ditch. "What did you do?" "Well, I fired into the ditch also, sir." "Why did you give the order?" "Because that was my order, sir, that was the order of the day." "And who gave you that order?" "My company commander, sir." The courtroom blurred once again. "If, however, I am asked, 'Why did you remain even after you knew that your superiors were committing crimes?' I can answer only that I could not set myself up as their judge . . . "I know only," the defendant said, "that in my belief in Adolf Hitler I put all my strength at the disposal of my people. As a German soldier I could only put myself at the service of the defense against those destructive forces which had once brought Germany close to the abyss ..." For several minutes the judge could not quiet the uproar in the courtroom. Finally the defendant continued. 4A nderstanding The Daily Confusion on marijuana law ITH THE passage of the city's new o r d i n a n c e reducing penalties for the possession and sale of marijuana, the city has for the first time an alternative to prosecuting under the grossly inap- propriate state statute covering mari- juana use. However, recent statements by County Prosecutor William Delhey make it clear that further and stronger action by the city will be necessary before the city can assure that its ordinance will have the effect which the City Council intended. For Delhey, by threatening a continua- tion of his old policy of prosecuting all, marijuana arrests under the state law, could conceivably prevent the city from handling any of the oases and thus render the new ordinance totally inef- fective. The issue is not entirely settled yet, however. In the past all cases of arrest for pos- session of marijuana have been taken by the police to the county prosecutor for prosecution t under the state's felony statute. Until the passage of the city ordinance, this was absolutely necessary since there was no relevant city rule un- der which the city could handle the cases. When the council passed the new ord- inance, however, it presumed that cases would continue to be referred to the county prosecutor by Ann Arbor police. But it also believed that when the al- leged crime did not involve persons out- sidethescity, the prosecutor would refer the case to the city attorney's office for prosecution under the local misdemeanor refer defendants to the city attorney, the new ordinance might just as well not exist. FOR THE LAW to become ineffective for the lack of co-operation of one man would, however, constitute a mockery of the democratic process in Ann Arbor. For the people of Ann Arbor have, through their elected representatives, expressed the desire to see the penalty for posses- sion of marijuana reduced to a misde- meanor. If Mayor Harris was sincere in his promise that the law would eventually come into use, therefore, it is inpera- tive that he now back his assertion with a definite plan to assure the integrity of the law. And clearly, this is not im- possible, despite Delhey's position. When the ordinance goes into effect in 10 days, for example, city administra- tors could make an agreement with the Ann Arbor police department to treat marijuana possession arrests in the same way they treat other ' violations of the city code - by referring them directly to the office of the city attorney for pro- secution. Nor should Krasny be allowed to refuse such a request from the city council or the city administrator, for it is not the police chief's function to make the law -only to. enforce it according to the will of the community. At this point, it is not clear just what the intentions of the city's administra- tors are, as they have scheduled a meet- ing for the end of the week to consider To the Daily: I SUPPOSE that its just that I'm stupid that prevents me from understanding half the things the Daily prints. I can't understand how delet- ing six sections of a political ac- tion course is "politically motivat- ed and infringes on the academic freedom of the participants", while ending ROTC classes is not politically motivated and does not infringe on the academic freedom of people wishing to take their courses. I can't understand why the LSA government has students on t h e board for control of the course mart and then threatens to remove those students from the board be- cause they don't think the same way as the people on the govern- ment. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND why trial by peers means students jud- ged by students, faculty by facul- ty, but not policemen by police- men. I don't understand how SGC can vote $50 for Off the Wall St. Journal and then turn down $30 for ZPG. Or how J. DeGrieck can vote NO on $30 for ZPG and then vote in favor of $250 for the poli- tical party upon whose slate he runs. And finally I can't understand how Rose Berstein can make such a crud statement as "only o n e portion of the University now has a conscience." By accepting her own omnipotence she sounds like the general who says the North Vietnamese have no conscience, while the South Vietnamese do. When do different ideas make one wrong and one right?How does Berstein have the only correct view on what iz good and what is bad. I JUST DON'T understand. The logic used by the left is just as unreasonable and irrational as that used by the right. I'd really like to know just what the hell is going on. -Robert Petty '72 Fasting To the Daily: OUTRAGED BY the continuing death and destruction inflicted on in effect at Berkeley, Brown, Har- vard, Iowa, MSU, Oregon, Prince- ton, Stanford, an'd Yale. In witness of our fast we shall gather for an hour each day at 12:00 noon in the "Fishbowl"s We invite everyone to participate in the fast in any point in the week, to support us by joining in the daily vigil and discussions, and to sign our petition. THE FAST March 10 i ,,." r °' ,~ '' : °,! , _ __ ,, _y ; editor, this man, president of the Black Student Union, says, "We want our men to be men, to be warriors. We want our women to bear our children and to give us love and inspiration to fight on- for this is as Allah intended." It's pretty evident to me that in both these situations men are climbing to power over the backs of women. Black men or white men - it is the same line, the same story. The philosophies of terested in sitting in the grand- stands and waving our handker- chiefs as you joust. We are not interested in merely watching men live. "Won't you join the ladies' auxiliary of the human race?" One conclusion I can draw is that the ROTC ad is a put-on, and that Dave Wesley is CIA. This would explain a lot of things. It is Dave Wesley who is "setting one oppressed community against another," by implying that only k it Arrogance To the Daily: DAVE WESLEY'S letter.(Daily, Feb. 24) which was in response to an editorial by Jonathan Miller in which Miller mildly reprimands Wesley for his irresponsible use of "faggot proposals", should be viewed with concern. Not with- standing his callous disregard for homosexuals, Wesley further aug- ments his error by replying in a most arrogant manner. By taking the editorial as a "defi- nite insult to me as well as to the homosexual community", instea d of admitting a mistake as a responsi- ble leader should, Wesley refuses to concede his error. Indeed, if Wesley shows such concern for the homosexual community as evi- denced by his letter, why did he feel necessary to call the propos- als "faggot proposal." However, he attempts to place blame upon Miller for writing the editorial. Wesley's statement that Miller is attempting to create an- other "faggot issue" (his words, not Miller's) is misleading and draws attention away from the fact that it was Wesley who said "fag- got proposal." In regards to Wesley's statement that "We want our men to be men, to be warriors," I can only view with contempt, for it is precisely this idea, a misconception of man- hood, that is a leading cause for much of our troubles today. FINALLY, it is obvious, to me that Miller does. have "the balls" to deal with the truth and that it is Wesley who indeed refuse to ac- knowledge it. --K itchll Botney ' Feb. 25 Oakland To the Daily: THE Feb. 17 issue of The Mich- igan Daily carried a front-page story by J. Irwin on the AAUP poll on faculty unionization at the The University of Michigan. The article misrepresented the situation at Oakland University by stating that the organized faculty here had achieved greater salary ncreases A AO. i a MF tyndcat. OWd Tribunet Sy 4* "Perhaps you'd like to step over to our credit loan department"